SKU 6088 Availability KOMMISSAR X: Jagd auf Unbekannt (KISS KISS, KILL KILL) (1966) Gianfranco Parolini (as Frank Kramer) Writers: Paul Alfred Müller (novel) (as Bert F. Island), Gianfranco Parolini (as Frank Kramer); Tony Kendall ... Jo Louis Walker / 'Kommissar X' Brad Harris Brad Harris ... Capt. Tom Rowland Maria Perschy Maria Perschy ... Joan Smith Christa Linder Christa Linder ... Pamela Hudson Ingrid Lotarius Ingrid Lotarius Nikola Popovic Nikola Popovic ... O'Brien Giuseppe Mattei Giuseppe Mattei ... Kan (as Pino Mattei) Jacques Bézard Jacques Bézard ... Capt. Olson (as Jacques Bezard) Danielle Godet Danielle Godet ... Pat Olivera Katarina Olivera Katarina ... Bobo (as Olivera Vuco) Liliane Dulovic Liliane Dulovic ... Nancy Wright (as Liliana Dulovic) Giovanni Simonelli Giovanni Simonelli ... (as Sim O'Neill) Dusan Perkovic Dusan Perkovic Viktor Starcic Viktor Starcic Dusan Antonijevic Dusan Antonijevic Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Wherever private detective Jo Louis Walker --- alias Kommissar X --- appears, even the toughest gangsters break into sweat. Kommissar X and his buddy Tom Rowland (head of Manhattan's homicide squad) are mightily feared in criminal circles and are unbeatable. This time, the two are are on the trail of the nuclear physicist Bob Carrell, who's been missing for quite a while. But what's behind his disappearance? What devilish plans are in the works, which are using the brains of the ingenious scientist? And will Kommissar X and Tom succeed in delivering a decisive blow to the murderous syndicates in New York? Wo Privatdetektiv Jo Louis Walker alias Kommissar X auftaucht, kommen selbst die härtesten Ganoven mächtig ins Schwitzen. Gefürchtet in internationalen Gangsterkreisen und unschlagbar mit seinem Kumpel Tom Rowland, Chef der Mordkommission Manhattans. Die Jagd auf Unbekannt führt Kommissar X auf die Spur des seit längerem verschwundenen Kernphysikers Bob Carrell. Was steckt hinter dessen Verschwinden? Welche teuflischen Pläne sollen mit Hilfe des genialen Forschers verwirklicht werden? Wird es Kommissar X und Tom Rowland gelingen, den entscheidenden Schlag gegen ein mörderisches Syndikat zu führen? DVD-R is in dubbed English with no subtitles. Approx. 88 min. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products DEATH IS NIMBLE; DEATH IS QUICK (Kommissar X -... $9.99 KOMMISSAR X - DREI BLAUE PANTHER (1968) * wit... $13.99 SO DARLING, SO DEADLY (JO WALKER) (Kommissar X... $13.99 THREE GOLDEN SERPENTS (Island of Lost Girls) (K... $13.99 491 (1964) * with switchable English and Germ... $14.99 BEWARE OF THE CAR (1966) (Uncommon Thief) * w... $13.99 DAS GEHEIMNIS DER GELBEN NARZISSEN (The Devil'... $13.99 DAS PHANTOM VON SOHO (1964) * with switchable... $9.99 DAS VERRÄTERTOR (Traitor's Gate) (1964) * with... $9.99 DEATH IN THE RED JAGUAR (1968) $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought ZUCKERBROT UND PEITSCHE (Sugar Bread and Whip)... $13.99 FREDDY UND DIE MELODIE DER NACHT (1960) * wit... $13.99 SECRET OF THE RED ORCHID (Das Rätsel Der roten... $13.99 DAS GASTHAUS AN DER THEMSE (The Inn on the Riv... $13.99 ENTSCHEIDUNG VOR MORGENGRAUEN (Decision Before... $13.99 DER WÜRGER VON SCHLOß BLACKMOOR (The Strangler... $13.99 ANTIGONE (1961) * with hard-encoded English s... $13.99 GELIEBTE HOCHSTAPLERIN (Beloved Impostor) (19... $13.99 ER KANNS NICHT LASSEN (He can't stop doing it)... $13.99 DAS SPUKSCHLOSS IM SPESSART (The Haunted Castle... $13.99 LE GRAND RESTAURANT (1966) * with switchable E... $13.99 GEISSEL DES FLEISCHES (Torment of the Flesh)... $13.99 MARK OF THE TORTOISE (Wartezimmer zum Jenseits... $13.99 NEUES VOM HEXER (Again the Ringer) (1965) *... $13.99 DER HEXER (The Mysterious Magician) (1964) *... $13.99 THE BLACK ABBOT (Der schwarze Abt) (1963) *... $13.99 THE INDIAN SCARF (Das indische Tuch) (1963) *... $13.99 THE DOOR WITH SEVEN LOCKS (Die Tür mit den sieb... $13.99 JUDITH (1966) $13.99 SEXEXPRESS IN OBERBAYERN (Liebesgrüße aus der L... $9.99 THREE GOLDEN SERPENTS (Island of Lost Girls) (K... $13.99 VIELE KAMEN VORBEI (Many Passed By) (1956) * w... $13.99 ALRAUNE (1952) * with switchable English subt... $14.99 KAMERADSCHAFT (Comradeship) (1931) *with switc... $9.99 THE WOODEN HORSE (1950) $9.99 < > Product tags Kommissar X - Jagd auf Unbekannt (1) , Le commissaire X traque les chiens verts (1) , Kiss Kiss... Kill Kill (1)