September 2024
In pre-Soviet Russia, Boris Savinkov leads a terrorist faction of Socialist-Revolutionary Party members responsible for the deaths of governors and ministers.
Germany's answer to the American spectacular, Gone with the Wind, this film took over two years to make. No expense was spared in the attempt to make this movie as much an historical blockbuster as its American counterpart: thousands of troops, tons of explosives, and whole artillery units were filmed as extras in this drama, in which even 100 railway wagons of salt were imported to be used as snowflakes during the winter scenes. The film tells the story of a Pomeranian town subjected to the brutal attack of Napoleon's troops in his bid to conquer all of Prussia. (The movie was filmed on location in Kolberg). Dieser NS-Durchhaltefilm spielt 1806, in dem Jahr, in dem Napoleon bei seinen Feldz gen in Europa Triumphe feiert. In Deutschland fallen nach der Niederlage von Jena und Auerst dt die meisten Festungen, andere ffnen freiwillig den franz sischen Truppen die Tore. Die Stadt Kolberg unter dem Triumvirat Gneisenau, Schill und B rgermeister Nettelbeck wagt den Widerstand. Die Zusammenarbeit der drei M nner bringt Hoffnung. Sie schaffen eine funktionierende B rgerwehr und mit Kanonen ausger stete Erdbefestigungen. Als die franz sischen Truppen auf die Stadt zumarschieren, kann Gneisenau sie vor der Stadt aufhalten. Doch es ist ein sinnloses Durchhalten von B rgern gegen die bermacht der Truppen Napoleons. Erst die Schlacht bei Friedland bringt die Wende. Der Friede von Tilsit erzwingt den Waffenstillstand. Schill verl sst die Stadt, und nur sechs Jahre sp ter wird Gneisenau zum entscheidenden Gegenspieler Napoleons.
SILLY BILLIES (1936): Two goofballs decide to open a dental practice in a deserted town in the Old West, whose inhabitants have been targeted and terrorized by bad guys and vicious Indians.
THE MILKY WAY (1936): A timid milkman knocks out a boxing champion in a brawl. The fighter's manager thinks it best to butter-up the dairy-pusher and make him into a cocky fool, so the beaten-up boxer can take him on in the ring and beat the buttermilk out of him.
Playboy Amadeo changes lovers as often as he does underwear, but only after having won a woman's affections through incredibly lying. One of his victims, a proud and headstrong singer, has no intention of letting him get away with that. She's tracked down the playboy's aunt and after finding out he plans to marry, she's going to show up and ruin everything.
Der Playboy Amadeo wechselt die Partnerinnen wie Unterhosen, nachdem er sich die Zuneigung der Frauen ohnehin erst durch L gengeschichten erschlichen hat. Eine stolze S ngerin will das nicht auf sich sitzen lassen. Sie macht die Erbtante von Amadeo ausfindig, um ihm die Hochzeit zu ruinieren.
Postwar Germany. Erika longs for both the necessities and diversions of life after having lived through the privations of war. Her boyfriend Walter, a journalist, can't provide her that. At her friend Annemie's place, she gets to know men who spoil her with silk stockings and candy. During a health inspection, it's discovered she has syphillis. She then realizes just in time, that she was on the verge of becoming a prostitute. Fortunately, Walter gives her a second chance.
Nachkriegszeit. Erika sehnt sich nach den Entbehrungen der Kriegszeit nach einem abwechslungsreichen Leben. Ihr Freund Walter, ein Journalist, kann ihr das nicht bieten. Bei ihrer Freundin Annemie lernt sie M nner kennen, die sie mit Seidenstr mpfen und Konfekt verw hnen. Bei einer Gesundheitskontrolle stellt man fest, dass sie geschlechtskrank ist. Gerade noch rechtzeitig erkennt sie, dass sie sich am Rande der Prostitution bewegt hat. Ihr Freund Walter gibt ihr eine zweite Chance.
When the Spanish Republic is declared in 1931, three brothers go separate ways. One, a priest, is killed by Leftists. One, a member of the government, betrays his family's traditional ideals. The third fights on the side of Franco to defend them.
This volume consists of 1,037 pages, with 399 historical and 465 new photos (taken in the years 2019 - 2021). The photobook has been designed with the intent to show and inform the reader how Jewish heritage sights (and sites) in Eastern Galicia look like and what they can expect to see. Also provided are historical photos of interest, which show what Jewish life was like before the horrors of the Holocaust changed everything forever. Other sights of interest, which are not connected to Jewish history are also included. While not developed as a travel guide, those interested in visiting Ukraine will find this an invaluable resource, whether they're on a heritage tour or just want to sit at home and enjoy this glimpse into history. Especially valuable now that events in Ukraine and Moldova might even result in the "new" photos becoming "obsolete". The table of contents below and the portion of the book's introduction will tell you what is covered in the E-book.
NOSFERATU (1922) (colorized): Silent classic based on the horror novel "Dracula" by Bram Stoker. Thomas Hutter works in a real estate office in Wisborg and has a happy life with his wife. One day, his boss sends him on a business trip to Transylvania to sell property to Count Orlok ... property, which just happens to be across the street from Hutter and his beautiful, young bride. His wife Ellen has a bad premonition about the trip. She senses the danger her husband will be in, but can't dissuade him from the journey. Hutter meets the count for the first time late at night and gives him the contract to sign. When Hutter wakes up the next morning, he discovers red bite marks on his neck and slowly comes to realize the danger he's in. Orlok is a vampire. VIY (1967): A group of seminary students from the city drunkenly wander around the countryside during their summer leave. Getting lost, they end up spending the night in the company of a witch. A fight breaks out and one of the students, Khoma, murders the witch. In reality, however, he didn't kill a witch; just the beautiful daughter of a local landowner. Now he has to sit with her body for three days, protecting it from evil spirits.
The presence of the Schwabing painter Fritz Mauschner causes quite a bit of unrest in the idyllic Chiemgau. While innkeeper Fl rchinger, also chairman of the local association, considers the artist and his "art tent" to be an eyesore, master baker Bauer and his daughter Zilly find Fl rchinger's views backwards and welcome the touch of Boheme, which the painter has brought into town. Ultimately, the argument has little to do with art: Mauschner has his eye on Fl rchinger's dashing daughter Angela. Her father basically believes that he's only interested in the dowry and the eventaul inheritance. Angela, however, only has eyes for Hannes, the young chimney sweep. But Zilly also likes him - and she wants to ensnare Hannes at a party hosted by Mauschner.
Die Anwesenheit des Schwabinger Malers Fritz Mauschner spaltet ein kleines Nest im idyllischen Chiemgau. W hrend Gastwirt Fl rchinger auch Vorsitzender des Heimatvereins, den K nstler und sein "Kunstzelt" f r einen Schandfleck des Ortes h lt, finden B ckermeister Bauer und seine Tochter Zilly die Ansichten Fl rchingers r ckst ndig und begr en den Hauch von Boheme, den der Maler in den Ort getragen hat. Mit Kunst hat die Auseinandersetzung letztlich wenig zu tun - Mauschner hat ein Auge auf Fl rchingers fesche Tochter Angela geworfen. Ihr Vater glaubt prinzipiell von jedem Kandidaten, er sei nur scharf auf Mitgift und Erbe. Angela hat ohnehin nur Augen f r Hannes, den jungen Kaminkehrergesellen. Doch den findet auch Zilly gut - und bei einem Scheunenfest von Mauschner will sie Hannes umgarnen...
The tragic medieval tale of a man of inhuman strength, fierce temper and a desire for noble knighthood. While on the run as a murderer, he finds new life as a knight, only to face disillusionment, the horrors of war and ugly human vices.
On the brink of adulthood, Jir Sugita is an angry young man. He hangs around with a large group of similarly aged youth, and in the absence of knowing how he should act, he emulates the actions of those around him. As they revere money and understand the need for money to get what they want in life, Jir begins to commit petty crimes, such as muggings. While a number of the girls are attracted to him, especially Toshimi Tani who secretly or not so secretly is in love with him, he treats them poorly, considering them all to be whores. The two issues of money and considering females whores are strengthened, when Etsuko Shimoj needs money for an abortion. Jir even considers his widowed mother, Masayo Sugita, a whore, because his father was accidentally run over by a Japanese tank during WWII. While Masayo formerly was a geisha, Jir negatively views her in light of the fact that she has accepted the assistance of married businessman Keigo Nambara, a military equipment engineer, since her widowhood. In the process, they have fallen in a sort of love with each other, while Jir considers him the cause of his father's death being that he's a military equipment supplier. He's just a feast-in-waiting for any psychologist he runs into.
Cecil B. DeMille s first rendition of the Ten Commandments was this 1923 silent epic. Divided into two parts, the first half follows the biblical story of the Exodus. From there, we move forwards in time to the story of two modern day brothers. One follows the teachings of the Ten Commandments and lives a fruitful life, while the other does not and reaps the consequences.
![]() WUNDER DES FLIEGENS (1935) * with switchable English subtitles * . Heinz Muthesius, whose father died as a pilot on the Western Front in 1918, has but one wish: to also be a flier. By chance, he gets to meet Ernst Udet, the man he idolizes more than anyone. He also gets to take a plane ride with him in his biplane Flamingo. Wow! Afterwards, Heinz just knows he must become a pilot. And so, he bicycles to Berlin to watch Udet put on an aerial show. The Ace sees him again and takes him under his wing. How about a flight to the Alps? Wow! But you know, this flight can be really dangerous. Still, Heinz is undeterred and enrolls in a flight training class, too. He intends to land his glider on the Zugspitze. Unfortunately, things don't work out quite the way he plans and he has to parachute onto the mountaintop. Udet hears about it on a radio report and decided to rescue his little buddy from a potentially deadly situation ... at night, no less. After, Udet notices that Heinz has lost his enthusiasm for flying; but the experienced ace convinces him that he needs to go on. Poland must be bombed; Rotterdam must be flattened; and there are lots of other European cities just waiting with anticipation to see his Stuka overhead!
Heinz Muthesius, dessen Vater im Krieg als Kampfflieger starb, hat nur einen Wunsch: Auch er will Flieger werden. Da lernt er durch Zufall Ernst Udet kennen, den Mann, den er ber alles verehrt, und er darf bei einem Flug dabei sein. Jetzt wei Muthesius, sein Wunsch muss Wirklichkeit werden. Mit dem Rad f hrt er nach Berlin, um Udets Kunstst cke am Himmel mitzuerleben. Der Meister k mmert sich weiter um ihn, und er darf Udet auf einem Alpenflug begleiten. Doch dann bringt sein erster eigener Flug Muthesius in gro e Gefahr. Als er mit einem Segelflieger die Zugspitze bezwingen will, muss er mit dem Fallschirm abspringen und bleibt auf einem Felsvorsprung h ngen. Udet h rt die Nachricht im Radio und kann ihn aus seiner verzweifelten Lage befreien. Durch dieses Erlebnis hat Heinz seinen ganzen Enthusiasmus verloren, fast will er aufgeben, doch der erfahrene Flieger Udet berredet ihn zum Weitermachen.
It is 1915. Kapitan Liers, a U-Boot commander, is departing from his hometown, where he, his Zweiter Offizier and the sub's radio operator spend their shore leave. Liers' two brothers have already been killed in action and his mother is upset about his returning to sea duty. Liers believes his Second Officer is in love with a local girl, who, in reality, is lovesick for Liers. Out on patrol, they take on and sink a British heavy armoured cruiser, but when they afterwards head back to base, they end up in a sub trap. They sink it, but, in doing so, alert a British destroyer which attacks them. Mortally wounded, the sub sits on the sea bottom, 200 feet below the surface. The entire sub fills up with seawater, except for the bridge, where 10 of the sub's crew has survived the attack. In the bridge are rescue devices for only 8 of the crew. How will they get out of this dilemma ... or will they?
Pflichterf llung ist f r den U-Boot-Kommandanten Kapit nleutnant Liers die h chste Tugend, auch wenn ihm der Abschied von der Heimat jedesmal schwer f llt. Nun werden er und seine beiden alten Kameraden, Funker Jaul und Oberleutnant Fredericks, wieder einmal einberufen, um in ihrem Boot der m chtigen englischen Flotte entgegenzutreten. Auch Jaul und Fredericks f llt der Abschied dieses Mal besonders schwer, da beide frisch verliebt sind und ihre M dels zur cklassen m ssen. Und Liers' Mutter mag ihren Sohn kaum fahren lassen, hat sie doch schon zwei S hne in diesem Krieg verloren, an dessen Sinn sie ohnehin zweifelt. Zun chst verlaufen die gef hrlichen U-Boot-Eins tze erfolgreich: Ein britischer Kreuzer nach dem anderen wird versenkt. Aber die Erfolge machen Liers berm tig, und so greift er eines Tages einen Kreuzer an, der von Zerst rern flankiert wird. Das U-Boot kann nach dem Angriff zwar schnell genug abtauchen, wird aber wenig sp ter in eine Falle gelockt. Schwer besch digt sinkt das Boot in die Tiefe; die zehn berlebenden Besatzungsmitglieder finden in einem kleinen Raum Zuflucht. Jetzt stehen die M nner vor einer schweren Entscheidung: Es gibt nur acht Tauchretter, also m ssten zwei M nner zur ckbleiben und dem Tod ins Auge sehen. Aber: wer soll leben, wer muss sterben? In den letzten Tagen der Weimarer Republik gedreht und einer der ersten Propagandafilme des NS-Regimes.
Professor Higgins teaches phonetics and gets off on observing other people's linguistic peculiarities; and the flower seller Eliza is no exception. He thinks it'd be grant to turn the lowly creature into a human guinea pig. One could say that Professor Higgins really knows how to put the pig in Pygmalion: he intends to make her into a real "lady", who'll be able to pass off as such in high society. No one is to guess that she's really one of the downtrodden in the filthy gutters.
Professor Higgins lehrt Phonetik und beobachtet mit fachlichem Interesse andere Menschen und ihre Ausdrucksformen, so auch die Blumenverk uferin Eliza. Mit ihr will er ein Experiment durchf hren und sie so umfassend zur "Dame" erziehen, dass sie in h heren Gesellschaftskreisen bestehen kann und niemand ihr die soziale Herkunft anmerkt. Erfolgreich trainiert er ihr den Gossenslang ab und formt sein perfektes Wunschbild. Doch sein wissenschaftlicher Versuch wird von romantischen Gef hlen durchkreuzt.
The Germans would make a Pygmalion in 1935; and the English would follow suit in 1938. But inbetween came the Dutch version. Professor Higgins teaches phonetics and gets off on observing other people's linguistic peculiarities; and the flower seller Liesje Doeluttel is no exception. One could say that Professor Higgins really knows how to put the "pig" in Pygmalion: he thinks it'd be grant to turn the lowly creature into a human guinea pig. He intends to make her into a real "lady", who'll be able to pass off as such in high society. No one is to guess that she's really one of the downtrodden in the filthy gutters.
The orchestra musician Peter does not sufficiently pay attention to his young wife Gaby. When Gaby gets to know a childhood friend of Peter's, Michael, she falls in love with the violin virtuoso, but also suffers from pangs of conscience because of it. On the one hand, she doesn't believe in the marriage having any kind of future; but on the other, she doesn't want to leave the security of married life. When Peter one day falls terribly ill, she dedicates herself heart and soul to her spouse. Yet, her love for Michael is stronger. Despairing and having no belief that there's a way out of her dilemma, she embarks on a terrible decision.
Elisabeth Bergners letzter deutscher Film vor ihrer Emigration nach England: Die junge Gaby ist hin- und hergerissen zwischen ihrem Mann, dem Orchestermusiker Peter, und dessen Jugendfreund, dem Geigenvirtuosen Michael. Als Peter schwer erkrankt, versucht Gaby, ihre Liebe zu Michael zu vergessen. Vergeblich. Aus ihrem Zwiespalt sieht sie keinen anderen Ausweg als den Tod. Am Ufer der Seine findet man ihren Mantel und einen Abschiedsbrief.
In the hotel Eden in Lugano, one of the many world conferences is taking place, which is organized every year, mainly to ensure its participants have a good time. Suddenly, the young manicurist Kitty ends up playing an important role at the conference. Because she s looking to make herself interesting, she seeks out new acquaintanceships. She meets a journalist looking for new things to write about; and she meets an English finance minister. She lies to the reporter, telling him she s the secretary of the minister. She also lies to the minister, but he knows she's not who she says she is. And so, he uses her to further his political ends.
Im Hotel "Eden" in Lugano findet eine der zahlreichen Weltkonferenzen statt, die allj hrlich, haupts chlich zum Vergn gen ihrer Teilnehmer, veranstaltet werden. Pl tzlich spielt Kitty, eine junge Manik re, bei dieser Konferenz eine wichtige Rolle. Weil sie sich interessant machen will, sucht sie nach Bekanntschaften. So begegnet sie einem Journalisten auf der Jagd nach Neuigkeiten, aber auch dem englischen Wirtschaftsminister. Beim ersten schwindelt sie, sie sei die Sekret rin des Ministers. Beim zweiten zieht die L ge nicht, denn er ist selbst der Minister. Also benutzt er sie, f r ihn einige politische Abenteurer hinters Licht zu f hren.
Young Pharaoh Ramses XIII clashes with Egypt s clergy over influence on the affairs of the state and its coffers. The inexperienced, but quite ambitious, pharaoh is putting up a fight against a powerful clan of priests usurping rule over the country.
Lieutenant Zauner, Archduke Ludwig's adjutant, has once again used his boss's car to visit his girlfriend, the dancer Anni W hrer, at the Imperial Opera. She is disappointed that Zauner doesn't want to take her on the imperial vacation to Ischl and travels there on her own. In Ischl, Ludwig meets the teacher Luise Pichler, when she and her students sing the Kaiser Waltz, set to music by teacher Resinger for the first time. Ludwig falls in love with Luise and, since he is in civilian clothes, pretends to be Lieutenant Zauner. Both meet several times and also meet the Captain Krause on a mountain pasture. Empress Elisabeth also appears on the mountain pasture and the children sing the Imperial Waltz to her. Elisabeth invites Luise and the children to perform the Imperial Waltz for the Emperor's birthday.
Leutnant Zauner, der Adjutant von Erzherzog Ludwig, hat wieder einmal das Auto seines Chefs benutzt, um seine Freundin, die T nzerin Anni W hrer, an der kaiserlichen Oper zu besuchen. Diese ist entt uscht, dass Zauner sie nicht mit zum kaiserlichen Urlaub nach Ischl nehmen will, und reist auf eigene Faust an. In Ischl lernt Ludwig die Lehrerin Luise Pichler kennen, als sie mit ihren Sch lern zum ersten Mal die von Lehrer Resinger vertonte Fassung des Kaiserwalzers singt. Ludwig verliebt sich in Luise und gibt, da er in Zivil ist, vor, Leutnant Zauner zu sein. Beide treffen sich mehrfach und begegnen auf der Alm auch dem Berliner Hauptmann Krause. Zudem erscheint Kaiserin Elisabeth auf der Alm, und die Kinder singen ihr den Kaiserwalzer vor. Elisabeth l dt Luise und die Kinder ein, zum Geburtstag des Kaisers den Kaiserwalzer vorzutragen.
In Tokyo in 1888, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adoptive son of an important actor, discovers that he is praised for his acting only because he is his father's heir, and that the troupe complains how bad he is behind his back. The only person to talk to him honestly about his acting is Otoku, the wet-nurse of his adoptive father's child. She is fired by the family, and Kikunosuke is forbidden to see her, because of the gossip a relationship with a servant would cause. Kikunosuke falls in love with Otoku, and leaves home to try to make a living on his own merits outside Tokyo. He is eventually joined by Otoku, who encourages him to become a famous actor to regain the recognition of his family.
Roman Emperor Octavian rules the Empire from Rome, and his rival Marc Antony has taken Egyptian queen Cleopatra as his lover and seized the eastern empire, ruling it from Alexandria. Octavian intends to regain his empire by landing his army at Alexandria, besieging the city and capturing and executing the pair. However, while Octavian's army is bigger than Marc Antony's forces, he and Cleopatra have allies who can come to their aid. Both sides prepare for a final showdown.
How boring was life in the 17th Century? Well, in a small village, a bathtub is causing an uproar! Don Fernando, a governor of His Majesty the King, has fallen in love with Antje, the wife of the town's mayor. He wants to impress her, but how? Flowers? No, too bourgeois! Jewelry? What woman wants diamonds?! No, he finds the ultimate gift: a bathtub. But wait! This really is a fantastic gift, for in this Baroque, majestic town, no one, and I mean "no one", has ever seen a bathtub before. The town miller, Klaas, senses an opportunity to get rid of the current mayor and take his place. He denounces Antje wanting to clean herself and organizes a tour to catch her doing so in the act. Hard to believe, I know, but the town councillors really are eager to see the proof. But you know what? It isn't going to be Antje splashing around in that tub!
In einem kleinen Dorf im 17. Jahrhundert sorgt eine Badewanne f r Aufregung: Don Fernando, der Statthalter seiner Majest t des K nigs, hat sich in Antje, die Frau des B rgermeisters verguckt. Um bei ihr Eindruck zu schinden, berl sst er ihr seine Badewanne, ein den Bewohnern bis dahin unbekanntes Requisit. M llermeister Klaas wittert seine Chance, B rgermeister zu werden: Er prangert Antjes Schamlosigkeit an und organisiert einen Ortstermin, um sie auf frischer Tat zu ertappen. Die Ratsherren sind sehr begierig, die angeprangerte Schamlosigkeit mit eigenen Augen zu sehen.
A company of travelling performers arrive at a fictional oriental city. Among them is the beautiful dancer Yannaia; the hunchback clown Yeggar, who is lovesick for Yannaia; and the Old Lady who loves Yeggar. The slave trader Achmed wants to sell Yannaia to the Sheik for his harem. At the palace, the Sheik finds out that his favorite, Sumurun, is in love with Nur-Al Din, the handsome clothes merchant. He wants to condemn her to death but his son obtains her pardon. After seeing Yannaia dancing, the Sheik is keen to buy her. Yeggar is desperate and takes a magic pill which makes him look dead. His body is hidden in a chest.
Das mittelalterliche Bagdad: Der Bucklige verehrt die sch ne T nzerin. Zusammen ziehen sie mit einem Theaterwagen durchs Land und treten in kleinen D rfern auf. Sklavenh ndler Achmed sieht die T nzerin und schl gt dem Buckligen vor, sie dem alten Scheich f r seinen Harem vorzustellen. Der jagt ihn davon. Im Harem des Scheichs sind die Frauen derweil begeistert, da der junge Stoffh ndler Nur-al-Din vor dem Tor des Palastes den Palast-Eunuchen seine Waren anbietet. Vor allem Sumurun, die Lieblingsfrau des Scheichs ist vom Stoffh ndler hingerissen und wird bei ihrer Schw rmerei vom alten Scheich erwischt. Inzwischen steht vorm Fenster jedoch dessen Sohn und wirft Sumurun Kussh nde zu diese lehnt ihn zwar ab, doch ist der alte Scheich eifers chtig.
. . ![]() . In the film's fictional year 2000, Austria has been under Allied control for half a century. Now the Austrian Prime Minister is canceling the control agreement and declaring the country free and independent. The World Protection Commission then accuses Austria of violating world peace. In the following trial, the Prime Minister tries to prove by looking back at Austrian history and culture that Austria is a peaceful country that is entitled to state sovereignty. Conceived as an "Austria film" on behalf of the Austrian federal government, this patriotic science fiction film was intended to help give the country a national identity - without mentioning the crimes of National Socialism - and at the same time remind the occupying powers of the conclusion of the state treaty, which was actually completed in 1955.
Im fiktiven Jahr 2000 des Films befindet sich sterreich seit einem halben Jahrhundert unter Kontrolle der Alliierten. Nun k ndigt der sterreichische Ministerpr sident das Kontrollabkommen auf und erkl rt das Land f r frei und unabh ngig. Daraufhin klagt die Weltschutzkommission sterreich des Bruchs des Weltfriedens an. Als Ankl gerin kommt die Pr sidentin mit einer Rakete nach Wien. Der Ministerpr sident versucht im folgenden Prozess mit einem R ckblick auf die sterreichische Geschichte und Kultur zu beweisen, dass sterreich ein friedfertiges Land ist, dem die staatliche Souver nit t zusteht. Als " sterreich-Film" im Auftrag der sterreichischen Bundesregierung konzipiert, sollte dieser patriotische Science-Fiction-Film dazu beitragen, dem Land unter Aussparung der Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus eine nationale Identit t zu geben, und nebenbei die Besatzungsm chte an den Abschluss des Staatsvertrags erinnern, der dann tats chlich im Jahr 1955 abgeschlossen wurde.
DER OBERSTEIGER (1952): Duke Max von Bayern plunges into the fun of a fair incognito and falls in love with dashing Luise. Oh my! But the difference in their class status is very problematic; that is, unless she just happens to be a princess slumming among the commoners.
Herzog Max von Bayern st rzt sich inkognito ins Kirmesvergn gen und verliebt sich in die flotte Luise. Ach und weh der Standesunterschied tut weh! Es sei denn, sie w re eine Prinzessin, die sich auch unerkannt unters Volk gemischt h tte.
ALLOTRIA IN ZELL AM SEE (1963): An emergency landing in his private plane brings Mark Furberg and his buddy Pit Tanner to Zell am See, where both have the bad luck of being recognized as "famous playboys" by Annamierl. When the two end up staying at the Grand Hotel, the elegant womanizers are recognized a second time; this time by the publisher of Boulevard-Zeitung, a newspaper which specializes in useless gossip. The publisher immediately creates a sensation and has her secretary follow the two men around. But wait, there's more: let's not forget her niece Antje, who fancies herself a "journalist". Uh huh.
Eine Notlandung bringt Mark F rberg mit seinem Sportflugzeug samt seinem bern chtigten Freund Pit Tanner nach Zell am See, wo die beiden Pechv gel sogleich von der aufgeweckten Annamierl als "ber hmte Playboys" erkannt werden. Als die Notgelandeten sich im Grand-Hotel einquartieren, werden die eleganten Fremden zum zweiten Mal identifiziert, diesmal von der Herausgeberin einer Boulevard-Zeitung, die bekannt ist f r ihre ber chtigten Klatschspalten. Sofort wittert diese Dame eine Sensation und hetzt ihren leider etwas einf ltigen Privatsekret r auf die Spur der Playboys. Aber da gibt es ja auch noch ihre Nichte Antje, die Journalistin aus Leidenschaft ist.
The mountain hotel Sonnenhof is chosen as the backdrop for a film, which results in total chaos, not the least of which is because, contrary to the director's expectations, the star of the film doesn't have a clue how to ski! Enter the ski-instructor Johann, who's supposed to step into the roll of the competent skiier so as to offset at least some of the damage from the miscalculation. But there's a problem: Johann is actually "Johanna", who's snuck into the hotel in order to earn some money for herself and her roommates.
Das Berghotel Sonnenhof wird zur Kulisse f r Dreharbeiten auserkoren, die im Chaos m nden. Unter anderem, weil der weibliche Star des Films entgegen aller Erwartungen nicht Skifahren kann. Nun soll zwecks Schadensbegrenzung Skilehrer Johann in ihre Rolle schl pfen, doch Johann ist eigentlich eine Johanna, die sich im Hotel eingeschlichen hat, um f r sich und ihre Mitbewohnerinnen etwas Geld zu verdienen.
DIE LUSTIGEN WEIBER VON WINDSOR (1950): Nobleman Sir John Falstaff thinks only about eating, drinking, and women. He's a regular at the Windsor Inn, though he never pays his bill, and there's not one woman in town who isn't subject to his advances. In his latest adventure, he's got an eye out for two of them: Mrs. Fluth and Mrs. Reich. But this time, he's gone a bit too far: together with the residents of the town, they come up with a plan to fix the nobleman's wagon for good.
Der Adlige Sir John Falstaff hat nur Essen, Trinken und Frauen im Kopf. Er ist Stammgast im Wirtshaus von Windsor, ohne jemals die Zeche zu bezahlen, und von den B rgersfrauen des Ortes ist keine vor ihm sicher. Diesmal hat er es gleich auf zwei abgesehen, Frau Fluth und Frau Reich. Bei den beiden ist er allerdings an die Falschen geraten. Zusammen mit den Dorfbewohnern schmieden sie einen Plan, um den dicken Tunichtgut f r immer davonzujagen.
DIE GESTORTE HOCHZEITSNACHT (1950): On his wedding night of all day, a divorced woman makes her newly-married ex's life a living hell and robs his jealous wife of her sleep. A cleverly worked-out arrangement with the best friend of her ex-husband, a lawyer and unworldly bachelor, makes the shrewish ex-wife happy and, in the end, it's a marriage made in purgatory for the two happy couples.
Ausgerechnet in der Hochzeitsnacht macht die geschiedene Ehefrau ihrem neu verm hlten Verflossenen die H lle hei und raubt der eifers chtigen Ehefrau den Schlaf. Doch nach einem raffiniert eingef delten Arrangement tr stet sich die ehemalige Gattin mit dem besten Freund ihres Ex-Mannes, der als Rechtsanwalt und weltfremder Junggeselle schlie lich ihr Herz gewinnt. Die Doppel-Romanze ist perfekt.
Beloved teacher Eva Ruttgers is happily engaged to Dr. Kurt Hiller. One day, she discovers via a letter, that Hiller has a four year old son out of wedlock. Without Hiller s knowledge, Eva goes to get Gustav to surprise her fianc e. But upon the child s arrival, the townspeople including Hiller believe Eva is the child s mother, which, of course, leads to a scandal in the city. And when Eva is destined to lose her job for a lack of morals, only her schoolchildren s protests will result in the many misunderstandings being cleared up.
Die beliebte Lehrerin Eva R ttgers ist gl cklich mit Dr. Kurt Hiller verlobt. Eines Tages erf hrt sie durch einen Brief, da Hiller einen 4-j hrigen unehelichen Sohn hat. Ohne Wissen Hillers holt Eva den kleinen Gustav zu sich, um ihren Verlobten mit dem Kind zu berraschen. Doch bei seiner Ankunft halten die B rger sowie Hiller Eva f r die leibliche Mutter von Gustav, was f r einen Skandal in der Stadt sorgt. Wegen vermeintlich unsittlichen Verhaltens soll Eva ihre Stelle verlieren, und erst nachdem die Sch ler f r ihre Lehrerin demonstrieren, werden die zahlreichen Missverst ndnisse aufgekl rt.
Young innkeeper Inge Bachner has just re-opened her guesthouse Am Brunnen vor dem Tore, after getting clearance from the occupying Allies to do so. Unfortunately, the three singing bums Hans, Nightingale, and Tunnes who are staying at the inn are hardly any help. Inge's concerned about her brother Erich, who was allegedly wrongly convicted of being an art thief. But Erich escapes from prison. With the help of gas station attendant Kurt Kramer, he manages to get himself secretly smuggled into Inge's inn. Inge, for her part, is so taken by likable Kurt that she falls in love with him. But her old friend, a former British officer with the occupation forces, visits Inge with his parents and wants to take the girl back to London with him.
Die junge Wirtin Inge Bachner ist gerade dabei, ihr von den Alliierten freigegebenes Gasthaus Am Brunnen vor dem Tore wiederzuer ffnen. Die drei bei ihr untergekommenen sangesfreudigen Landstreicher Hans, Nachtigall und T nnes sind ihr da kaum eine Hilfe. Inge macht sich Sorgen um ihren Bruder Erich, der zu Unrecht als Kunstr uber verhaftet wurde. Erich gelingt die Flucht. Mit Hilfe des Tankwarts Kurt Kramer schmuggelt er sich heimlich bei Inge ein. Inge ist von diesem sympathischen Kurt so angetan, dass sie sich in ihn verliebt. Doch ihr alter Freund, der fr here britische Besatzungsoffizier Robert Murphy, kommt samt Eltern zu Besuch und will Inge nach London mitnehmen.
PRINCESS OF THE NILE (1954): In 1249 CE, Shalimar, an Egyptian princess, striving to rid her country of its Bedouin conquerors, forms an alliance with Prince Haidi, son of the Caliph of Baghdad. She practices her intrigues both at the court and, disguised as a dancing girl, in the market place.
THE THIEF OF BAGDAD (1924): A thief falls in love with the Caliph of Bagdad's daughter. The Caliph will give her hand to the suitor that brings back the rarest treasure after seven moons. The thief sets off on a magical journey while, unbeknownst to him, another suitor, the Prince of the Mongols, is not playing by the rules.
THE IRON HORSE (1924): Brandon, a surveyor, dreams of building a railway to the west, but Marsh, a contractor, is sceptical. Abraham Lincoln looks on as their children, Davy Brandon and Miriam Marsh, play together. Brandon sets off with Davy to survey a route. They discover a new pass which will shave 200 miles off the expected distance, but they are set upon by a party of Cheyenne. One of them, a white renegade with only two fingers on his right hand, kills Brandon and scalps him. Davy buries his father... Years pass. It is 1862, and Lincoln signs the bill authorizing construction of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railways. Marsh is principal contractor and Miriam is engaged to Jesson, the chief engineer... Crews of Chinese, Italians, and Irish work to build the railway while resisting Indian attacks.
THE NUT (1921): Charlie loves Estrell, who has a theory that if the rich would take a number of poor children into their homes each day, the environment in the homes would cause children to grow up properly and become good citizens. Charley, in an attempt to impress his nutty girlfriend, organizes a party to convince rich people to participate in this scheme, but it unsurprisingly turns into a fiasco. Charlie ends up spending the night at a police station and meets a crook, who pretends to be a member of the very influential Vanderbrook family. To regain Estrell's favor --- and to prove he's as batty as she is --- Charlie, without bothering to ask why a Vanderbilt is sitting in a common prison, arranges a meeting with him and other phonies, who are all burglars and gamblers. Can't wait to see the "Happy Ending" in this one!
Melanie, a singer trained for the opera stage, has falled in love with Freddy, a drummer in a jazz band who lives in the same apartment building. Her father, a respected music professor, thinks this the epitome of a natural disaster. That the band hasn't raked in any money doesn't exactly make things any better. Enter the greengrocer Franz Huber, who is determined to help the young musicians get their careers off the ground. Die f r die Oper ausgebildete S ngerin Melanie verliebt sich in Freddy, den Schlagzeuger einer im gleichen Haus beheimateten Jazzkapelle. F r ihren Vater, den angesehenen Musikprofessor Cattori, eine h chst unerfreuliche Verbindung, zumal es der Band noch an lukrativen Engagements fehlt. Der Grei ler Franz Huber will den jungen Musikern helfen, die Karriere ordentlich in Schwung zu bringen.
Things are nutsy at the Moll recording studio. Anita Moll-Kaiser has taken over management of the place; her husband is a sought-after pop star; and upstairs, her eccentric brother Paul pursues his rather unique hobby: frog research. Suddenly, pretty Ilona von Bokacs shows up right after the previous maid threw in the towel. Ilona is a good friend of Anita's. She ran away, because her father's determined to marry her off to a rich South American, whom Ilona thinks is as exciting as overcooked goulash. Paul, the frog enthusiast, runs into her and has no idea she's the new maid. When Anita shows up and is about to clarify things, Ilona convinces her to stay mum. Im Moll-Tonstudio geht es hoch her. W hrend Anita Moll-Kaiser das Management bernimmt, ist ihr Mann Bert Kaiser ein begehrter Schlagerstar und im oberen Stock geht ihr kauziger Bruder Paul seinem skurrilen Hobby, der Frosch-Forschung, nach. Pl tzlich schneit die h bsche Ilona von Bokacs ins Haus, unmittelbar nachdem das bisherige Hausm dchen gek ndigt hat. Ilona ist eine gute Freundin Anitas. Ilona ist get rmt, weil ihr Vater sie unbedingt mit einem reichen S damerikaner verheiraten will, worauf Ilona berhaupt keine Lust hat. Als Paul und Ilona aufeinander treffen, h lt dieser sie f r ein Hausm dchen, das er noch nicht kennt. Anita kommt hinzu und will gerade den Irrtum aufkl ren, da deutet Ilona ihr an, das Spielchen mitzuspielen.
ORPHANS OF THE STORM (1921): Henriette and Louise, a foundling, are raised together as sisters. When Louise goes blind, Henriette swears to take care of her forever. They go to Paris to see if Louise's blindness can be cured, but are separated when an aristocrat lusts after Henriette and abducts her. Only Chevalier de Vaudrey is kind to her, and they fall in love. The French Revolution replaces the corrupt aristocracy with the equally corrupt Robespierre. De Vaudrey, who has always been good to peasants, is condemned to death for being an aristocrat, and Henriette for harboring him. Will revolutionary hero Danton, the only voice for mercy in the new regime, be able to save them from the guillotine? THE BLOOD OF JESUS (1941): In a small rural village with an African American population, a church group is holding a riverside baptismal service, and one of the faithful being immersed is the recently married Martha. However, Martha's husband Ras is absent from the service he claims he was hunting, but he actually was poaching a neighbor's boar. At home, Ras accidentally shoots Martha, when his rifle drops on the floor and discharges. The church congregation gathers at Martha's bedside to pray for her recovery, and during this period an angel arrives to take Martha's spirit from her body. She is brought to the crossroads between Heaven and Hell, and initially she is tempted by slick Judas Green, who is an agent for Satan
NACH REGEN SCHEINT SONNE (1949) Konstatin has had it with his disappointing life and plans to end it as quickly as possible. Just as he's about to drown himself, he discovers a young woman named Sabine, who apparently is planning the same thing. Konstantin thinks the pretty woman has no reason to throw her life away, so he postpones his plans for suicide to rescue the girl from the water. Brought together by fate, the two quickly fall for one another and marry. It would've been such a happy ending, if not for the appearance of the cops, who are searching for a marriage swindler, and who believe Konstantin is the guy conning women. Der schlaksige Konstantin hat die Nase voll vom Leben und plant, selbiges so rasch wie m glich zu beenden. Als er gerade ins Wasser gehen m chte, entdeckt er ein junges M dchen namens Sabine, das offensichtlich exakt dasselbe wie er vorhat. Da Konstantin glaubt, dass jene h bsche, junge Frau gar keinen Grund habe, ihr Leben wegzuwerfen, verschiebt er erst einmal seinen eigenen Selbstmord und rettet Sabine aus dem Wasser. Im Schicksal vereint, beginnen die beiden jungen Leute rasch Gefallen aneinander zu finden und heiraten. Es w re alles so sch n, w rde nun nicht pl tzlich die Polizei auftauchen, auf der Suche nach einem seit langem gesuchten Heiratsschwindler, f r den die Staatsmacht ausgerechnet den sch chternen Konstantin h lt.
Claiming to be a homeless orphan, young Amber gets adopted by a Maharaja and grows up in a palace. Ten years later, she meets a bandit, Raj, and both are attracted to each other. Raj's father fears for the life of the Maharaja and asks his son to act as a bodyguard. The former dons the guise of a tutor and arrives at the palace. While the Maharaja is pleased, the Diwan and his son, Johar, are not too thrilled. Then the latter comes to know of a conspiracy to kill the Maharaja - and the person he suspects is none other than Amber.
A comedy of errors about a superstitious writer, who once broke a mirror and believed he d be followed by seven years of bad luck. His sentence is almost over and thus wants to wait to confess his love to a beautiful girl, so that bad luck won t ruin his chances. In the meantime, however, his servant has fallen in love with a girl of his own, but told her, that he s the writer, which, of course, leads to countless problems. Verwechslungskom die um einen abergl ubischen Schriftsteller, der einmal einen Spiegel zerbrochen hat und nun glaubt, sieben Jahre lang vom Pech verfolgt zu werden. Die Zeit ist fast um, und so will er warten, einem h bschen M dchen seine Liebe zu gestehen, damit er als Pechvogel keine Abfuhr erh lt. Inzwischen hat sich aber sein Diener in ein anderes M dchen verliebt und sich als der ber hmte Schriftsteller ausgegeben, was zu zahlreichen Turbulenzen f hrt.
After discovering he's the sole inheritor of his uncle's estate, Peter Harden returns to Germany after a fifteen year hiatus in the United States. What a pity to make such a long journey only to find out the "inheritance" is just a huge pile of debt and a ruined heap of a building. But all is not sour milk and bitter honey: Peter meets the bailiff handling his newfound "wealth", a Miss. Ingrid Engel. He immediately falls in lust with her; but the feeling is not mutual. Als Universalerbe der Hinterlassenschaft seines Onkels kehrt Peter Harden nach 15j hrigem Aufenthalt in Amerika nach Deutschland zur ck. Jetzt jedoch handelt es sich offensichtlich nur um eine Riesenschuldenlast und ein v llig zerfallenes Geb ude. Als einziger Lichtblick erscheint ihm die Gerichtsvollzieherin, Fr ulein Ingrid Engel. Peter verliebt sich in sie - findet bei ihr jedoch kein Echo.
A landowner fakes his own death as a joke, but also to see how people will react to the news (hello, Mozart!). His realtives, drooling at the mouth from greed, rush to his castle to inherit the spoils, but when they get there, they are confronted with a strange clause to his will: there's to be an election, and the man's illegitimate daughter will emerge as the winner. Ein kinderloser Gutsherr t uscht sein Ableben vor, zum Schabernack und aus Neugier. Die aufs Schlo herbeigeeilten erbgierigen Verwandten finden sich einer originellen Testamentsklausel gegen ber. Sie sieht einen Wahlakt vor, aus dem die nichteheliche Tochter des Erblassers als Siegerin hervorgeht.
Eine Hafenkneipe wird zum Schauplatz eines Dramas ber verlorene Liebe und den Lockruf des Meeres: Der alte Peter Petersen betreibt das Lokal "Zum schwarzen Walfisch". Sein Sohn Martin ist in Fanny, die Tochter der Fischh ndlerin J rgens, verliebt. Gegen den Willen des Vaters l sst Martin eines Nachts Fanny und sein bisheriges Leben zur ck, um als Matrose anzuheuern. Fanny, die ein Kind von Martin erwartet, findet Trost beim griesgr migen, aber gutm tigen Petersen. Petersens verwitweter Freund Pannies k mmert sich ebenfalls liebevoll um das M dchen, und schlie lich finden die beiden zueinander. Aber als Martin eines Tages nach Hause zur ckkehrt, droht er Fannys neugefundene Familie zu zerst ren. Der Schwarze Walfisch is the German-language version of the Marcel Pagnol masterpiece Fanny. Replacing the virtually irreplaceable Raimu as philosophical innkeeper is Emil Jannings, no small talent in his own right. When Panisse's son Marius goes off to sea, he leaves his pregnant sweetheart Fanny to fend for herself. The old barkeep tries to patch things up by marrying off Fanny to his middle-aged friend Cesar, who adopts the girl's baby as his own. Years later, Marius returns, demanding that both Fanny and the child return to him. But by now, Fanny is loyal to her homely but faithful Cesar, and it is Marius who ends up empty-handed.
When Agnes Forbach sends a postcard to an unknown soldier, a lively correspondence develops with Sergeant Werner Holt. Too bad neither has ever seen the other face-to-face. But the, Werner receives leave just at the right time! He has six days to get to know the unknown woman, who, up till now, he s only been able to picture through a photo sent to him.
Als Agnes Forbach (Maria Andergast) eine Feldpostkarte an einen unbekannten Soldaten schickt, entwickelt sich ein reger Briefwechsel mit Unteroffizier Werner Holt (Gustav Fr hlich). Schade nur, da man sich noch nie von Angesicht zu Angesicht gegen ber gestanden hat. Da kommt Werners Heimaturlaub gerade recht! Sechs Tage bleiben ihm, die Unbekannte, die er bisher nur von einem Photo kennt, kennenzulernen.
It's long been a tradition that the annual Vienna Ice Revue travels to many European cities. But this year, there's going to be a change in the program.
L ngst ist es Tradition geworden, dass allj hrlich die Wiener Eisrevue in vielen europ ischen St dten gastiert. Nur heuer gab es eine Programm nderung.
The focus of the film is Stork , a small white Terrier --- a messenger of love, so to speak, for the address on his collar guarantees that he who finds the mutt will end up meeting his cutesy female owner. The first victim is the fat consul, who finds the wire-haired terrier nesting in his car. The consul is no moron, however, and politely sends Fido back to his clueless owner. Miss Terrier is thrilled and thankful. The consul s partner, the privy, later gets into the car. And guess who s there? (Clue: it smells like Snausages in the car). The privy, too, sends the animal back to Miss Lu, who once again is very thankful, but STILL doesn t buy a leash! In the meantime, the privy s nephew Herbert gets to know Lili Schrader in the D-Zug from Paris to Berlin. They end up liking one another and make a date to meet at a restaurant in Berlin. Unfortunately, the restaurant probably heard the story of the conniving canine and closed its doors in time to leave Lili without a meeting place for her and her new potential beau.
Mittelpunkt des Films ist "Storch", ein kleiner wei er Terrier ein Liebesbote gewisserma en, denn die Adresse an seinem Halsband garantiert, dass der Finder des kleinen Ausrei ers ihn immer wieder zu seinem Frauchen zur ckbringt. Das erste Opfer ist der dicke Konsul, der den reizenden Drahthaarterrier in seinem Auto vorfindet. H flich liefert der Konsul den Eindringling bei seiner Herrin ab. Freude und Dankbarkeit sind gro . Des Konsuls Partner, der Geheimrat, steigt wenig sp ter ins Auto. Neben ihm sitzt "Storch". Auch der Geheimrat liefert die Fundsache bei Frauchen Lu ab, die sich mit gro er Z rtlichkeit bedankt. W hrenddessen lernt des Geheimrats Neffe Herbert im D-Zug Paris-Berlin Lili Schrader kennen. Sie m gen sich und verabreden ein Treffen in einem Berliner Restaurant. Leider ist das Lokal geschlossen, das Rendezvous platzt.
Forensic assistant Harry Peters and his dog Greif are an inseparable team. But one day, Greif attacks a cop, who is then shot by a criminal. It turns out, that the crook was Greif s former owner. Now Harry can t trust Greif as a police dog anymore. But when Harry starts on his quest to track down the band of criminals, Greif secretly follows him.
Kriminalassistent Harry Peters und sein Hund Greif sind ein unzertrennliches Team. Aber eines Tages f llt Greif einen Polizisten an, der daraufhin von einem Verbrecher niedergeschossen wird. Es stellt sich heraus, dass der T ter Greifs fr herer Herr war. Jetzt kann Harry Greif als Polizeihund nicht mehr vertrauen.
It's the time of the Thirty Years' War in Germany. An orphan, Christine, falls in love with Count Merian, but the war separates them. In order to be near to her lover, Christine dresses as a man and sneaks in among the count's troops. She's even able to attain an officer's rank; but little by little, Christine starts to notice the count's true character. The war has taken a toll on her former idol; he's no longer capable of showing his feelings. His coldheartedness puts their love to a difficult test and in the end, the two come into conflict with one another.
Zu Zeiten des Drei igj hrigen Krieges: Das Waisenkind Christine verliebt sich in den Obristen Graf Merian, doch durch den Krieg wird das Paar getrennt. Um ihrem Liebhaber trotzdem nahe zu sein, kleidet sich Christine in M nnerkluft und schleicht sich unter die Truppen. Schlie lich erlangt sie sogar den Offiziersgrad des Kornett. Nach und nach entdeckt Christine jedoch den wahren Charakter des Grafen. So hat der Krieg den ehemaligen Ehrenmann stark gezeichnet, sodass er zu keinen wahren Gef hlen mehr im Stande ist. Seine Kaltherzigkeit stellt ihre Liebe auf eine harte Probe, und schlie lich kommt es zwischen den beiden zum Konflikt.
In the face of rebellion in Russia, Czar Alexander II sends soldier Michael Strogoff 2,000 miles away with a critical message for Grand Duke Vladimir. On the train journey, Michael befriends a traveler and comes into contact with a mysterious spy, who both unexpectedly aid him in his quest. Once behind enemy lines, Michael is near his hometown and his mother, whom he must avoid in order to fulfill his mission.
Considered as one of the best interpretations of the Till Eulenspiel legend, the film consists of four episodes from the life of the historical figure. Der Film gilt als eine der besten Interpretationen der Till-Eulenspiegel-Legende und besteht aus vier Episoden aus dem Leben der historischen Figur.
Castle Grieshuus in Holstein, shortly before 1700: The old lord of the castle has chosen is elder son Hinrich to be his heir, while younger son Detlef has moved to the city to study law. One day, the daughter of the serf Owe Heiken, Barbara, called Babbie by everyone, is attacked by marauding soldiers. At the last moment, Hinrich is able to save her from their assault. The young man falls in love with the beautiful woman and wants to marry her. His father, however, strongly objects. He considers his future daughter-in-law to be below Hinrich's station and is more than ready to disinherit the boy, if he insists on marrying Barbara. A violent confrontation takes place between Hinrich and his father and the old man drops dead. This unexpected death leads to a bitter struggle between the two unequal brothers over the inheritance.
Schloss Grieshuus kurz vor 1700 in Holstein: Der alte Burgherr hat seinen lteren Sohn Hinrich zu seinem Erben erkoren, w hrend der j ngere Sohn Detlef in die Stadt gezogen ist, um dort Jura zu studieren. Eines Tages wird die Tochter des Leibeigenen Owe Heiken, Barbara, die von allen nur B rbe genannt wird, von marodierenden Soldaten berfallen. Im letzten Moment kann sie Hinrich vor den bergriffen retten. Der junge Mann verliebt sich in die sch ne Frau und will sie heiraten. Sein Vater ist jedoch strikt dagegen, er betrachtet die Schwiegertochter als unstandesgem und will Hinrich notfalls enterben. Es kommt daraufhin zu einer heftigen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Vater und Sohn, bei der der Vater stirbt. Dieser unerwartete Tod hat einen erbitterten Kampf der beiden ungleichen Br der um das Erbe zur Folge.
Thank you and the best to all of you, RAREFILMSANDMORE.COM