Aktuellen Newsletter
LOUISIANA STORY (1948): The idyllic life of a young Cajun boy and his pet raccoon is disrupted when the tranquility of the bayou is broken by an oil well drilling near his home.
THE STORY OF LIFE (1948): An educational film, made for high school students with the assistance of the California Department of Health and the University of California, among others. In the wake of the Kinsey report and social change hastened by postwar prosperity, themes of knowledge of the facts of life, open discussion of them, and appreciating modern medical science inform an emerging liberal world view. This film takes us into a hospital to observe the medical procedures of a normal birth and a Caesarean. The focus is on the technical aspects of delivering a child and the stages of labor, with constant reassurance that, in general, things will go well.
Based on the autobiography of Axel Munthe, the film illustrates episodes from the Swedish doctor's dazzling life and highlights his amorous affairs, as well as the stages of his medical career: his encounter with Louis Pasteur in Paris; his engagement as a doctor for the poor; his rise in the French medical profession Society; his fight against cholera in Naples; and his settling in Rome. As a mature gentleman, Munthe finally retreats to the island of Capri and writes "The Book of San Michele" there.
Basierend auf der Autobiographie von Axel Munthe illustriert der Film Episoden aus dem schillernden Leben des schwedischen Arztes und beleuchtet dabei seine amour sen Aff ren ebenso wie die Stationen seiner medizinischen Karriere: seine Begegnung mit Louis Pasteur in Paris, sein Engagement als Armenarzt und seinen Aufstieg in der franz sischen Gesellschaft, seinen Kampf gegen die Cholera in Neapel und seine Niederlassung in Rom.
Elaborate adaptation of the adventure novel "Michel Strogoff" by Jules Verne: On orders of the Czar, Michael Strogoff brings secret strategic plans to the city of Irkutsk, which is being besieged by the Tatars. In disguise, he sets off on the long and dangerous journey to Siberia, constantly pursued by the accomplices of the Tatar leader Ogareff. On the way, he finds support from the young Nadya; but after many adventures, the two of them end up as prisoners.
Aufw ndige Verfilmung des Abenteuerromans "Michel Strogoff" von Jules Verne: Im Auftrag des Zaren soll Michael Strogoff geheime Aufmarschpl ne in die von Tataren belagerte Stadt Irkutsk bringen. Inkognito macht er sich auf die lange und gef hrliche Reise nach Sibirien, st ndig verfolgt von den Komplizen des Tatarenf hrers Ogareff. Unterwegs findet er Unterst tzung durch die junge Nadja, dennoch geraten die beiden nach vielen Abenteuern in Gefangenschaft.
TRAGEDY OF THE STREET (Dirnentrag die) (1927): Auguste is a prostitute who over time has become tired and apathetic. In spite of that, she reluctantly follows the orders of her pimp Anton, because she has given in to her fate. When one day she meets a man who has collapsed on the street from exhaustion, she takes him to her apartment, where both Anton and a younger colleague, Clarissa, live. The man's gratitude awakens feelings of love in Auguste and she decides to start a new life with him.
Auguste ist eine gealterte, mit den Jahren m de und gleichg ltig gewordene Prostituierte. Zwar folgt sie nur widerwillig den Befehlen ihres Zuh lters Anton, doch im Grunde hat sie sich in ihr Schicksal ergeben. Als sie eines Tages einen jungen Mann trifft, der vor Ersch pfung auf der Stra e zusammen gebrochen ist, nimmt sie ihn mit in ihre Wohnung, in der sie gemeinsam mit Anton und ihrer jungen Kollegin Clarissa lebt. Die Dankbarkeit des Mannes weckt Liebesgef hle in Auguste und sie fasst den Entschlu , mit ihm ein neues Leben zu beginnen.
MERRY GO ROUND (1923): Life's merry-go-round goes full tilt for Agnes, a virtuous carny at Vienna's Prater just before the Great War. Her father is abused by their cruel boss Huber, who might force himself on Agnes. A Count who's engaged to the daughter of the Minister of Defense chats up Agnes one night while he's slumming; she thinks he's Franz, a necktie salesman, and falls in love with him. Is he using charm and guile to seduce her? Plus there's Bartholomew, a hunchback who's a barker at the Prater; his love for Agnes is unrequited. Are the fates blind or is there reward for virtue?
Roman Emperor Octavian rules the Empire from Rome, and his rival Marc Antony has taken Egyptian queen Cleopatra as his lover and seized the eastern empire, ruling it from Alexandria. Octavian intends to regain his empire by landing his army at Alexandria, besieging the city and capturing and executing the pair. However, while Octavian's army is bigger than Marc Antony's forces, he and Cleopatra have allies who can come to their aid. Both sides prepare for a final showdown.
It is 1950. The war in Hungary has been over for half a decade and the Communists are in control. A Party member is sent to a stud farm to take charge of its operations, but the workers are so enraged at the encroachment of the government on their work that they harass the new director at every possible turn. To make matters worse, the new boss treats a beloved, local barmaid like filth. Having had enough of this, the workers beat their new boss severely. Nor do things calm down, when the beaten man calls the police on his attackers. The police will come to his aid (eventually), but the workers have a plan in mind. . . . . .
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Ted Hutchens is a cryptologist assigned to the American Embassy in London. On a night out at the Royal Ballet at Covent Garden, he meets Anna and the two fall immediately in love. So what's the problem? Well, Anna appears to be the daughter of an ambassador from an unnamed country (but which is clearly implied to be a Warsaw Pact nation). In the political climate of the 1950s, it's obvious their relationship cannot continue; especially as their movements are monitored by intelligence agents from both countries. But then, something totally unexpected and unthinkable happens.
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A company of travelling performers arrive at a fictional oriental city. Among them is the beautiful dancer Yannaia; the hunchback clown Yeggar, who is lovesick for Yannaia; and the Old Lady who loves Yeggar. The slave trader Achmed wants to sell Yannaia to the Sheik for his harem. At the palace, the Sheik finds out that his favorite, Sumurun, is in love with Nur-Al Din, the handsome clothes merchant. He wants to condemn her to death but his son obtains her pardon. After seeing Yannaia dancing, the Sheik is keen to buy her. Yeggar is desperate and takes a magic pill which makes him look dead. His body is hidden in a chest.
Das mittelalterliche Bagdad: Der Bucklige verehrt die sch ne T nzerin. Zusammen ziehen sie mit einem Theaterwagen durchs Land und treten in kleinen D rfern auf. Sklavenh ndler Achmed sieht die T nzerin und schl gt dem Buckligen vor, sie dem alten Scheich f r seinen Harem vorzustellen. Der jagt ihn davon. Im Harem des Scheichs sind die Frauen derweil begeistert, da der junge Stoffh ndler Nur-al-Din vor dem Tor des Palastes den Palast-Eunuchen seine Waren anbietet. Vor allem Sumurun, die Lieblingsfrau des Scheichs ist vom Stoffh ndler hingerissen und wird bei ihrer Schw rmerei vom alten Scheich erwischt. Inzwischen steht vorm Fenster jedoch dessen Sohn und wirft Sumurun Kussh nde zu diese lehnt ihn zwar ab, doch ist der alte Scheich eifers chtig.
MENSCH, ARGERE DICH NICHT (1972) . His name is Ewald Fr hlich ('Happy'), but in everyday life, this authorized representative of an advertising agency has two left hands and gets fired up about every little thing. Ewald Fr hlich is anger personified. When the moody art photographer Ulla Fr hlich captures his quick-tempered nature in a snapshot, Thomas suggests making Fr hlich the advertising medium for a milk campaign and thus lands a multi-million dollar order from the dairies. So that poor Fr hlich can continue to worry in peace, his good fortune is kept secret from him, while the agency boss Wegmann further annoys the poor man by ordering him to revise the balance sheets.
Sein Name ist Ewald Fr hlich, doch im Alltag hat der Prokurist einer Werbeagentur zwei linke H nde und geht wegen jeder Kleinigkeit gleich in die Luft wie das sprichw rtliche HB-M nnchen. Ewald Fr hlich ist der verk rperte rger. Als die launische Kunstfotografin Ulla Fr hlichs aufbrausendes Wesen auf einem Schnappschuss festh lt, schl gt Thomas vor, Fr hlich zum Werbetr ger einer Milchkampagne zu machen und zieht damit einen millionenschweren Auftrag der Molkereien an Land. Damit der arme Fr hlich sich in Ruhe weiter rgern kann, wird ihm sein Gl ck verschwiegen, derweil der Agenturchef Wegmann den Armen zus tzlich rgert, indem er ihm auftr gt, die Bilanzen zu berarbeiten.
THE DOLL (1919): The baron has a nephew; the nephew's name is Lancelot. But unlike the stud in Camelot, this one's scared of women. His uncle the baron wants him to get married already. So, Lancelot decides to show the baron up by marrying a mechanical doll who doesn't nag.
PETER PAN (1924): The children are in their nursery about to go to sleep, when an intruder claiming to be a certain "Peter Pan" shows up after dad stupidly throws the family dog (and he is adorable!) out into the backyard. Peter uses some fairy dust he probably picked up from some neighborhood dealer to whisk the kids off to some strange place where they meet an evil pirate captain, who'll do who knows what to them. Kids, let this be a warning to you about the danger of drugs!
A young heir-apparent, Dilip, is hopelessly in love with an aspiring film actress, Nayantara, who, together with her scheming mother and an assistant, actually wants him to finance her career. The stumbling block is Dilip's ailing grandfather, Rai Saheb, who is dead set against the relationship and constantly warns him to break away from the actress who will otherwise only bring shame to the family. Although Dilip keeps assuring him that he has severed all ties, and is, in fact, dating a homely girl from a middle-class family, he is actually besotten with the actress, who is simultaneously in an unholy alliance with big star Ashok Kumar.
SCARLET STREET (1945): Chris Cross, 25 years a cashier, has a gold watch and little else. One rainy night, he rescues delectable Kitty from her abusive boyfriend Johnny. Smitten, amateur painter Chris lets Kitty think he's a wealthy artist. At Johnny's urging, she lets Chris establish her in an apartment (with his shrewish wife's money). There, Chris paints masterpieces; but Johnny sells them under Kitty's name, with disastrous and ironic results.
THE CHASE (1946): Returning a lost wallet gains unemployed veteran Chuck Scott a job as chauffeur to Eddie Roman, a gangster whose enemies have a way of meeting violent ends. The job proves nerve-wracking, and soon, Chuck finds himself pledged to help Eddie's lovely, fearful wife Lorna to escape Eddie's clutches. The result leaves Chuck caught like a rat in a trap, vainly seeking a way out through dark streets. But the real chase begins when the strange plot virtually starts all over again.
Wealthy Kishore is always ready to help the poor. He travels to Bombay to be with his cousin Raj, who's a womanizer who's ditched many women. Raj and Kishore go hunting in the jungle, where Raj meets a man who tells him to marry his daughter (whom he had cheated), but Raj kills him and frames Kishore for the murder, who's then on the run from police. Nice relatives!
![]() AAN (1952) * with switchable English subtitles * . A poor villager named Jai Tilak enters a contest to tame Princess Rajshree's horse, and after he is successful, Shamsher challenges him to a fencing match. Jai is declared the winner of the fight after much dispute, and Shamsher is enraged at losing to a poor villager. Jai then falls in love with Rajshree and tries to woo her, but the princess' arrogance prevents her from revealing her true feelings. Shamsher becomes even more enraged when the Emperor Maharaj reveals that Shamsher is not the heir to his throne after his death and that he plans to free India from his dictatorship. . . . .
THE FAMILY SECRET (1924): The daughter of a wealthy man secretly marries a man below her station one whom her father violently disapproves of. The father, in an excess of parental concern, separates the lovers by sending his daughter away so that she might forget her lover, unaware of their married state. During this time, she gives birth to a daughter. After some months, the young mother returns to her family manor and presents her father with his new granddaughter, which causes a most unfortunate scene. Unbeknownst to the young woman, her enraged father falsely accuses his son-in-law of theft and has him incarcerated in order to separate the lovers in an irrational attempt to force his daughter to forget this "unworthy" young man.
A ROMANCE OF THE REDWOODS (1917): 'Black' Brown, a notorious road agent on the run from the law, stumbles onto the body of John Lawrence, an honest prospector during the early years of the California Gold Rush, riddled with Indian arrows. Brown takes the dead man's clothes and papers and is able to pass himself off as a good citizen in 1850's Calaveras County. When Lawrence's sister dies, her daughter spends the little money she has to journey to California and live with her uncle. Arriving at the isolated cabin, she realizes he is an impostor, but his threats intimidate her into silence. Lacking money and protection, she immediately becomes vulnerable to the advances of the largely all-male population, and so must acknowledge Brown publicly as her uncle, in order to continue to receive food, shelter, and his protection. Over time, this understanding of mutual convenience turns to affection, and he pledges to reform. When former members of his gang continue their dishonest ways, however, the now rehabilitated Brown falls under the suspicion of the local vigilante committee.
Dr. Caligari, a demonic doctor and murderer, untouchable by the arm of the law (through the exploitation and use of a somnambulist), is traced by his antagonist, whom he has robbed of both friend and lover, to a mental hospital where he lives as its director. The vengeful young antagonist uncovers the keeper of madmen as a madman himself; as a madman for whom the example of faded criminal memoirs has become an obsession. And then all these events, reproduced as the youth′s story, finally reveal themselves to be the fantasies of an equally sick mind, and therefore a well-disposed audience can make friendly allowances for them, along with the offensive d cor; all the more so, since the director - actually a most upright fellow - now also gives the young patient hope for recovery. After all, he has been in the madhouse ...
Die Binnenhandlung dieses expressionistischen Stummfilmklassikers erz hlt die Geschichte des Dr. Caligari, der mit Hilfe eines Somnambulen namens Cesare eine kleine norddeutsche Stadt in Angst und Schrecken versetzt. Tags ber pr sentiert Caligari den an einer merkw rdigen, tranceartigen Krankheit leidenden Cesare auf dem Jahrmarkt. Dort sagt der hochgewachsene, d rre und blasse Somnambule den Schaulustigen die Zukunft voraus. Des Nachts aber schleicht dieser Sklave Caligaris durch die Stadt und begeht unter dem Einfluss seines Herrn furchtbare Morde. Als eines Nachts ein junger Mann ermordet wird, dem Cesare den nahen Tod prophezeit hatte, ahnt Francis, ein Freund des Toten, dass Dr. Caligari mit der Sache zu tun hat. Als Francis′ Freundin Jane von Cesare entf hrt wird, wird der Verdacht zur Gewissheit. Eine aufgebrachte Menge macht sich auf die Jagd nach dem fl chtenden Doktor. In einem Irrenhaus scheint Francis den Schausteller in die Enge getrieben zu haben, da muss er eine furchtbare Entdeckung machen: Der wahnsinnige Dr. Caligari ist der Direktor der Anstalt ... Die Rahmenhandlung schafft die Doppelb digkeit des Films: Denn Francis, der die Geschichte von Dr. Caligari erz hlte, ist selbst Insasse der Nervenheilanstalt.
THE SON OF THE SHEIK (1926): Ahmed, son of Diana and Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan, falls in love with Yasmin, a dancing girl who fronts her father's gang of thieves. Among the cutthroats is Ghobah, a villainous Moor to whom Yasmin is promised. In the ruins near Touggourt, the city where Yasmin dances, she and Ahmed meet secretly, until one night, her father and the gang capture the son of the sheik, torture him, and hold him for ransom. Will Ahmed believe that Yasmin set him up for capture? Even if true love finds a way through webs of deceit, what will the vigorous and imposing sheik say about his son consorting with a dancing girl?
THE DUCHESS OF BUFFALO (1926): Marian Duncan is an American dancer touring pre-revolutionary Russia (even though Duncan's dress and hair style are clearly 1920s) who falls in love with a Russian dragoon, Vladimer Orloff. They wish to marry, but to do so, Orloff must get permission from his commanding officer, the Grand Duke. Alas, the Grand Duke has his lecherous eye on Marian for himself and has Orloff detained. Orloff escapes, and he and Marian run off to a grand hotel in Orel where the obsequious hotel manager mistakes her for the Grand Duchess. The fun begins as Duncan and Orloff try to maintain the mistaken identity pretense and the situation becomes even more absurd as the Grand Duke and later, the Grand Duchess, show up at the hotel.
12 O CLOCK (1958) * with switchable English subtitles * . At exactly twelve o'clock in the afternoon, two shots are fired at the Dadar Railway Station in Bombay. May, the wife of Raimohan, is killed by them. One of the shooters is none other than Maya's sister, Bani Choudhary, and a gun is found in her handbag. But the second shooters manages to flee on a motorcycle and is killed in an accident. Bani is charged with murdering her sister. Her lawyer, who just happens to be her boyfriend, must race against time to find out why Maya was murdered.
Oskar Gessler, who is a bachelor, runs a business for baby supplies. When his American boss, Mr. Brown, announces an upcoming visit, Oskar starts sweating. You see, his beloved job isn't awarded based on talent or other merits; no, you have to be a dad yourself, otherwise, how could you possibly be worth the position? So Gessler comes up with an idea you've probably seen in lots of other films: find a wife and child. But not for real, of course ... Just ... borrow them for a little bit. Of course, it doesn't help that he previously lied about having a wife and five kiddies at home. Well, time to ask his former girlfriend Marika to play his wife and borrow some kids from his work colleagues. Can you really not guess what's going to happen next?
Der Junggeselle Oskar Gessler leitet ein Gesch ft f r Baby-Ausstattung. Als sein amerikanischer Boss, Mr. Brown, seinen Besuch ank ndigt, sitzt er in der Bredouille: Spitzenpositionen wie diese vergibt Mr. Brown n mlich aus Prinzip nur an Familienv ter allein schon wegen der Glaubw rdigkeit. Gessler hatte bisher Ehefrau und f nfk pfigen Nachwuchs schlicht und einfach erfunden und muss sich nun aus der brenzligen Situation retten.
Kewal reluctantly accepts his father's demands to continue the family tradition by studying law and become a successful lawyer just like him. However, due to a lack of interest in becoming a lawyer and more interest in opening up his own theatre company, he fails his law exams and is thrown out of the house by his father. Luckily, he finds a patron of the arts, Rajan, who is the owner of a defunct theatrical company. A childhood romance with a girl named Nimmi haunts his fantasies, and Kewal searches for her in other women, even renaming them after his former sweetheart. With a theater, a play and a feminine image in his mind, he discovers a homeless woman who matches his fantasy and the play of his dreams can at last be written and performed.
SINBAD AND THE CALIPH OF BAGHDAD (1973) * with multiple switchable subtitles * Sinbad takes a break from his countless voyages in the East and arrives in Baghdad. In spite of all his traveling, he can't recognize a common tourist scam and ends up going with two friendly guys to a tavern, where he his drugged and sold into slavery. On board a ship his new owner has put him, Sinbad discovers fellow passenger Sheherazade, who is to be married to the caliph of Baghdad (why she's on a ship to a city she's already in, I have no idea). The two see one another and it's lust at first sight. Sheherazade is resigned to her enslavement, but Sinbad is determined to escape and take the girl with him.
Warsaw, 1831: The young music student Friedrich Chopin is in love with the singer Constantia. When his professor discovers, that Polish revolutionaries wish to embroil Chopin in their plots to rise up against their occupiers, he and Constantia work out a plan to keep Chopin far away from the revolution: Constantia pretends that she doesn't leave Friedrich anymore, so that he'll accept an offer to perform a concert in Paris. While there, however, he gets to know the famous author George Sand and falls in love with her. With her help, Chopin makes a name for himself as a composer in Paris and becomes a famous man overnight. Constantia has now lost him, but the world of music has won a great prize. Warschau 1831: Der junge Musikstudent Friedrich Chopin liebt die S ngerin Constantia. Als sein Professor erf hrt, dass polnische Revolution re Chopin dazu bewegen wollen, an ihrem Aufstand teilzunehmen, heckt er gemeinsam mit Constantia einen Plan aus, Chopin von der Revolution fernzuhalten: Constantia spielt ihm vor, ihn nicht mehr zu lieben, sodass Chopin ein Angebot annimmt, zu einem Konzert nach Paris zu fahren. Dort allerdings lernt er die ber hmte Schriftstellerin George Sand kennen und verliebt sich in sie. Mit ihrer Hilfe schafft er in Paris seinen Durchbruch als Komponist und wird ber Nacht ein ber hmter Mann. Nun hat Constantia ihn zwar verloren, aber die Welt der Musik hat ihn gewonnen.
Lilli Gunther and Viktoria Thomsen are twin sisters who live in Vienna and who have been blessed with wonderful voices and a musical talent inherited from their parents. Their mother, however, died giving birth to them in 1925; and while Viktoria was adopted by a Swedish industrialist, Lilli was taken in to be raised by her own father. But it's not only their different fathers which distinguish the twins; their musical tastes are quite different, too: Viktoria was brought up loving classical music, while Lilli bonded to Vienna's light pop music. When the sisters --- unaware of each other's existence --- meet each other, first in Vienna and then in Salzburg, after many years, lots of chaos begins, as can be expected. Die beiden Wienerinnen Lilli G nther und Viktoria Thomsen sind Zwillingsschwestern und haben, mit einer glockenhellen Stimme gesegnet, die Musikalit t von ihren Eltern die Mutter starb bereits 1925 bei der Geburt geerbt. W hrend Viktoria von dem schwedischen Gro industriellen Knut Thomsen adoptiert wurde und wohlbeh tet in Stockholm aufwuchs, holte beider Vater, der einst die Mutter verlassen hatte, Lilli aus dem Waisenhaus zu sich. Eines aber unterscheidet die beiden Schwestern bez glich ihres Musikgeschmacks. Viktoria wurde dazu erzogen, die ernste, klassische Musik zu lieben, w hrend Lilli sich ganz den leichten, schwungvollen Wiener Weisen verschrieben hat. Als die beiden eineiigen Schwestern, ohne voneinander zu wissen, nach vielen Jahren mal in der sterreichischen Hauptstadt, mal in Salzburg wieder aufeinandertreffen oder auch aneinander vorbeilaufen, l sen sie nat rlich reichlich Turbulenzen aus.
Antonin Ramatuel is a tramp, who fell into his current state after a romantic disaster. Occasionally, he works as a doorman at the Parisian cabaret known as "Le Gai Moulin". One evening, he opens the door of a car parked close to the entrance of the club, and the driver falls out dead. Running off to look for help, when Antonin and another man return, the car drives off, as if nothing had happened. Shortly thereafter, Antonin finds a wallet nearby and pockets it. Little does he know that the newspapers will announce the disappearance of the financier Edgard Negretti. Care to guess whose wallet Antonin has pocketed? I bet you can also guess whether he's about to be embroiled in a murder investigation, also.
Comedy with an Egyptian backdrop: Businessman Toby and the Countess Stafanie wish to take all the fun away from their single parents and make them marry each other. Their parents have the same plan, too ... but with regards to their nosy kids. And so it happens, that Toby wants to surprise the parents with the announcement of their -- the parents' -- engagement at a party (so nice to let them know), but is one-upped by Stefanie's father, the old Count, who announces the engagement of the kids. To avoid a scandal, they have to get married, but will divorce later. However, Toby and Stefanie begin to notice that they fit well together -- no doubt, as troublemakers-in-training -- and then there's no longer further talk of divorce. Lustspiel in Agyptischer Kulisse: Der Geschaftsmann Tobby und die Komtesse Stefanie wollen ihre lockeren Eltern an die Leine legen und planen so, sie miteinander zu verheiraten. Ihre Eltern haben aber genau denselben Plan, und zwar mit den Kindern. Und so kommt es, dass, als Tobby auf einem Fest als uberraschung die Verlobung der Eltern verkunden will, ihm Stefanies Vater, der alte Graf, zuvorkommt und die Verlobung der Kinder bekannt gibt. Um einen Skandal zu vermeiden, muss jetzt erst einmal geheiratet werden, man kann sich ja spater wieder scheiden lassen. Aber dann merken Tobby und Stefanie, dass sie eigentlich ganz gut zueinander passen, und von Scheidung ist nicht mehr die Rede.
A young psychiatrist interviews four inmates at a mental asylum, to satisfy a requirement for employment. He hears stories about the revenge of a murdered wife; a tailor who makes a suit with some highly unusual qualities; a woman who questions her sanity, when it appears that her brother is conspiring against her; and a man who builds tiny toy robots with lifelike human heads. Eine abgelegene Anstalt f r Geisteskranke. Hier bewirbt sich der junge Dr. Martin f r eine freie Stelle. Die Aufnahmepr fung gestaltet sich jedoch als abenteuerlich - sie besteht darin, sich von vier verschiedenen Wahnsinnigen jeweils eine Geschichte erz hlen zu lassen und so den ehemaligen Anstaltsleiter zu erkennen. Wenn er das schafft, dann bekommt er die Stelle. Zu sp t muss er erkennen, dass er gefangen ist - im Irrgarten des Schreckens.
Convicts Roy Greenford and Emiliano escape from a penal camp. During the flight, Emiliano dies from exhaustion; but before dying, he tells Roy about a treasure of gold which can be gotten in a gold mining town. Roy makes his way for the settlement and is taken in by the mine worker Joselito. He hears about the brutal conditions imposed on the miners by the exploitative landowner Redfield, who, with the help of a few armed thugs, forces the workers to turn over their gold to him. Roy decides to help the miners. He gets Redfield to hire him to get back the seized gold and starts playing Renfield's minions off against one another. Die Str flinge Roy Greenford und Emiliano fl chten aus einem Strafgefangenenlager. Noch auf der Flucht stirbt Emiliano an Ersch pfung, erz hlt Roy aber von einem Goldschatz, den es in einer Goldgr berstadt zu holen gibt. Roy macht sich auf zu der Goldgr bersiedlung und wird von dem Minenarbeiter Joselito aufgenommen. Im Dorf erf hrt er von den brutalen Zust nden zwischen den Minenarbeitern und dem ausbeuterischen Gro grundbesitzer Redfield, der mit Hilfe einiger Revolverhelden die Arbeiter zwingt, ihre Ertr ge bei ihm abzuliefern. Roy beschlie t den Arbeitern zu helfen und heuert bei Redfield an, um an den Schatz zu gelangen und seine Leute gegeneinander auszuspielen.
The Night is set in the village of Quneitra, which borders on the Golan, a key battlefield in the 1967 war between Syria and Israel. We are led to the grave of the filmmakers' father, an old Syrian fighter who joined the volunteer armies in Palestine during the Great Revolt of 1936. Trying to exorcise feelings of shame and humiliation that have long accompanied the image of his father and the village occupied by Israelis during the war of 1967, Malas tries to restore his father's history and give him a more honorable death. But tracing the outline of a memory tortured by burning questions finds only bitter answers.
DONNA E BRIGANTI (The King s Guerillas) (1950) * with multiple, switchable subtitles *
On his deathbed, Luciani confesses to his son Peppino that his sister Marietta is in reality the illegitimate daughter of Ferdinand IV of Bourbon. Marietta belongs to Michele Pezza, a poacher, who loves her and wants to marry her. Peppino has hated him since they were children, but Michele Pezza's sunny and cheerful personality can't see the resentment that is brewing in his friend. After a trivial accident, which costs the life of a king's guard, Michele runs away and takes refuge in the mountains, as a brigand. The arrival of Napoleon's troops, led by General Hugo, will give him the chance to redeem himself, leading an army of ragamuffins that will be able to hold their own against the French while regular troops flee.
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In the Russian countryside, Rasputin heals the sick wife of an innkeeper, but seduces the innkeeper's daughter. A young man tries to kill him, but Rasputin cuts off his hand and then tries to rape the screaming daughter. People come from the inn and attack him, but he escapes to his monastery. When he is later hauled before an Orthodox bishop for his sexual immorality and violence, the innkeeper springs to the monk's defense. Rasputin protests that he is sexually immoral, because he likes to give God "sins worth forgiving" (loosely based on Rasputin's rumoured connection to Khlysty, an obscure Christian sect which believed that those deliberately committing fornication, then repenting bitterly, would be closer to God). He also claims to have healing powers in his hands, and is unperturbed by the bishop's accusation that his power comes from Satan. Der russische Mönch Rasputin hat sich auf dem Lande fern der Hauptstadt St. Petersburg einen Namen als mysteriöser Wunderheiler gemacht. Seine letzte diesbezügliche Großtat war die Heilung der Frau eines Wirts. Der bärtige Mönch mit den durchdringenden Augen hat sich im Laufe der Jahre aber auch reichlich Feinde gemacht. Rasputin gilt als maßlos und wollüstig, seine Gewalttätigkeit und sein Frauenverschleiß sind legendär. Als er sich für seine diesbezüglichen Verfehlungen vor dem Bischof rechtfertigen soll, spricht sich zwar der Wirt für Rasputin aus, der orthodoxe Mönch aber bestreitet seine Vergehen nicht und erklärt, seine Sünden würde er nur deshalb begehen, damit Gott ihm irgendetwas vergeben könne. Mit diesem Selbstbewusstsein ausgestattet, lässt sich Rasputin auch nicht von der bischöflichen Auslassung beeindrucken, Rasputin würde mit dem Teufel im Bunde stehen und hätte seine heilenden Kräfte von diesem erhalten.
Emilio di Roccabruna, Count of Ventimiglia, is fighting van Gould, who ten years before had killed his father and stolen his family's properties. He is known as "Il Corsaro Nero" and his two brothers as Il Corsaro Verde (The Green Corsair) and as Il Corsaro Rosso (The Red Corsair). But the Green Corsair and the Red Corsair are killed treacherously by Van Gould's men, while the Black Corsair is entirely taken up by saving an Indian village from the Spaniards. He can save only Yara. . . . . .
Unable to make contact with friendly troops, Lieutenant Airoldi, originally from the area, crosses the Ticino and heads towards home to gather information on the movements of the Austrian troops. He reaches his family but, on the way back, he is spotted by enemy soldiers who chase him to the river. He manages to escape, but a young soldier who accompanied him is killed. The lieutenant, who knows the river, crosses it in a boat, finds the patrol and reports to the Captain, who decides to return to his own lines. During the journey, however, they come across an Austrian detachment and decide to attack it, managing to blow up an ammunition depot. They are chased across the countryside and take refuge in a farmhouse, where two of the farmers - one is a boy - join them.
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A comedy of confusion in aristocratic Vienna at the turn of the 19th into the 20th Century: The young Bohemian Countess Antschi Dorival trades places with her friend Martina, because she wants to become an actress and applies as such at the city theatre under a false name. And so, Martina attends the Vienna Opera Ball, posing as the countess. Because of their striking similarity to one another, Martina is confused with the impostor Sonja Lubomirska, who shortly before stole a necklace belonging to the wife of Archduke Johann Sylvester.
Two greedy brothers want to buy some valuable land from a clueless kid; so they invite him to their village to soften him up. But then twin sisters show their faces in the village and the results are nothing other than confusion and ridiculous entanglements. A nice piece of advertising for the postwar Salzburg region. Um einen jungen Mann zum Verkauf eines Landst ckes zu bewegen, l dt ein wohlhabender Bauer eine Schlagers ngerin in das Dorf ein. Da an deren Stelle jedoch ihre Zwillingsschwester erscheint, sind Verwicklungen und Liebeswirren die Folge. Im belanglosen Heimatfilmstil inszenierte Verwechslungskom die, die ihren Hintergrund als Fremdenverkehrswerbung f r das Salzburger Land nutzt.
Family-friendly comedy about a daughter seeking a new wife for her recently widowed father. Charlotte Haberland leaves her boarding school and returns home to her father. Contrary to what most people would expect, since the death of his wife, the widower's been living a life full of joy and adventure. However, his daughter's been looking for a quiet housewife for dad; so, she's determined to "bring him back down to Earth". It soon becomes obvious, however, that it is she who wants a new mom that fits the housewife-mold. He's quite content to be the happy bachelor he once was. Karl Hartls Familienkom die ber eine Tochter, die f r ihren verwitweten Vater eine neue Ehefrau sucht: Charlott Haberland kehrt aus dem Internat zu ihrem Vater Clemens zur ck. Der Witwer Clemens lebt, obwohl er seine Frau verloren hat, ein Leben voller Freude und Abenteuerlust. Seine Tochter sehnt sich jedoch nach einem ruhigeren und h uslicheren Typ von Vater, deshalb bem ht sie sich, ihn auf einen tugendhafteren Weg zur ckzubringen. Der Schl ssel hierf r scheint gefunden: Clemens braucht eine neue Ehefrau.
This 1930 version of the Dreyfus Affair, concerning the trial of a Jewish officer in France accused of treason, displays a number of talented artists, who were later to become stars in Nazi Germany. This should come as no surprise, however, since some of these actors had very different political attitudes prior to the takeover in 1933 (for example: Heinrich George, who, at the time of this filming, was very much a dedicated Communist). Interesting and sympathetic portrayal of the events.
Chronik des Justizskandals um den franz sischen Hauptmann Alfred Dreyfus, der 1894 aufgrund einer antisemitischen Verschw rung im Kriegsministerium wegen Landesverrats verurteilt und auf die Teufelsinsel verbannt wird. Mit Unterst tzung des Schriftstellers Emile Zola k mpft Dreyfus′ Frau Lucie um seine Freilassung. 1899 wird das Urteil gegen Dreyfus aufgehoben, wenig sp ter wird er begnadigt. Bis zu seiner endg ltigen Rehabilitation dauert es aber noch einmal sechs Jahre.
It is the winter of 1942/43. A young lieutenant is ordered to report as a laision officer between a Romanian division and the 6th Army in Stalingrad. The Romanian lines are eventually overrun by superior Russian forces and the 6th Army finds itself surrounded by the Soviets with little chance of effecting a breakout. But it doesn't matter: Hitler forbids any attempts at breaking out and abandoning his trophy conquest on the Volga. The German troops under von Paulus dig in and await the help from outside the ring, which will never come. Hungry, cold and almost without ammunition, the young lieutenant and his comrades fight on just to survive, let alone to keep the city from slipping out of their grasp.
Der junge, nationalsozialistisch gepr gte Oberleutnant Wisse wird im Herbst 1942 als Verbindungsoffizier nach Stalingrad versetzt. Die deutschen Truppen haben zwar unter gro en Verlusten die Stadt erobert, werden aber bereits von der Roten Armee eingekesselt. Viele der einfachen Soldaten haben erkannt, dass sie dem Gegner nahezu chancenlos ausgeliefert sind. Doch aufgrund der Befehle von ganz oben glauben die meisten Offiziere unter General Paulus immer noch an einen Sieg. Als sich die Lage dramatisch zuspitzt, erkennt Wisse die Sinnlosigkeit dieses Krieges und wendet sich mehr und mehr von der Nazi-Ideologie ab. In eisiger K lte, fast ohne Munition und Verpflegung k mpft er an der Seite der Sechsten Armee ums berleben
In 1560, a thousand Spanish conquistadors, and a score of captured Indians, march down from Quito in the Andes mountains into the jungle below. Under the command of Gonzalo Pizarro, the party's mission is to find El Dorado. The men, clad in half armor, pull cannons through narrow mountainous paths and hot, thickly humid jungle. After much difficulty, Pizarro orders a small expeditionary group of forty men to continue ahead by rafting a river. If they do not return to the main party within one week with news of what lies beyond, they will be considered lost. Pizarro chooses Don Pedro de Urs a as the leader of the exploratory team. Don Lope de Aguirre is named second-in-command. One of the four rafts becomes separated from the others and gets caught in an eddy. A rescue team is unable to approach the raft until the following day, when all men on the raft are discovered killed by unknown attackers.
ES GIBT NUR EINE LIEBE (1933): The classical singer Sir Henry Goodwin and ballet master Blattner need a vacation. The two decide to take a break in the mountains together. At the same time, the shorthand typist Dolores is on business there with her boss. Due to a warning from the local police, which states that crooks are currently up to mischief there, she and her boss are particularly careful. The two business travelers meet the two vacationers. Through Godwin's impressive singing, Dolores, who is particularly blessed with romantic feelings, falls in love with him and follows the two of them every step of the way. Since she also thinks she has come across the two crooks she warned the police about, the situation has an additional, special appeal for her, because now she thinks that she is on the run with the two suspected crooks the police are after.
Der Kammers nger Sir Henry Godwin und der Ballettmeister Blattner brauchen Urlaub. Die beiden beschlie en, gemeinsam eine Auszeit in den Bergen zu nehmen. Zeitgleich ist dort die Stenotypistin Dolores mit ihrem Chef gesch ftlich unterwegs. Durch eine Warnung der rtlichen
IM NAMEN DES VOLKES (1939): Alfred H bner ist ein skrupelloser Verbrecher. Er stellt Autofallen und macht beim geringsten Widerstand Gebrauch von seiner Schusswaffe. Die Kellnerin Barbara zieht er in seine dunklen Gesch fte mit hinein und zwingt seinen fr heren Komplizen, Bruno Mielke, bei den berf llen mitzumachen. Als der aussteigt, wird H bner bei seinem letzten Coup auf frischer Tat ertappt. H bner kann fliehen, doch die Polizei sp rt ihn auf. Es kommt zum Schusswechsel, sein Komplize wird get tet, H bner vor Gericht gestellt und zum Tode verurteilt. Seine Freundin Barbara wird durch die F rsprache von Kriminalkommissar Werner freigesprochen. NS-Propagandafilm zur Rechtfertigung der Todesstrafe.
Alfred Hubner is a ruthless criminal. He carjacks his victims and uses his firearm at the slightest sign of resistance. He lures the waitress Barbara into his shady dealings and forces his former accomplice, Bruno Mielke, to take part in his raids. But when he climbs out of the car taken in his latest coup, Hubner is caught in the act by the cops. Hubner is able to flee, but the cops are hot on his trail. Eventually, a gunfight takes place. His accomplice is killed and Hubner is brought before the court and sentenced to death. Barbara is released, thanks to the intercession of Chief Inspector Werner. Nazi propaganda film to justify the death penalty.
Young Thomas Muentzer and his wife Ottie arrive in the Thuringian town of Allstedt in 1523 where he will work as a pastor. As a follower of Luther, he sees the Bible not only as a foundation for the spiritual, but also as a means to reform his surroundings. When he has a dispute over this with Luther and the latter turns his back on the suffering rural population, Muentzer becomes their spokesman. He is forced to go to southern Germany, where he meets rebellious farmers. Nevertheless, his place is in Thuringia.
Der junge Thomas M ntzer kommt 1523 mit seiner Frau Ottilie ins th ringische Allstedt, wo er eine Pfarrstelle antreten soll. Als Anh nger der Lehre Luthers sieht er in der Bibel nicht nur Ans tze zu geistlichen, sondern auch zu weltlichen Reformen. Als es mit Luther dar ber zum Zerw rfnis kommt und sich dieser von der notleidenden Landbev lkerung abwendet, erhebt sich M ntzer zu deren Sprecher. Er ist gezwungen, nach S ddeutschland zu gehen, wo er mit aufst ndischen Bauern zusammenkommt. Doch sein Weg f hrt ihn zur ck nach Th ringen.
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