SKU 5998 Availability THE ZOMBIE WALKS (Im Banne des Unheimlichen) (1968) * German/Spanish audio and switchable English and Spanish subtitles * Joachim Fuchsberger ... Inspektor Higgins Siw Mattson Siw Mattson ... Peggy Ward Wolfgang Kieling Wolfgang Kieling ... Sir Cecil Pinkas Braun Pinkas Braun ... The Stranger Claude Farell Claude Farell ... Adela Peter Mosbacher Peter Mosbacher ... Ramiro Siegfried Rauch Siegfried Rauch ... Dr. Brand Otto Stern Otto Stern ... Mr. Merryl Renate Grosser Renate Grosser ... Mrs. Potter Hans Krull Hans Krull ... Mr. Potter Lillemor 'Lill' Lindfors Lillemor 'Lill' Lindfors ... Sabrina (as Lil Lindfors) Ilse Pagé Ilse Pagé ... Miss Finley Edith Schneider Edith Schneider ... Professor Bound Wolfgang Spier Wolfgang Spier ... Bannister Ewa Strömberg Ewa Strömberg ... Library Clerk Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Sir Oliver Ramsey lost his life in an airplane accident; but during his funeral, a loud and uncanny laugh is heard in his coffin. Sir Cecil, the dead man's brother, doesn't believe his brother is really dead. When the family lawyer Dr. Merryl is murdered one evening with a poison scorpion ring, Sir Cecil is sure his brother's the murderer. Besides, at night, he sees his brother's skeleton from his window. When other mysterious murders take place, all courtesy of a poison ring, Inspector Higgins and the journalist Peggy War make astonishing discoveries in the private life of the supposedly dead man. Sir Oliver Ramsey kam bei einem Flugzeugabsturz ums Leben. Als er bei seiner Trauerfeier zu Grabe getragen wird, tönt ein lautes, unheimliches Lachen aus dem Sarg. Sir Cecil, der Bruder des Verstorbenen, glaubt nicht, dass sein Bruder wirklich tot ist. Als eines Abends der Familienanwalt Dr. Merryl mit einem giftigen Skorpionring ermordet wird, hält Sir Cecil seinen toten Bruder für den Mörder. Außerdem will er nachts vor dem Fenster ein Skelett gesehen haben. Als noch weitere mysteriöse Morde geschehen, die der Unbekannte mit einem vergifteten Ring verübt, machen Inspektor Higgins und die Journalistin Peggy Ward erstaunliche Entdeckungen im Privatleben des Verstorbenen. DVD-R has both German and Spanish audio tracks with switchable English and Spanish subtitles. Approx. 85 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products DAS GEHEIMNIS DER GELBEN NARZISSEN (The Devil'... $13.99 DAS PHANTOM VON SOHO (1964) * with switchable... $9.99 DAS VERRÄTERTOR (Traitor's Gate) (1964) * with... $9.99 DEATH IN THE RED JAGUAR (1968) $13.99 DEATH IS NIMBLE; DEATH IS QUICK (Kommissar X -... $9.99 DER FÄLSCHER VON LONDON (The Forger of London)... $9.99 DER HENKER VON LONDON (The Mad Executioners) (... $13.99 DER HUND VON BLACKWOOD CASTLE (1968) * with s... $13.99 DER ROTE KREIS (The Crimson Circle) (1960) * w... $13.99 DIE BANDE DES SCHRECKENS (The Terrible People)... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought DAS GEHEIMNIS DER GELBEN NARZISSEN (The Devil'... $13.99 THE LAKE OF THE DEAD (De dødes tjern) (1958)... $13.99 THE UNFORTUNATE BRIDE (1932) * with hard-enco... $13.99 2 DVD SET: TIH-MINH (1918) * with switchable... $19.99 ME FAIRE CA A MOI (It Means That Much to Me)... $9.99 ES GESCHAH AM HELLICHTEN TAG (1958) * with sw... $13.99 2 DVD SET: MIHAI VITEAZUL - THE LAST CRUSADE... $19.99 KOLBERG (1945) * with switchable English, Germ... $16.99 DER STUDENT VON PRAG (The Student of Prague) (1... $13.99 ALGOL. TRAGÖDIE DER MACHT (Algol: Tragedy of Po... From $11.99 DIE STADT OHNE JUDEN (The City without Jews) (... $14.99 THROUGH FIRE, WATER AND BRASS PIPES (1968) * w... $13.99 DER HEXER (The Mysterious Magician) (1964) *... $13.99 DIE TOTEN AUGEN VON LONDON (Dead Eyes of London... $13.99 DIE TEUFLISCHEN (Les Diaboliques) (1955) * G... $13.99 UNHEIMLICHE GESCHICHTEN (Eerie Tales) (1919) *... $13.99 DAS PHANTOM VON SOHO (1964) * with switchable... $9.99 THE SNOW MAIDEN (1968) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 CHILDREN OF NAGASAKI (1983) * with switchable... $13.99 DER LETZTE MOHIKANER (The Last Tomahawk) (196... $13.99 WENN ES NACHT WIRD AUF DER REEPERBAHN (1967)... $13.99 THE SPARROW (Al-asfour) (1972) * with switch... $13.99 RHEINSBERG (1967) * with switchable English s... $13.99 STRASSENBEKANNTSCHAFT (1948) * with switchabl... $15.99 DER FROSCH MIT DER MASKE (1959) * with switchab... $13.99 < > Product tags im banne des unheimlichen (1) , the hand of power (1) , el mensajero de la muerte (1)