February 2024
During the War of 1870 between France and Prussia, Zephe Maloret denounces the son of a horse dealer, who made a fortune thanks to a green mare he owned. The son is now being sought by the Germans for sniping at their troops. In the process of doing so, a Prussian soldier enters the home of the accused and rapes the mother, while the son is hiding under a bed. This event leads to intense hatred between the horse dealer's family and the the family of the snitch. It gets to the point, eventually, that no one really remembers why the hatred is there (and a letter recalling the facts is lost, which doesn't help at all).
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After serving their sentences, three prisoners are released: Stefano, a surgeon, had been convicted of causing the death of one of his patients. He no longer has self-confidence and does not want to return to his work as a doctor, but a serious accident involving his beloved wife convinces him to return to the operating room. Franco, a robber, was arrested during a bank robbery, while his accomplices managed to escape. Released from prison, he returns to his wife, while the accomplices want to know where he hid the loot before being arrested. Giuseppe, convicted of a theft he did not commit, is released for good behavior. Once free, however, he finds a certain diffidence both with his relatives and friends.
Jo o Barbela is poor man who lives from charity --- what coins the people of Lisbon's popular districts give him as 'pay' for his puppeteering work. To the kids, he's like a king. When he meets Maria, an equally poor girl, he wants to change her life; get a house; maybe marry; and be happy together. But unlike his five-minute puppet performances, life's endings are not always happy.
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.. . . . LA FUMERIA D OPPIO (1947) * with switchable English subtitles * A young girl's brother is unjustly accused of murder. He's a junkie, who's given up on life and passively accepts what might happen to him. The sister, however, is not so ready to let him get railroaded. She's going to find out who the real murderer is.
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During the Second World War, Roger Perrin, a pastry worker, receives his mobilization order. Son-in-law of the boss, he leaves both his shop and home at the same time. Jean Durrieu, meanwhile, joined the army as a volunteer. He could have taken advantage of his situation as a journalist to obtain a special assignment, but the idea that others could fight in his place is unbearable to him. In July 1940, the two men, now POWs, are brought into Germany with other French prisoners of war. They falsely declare themselves farmers and are sent as agricultural workers to a village in the Black Forest. There, they are placed at the service of the mayor, in a somewhat hostile climate. But they realize that they enjoy much more favorable conditions than the other prisoners in the area. Jean prepares his escape by gathering civilian clothes and food. He takes advantage of a journey in the forest to break down the truck.
Max Topfer is a successful business man who lives alone surrounded by bodyguards. One day, he comes into possession of a roll of film which belongs to a horse-riding woman who's been thrown from her mount. What's on this film? Only a depiction of his own assassination by an unknown gunman. The woman who was riding the horse is merely injured, and Max first tries to find out from her what the hell is going on! But, of course, she has amnesia and can tell him nothing.
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
Amsterdam, 1943. British agent and cryptographer Mark Landers operates a radio for the Resistance in German-occupied Holland. He's fallen into the hands of Wehrmacht Colonel Bernes of Counterintelligence. Up to that point, he had facilitated the cooperation of the local Resistance with their British handlers. Now, after having shut him down, the Germans are intent on turning the operation on its head, by using the captured agent to operate under his transmission code ("London is calling the North Pole") and spreading a lot of misinformation. The British are unaware that the Germans have penetrated into their net of agents and are forcing Landers to continue sending English messages which conform with German specifications. In return, Bernes has promised Landers and the other caught agents that they will not be executed, as is the norm for almost all exposed spies.
Amsterdam 1943. In den von der deutschen Wehrmacht besetzten Niederlanden ger t der britische Agent und Kryptograph Mark Landers, der hier einen Sender der niederl ndischen Widerstandsbewegung betreibt und damit Kontakt mit London aufrechterh lt, in die H nde des Wehrmachtobersten Bernes von der Abwehr. Bislang hatte Landers die von Gro britannien unterst tzten Widerstandsaktivit ten koordiniert. Nun aber wollen die Deutschen, nachdem sie Landers ausgeschaltet und f r sich umgedreht haben, den Sender, dessen Kontakt bertragungen unter dem Funkcode London ruft Nordpol laufen, f r sich nutzen und zahlreiche Fehlinformationen streuen. Die deutsche Abwehr schaltet sich in das englische Funk- und Agentennetz ein, ohne dass die Engl nder dessen gewahr werden. Agentenfunker Landers wird gezwungen, weiterhin Nachrichten nach England zu bertragen, die allerdings den deutschen Vorgaben entsprechen m ssen. Daf r verspricht Bernes, ihn und seine Kameraden nicht hinrichten zu lassen, was der blichen Handlungsweise mit enttarnten Spionen entspr che.
Ishmael, the most unstable and weak-willed member of a supposed group of conspirators with aspirations for power, constantly suffers ridicule and contempt from the leader of the group and his other companions. Everything changes, however, when a woman he's in love with begins to delve into the macabre logic of the group.
An archaeological team unearths the body of a young woman, who was said to be a witch buried in a bog some 300 years ago. Soon, a naked woman appears and drives the men of the village crazy. Everybody is certain that this really is the witch killed in days of yore.
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The son of a prominent member of a fishing community returns home after a stint with the yakuza to find his father has died under orders of a local gang leader. He sets out to avenge his father, keeping his plan secret from his mother, who is cold to him since his perceived abandonment of the family.
Young Hilke is a technical draftsman in an architect's office. Manfred, also around the same age, is an assistant for a well-known real estate agent. The two West Berliners are playing house together. But that's okay: their lives seem to be going just dandy. It's nothing but rainbows, unicorns, and happiness without end. Or is it? One day, it's all ruined, when Hilke finds out she's going to increase Berlin's population by one. She's convinced Manfred will find Junior a drag. And she doesn't want him to marry her, just because it's the right thing to do. And, for her part, she doesn't want to be tied down, only because a child should have two parents in its life. What to do? Why, keep the pregnancy a secret, of course. Die junge Hilke, eine technische Zeichnerin in einem Architekturb ro, und der etwa gleichaltrige Manfred, der Assistent eines renommierten Grundst cksmaklers, leben ohne Trauschein im Westteil Berlins. Ihr Leben scheint in perfektem Einklang abzulaufen, nichts st rt bislang das junge Gl ck, das sich bewusst spie iger B rgerlichkeit konsequent entzieht. Eines Tages muss Hilke feststellen, dass sie schwanger ist. Weil sie glaubt, dass Manfred ein Kind als einengend empfinden w rde und sie ihn nicht auf diese Art an sich binden will, und weil sie nicht m chte, dass er sie aus reinem Pflichtgef hl heiratet, verheimlicht Hilke Manfred ihre Schwangerschaft.
In desperation brought on by near-starvation, Helge Roos kills his master's ox and feeds it to his wife and baby daughter. No-one suspects anything, until the meat is finished and Helge tries to sell the hide at a local market. He is spotted by the local vicar and, wracked with guilt, confesses. The vicar assures him that if he gives himself up, he'll be treated leniently, but Helge's sentence is far harsher than anyone predicted.
THE COURTNEYS OF CURZON STREET (1947) On New Years Eve, 1899, baronet's son Edward Courtney becomes engaged to Kate, his mother's maid, much to the scandal of London society. The film then follows their family through four generations, with separations, joys, tragedies, and service in the Boer War, WWI, and WWII.
Taki no Shiraito is a very independent young woman with a famous water juggling act in a travelling carnival troupe. She falls in love with an orphaned carriage driver, Kinya Murakoshi, and pledges to put him through law school in Tokyo. She always encloses money in her letters to him, until one hard winter there is no work to be found.
A novelist uses all his money to buy gifts for the woman he loves, who, in turn, is also seeing a business man, using him for expensive presents. As a consequence, the writer is unable to pay the rent, while the woman's family goes hungry as her father's business suffers. A joyful comedy that expresses the dangers of consumerism for the careless spender.
It's the early 1980s, and on the TV show The Million Game volunteers compete to see who will win one million Deutsche Mark after seven days of pure terror. Leverkusen's Bernhard Lotz, who has already mastered life-threatening situations, is already the 15th candidate to voluntarily allow himself to be chased through the Rhineland by the heavily armed killers K hler, Witte and Hense. After almost a week of no sleep, little food and fear of death, Lotz is on the verge of physical collapse. He could leave the game early, but the prospect of the main prize of one million marks and, above all, the fate of his predecessors drive him forward (when one of them left the game, he was so mocked as a coward by those around him that he... committed suicide). The entire republic now sits transfixed in front of the television, whether full of fascination or disgust. Lotz tries to go into hiding, but he is repeatedly recognized by those around him. Although there are people who want to hand him over to the killers, he also meets people who help him. Throughout the entire game, the K hler gang is always close on his heels.
In der erfolgreichen Fernsehshow Das Millionenspiel des fiktiven Privatsenders TETV treten Anfang der 1980er Jahre Freiwillige an, die jeweils sieben Tage lang auf der Flucht sein werden, um an den Hauptpreis von einer Million Deutsche Mark zu gelangen. Der Leverkusener Bernhard Lotz, der bereits zuvor lebensgef hrliche Situationen gemeistert hat, ist bereits der 15. Kandidat, der sich freiwillig, beobachtet von versteckten Kameras, von den schwer bewaffneten Killern K hler, Witte und Hensel durch das Rheinland jagen l sst, die, wenn sie ihn t ten die Million erhalten. Lotz ist nach fast einer Woche ohne Schlaf, wenig Essen und voller Todesangst am Rande des k rperlichen Zusammenbruchs. Er k nnte zwar vorzeitig aussteigen, aber die Aussicht auf den Hauptgewinn von einer Million Mark und vor allem auch das Schicksal seiner Vorg nger treiben ihn voran: Als einer von ihnen aus dem Spiel ausstieg, wurde er von seinem Umfeld so sehr als Feigling verh hnt, dass er Suizid beging. Die ganze Republik sitzt nun gebannt vor dem Fernseher, egal ob voller Faszination oder Ekel. Lotz versucht unterzutauchen, doch er wird immer wieder von seinen Mitmenschen erkannt. Obwohl es Personen gibt, die ihn der K hler-Bande ausliefern wollen, trifft er aber auch Leute, die ihm helfen. ber das ganze Spiel hinweg ist ihm die K hler-Bande immer dicht auf den Fersen.
Dr. Klinger has a thing for his colleague Dr. Hansen, but can t help making fun of her professional abilities. The self-conscious mathematics teacher thus gives him the cold shoulder until he comes crawling to her with remorse, hoping to win her love. Dr. Klinger hat zwar ein Auge auf seine Kollegin Dr. Hansen geworfen, trotzdem macht er sich ber ihre beruflichen F higkeiten lustig. Die selbstbewusste Mathematiklehrerin zeigt ihm daraufhin die kalte Schulter, bis er reum tig bei ihr angekrochen kommt, um ihr Herz doch noch zu erobern.
In Colonial Virginia, beautiful Jane steps down from her proper aristocratic upbringing, when she marries down-to-earth surveyor Matt Howard. Matt joins the Colonial forces in their fight for freedom against England. This puts him in direct conflict with Jane's brother, Fleetwood, who supports the Crown.
Crossover love during the Carnival of Venice: Annina, a fishergirl, is in love with Coramello, the personal barber and handyman of The Duke of Urbino, but she she suspects that he cheats on her. On the other hand, old senator Delaqua, who hopes for a better position from the Duke, hides his young wife Barbara from him, insofar as Urbino is an unrepentant Don Juan. Instead, he sends him Ciboletta, his servant, that he introduces to him as his wife. Der Ruhm des Herzogs von Urbino als Herzensbrecher ist bereits leicht verwelkt, denn er ist nicht mehr der J ngste, aber doch noch nicht ganz harmlos auf allen Gebieten. Deshalb beschlossen die Senatoren der Stadt Venedig ihm f r den offiziellen Besuch zum Karneval ein erlesenes Sortiment abgelagerter Sch nheiten und reifere Jahrg nge zu pr sentieren. Der Herzog von Urbino hatte aber bereits die junge Frau des Senators Delagua ins Auge gefasst, von deren Sch nheit er bereits h rte. Dem Senator waren aber auch die Vorlieben des Herzogs bekannt, und er setzte alle Hebel in Bewegung, seine Barbara ins Kloster von Murano in Sicherheit zu bringen. Davon war aber Barbara nicht begeistert, denn sie wollte den Karneval gemeinsam mit ihrem Geliebten Enrico verbringen. Deshalb schickte sie ihre Halbschwester Annina, die mit Caramello, dem Kammerdiener des Herzogs verlobt ist, als Stellvertreterin ins Kloster.
Successful Austrian pop composer Alexander Marhold is turning fifty and is about to get engaged to his young secretary, Heidi, although he is still married to his third wife, Beate. Without his knowledge, the Austrian Foreign Ministry invited his two sons from his first and second marriage to Vienna. His first wife married an influential Russian politician, and his second wife an American millionaire. The government now wants to use this combination for economic policy purposes. Marhold is not enthusiastic about it, but it bothers him even more that his two grown sons, as different as they are, fall in love with his attractive wife Beate. Der Komponist Alexander Marhold soll zu seinem 50. Geburtstag offiziell geehrt werden. Dazu kommen auch seine beiden erwachsenen S hne Bobby und Alexander aus zwei fr heren Ehen angereist: der eine aus Russland, der andere aus Amerika. Als die sehr gegens tzlichen jungen M nner Marholds aparter Frau Beate intensiv den Hof machen, sieht der reife Charmeur seine Angetraute in ganz neuem Licht.
Three girlfriends --- Sabine, Manuele, and Lizzie --- have nothing but problems with their unappreciative husbands. So, they decide to take a little vacation to Italy (naturally, without their spouses). And while the three lively ladies are enjoying the sun and the attention of numerous southern suitors, their abandoned partners are left to care for the household and the nestlings ... and are quickly starting to lose patience. Weil sie Probleme mit ihren M nnern haben, beschlie en die drei Freundinnen Sabine, Manuele und Lizzie, nach Italien zu fahren nat rlich ohne M nner! W hrend das muntere Damentrio die Sonne und den Charme s dl ndischer Verehrer genie t, werden die unfreiwilligen Strohwitwer, die gegen das im Haushalt anwachsende Chaos k mpfen, langsam ungeduldig.
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Ingeborg and her husband Ottokar --- a somewhat absent-minded and awkward, friendly guy, who's become very wealthy thanks to the invention of an extremely practical plastic bottle --- are happily married. One day, Ingeborg is visited by an old school friend, Peter, who is the polar opposite of her husband. Peter is cosmopolitan and smart; he also likes to be mysterious; and all of these traits causes Ingbord to once more fall in love with him. But, to be sure, she really doesn't know him at all. Ingeborg und ihr Mann Ottokar, ein etwas zerstreut und linkisch wirkender, freundlicher Zeitgenosse, der durch die Erfindung einer u erst praktischen Plastikflasche zu gro em Wohlstand gekommen ist, f hren eine gl ckliche Ehe. Eigentlich. Denn eines Tages erh lt Ingeborg Besuch von ihrem alten Schulfreund Peter, der so ganz das Gegenteil von dem verschnarchten Ottokar ist. Der weltoffene und smarte Peter gibt sich gern geheimnisvoll, und bald hat sich Ingeborg
Palmares is a 17th-century quilombo, a settlement of escaped slaves in northeast Brazil. In 1650, plantation slaves revolt and head for the mountains, where they find others led by the aged seer, Acotirene. She anoints one who becomes Ganga Zumba, a legendary king. For years, his warriors hold off Portuguese raiders; then he agrees to leave the mountains in exchange for reservation land and peace. It's a mistake: Zumbi, a warrior whose mother was killed by the Portuguese and spent 15 years with the Whites, stays in the mountains to lead Palmares. In 1694, the Portuguese launch an assault on the free Blacks. Can Zumbi keep Palmares free?
Overnight, sexy Wei Ming will become a successful novelist. But, desperate to get the money that she needs to cure her little daughter (and harassed by a rich, unscrupulous rake), she will end up eventually engaging in luxury prostitution.
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Sister Ye is the master craftswoman in a village of toymakers that is subject to outside attacks. A series of personal tragedies reduces her to a shell of herself, until she breaks and rallies the townsfolk to fight their oppressors.
. . . Based on an actual post-war murder in Frankfurt, this standard docudrama is a serious treatment of the history of the case of Rosemarie, a hooker, and how she came to be strangled in her apartment. One of the suspects in the case was first charged, later acquitted, but never really free of an aura of culpability.
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In the summer of 1913, 17-year-old Jacob, a Danish high school student, lives in limbo between boyhood and manhood. He worries about his excessive focus on masturbation and, although he is aware of the sexual overtures of the housemaid, he doesn't know how to respond to her. He is invited to spend his vacation at the summer house of his wealthy uncle. At the house in an idyllic coastal town, he meets free-spirited housemaid Hansigne, virginal housekeeper Rosegod, and his dream-girl cousin Vibeke. He is also pursued by his uncle's employee, who tries to seduce him.
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Tarao s services are called upon to solve the mysterious death of bride-to-be, Mariko, who was found dead with an eerie mask of a devil.
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Broadway director Lloyd Lloyd and composer Dick Rayburn search for talent down South and discover singer Cindy Lou Bethany, who surprises them with her voice and striptease.
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A young woman, resentful of how her parents treat her, develops a thing for an itinerant musician. She abandons her home town to follow him, but he's decided to move on to chase his dream career. After he leaves, she finds out she's pregnant and faces a decision over what to do about her impending baby.
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Louise is a young Swedish widow, living with her mother and her young son. She meets foreigner Fredrik, and he soon moves into the family apartment. The two become very much involved, but the future is uncertain.
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Attractive Susanne, who works as a cigarette-girl in a Parisian cabaret, doesn t know, that, in reality, she s an Hawaiian princess. The American attache Stone is in love with her and follows her after agents of the Hawaiian liberation movement lure her to Hawaii to marry the prince. The American governor of Hawaii, Harrison, wants to marry off the prince to his niece Bessy. But Bessy loves Harrison s secretary Buffy. Mekka-lekka-hi, Mekka-hiney-ho, everyone.
In the made-up country of Alanien, King Alexander I has been overthrown while abroad. Now, he's in Vienna with his daughter, the city of his fondest memories since studying there as a boy. It doesn't take long for the charm of Vienna to work its magic on the former king: he quickly comes to terms with the new situation and is able to enjoy the Austrian capital sans all the ceremony and trappings which would otherwise accompany him on a state visit. The princess is content with preparing herself for a career as a pianist concert, while the former king takes a job as a chauffeur in the embassy of the country he once ruled. The revolutionaries are shocked; and his days in Vienna are numbered. Im Fantasiestaat Alanien wird w hrend seiner Abwesenheit der K nig entthront. Alexander I. befindet sich mit seiner Tochter in Wien, seit seiner Studienzeit die Stadt seiner Tr ume. Schnell findet er sich mit der neuen Situation ab, frei von allen Zeremonien kann er nun mit seiner Tochter Wien genie en. Die Prinzessin bereitet sich auf eine Pianistenkarriere vor, w hrend Alexander, um den Lebensunterhalt zu sichern, ausgerechnet in der Botschaft seines Landes eine Stelle als Chauffeur annimmt. Die Revolution re sind schockiert. Seine Tage in Wien sind gez hlt.
Karl Maria Fernebeck, the director of the firm Alois Berger, is a thoroughly decent and reliable man, who wishes to marry Sabine, the boss' daughter. When he moves into his new apartment, he is outraged over the poster of a scantily clad dancer, an advertisement for the revue across the way. But Fernebeck's life is about to be turned upside down, for the young lady on the poster arrives at his apartment looking for a hat shop, which had previously been there. Each ends up liking the other, fact that enrages Lydia's friend, the dancer Bobby. Polite as he is, the naive Fernebeck invites Lydia to stay at his apartment, which in turn enrages Sabine and her father. Karl Maria Fernebeck, Prokurist der Firma Alois Berger, ist ein grundanst ndiger und zuverl ssiger Kerl, der Sabine, die Tochter des Chefs, heiraten soll. Als er in seine neue Wohnung einzieht, ist er emp rt ber das Plakat einer sp rlich bekleideten T nzerin, das gegen ber f r eine Revue wirbt. Aber Fernebecks Leben ger t geh rig durcheinander, als die junge Dame vom Plakat leibhaftig in seine Wohnung kommt, weil sie den Hutladen sucht, der da fr her gewesen ist. Die Beiden sind sich gleich sympathisch, woraufhin Lydias Freund, der T nzer Bobby, einen Tobsuchtsanfall bekommt. H flich wie er ist, bietet Fernebeck Lydia an, in seiner Wohnung zu bleiben, was wiederum Sabine und ihren Vater emp rt.
Berlin, early 1930s. Lissy, a young woman raised in a socialist working-class family, marries a clerk who promises her a better life. During the Depression, however, he gets fired and can t find a new job. Desperate for companionship and money, he falls for Nazi propaganda and joins the Storm Troopers. Lissy's brother, who for a time sympathized with the Communists, now also wears the SA uniform. When he is killed by the Nazis because of his oppositional ideas Lissy starts questioning things and makes a difficult and potentially dangerous decision. Lissy Schr der ist ein Arbeiterkind aus Berlin. Ihre Eltern sind sozialdemokratisch und haben sie entsprechend erzogen. Die fr hliche junge Frau lebt jedoch Anfang der 1930er Jahre in rmlichen Verh ltnissen und tr umt von einem besseren Leben. Dies scheint ihr der Angestellte Alfred Frohmeyer geben zu k nnen. Sie heiratet ihn, schnell kommt das erste Kind. Aber Alfred verliert 1932 seine Arbeit und die Heirat mit ihm hat Lissy nicht vorangebracht. Erst als Alfred Kontakt zur NSDAP erh lt, scheint sich das Blatt zu wenden. Schnell steigt er bei den Nazis zum SA-Sturmf hrer auf. Das ersehnte b rgerliche Leben ist f r Lissy nun greifbar nahe. Sie h lt ein Hausm dchen und beginnt mit dem Klavierspiel. Doch ihre eigenen Eltern wollen pl tzlich nichts mehr mit ihr zu tun haben, alte Freunde meiden sie. Lediglich Bruder Paul, obwohl fr her Kommunist, schlie t sich ebenfalls den Nazis an. Lissy ger t in Isolation und erf hrt, dass sie der so ersehnte Wohlstand nicht gl cklich macht. Die Ehe mit Alfred ger t in eine Krise. Als schlie lich ihr Bruder Paul von den Nazis aufgrund seiner Vergangenheit erschossen wird, wei Lissy, worauf sie sich eingelassen hat. Sie verl sst Alfred und beginnt ein neues Leben.
Young Jenny Miller travels to London to demand information about her finances from her asset administrator and Uncle Harry Selsbury, as its come to her attention, that her entire inheritance has been misappropriated. Uncle Harry is able to fend off this suspicion, but is nevertheless acting very strangely. Harry's having an affair with Germain de la Roche, who is married, and the two are being monitored very closely by a private detective. To escape the dogged observation of their spy, the two decide to take a trip to Oostende. Jenny learns through the detective, that Germaine is a decoy for a criminal known as "The Lookalike". When Harry unexpectedly shows up at home and starts displaying even more odd behavior, Jenny begins to suspect the worst. Die junge Jenny Miller reist nach London, um sich von ihrem Verm gensverwalter und Onkel Harry Selsbury Auskunft ber ihre Finanzen einzufordern, ist ihr doch zu Ohren gekommen, dass ihr gesamtes Erbe veruntreut worden sei. Onkel Harry kann den Verdacht zwar widerlegen, benimmt sich jedoch ansonsten u erst merkw rdig. Harry hat ein Verh ltnis mit der verheirateten Germaine de la Roche und wird auf Schritt und Tritt von einem Privatdetektiv berwacht. Um diesem zu entkommen, wollen die beiden nach Ostende reisen. Durch den Detektiv erf hrt Jenny unterdessen, dass Germaine Lockvogel f r einen Verbrecher sein soll, der unter dem Namen Doppelg nger bekannt ist. Als Harry unerwartet wieder zu Hause auftaucht und stark ver ndert wirkt, hat Jenny einen schlimmen Verdacht.
VARIETE (1925): The murderer "Boss" Huller - after having spent ten years in prison - breaks his silence to tell the warden his story. "Boss", a former trapeze artist, and his wife own a cheap side-show that displays ''erotic sensations''. But he longs for his former glamorous life in the circus. When he meets the orphan Berta-Marie, he falls under her spell and leaves his wife and young son behind. He makes Berta-Marie his partner in a new trapeze number. One day, the famous trapeze artist Artinelli takes note of them and engages them for his trapeze show in Berlin. Their salto mortale becomes an immediate sensation. Calculatedly and cold, Artinelli seduces Berta-Marie and destroys "Boss'" happiness. HELIOGABALE (1911): In Heliogabale, the dissolute Emperor Heliogabalus dresses as a woman, and looses lions among his guests.
Long before the sound of marching boots were to be heard throughout a conquered and oppressed, occupied Europe, the same sounds were heard on German roads before the War as tens of thousands of Hitler Youth traveled by foot from their home towns to Nuremberg to participate in the Reichsparteitage. This 1940 film tells the story of these columns as they marched from all over Germany in a quasi-religious pilgrimage to their false idol and god, Adolf Hitler.
Unlike most of the films concerned with the annual ceremony in Nuremberg, this film only briefly alludes to it at the film's end, concentrating instead on the dedication of the new German youth marching off to a new and gloriously short future. Unfortunately, some parts of this film have been truncated (like Rudolf Hess' swearing in of the youth at the Party Congress). Still, it's well worth the time and investment; especially now that we've put subtitles to it.
United Newsreel selections from the year 1944, mainly concentrating on the effort of the United States in WWII, but also covering events on other fields of the War. Unfortunately, the newsreels are grouped alphabetically by subject and not by date, so there is no particular chronological order to them. Nonetheless, very interesting material.
A councilor is tricked by an impostor, whom he believes to be a baron. He gives him money and his marriageable daughter -- but then the real baron shows up and plays the chauffeur. Ein Kommerzienrat f llt auf einen Schwindler herein, den er f r einen Baron h lt. Er gibt ihm seine Barschaft und seine heiratsf hige Tochter - doch da taucht der echte Baron auf und mimt den Chauffeur.
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Unter den galanten Adeligen am Hofe Ludwigs XIV. gilt die bezaubernde S ngerin Nanon als "uneinnehmbare Festung". Hector, ein junger Charmeur, will sie nun bezwingen, doch auch der Marquis Charles d′Aubign hat sich vorgenommen, mit einem Trick als erster Mann Nanons Lippen zu k ssen. Er gibt sich als einfacher Tambour aus, um nicht ihr Misstrauen zu wecken, und gewinnt tats chlich ihr Herz. Hector wird mittlerweile von der Polizei gesucht, weil er sich mit einem Nebenbuhler duellieren wollte, was am Hofe Ludwig XIV. unter Androhung der Todesstrafe verboten war. Operetta about a French waitress, German style, who works at a inn singing to the customers. A lot of people know her. It takes place in the time of Moliere and King Louis XIV. The waitress' boy friend is in the army and has come back from war and expects her to sleep with him. Little does she know that he's a marquis and has a girlfriend. The waitress, however, wants to marry him. She dupes her boyfriend into thinking she is going to sleep with him. She makes him wait while she goes out to get a priest and judge. He panics and gets his friend to make up a story that he violated the law against dueling.
Charlie, ein hochbegabter junger Akrobat, findet keine Arbeit. Eine T nzerin und Kollegin, die er ausgebildet hat, vermittelt ihm wenigstens eine Stelle als B hnenarbeiter in einem Variet -Theater. Nach vielen chaotischen Ereignissen, Hochs und Tiefs, die ihn aber nie entmutigen, kommt seine Stunde: Eine Nummer f llt aus, und "Akrobat sch n" hat nun endlich seinen gro en Auftritt. Charlie, a very gifted, young acrobat, cannot find employment. A dance and colleague, whom he trained, has gotten him a job as a stagehand at a vaudeville theatre. After a number of chaotic events and some highs and lows -- none of which ever discourages him -- his hour arrives: an act can't go on and "Akrobat schooon" can finally make his grand entrance.
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