Francesca may be a questionable hotel maid, but she's no thief. But at the instigation of her boyfriend Walter, she steals a necklace and makes her getaway on a train full of peasants heading out to the rice fields to weed. Unbeknownst to Francesca, however, there's a woman onboard, who's both a questionable weeder and a thief, who steals the necklace from Francesca. The quick-fingered weed-puller, however, doesn't know the necklace has been stolen, nor does she know, that Francesca's boyfriend -- who knows, that Francesca knows the necklace is stolen and who now knows, who has it -- is going to seduce her with the intention of getting back the necklace which belongs neither to the farm girl nor Francesca -- nor for that matter, to him -- but doesn't care, as long as he gets back what he shouldn't have in the first place. You following all this?
Francesca è una cameriera d'albergo e non una ladra. Su istigazione del fidanzato, Walter, ruba però una collana e scappa. Sul treno si mescola alle mondine e la sera proprio una di queste, Silvana (Silvana Mangano), gliela ruba. A quel punto arriva Walter che capisce subito come andranno a finire le cose e seduce Silvana. Ma tutto questo non è importante perché ...
DVD-R is in Italian with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 104 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!