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10/18/2017 2:22 PM
Wonderful Drama,
I was very pleased with the content and form of this movie. Its an interesting film about a kulak who is part of an anti Soviet organization trying to worm his way into a defence plant for the purposes of sabotage. A rare and entertaining film.
6/30/2019 6:40 PM
Morally reprehensible,
Perhaps the most morally reprehensible Soviet film of the 1930s. Among the goals of the film was to contribute to the cult of the Party card, the losing of which was considered a major infraction of Party discipline. Amidst the hysteria and paranoia of Party coercion, many Party members carried their cards like millstones in a canvas bag on a chain around their necks. If this film is entertainment, it was meant to use the cultural pastime of cinema to instill fear in the hearts of the Soviet viewer.