A woman arrives with her baby to a workhouse and dies soon afterwards. The beadle, Mr. Bumble, gives the orphan the name Oliver Twist. When Oliver is nine years old, he asks for more porridge during a meal. He is punished for his audacity and turned over to the undertaker, Mr. Sowerberry, as an apprentice. Oliver is bullied and runs away. On the road he meets the Artful Dodger, a young pickpocket, who brings him to Fagin's den in London. Fagin, the old leader of a juvenile gang, orders the boys to teach Oliver their trade. They fail to pickpocket the wealthy Mr. Brownlow and run away, leaving innocent Oliver behind. Mr. Brownlow is touched by Oliver and adopts him. When Oliver goes on an errand, he is recaptured by the criminals Bill and Nancy Sikes, who bring him back to Fagin.
DVD-R has English intertitles with no subtitles. Approx. 73 mins. See film samples for sound and video quality!

HOT WATER (1924):
Balking at the fact his best friend is about to get married, a young man literally runs into a woman will become his wife on his way to that friend's wedding. Although he loves his wife, the husband doesn't much like having to deal with his in-laws: his controlling and judgmental mother-in-law, Winnifred Ward Stokes; his shiftless and lazy older brother-in-law, Charley Stokes; and his mischievous adolescent brother-in-law, Bobby Stokes. He's also a bit harried by his wife's requests; one such incident has him carrying a large load of groceries, including a live turkey, home on the streetcar, much to his and the other passengers' chagrin. However, his streetcar days may be behind him as he has just purchased a new automobile for their household, a Butterfly Six. The inaugural drive in the car is intruded upon by his in-laws, which leads to an adventure-filled drive on the streets and other less driven places of their town.
DVD-R has English intertitles with no subtitles. Approx. 59 mins. See film samples for sound and video quality!