SKU 6089 Availability LE MILLION (1931) * with switchable English subtitles * René Clair; Writers: Georges Berr; Annabella ... Béatrice René Lefèvre René Lefèvre ... Michel Bouflette Jean-Louis Allibert Jean-Louis Allibert ... Prosper (as Louis Allibert) Paul Ollivier Paul Ollivier ... Granpère Tulipe Constantin Siroesco Constantin Siroesco ... Ambrosio Sopranelli Raymond Cordy Raymond Cordy ... Le chauffeur de taxi Vanda Gréville Vanda Gréville ... Vanda Odette Talazac Odette Talazac ... La cantatrice Pedro Elviro Pedro Elviro ... Le régisseur (as Pitouto) Jane Pierson Jane Pierson ... L'épicière André Michaud André Michaud ... Le boucher Eugène Stuber Eugène Stuber ... Le policier Pierre Alcover Pierre Alcover ... Le policier Armand Bernard Armand Bernard ... Le chef d'orchestre Gabrielle Rosny Gabrielle Rosny Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Michel, a Parisian artist, is being hounded by numerous impatient creditors. To make things worse, when he embraces the woman whose portrait he is painting, he's caught in the act by his indignant fiancée, Béatrice. Suddenly, Michel learns that he holds the winning ticket in the Dutch Lottery. But when he goes to retrieve the ticket from the pocket of his jacket, he finds that Béatrice has given the jacket to a stranger who was in need. Now everyone has a keen interest in finding that jacket. DVD-R is in French with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 81 min. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products AMOK (1934) * with switchable English and Span... $13.99 CARNIVAL IN FLANDERS (1935) * with switchable... $13.99 CIGALON (1935) * with switchable English and... $13.99 DEFENDANT, PLEASE RISE (Accusée... levez-vous!... $13.99 GIBRALTAR (1938) * with switchable English s... $9.99 GIRLS IN DISTRESS (Jeunes filles en détresse)... $13.99 GOLGOTHA (1935) * with switchable English subti... $14.99 J’ACCUSE (I accuse) (1938) * with switchable... $13.99 LA FIN DU MONDE (End of the World) (1931) * wit... $13.99 LA MARSEILLAISE (1938) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought UNDER THE ROOFS OF PARIS (1930) * with switch... $13.99 ABWEGE (The Devious Path) (1928) * with switch... $13.99 LES VISITEURS DU SOIR (The Devil's Envoys) (194... $13.99 BOYKOTT (Primanerehre) (1930) * with or withou... From $9.99 ARIANE (1931) * with switchable English subti... $9.99 DER HAUPTMANN VON KÖPENICK (The Captain from Kö... $13.99 TWO FILM DVD: THAT NIGHT'S WIFE ( Sono yo no... $16.99 TONI (1935) * with switchable English subtitl... $14.99 A PAGE OF MADNESS (Kurutta Ichipeiji) (1926)... $13.99 NANA (1926) * with switchable English subtitl... $15.99 BIZARRE, BIZARRE (Drôle de drame) (1937) * w... $13.99 DER STUDENT VON PRAG (The Student of Prague) (1... $13.99 ALGOL. TRAGÖDIE DER MACHT (Algol: Tragedy of Po... From $11.99 J'ACCUSE (I accuse) (1919) * with switchable... $15.99 THROUGH FIRE, WATER AND BRASS PIPES (1968) * w... $13.99 THE FLIGHT (1970) * with switchable English su... $16.99 NIGHT AT THE CROSSROADS (La Nuit du Carrefour)... $13.99 MADAMIGELLA DI MAUPIN (1966) * with switchab... $13.99 CHILDREN OF NAGASAKI (1983) * with switchable... $13.99 TIRE AU FLANC (The Sad Sack) (1928) * with swi... $13.99 LES PORTES DE LA NUIT (Gates of the Night) (194... $13.99 ZAKAZANE PIOSENKI (1946) (Forbidden Songs) *... $15.99 < >