SKU 149 Availability ROME, OPEN CITY (1945) * with hard-encoded English subtitles * Anna Magnani, Aldo Fabrizi and Marcello Pagliero, Roberto Rossellini Be the first to review this product $10.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Made just months after the end of the Second World War in Europe, Rome, Open City tells the story of the brutal German occupation of Italy in the closing days of the War. The film opens with German soldiers searching for Giorgio Manfredi, who eludes them by jumping around roofs. A priest, Don Pietro Pellegrini, helps the resistance transmit messages and money. The Gestapo commander in the city, with the help of the Italian police commissioner, captures Giorgio and the priest, and interrogates Giorgio violently. They attempt to use Pietro's religious beliefs to convince him to betray his cause, citing that he allies himself with atheists. Pietro responds that anyone who strives to help others is on that path of God whether they believe in Him or not. They then force Pietro to watch as Giorgio is tortured to death. When Don Pietro still refuses to crack, he is executed. While adequate, the subtitles don't do much justice to the dialogue and there are scenes where the subtitles are late showing or don't show at all, as if the translator thought the ideas expressed not worth translating. DVD-R is in Italian with hard-encoded English subtitles. Approx. 105 mins. See film sample for quality! Be the first to review this product Related products CAVALLERIA (1936) * with switchable English s... $13.99 DON CAMILLO (1952) * available in Italian or... $13.99 É CADUTA UNA DONNA (A Woman Has Fallen) (1941)... $13.99 GERMANY YEAR ZERO (Deutschland im Jahre Null)... $13.99 I PROMESSI SPOSI (The Spirit and the Flesh) (1... $13.99 IL CAVALIERE MISTERIOSO (The Mysterious Rider)... $13.99 LA CORONA DI FERRO (The Iron Crown) (1941) * w... $13.99 RISO AMARO (Bitter Rice) (1949) * with switcha... $13.99 NO STEALING (Hey Boy) (1948) * with switchable... $13.99 GIORNI DI GLORIA (Days of Glory) (1945) * with... $13.99 L’UOMO DALLA CROCE (The Man with the Cross) (... $15.99 LA CENA DELLE BEFFE (The Jesters' Supper) (1942... $13.99 LA NAVE BIANCA (The White Ship) (1941) * with... $13.99 L'ASSEDIO DELL' ALCAZAR (The Siege of the Alcaz... $14.99 UN PILOTA RITORNA (A Pilot Returns) (1942) * w... $13.99 THE THREE PILOTS (1942) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 LA GONDOLA DEL DIAVOLO (The Devil's Gondola)... $13.99 PAGLIACCI (1948) * with hard-encoded English... $13.99 PAISAN (1946) $13.99 ROSSINI (1942) * with hard-encoded English su... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought MUNKBROGREVEN (The Count of the Old Town) (1935... $13.99 BATTLE OF ALGIERS (1966) * with switchable En... $12.99 LES PORTES DE LA NUIT (Gates of the Night) (194... $13.99 A MAN ESCAPED (1956) * with switchable Englis... $13.99 LE SALAIRE DE LA PEUR (The Wages of Fear) (195... $13.99 HALALOS TAVASZ (The Deadly Spring) (1939) *... $13.99 ORLACS HÄNDE (1924) * with English intertitles * $13.99 VIHTORI JA KLAARA (1939) * with switchable En... $13.99 SCIPIO AFRICANUS - THE DEFEAT OF HANNIBAL (1937) $13.99 TUNTEMATON SOTILAS (The Unknown Soldier) (1955... $13.99 GLEN OR GLENDA (1953) + BLACK MASS (Messe No... $9.99 THE JOLLY FELLOWS (Vesyoloye Rebyata) (1934)... $13.99 BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925) + MOSKVA (1927... $13.99 DIE DREI VON DER TANKSTELLE (The Three from the... $9.99 COUP DE GRACE (1976) *with switchable English... $13.99 THREE FILMS on 2 DVDs SET: ALEXANDER NEVSKY (O... $18.99 BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ (1931) *with switchable... $9.99 SPIONE AM WERK (1933) $9.99 2 DVD SET: DIE NIBELUNGEN – SIEGFRIED & KRIEMH... $27.99 DUNKIRK (1958) & SEA OF SAND (1958) $9.99 OPFERGANG (1944) * with improved, switchable E... $14.99 DER ZERBROCHENE KRUG (The Broken Jug) (1937) *... $9.99 EINMAL EINE GROSSE DAME SEIN (1934) $10.99 4 DVD SET: WAR AND PEACE (1968) *with switch... $39.99 DIE LETZTE BRÜCKE (The Last Bridge) (1954) * w... $9.99 < >