März 2024
Stanne, a wealthy Flemish farmer, is alleged to have murdered his fianc e 20 years before. Although the case against him was dismissed, fierce resentment still burns between his family and Johanna, the victim s mother. When the farmer s son falls in love with the girl s younger sister, Johanna forbids their marriage and her old enemy starts to feel pangs of conscience.
In 1916, ethnic Romanian Apostol Bologa is a Lieutenant in the Habsburg Army and reports for duty at the front, determined to do his duty. Upon his arrival, he meets a fellow officer, Captain Klapka, and informs him of the upcoming execution of Lieutenant Svoboda, who tried to desert to the enemy. Lieutenant Bologa shows his satisfaction at having been a member of the court martial that convicted Svoboda to death by hanging. After all, they all took an oath of loyalty to the Habsburgs. Despite Bologa's loyal bravado, the fact that their enemy is the Romanian Army doesn't escape him. The Romanian lines are just a few yards away and being a Romanian himself, Bologa longs for his native Romania. More and more, Bologa agonizes over loyalty and desertion to his Romanian brethren. His friend, Captain Klapka, reminds him of the severe penalty for desertion.
Dramatic story about two intellectuals in 1890s Russia. A story about a complex human character. Being tortured by ignorance and boredom of life, clerk Laevsky is longing to break the depraved circle of his existence. His moral opposite, naturalist von Koren, is sure that people like Laevsky are worth being destroyed. But regardless of characters' will and desires, providence deals with their lives in its own way.
A moving account of the lives of women disgraced in post-WW II Japan for having become prostitutes. The movie follows a group of women hosted by a rehabilitation center after prostitution became ilegal. It focuses on one of them, Kuniko, in her search for a new life, after she is allowed to leave the center. Life in the real world turns out to be harsh for Kuniko: the story is told as crudely as a realistic view of life allows.
Seeking revenge against the guard who tormented him, a young man returns to the island where he was imprisoned in reform school. But his plans for vengeance are disturbed when he encounters a strange and beautiful young woman.
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In a restaurant in summertime Hanko. Sirkka, Arvo, Kirsti, and Karma are spending a fun evening together. Kirsti's in love with Arvo (but he's got the hots for Sirkka). Everyone ends up at a villa on an archipelago with everyone chasing everyone else; but Arvo's mother does not approve of his son chasing after Sirkka. She insists he get to know Kirsti, who's made clear her lust for the woman's son.
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A meeting of the emperors of Austria-Hungary and Prussia and the tsar of Russia is to take place in Bad Ischl. Since an assassination attempt is feared, strict secrecy prevails. The Austrian secret service chief, Rittermeister von Sch ndorn, therefore wants to use his elite troops to ensure all goes well. But who makes up these "elite troops"?: Mikosch and his chaotic theater group, with his friends Schumrich and Sperling. In Bad Ischl soll ein Treffen der Kaiser von sterreich-Ungarn und Preu en, sowie des Zaren von Russland stattfinden. Da ein Anschlag bef rchtet wird, herrscht strikte Geheimhaltung. Der sterreichische Geheimdienstchef Rittermeister von Sch ndorn m chte daher seine Spezialtruppe einsetzen: Mikosch und seine chaotische Theatergruppe mit den Freunden Schumrich und Sperling.
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The quest for respect by a small time mob driver turns him into a notorious gangster.
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Bookkeeper Willy Vogel is suddenly ordered to put together a complete dance band in ninety minutes. As charming and energetic as he is with the accounts receivable, he's just as successful as a music agent and, of course, accomplishes the seemingly impossible. It doesn't hurt the show that some of the top performers of the day exchange blows with one another in humorous fashion: Renate Holm ("Blackbird Song" and "A Single Hour with You"); Germaine Damar (dancing dressed up as a chamber kitty and a partner of ...); Bully Buhland ("Are you all there?"); and, last but not least, Macky Kasper (with a trumpet solo in "I can't live without You anymore"). Fab-o! Der Buchhalter Willy Vogel ist von der Spielleitung pl tzlich vor die Aufgabe gestellt, in anderthalb Stunden eine komplette Tanzkapelle zusammenzustellen. Ihm gelingt es und im Zuge dessen geben sich musikalische Unterhaltungsk nstler der Saison einen gutgelaunten Schlagabtausch: Renate Holm ( Amsellied und Eine einzige Stunde mit dir ), Germaine Damar (Tanzszenen als Kammerk tzchen und Partnerin von ) Bully Buhlan ( Seid ihr alle da? ) und last not least Macky Kasper (mit dem Trompetensolo Ich kann ohne dich nicht mehr leben ).
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Petite Lieschen Muller, a bank employee, has a big dream: to be known as "Liz Muller"; and to be a part of the "upper ten thousand". In her dream, she's the owner of the bank she works in. The "man of her dreams" is Jan, a charming young man Lieschen saw at her lunchtime restaurant, the "Espresso". Then there's Dr. Schmidt, who, in reality, is a customer of the bank. In Lieschen's dream, he tells the whole world that Lieschen has inherited something. The result? She's granted unlimited credit. So she's done it: she's rich and famous ... in her dreams, that is. Die kleine Bankangestellte Lieschen M ller hat einen gro en Traum: Als "Liz M ller" ein Teil der "oberen Zehntausend" zu sein. In diesem Traum ist sie die Besitzerin der Bank. Der "Mann ihrer Tr ume" ist Jan, ein charmanter junger Mann, den Lieschen aus ihrem Mittagslokal, dem "Espresso", kennt. Dann gibt es da noch Dr. Schmidt, in der Realit t ein Kunde der Bank. Er erz hlt in Lieschens Traum aller Welt, Lieschen habe eine Erbschaft gemacht mit der Folge, dass man ihr unbegrenzte Kredite gew hrt. Nun hat Lieschen/Liz es geschafft: Sie ist reich und ber hmt! In ihren Tr umen.
Things aren't going too well at the Seeblick Hotel. In fact, it's downright dead. What to do? Well, get an advertising agency to bring in the customers! And some brilliant bulb at the agency Rost & Fleck hires a cabaret dancer to lure guests to the hotel and stages a jewel theft to attract the weirder kind of guest. Don't ask! Im Hotel Seeblick herrscht Flaute. Die Werbeagentur Rost & Fleck engagiert eine Revuet nzerin und inszeniert einen Juwelendiebstahl, um G ste anzulocken
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After the nurse who declares that a recent surgical death was a murder also dies, an enigmatic Scotland Yard inspector arrives to investigate.
A man has psychic premonitions of bad things happening to both a young boy and a lady in a flaming vehicle.
This film is the story of two men who are opposites: one gay, the other straight; one a fierce Communist, the other a fierce individualist; one suspicious, the other accepting; and how they come to love each other.
After eight years in prison, Takeshi's mission is a big heist from his own clan's gambling parlor.
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Pasta manufacturer and gourmet consul Keyser is looking forward to his summer vacation in a hotel, but his nagging daughter Marion insists he spend his vacation on a barren Italian island, the Isola Piccola. The reason: to make him suffer like she does on a "healthy diet". Keyser has plans of his own, too: he "accidentally" invites his legal adviser, Dr. Steffen, to come along, because he hopes to unload his daughter on the lawyer. Unfortunately, the young blonde lady is not impressed by the dour adviser. Also, the passionate fisherman Michael Lutz and his neglected fiancee are vacationing on the island. She's hoping she can use the vacation to sway the fisherman to lay out some bait for her and an upcoming wedding.
Der Nudelfabrikant und Schlemmer Konsul Keyser freut sich auf den Sommerurlaub im Hotel, da verdonnert ihn seine f rsorgliche Tochter Marion zu einem Aufenthalt auf die karge italienische Insel Isola Piccola , um ihn besser auf Di t setzen zu k nnen. Keyser l sst zuf llig seinen Justiziar Dr. Steffen ebenfalls dorthin kommen, weil er hofft, Marion mit ihm zusammenzubringen. Die junge Blondine ist aber vom duckm userischen Dr. Steffen in keiner Weise angetan. Auf der Insel verbringen bereits der passionierte Angler Michael Lutz und dessen vernachl ssigte Verlobte Barbara ihre Ferien. Diese sieht im Urlaub die letzte Chance, ihn endlich zur Heirat zu bewegen.
Mixed-up kids with too much time and too many possessions in a fettered, affluent society try to find themselves and their roles in life, but end up proving that it's the same old story of another generation, which is going to change everything (and changes nothing).
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Inge, the niece of ice rink owner Hermann Konig, is supposed to develop a career in ice skating; at least, that's her uncle's wish. But she has other ideas: she wants to be a singer at a cabaret. Thanks to a mix-up, Inge gets the chance to perform the leading role in a cabaret, upon which the cabaret's continued existence depends. Unknown to the girl, the indebted director of the cabaret and the owner have come to an agreement: the cabaret will be allowed to continue functioning, as long as the show --- in which the unmusical and annoying wife of the owner is taking part --- flops like a dead fish. Unfortunately for the two, Inge's performance is about to change everything.
Inge, die Nichte des Eisstadionbesitzers Hermann K nig, soll nach dem Willen ihres Onkels weiterhin ihre Eislaufkarriere verfolgen, hat jedoch anderes im Sinn: Sie m chte unbedingt S ngerin bei Theaterrevueen werden. Durch eine Verwechslung erh lt Inge die Chance, eine Hauptrolle in der Revue zu bekommen, von der die Existenz des Theaters abh ngt. Der verschuldete Theaterdirektor und der Besitzer haben aber unter Vertrag beschlossen, dass das Theater nur dann weiterexistieren soll, wenn die Revue, in der die unmusikalische und nicht minder uneinsichtige Ehefrau des Besitzers mitspielt, ein Flop wird. Durch die Verwechslung und das Engagement von Inge hat die Revue jedoch die gr ten Chancen ein Erfolg zu werden.
In the midst of the Hundred Years' War, the young King Henry V of England embarks on the conquest of France in 1415.
HERO OF THE RED LIGHT DISTRICT (1960) * with switchable English and French subtitles * A successful textile industrialist from the provinces, beloved by his employees for his kindness, cannot find a wife because of a disfiguring birthmark on his face. Even the courtesans in Yoshiwara refuse to entertain him, until indentured peasant prostitute Tamarazu takes the unsavory assignment and treats him with brash tenderness.
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A big shipment of Nitroglycerine, enough to make a shambles of New York, mysteriously vanishes! It's a race between agent Jerry Cotton and the underworld to see who can find the deadly explosive first. To complicate things further, the nitro must be found before a torrid heat wave causes it to blow much of the city sky high. Eine Schiffsladung Nitroglycerine verschwindet spurlos. Jerry Cotton muss es wiederfinden, da dessen Menge ausreicht, um ganz New York in Schutt und Asche zu legen. Er begibt sich dazu in die Unterwelt des Big Apple.
Don Fernando, the son of El Cid, rallies peasants and townspeople to overthrow Moorish occupiers in medieval Spain.
A temperamental clergyman and his adversaries --- which include the greedy owner of a construction company --- are engaged in battle for the preservation of a small island in their lake community. One aims to build a home for orphans, whereas the other seeks to develop the site into a remunerative holiday centre. Their fight becomes so fierce that the regional bishop has to make an appearance on the battlefield. With the wisdom of a true shepherd he brings about a peaceful and rewarding solution.
Pfarrer Himmelreich und Thomas Springer liegen im Streit: Nachdem ein Beamter festgestellt hat, dass eine Insel im W rthersee der Gemeinde geh rt, will die das St ck Land verkaufen. Himmelreich plant auf der Insel ein Waisenhaus zu errichten, w hrend Springer ein Touristenzentrum erbauen will. Da die B rgermeisterwahl kurz bevorsteht, weigert sich der amtierende B rgermeister, eine Entscheidung zwischen beiden Pl nen zu treffen, und verschiebt diese auf die Zeit nach der Wahl. F r Springer und Himmelreich steht fest, dass nun beide selbst f r den Posten kandidieren werden.
In Rome, on the morning of 15 August 1962, Bruno Cortona --- a vigorous and exuberant 36 year old, and a lover of sports driving and beautiful women --- wanders around in his convertible Lancia Aurelia B24 in search of a pack of cigarettes and a public telephone. Roberto Mariani, a fourth year law student preparing for exams, welcomes the playboy into his home to make a phone call. That done, Bruno asks Roberto whether he'd like to keep him company on a high-speed car trip in the direction of Tuscany. The boy assents and they even end up visiting some of Roberto's relatives and then Bruno's daughter and ex-wife. Roberto was on the verge of leaving Bruno a number of times; but fate and a certain unspeakable attraction has kept the two together (which for Roberto also means an initiation into the real world).
MISS JULIA CELEBRATES HER JUBILEE (1938) * with switchable English and Swedish subtitles * Julia, who is a cashier at a piano factory, goes on a vacation trip with some friends. But not so fast: her boss has discovered that some money's missing from the till ... and guess whom he suspects is the culprit?
A champion runner meets a gorgeous mysterious stranger at a masquerade, who, he believes, is his destiny. Afterwards, he does everything he can to track her down, neglecting his athletic pursuits.
ric, a young unemployed engineer, has accepted a job as a lifeguard in a tourist resort on Lake Constance, where he is very popular with the ladies. One foggy day, while trying to swim across the lake, he is saved by Puck, a little savage, and a great friendship is born between them. Eric falls in love with Dany, who shares his feelings; but the girl's wealthy father opposes their marriage, and the two are separated. Sick and without money, he is desperate, and he pushes Puck away when she confesses her love to him. She disappears, and everyone thinks she's drowned and a search of the lake's bottom begins.
Drag queen and drug dealer Diaba finds out the police are after his prot g ; and so decides to train a new bandit to turn in in his place. (The Devil Queen is loosely based on the persona of Madame Sat ( Madam Satan, a name adapted from a Cecil B. DeMille film), an ex-slave, drag performer, trans icon, biological father of seven, convicted murderer and legendary cabaret performer who was an outlaw hero of Rio's 1930's underground.)
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To get her husband more interested in her, the wife invents a lover. The husband will pursue every hint, trying to figure out who the lover is.
Swedish author Agnes Von Krusenstjerna defies convention and her family's wishes by writing erotic fiction. As she harnesses her talent and explores her own sexuality, she puts herself on a dangerous path.
Filip and Stanko are two young clerks who share an office in a nondescript company. The two are also amateur rowers who train together. Their personalities are quite different: Filip is fastidious, serious in relationships with women, and somewhat introverted and sensitive; Stanko is a womanizer and prone to shirking his duties at work. Still, they spend most of their time together, rowing on the Sava river in the morning, collaborating in the office during the day, and going out in the evening looking for female company - all trying desperately to escape from the tedium of everyday life. They see their senior colleague Jurak as a dinosaur, dreading the possibility of becoming like him as they grow older. Filip falls in love with an attractive female coworker and, as the events gradually unfold, differences in character between the two men create a simmering conflict. ... . .
The spaceship Marco Polo is returning from a mission on the newly discovered planet Rossum. While the five members of the crew are in deep sleep, a mysterious shape is captured on one of the surveillance monitors. Awakened, the crew soon discover that one of their number has been killed, and something is living among them in the shape of a crewmate. But who is it?
Statare were tenant farmers who received most of their payment in natura, and didn't own the land they labored on. They were considered the lowest of the low in Sweden. Maria --- nicknamed "Rya-Rya" --- is born into this lot. She grows into a beautiful young woman men flock to. When she ends up pregnant, her life changes completely. Where in the past she had dreams of love, now she lives only for her children.
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Inspector Favenin, after being suspended for a breach of discipline, returns to duty and links up with his old friend Barnero. The two start investigating the murder of Dassa, a bar owner, who refused to let his premises be used for distributing the drugs of Tavernier, the local crime lord who is protected by police and politicians. When Dassa's sister arrives to settle his affairs, the goons who murdered her brother beat her up and wreck the bar. Rover, an old friend of Dassa, hides the girl on his stud farm and decides to get revenge. He enlists Villetti, a fellow ex-mercenary, to murder Tavernier as he leaves his private gambling club. An alibi is secured from a third colleague, Aulnay, who will swear that the two were playing cards with him and his wife.
Roberto has a new job as a nursery school teacher. The first child he meets is Gianluigi, who's mute. Roberto is spirited, bringing a TV into class, then a donkey. He takes children on an unscheduled field trip to their fathers' plant. He dates Isabella, the mother of one of his students, and soon she's pregnant. He's moody about it, so Isabella leaves for her family's abandoned movie theater in Sardinia, but not before Roberto is briefly arrested and questioned about past radical activity.
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Confusion comedy with musical interludes around a carnival ball. A pretty shop assistant borrows a dress from the fashion salon she works for and poses as the wife of one of the guests at the ball. Will it remain a comedy when she s arrested for petty theft later on?
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Poland, 1831. The oppression of the populace by the Russians after a failed Polish uprising gets worse and worse. The regiments of the Polish Army are divided up among Russian garrisons and are commanded by Russian officers. Disputes take place every day and there is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction in the Polish Army. The Polish Captain Staniewski and his friend Captain Wolski wait only for the day when Poland once again can rise up in rebellion. When one day, Katherine, the sister of the Russian governor, appears in the garrison, Staniewski falls in love with her. Wolski, who in the meantime has conquered the heart of a young Pole, is horrified; for he knows, that is his best friend carries out his plan to ask Katherine to be his wife and she says yes, then the Polish cause is lost.
Polen im Jahre 1831: Die Unterdr ckung der Bev lkerung durch die Russen ist seit einem gescheiterten Aufstand polnischer Truppen immer st rker geworden. Die Regimente der polnischen Armee sind auf russische Garnisonen verteilt und stehen unter deren Kommando. Auseinandersetzungen geh ren zum normalen Tagesablauf, und es brodelt in der polnischen Armee. Der polnische Rittmeister Staniewski und sein Freund, Rittmeister Wolski, warten nur auf den Tag, an dem die Polen sich erneut zum Aufstand erheben werden. Als eines Tages Katerina, die Schwester des russischen Gouverneurs, in der Garnison auftaucht, verliebt Staniewski sich in sie. Wolski, der inzwischen das Herz der jungen Polin Janka erobert hat, ist entsetzt, denn er wei : sollte sein bester Freund seinen Plan wahrmachen und um die Hand der Frau anhalten, ist er f r die polnische Sache verloren.
Carlo the gardener has managed to find fame and fortune with his wonderful voice. But he has a rival for the favors of the beautiful Lisetta: Roberto, his childhood friend.
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Germany, during the Second World War. Friends Robert and Jochen are sent off to Africa as fighter pilots. Jochen, above all, is on his way to becoming a real folk hero, thanks to his numerous kills of enemy planes and his fearless maneuvers. While back home on leave, this pilot, much honored by Hitler, falls in love with the student Brigitte and it isn t long before Jochen is asking himself what the whole point of the War is about.
Deutschland, zur Zeit des 2. Weltkriegs. Die Freunde Robert und Jochen werden als Kampfflieger nach Afrika abkommandiert. Vor allem der draufg ngerische Jochen steigt durch seine furchtlosen Man ver und seine zahlreichen Absch sse feindlicher Flugzeuge bald zu einem echten Volkshelden auf. W hrend eines Heimaturlaubs jedoch verliebt sich der von Hitler geehrte Pilot in die Studentin Brigitte und pl tzlich beginnt Jochen, den Sinn seiner Eins tze und des gesamten Krieges in Frage zu stellen.
THE ZARAH LEANDER COLLECTION II * with switchable English subtitles * 7 DVD set of subtitled, Zarah Leander hits at a discounted price for the diehard Zarah Leander fan: Der Blaufuchs (1938); Damals (1943); Das Herz der Konigin (1940); Die Grosse Liebe (1942); Heimat (1938); Zu neuen Ufern (1937); Es war eine rauschende Ballnacht (1939).
. . .. .. . . . Once again, the Austrian government finds itself in a financial crisis and comes upon the idea of temporarily leasing some Swiss banks the customs functions on the border in exchange for an upfront payment. Naturally, this arrangement is to be kept absolutely secret. After having wrapped up the negotiations, the Swiss representative returns home by train. However, by doing so, he must pass through customs at Feldkirch. And at Feldkirch is a rather conscientious customs inspector by the name of Laurenz Hasenhuttl, who very much wants to be promoted to chief customs inspector. And it is for that reason, that he searches the train from Vienna to Zurich especially thoroughly. In his excess of zeal, he mistakes the Swiss banking representative and the beloved of the Swiss finance minister, who is traveling with him, for a sought after pair of con artists. When he discovers the papers discussing the customs arrangement --- something completely outlandish, as far as he s concerned --- his belief that they re criminals is strengthened.
Die sterreichische Regierung befindet sich mal wieder in akuter Geldnot und so kommt man auf die verwegene Idee, die Z lle an ein Schweizer Banken-Konsortium zu verpachten. Die Angelegenheit soll nat rlich m glichst lange streng geheim bleiben. Alles unter Dach und Fach f hrt der Schweizer Gesandte (Theodor Danegger) mit dem Zug nach Hause. Er muss jedoch durch den Zoll bei Feldkirch. Dort verrichtet der ehrgeizige Zollwachinspektor Laurenz Hasenh ttl (Hans Moser) seinen Dienst. Nur allzu gern m chte er Oberinspektor werden und so untersucht er den Zug von Wien nach Z rich besonders gr ndlich. Im bereifer h lt er den Schweizer Bankgesandten und die zuf llig mit ihm reisende Geliebte des Finanzminister f r ein gesuchtes Betr ger-P rchen. Der gefundene Zollvertrag f r ihn v llig unfassbar best rkt ihn noch mehr in dieser Ansicht.
Old Bell, owner of the sawmill and the surrounding woods in a secluded town "at the end of the world", has been dead for twenty years. Since then, the indigenous and nature-loving Michael March has been managing the sawmill. That Bell's daughter Roberta comes to him and demands a huge amount of money from the company's assets, with which she hopes open a cabaret in the city and appear there herself as a singer. Michael hardly sees a possibility of withdrawing money out of the sawmill; however, urged by Roberta's financial advisor, he pledges the already heavily polluted forests. He goes to jail. Roberta breaks away from her contacts, who so poorly advised her and now works in a cabaret to save enough money to spring Michael out of jail, much against his will. From now on, Roberta won't leave Michael's side; and he soon comes to realize that the two belong together.
Der alte Bell, Besitzer des S gewerks und der umliegenden W lder in einem einsamen Ort "am Ende der Welt", ist vor zwanzig Jahren gestorben. Seitdem ist der bodenst ndige und naturverbundene Michael March Verwalter des S gewerks. Da kommt Bells Tochter Roberta zu ihm und fordert eine gro e Summe aus dem Verm gen, mit der sie in der Stadt ein Kabarett er ffnen und selbst als S ngerin auftreten will. Michael sieht kaum eine M glichkeit, Verm genswerte aus dem S gewerk zu ziehen, jedoch, gedr ngt durch Robertas Verm gensberater, verpf ndet er die bereits hoch belasteten W lder. Er kommt ins Gef ngnis. Roberta sagt sich von ihren schlechten Beratern los und arbeitet nun im Kabarett nur darauf hin, das Geld zusammenzusparen, um Michael gegen seinen Willen aus dem Gef ngnis zu holen. Von nun an weicht Roberta nicht mehr von Michaels Seite. Und auch der begreift, dass er und Roberta zusammengeh ren.
Paul Schleemueller is the town clerk of Schonbach, but secretly, he is counting on becoming the municipality's mayor one day. However, Paul's real passion is poetry, which he has never admitted to anyone, because he thinks it is unworthy of a municipal dignitary to write poems.
Paul Schleem ller ist Stadtsekret r von Sch nbach, doch insgeheim rechnet er damit, eines sch nen Tages B rgermeister der Gemeinde zu werden. Pauls wahre Leidenschaft gilt jedoch der Poesie, was er jedoch bislang noch niemandem gestanden hat, denn er ist der Meinung, dass es sich f r einen st dtischen W rdentr ger nicht schickt, Gedichte zu schreiben.
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