SKU 6473 Availability STUNDE NULL (Zero Hour) (1977) * with switchable English and German subtitles * Directed by Edgar Reitz Kai Taschner as Joschi Anette Jünger as Isa Herbert Weißbach as Mattiske Klaus Dierig as Paul Günter Schiemann as Franke Erika Wackernagel as Mrs. Unterstab Torsten Henties as boy with a bike Erich Kleiber as Motek Bernd Linzel as Karl-Heinz Edith Kunze as Joschi's mother Be the first to review this product $15.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews In July 1945, American troops leave Saxony and Thuringia, as the Red Army takes over control of the territories. In a small village near Leipzig, the inhabitants try to adjust to the new authority. A Nazi claims to be an anti-fascist; an actor hopes for new interest in amusement; a woman wants to guard her niece against the danger of being raped by Red Army men. Joschi, a former member of the Hitler Youth, searches the town for a buried treasure chest. Although he was indoctrinated with Nazi ideology as a child, he admires the Americans and wants to follow them. He falls in love with local girl and together, they flee the village once the Russians arrive. Im Juli 1945 ziehen sich die Amerikaner aus Sachsen und Thüringen zurück, die Russen rücken nach. In einem kleinen Dorf bei Leipzig arrangieren die Bewohner sich mit der neuen Situation. Ein Nazi wechselt zum Antifaschismus, ein Schausteller hofft auf wiedererwachende Amüsierlust, eine Frau trifft Vorkehrungen, ihre Nichte vor Vergewaltigungen zu schützen. Der Hitlerjunge Joschi durchquert den Ort auf der Suche nach einer vergrabenen Wertkassette. Trotz seiner nationalsozialistischen Prägung begeistert er sich für die Amerikaner und will ihnen nachreisen. Er verliebt sich in das Mädchen Isa und flüchtet mit ihr zusammen, als die sowjetischen Truppen ankommen. DVD-R is in German with switchable English and German subtitles. Approx. 107 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products A FOREIGN AFFAIR (1948) * with or without har... $13.99 BERLINER BALLADE (The Berliner) (1948) * with... $13.99 DIE BRÜCKE - FLUCHT UND VERTREIBUNG (1949) $11.99 DIE GEZEICHNETEN (The Search) (1948) * with... $9.99 DIE SÜNDERIN (1951) * with switchable English... $13.99 EHE IM SCHATTEN (Marriage in the Shadows) (1947... $14.99 FUGA IN FRANCIA (Escape to France) (1948) *... $13.99 GERMANY YEAR ZERO (Deutschland im Jahre Null)... $13.99 HALLO FRÄULEIN (1949) $9.99 IN JENEN TAGEN (In Those Days) (1947) * with s... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought A LIFE FOR A LIFE (Życie za życie) (1991) *... $13.99 CHILDREN OF HIROSHIMA (1952) * with switchab... $14.99 HIMMEL OHNE STERNE (Sky Without Stars) (1956)... $9.99 IN JENEN TAGEN (In Those Days) (1947) * with s... $13.99 DER HAUPTMANN VON KÖPENICK (1956) * with switch... $14.99 GERMANIN (The Story of a Colonial Deed) (1943)... $10.99 DER GROSSE VATERLÄNDISCHE KRIEG (1965) * with... $14.99 DIE FLEDERMAUS (1946) * with or without hard-... From $12.99 4 DVD SET: WAFFEN SS - THE WAFFEN SS IN ACTION... $44.99 KREUZER EMDEN (Cruiser Emden) (1932) * with sw... $10.99 DER APFEL IST AB (The Original Sin) (1948) * w... $13.99 DIE SACHE MIT STYX (1942) $10.99 ROMANZE IN MOLL (Romance in a Minor Key) (1943)... $13.99 HAIE UND KLEINE FISCHE (Sharks and Little Fish... From $9.99 DESTINY OF A MAN (Fate of a Man) (1959) *with... $13.99 BY THE BLUEST OF SEAS (U Samovo Sinyevo Morya)... $13.99 WILDER URLAUB (The Deserter) (1943) * with s... $14.99 VLAD TEPES - THE STORY OF DRACULA (1979) * wi... $11.99 NIE WIEDER LIEBE (No More Love) (1931) * with... $13.99 CUBA CABANA (1952) * with switchable English... $13.99 BRAND IN DER OPER (Fire in the Opera House) (19... $13.99 DER ALTE UND DER JUNGE KÖNIG ( The Old and the... $13.99 DIE LETZTE BRÜCKE (The Last Bridge) (1954) * w... $9.99 STALINGRAD - DOGS, DO YOU WANT TO LIVE FOREVER... $14.29 DIE BRÜCKE (The Bridge) (1959) * with switchab... $9.99 < >