October 2023
BAHAMA PASSAGE (1941): Carol Delbridge, a woman who knows her way around men, and her father arrive to take over management of an island in the Bahamas owned by Adrian Ainsworth, a descendant of many ancestors who have handled it over the years to the satisfaction of its two hundred and fifty native residents. He is married to a woman who stays away from the island, because she is lonely when she's there. Adrian doesn't want Carol or her father there, and they don't want to be there either. So what could possibly go wrong between three people who want nothing to do with one another; a woman not used to being alone in her bedroom; and a muscular guy whose wife is never around? Hmmm ... UNDER FIESTA STARS (1941): When rodeo rider Gene Autry's foster father, Henry "Dad" Erwin dies, Gene is bequeathed a half-interest in Dad's mine and ranch. The other half is left to Dad's niece, Barbara Erwin, who arrives from the East with her friend, Kitty Callahan. Barbara wishes to sell the mine, as she desperately needs the money; but Gene wants to continue Dad's work, for the mine employs Mexican rancheros whose land was ruined by dust storms. Gene explains to Barbara that although all the profits are currently put back into operations, the mine eventually will provide her with an income, and that without it, the rancheros will starve. Because they do not have enough money to return East, Barbara and Kitty stay and vow to use their feminine wiles on Gene and his pal, Frog Millhouse, in order to change Gene's mind. After her sweet-talking fails to win Gene over to her side, Barbara hires attorneys Arnold and Fry to sell the mine for her.
Beautiful gold-digger Sonia mistakes Antonio, a waiter in a Neapolitan hotel, for Prince Bey of Agapur and makes an appointment with him for the following day in Capri. Antonio goes there behind the backs of his wife and mother-in-law. And what do you know: some bizarre coincidences propel him into royalty!
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This 1938 film by Mario Camerini is the German version of a previously-made film by the same director. However, unlike the previous film, this one isn't quite as serious. A libertine gets married, but is free to carry out his adventures in this marriage of convenience. Eventually, however, he will discover that the marriage is more than something convenient and will lead, surprisingly, to something he never expected.
Der kinderlos verheiratete Thomas Tr umer ist Handelsvertreter f r K chenger te. Entgegen den W nschen seiner Frau Eva, die ihn lieber in einer h heren Position s he, ist der gutherzige Mann mit seiner privaten und beruflichen Situation beraus zufrieden. Eines Nachmittags trifft er seinen alten Schulfreund Alfons Ulrich, der ihm beichtet, heimlich eine Zweitwohnung f r seine Geliebte zu besitzen. Er bietet ihm an, diese Wohnung ebenfalls nutzen zu k nnen, was Thomas Tr umer zun chst dankend ablehnt. Auf dem Heimweg kauft Tr umer den kleinen Hund Strupps, den ihm ein armes M dchen f rmlich aufschwatzt. Eva, die keine Tiere im Haus duldet, ist von der Anschaffung allerdings nicht begeistert. Als Tr umer mit dem Hund Gassi geht, ist Strupps aber schon wieder verschwunden. Das M dchen, das den Hund verkaufte, hat ihn wieder zu sich gerufen. Wenig sp ter sitzt das M dchen namens Bettina auf einer Polizeiwache. Die Beamten werfen Bettina vor, den Hund an mehrere Personen verkauft zu haben.
Quirky clerk Gamperl is not at all happy with his new boss, the lawyer Dr. Hartwig. For while Gamperl would love nothing more than to sue everyone in sight for every little thing, Hartwig actually advises a number of potential clients to settle their problems outside of court. This has been the case, too, with chief architect Sterneck, who wants to sue the singer Daniela Dannberg, because her vocal exercises have allegedly been disturbing the peace at his country seat in Fried im Winkel. Gamperl thus decides to take it into his own hands to head off to Fried im Winkel, so as to gather damaging evidence against the singer --- and, in the process, manages to bring the village residents to a state of litigious hysteria. Der schrullige Kanzlist Gamperl ist gar nicht zufrieden mit seinem neuen Chef, Anwalt Dr. Hartwig. Denn w hrend Gamperl am liebsten jedermann dazu bringen w rde, wegen jeder Kleinigkeit zu prozessieren, r t Hartwig doch tats chlich manchen potenziellen Mandanten vom Gerichtsweg ab! So auch dem Oberbaurat Sterneck, der gegen die S ngerin Daniela Dannberg klagen will, weil sie durch ihre Stimm bungen angeblich die Ruhe auf seinem Landsitz in Fried im Winkel st rt. Gamperl macht sich deshalb auf eigene Faust auf den Weg nach Fried im Winkel, um belastendes Material gegen die S ngerin zu sammeln und entfacht bei den Dorfbewohnern ganz nebenbei eine Prozesswut sondergleichen.
Propaganda piece, thinly disguised as a comedy, ridiculing Fascists taking up arms against Soviet Union. The owners of the capitalist world are frightened by the crisis of a revolutionary mood among the masses. They decide to install a new king in Bufferiya, abutting the Soviet Union, who will be an obedient marionette in their hands.
This movie is freely adapted from Nestroy's small-town idyll, "He wishes to play a prank on someone": Sophie, the daughter of a merchant, is supposed to marry the grocer Weinberl. She wants to know ahead of time, however, whether he's the right man for her. Weinberl, for his part, returns again and again to the city, where he is urgently seeking a woman, who, he believes, once waved at him and in whom he's since fallen in love. But now, Sophie enters the picture. She disguises herself as a boy, presents herself as a tailor's apprentice and forces Weinberl to take her along to the city, who consents out of necessity. So disguised, she causes all kinds of confusion and wackiness to test her future husband.
Frei nach Nestroys Kleinstadtidylle "Einen Jux will er sich machen": Sophie, eine Kaufmannstochter, soll den Gemischtwarenh ndler Weinberl heiraten. Sie will aber vorher genau wissen, ob er auch der Richtige f r sie ist. Weinberl wiederum zieht es dringend in die Stadt, wo er eine Dame suchen will, die ihm, wie er glaubt, einmal zugewunken hat und in die er seitdem unsterblich verliebt ist. Doch jetzt tritt Sophie auf den Plan. Sie verkleidet sich als Junge, bewirbt sich als der erwartete Schneiderlehrling und zwingt Weinberl, sie mit in die Stadt zu nehmen; der willigt notgedrungen ein. In ihrer Verkleidung inszeniert sie nun allerlei Verwechslungen und verr ckte Geschichten, um den Zuk nftigen auf die Probe zu stellen.
CALL OF THE CANYON (1942): Gene heads some cattlemen who have been swindled by McCoy. McCoy needed their money to pay off his gambling debt. GERT AND DAISY'S WEEKEND (1942): Gert and Daisy volunteer to escort a group of evacuee children to the country, leaving a London of rationing and nights in Tube stations. But Maisie from next door somehow manages to get their suitcase muddled up with that of her seaman boyfriend, and jewel thieves are on the prowl.
![]() UNGEKUSST SOLL MAN NICHT SCHLAFEN GEH N (1936) Celebrated singer and movie star Edda Vivian, who has secretly married her lover, Prince Alba, has arrived in Vienna as part of a promotional tour. Her manager, Toni Miller, who is completely unaware of her married state and the husband she is hiding in her hotel suite, has arranged a publicity stunt an auction to be held at a ball where Edda Vivian is supposed to give a kiss to the highest bidder, with the money to be given to charity. At the same time Franz Angerer, a student of philology, arrives in Vienna, where he wants to attend a conference. He is put up by his Uncle Ferdinand, who works as a butler for Direktor Wiesinger, the owner of a record company. In the course of the action Angerer is mistaken for several other people, in particular, Prince Alba. However, he only has eyes for Wiesinger's daughter, Dore. Anl lich eines Wohlt tigkeitsballs in Wien soll ein Ku einer ber hmten Filmschauspielerin versteigert werden. Mi verst ndnisse zwischen dem Manager des Filmstars, einem Schallplattenproduzenten und einem Studenten f hren zu allerlei Verwechslungen, w hrend der der Student f r einen verkappten Prinzen gehalten wird und beinahe sein Liebesgl ck zerbricht.
"The Honeymoon Hotel" is a romance novel and the bestseller of the last season. It takes place in the winter sports' hotel "Seehof", which as a result of the novel, has seen a noticeable increase in reservations. Of course, the hotel wants to invite the author, Vera von Eichberg -- of whom no photo exists -- to the hotel. She accepts the invitation, but wishes to remain incognito. The entire hotel is on pins and needless and receives the only woman, who has shown up at the appointed time. However, it is not the author, but Brigitte Elling, a saleslady from Berlin. She denies again and again, that she is the famous writer, but no one believes her. "Das Hochzeitshotel" ist ein Liebesroman und der Bestseller der letzten Saison. Er spielt im Wintersporthotel "Seehof", das ein sp rbares Ansteigen der Buchungen feststellen kann. Nat rlich l dt man die Autorin Vera von Eichberg, von der kein Foto existiert, ein. Sie sagt zu, will aber inkognito bleiben. Das ganze Hotel ist gespannt, und empf ngt die einzige Dame, die zur vereinbarten Zeit ankommt, geb hrend: Es ist jedoch Brigitte Elling, Verk uferin aus Berlin. Sie bestreitet zwar immer wieder, die bekannte Schriftstellerin zu sein, doch niemand glaubt ihr.
Labb , a hatter in a French provincial town, appears to lead the life of a respectable citizen, but is in fact a serial murderer. The only person to suspect this is his neighbor, Kachoudas, an Armenian tailor. After Labb kills his own wife, he kills six of her friends to stop them from visiting her and prepares to murder a seventh, who dies naturally. As a substitute, he murders the maid. Labb soon confesses his crime to the dying Kachoudas. After getting drunk, he visits his favourite prostitute, Berthe. And believe it or not, this is not a dark comedy (just French)!
Johnny has been left a hefty inheritance from his recently deceased uncle - an infamous ladies' man. But there's a unique stipulation standing in the way of its collection: sexually inexperienced, Johnny has seven days to bed the last seven women that his uncle had seduced. All of them are young, lusty and insatiable beauties, who gladly obey the uncle's dying request and show Johnny all there is to know about round-the-clock lovemaking. But as Johnny's triumphs and pleasures mount from girls One through Six, he discovers that his seventh and final conquest - the most luscious vixen of all - may be a little harder to achieve. Will Johnny fulfill his uncle's wish and secure untold financial and sexual rewards beyond his wildest dreams? Or will his bed count fall one short?
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A melodrama about children, the film s title refers to the million and one ways that children s souls are ravaged by neglect, unkindness and cruelty, even though several physical deaths take place in the story, too.
Renate Hubricht finds her uncle, the money broker Theodor Hubricht, murdered in his villa. That very night, the banker Lorik is arrested, who was last seen in Hubricht s house. Renate, who doesn t wish to live alone in the eerie estate lodges with the lawyer Dr. Birk. She doesn t tell him, that her lover, the musician Robert Wendland, had an argument with her uncle on the evening of the murder. When Lorik is sentenced to 10 years prison, Renate is thrown into a quandary. She believes she s protecting the real culprit with her silence. Renate Hubricht findet ihren Onkel, den Geldvermittler Theodor Hubricht, ermordet in dessen Villa auf. Noch in der gleichen Nacht verhaftet man den Bankier L rik, den man als letzten in Hubrichts Haus gesehen hat. Renate, die nicht allein in dem unheimlichen Anwesen wohnen will, kommt bei dem Rechtsanwalt Dr. Birk unter. Sie verschweigt ihm, dass ihr Geliebter, der Musiker Robert Wendland, am Mordabend eine Auseinandersetzung mit ihrem Onkel hatte. Als L rik zu zehn Jahren Zuchthaus verurteilt wird, beginnt f r Renate eine Zerrei probe. Sie glaubt mit ihrem Schweigen den wahren T ter zu decken.
IN OLD AMARILLO (1951): Roy is sent to investigate, when a greedy landowner tries to capitalize on a drought by cheating property holders out of their property with the help of ruthless gunman Clint Burnside.
SOUTH OF CALIENTE (1951): Roy, owner of a transportation service for moving race horses from track to track, prepares to take a number of thoroughbreds to the Pan American fair races at Monterey. Among them is "Dancing Girl", a fine mare owned by Doris Stewart, who's being forced to sell the horse in order to keep her ranch. Doris and her trainer accompany Roy and his outfit to the border at Caliente, where they are approached by Rosina, a young gypsy fortune teller who begs Roy not to continue the trip.
A burger shop employee discovers that by changing the background music from pleasantly calming to industrial "noise" music, he can incite riots and a revolution against the looming power of the government.
The first Soviet disaster film takes place at an airport where a passenger airplane has landed in the throes of an earthquake. With fiery lava erupting, buildings on fire, and the ground giving way under everyone's feet, the crew tries to take off to escape the terrible situation. Unfortunately, the runway is damaged and, only due to the skills of the daring crew, does the plane take off ... only to find even more problems once they're airborne. The first Soviet disaster film takes place at an airport where a passenger airplane has landed in the throes of an earthquake. With fiery lava erupting, buildings on fire, and the ground giving way under everyone's feet, the crew tries to take off to escape the terrible situation. Unfortunately, the runway is damaged and, only due to the skills of the daring crew, does the plane take off ... only to find even more problems once they're airborne.
Hans, the foster son of the violin maker Benedikt in Mittenwald, becomes engaged to Christl, whose mother intercepts Hans letters, when he is sent off on a long journey to Milan. Both of them are disappointed, because they haven t heard anything from the other in a long time. One day, Benedikt asks Christl to become his wife. She agrees to the proposal, even though Benedikt is much older than she, because it appears that Hans has gone his merry little way without her. But when Hans finally returns to Mittenwald, they speak to each other and the mystery of the missing letters comes to light. Benedikt overhears the conversation and, shaken, retreats into the mountains, where he is fatally wounded during a fight. Now the young couple can finally be together. Hans, Pflegesohn des Geigenbaumeisters Benedikt aus Mittenwald, verlobt sich mit Christl, deren Mutter jedoch, als Hans f r l ngere Zeit nach Mailand geschickt wird, alle Briefe von ihm abf ngt. Beide sind entt uscht, weil sie nichts mehr voneinander h ren. Eines Tages bittet Benedikt Christl, seine Frau zu werden. Sie gibt ihm, obwohl er viel lter ist, aber da Hans verloren scheint, das Ja-Wort. Als Hans zur ck nach Mittenwald kommt, erfolgt eine Aussprache zwischen ihm und Christl, und endlich ist die Rede von den unterschlagenen Briefen. Benedikt ist zuf llig Zeuge dieser Aussprache und geht ersch ttert in die Berge, wo er bei einer Rauferei durch einen Schuss t dlich verletzt wird, doch kann er die beiden jungen Leute noch zusammengeben.
COUNTERSPY MEETS SCOTLAND YARD (1950): When enemy agents obtain leaked secrets about a guided missile system, an American spy and a British investigator are teamed together to find the source. MULE TRAIN (1950): Prospectors have discovered a natural cement mine that yields material of astonishing durability. But greedy contractor Sam Brady enjoys a monopoly on the transportation of crushed rock which is being used to build a local dam. U.S. Marshal Gene Autry discovers that Brady's done this before and his dams always burst shortly after construction, flooding entire towns.
For Miranda Wells, moving to New York to live in Dragonwyck Manor with her rich cousin, Nicholas, seems like a dream. However, the situation gradually becomes nightmarish. She observes Nicholas' troubled relationship with his tenant farmers, as well as with his daughter, to whom Miranda serves as governess. Her relationship with Nicholas intensifies after his wife dies, but his mental imbalance threatens any hope of happiness.
In Castle Vogeloed, a few aristocrats are awaiting Baroness Safferstatt. But first, Count Oetsch invites himself. Everyone thinks he murdered his brother, Baroness Safferstatt's first husband, three years ago. So, he is rather undesirable. But Oetsch stays; arguing he is not the murderer and will find the real one.
One day in the life of an alcoholic. With the help of his girlfriend Krysia, Kuba attempts to regain control of his life; but when she's at work, Kuba is home alone, and it becomes hard not to resist the temptation.
NIGHT PLANE FROM CHUNGKING (1943): In 1942, during the Japanese invasion of China, Albert Pasavy, draws attention from Japanese bombers overhead to a bus travelling to India along a muddy road. The Japanese bomb the road, hitting a munitions truck carrying Chinese troops. The Chinese officer in charge demands his wounded be put on the bus and brought to a secret airfield. Among the stranded passengers met by pilot Nick Stanton are a beautiful Red Cross nurse, Ann Richards, and her traveling companion, Madame Wu, who is on a secret diplomatic mission. There is also Countess Olga Karagin, who is caught spying. Nick and his co-pilot, Captain Po, are ordered to fly the remainder of the passengers out to safety in India, but the transport aircraft is intercepted by Japanese fighter aircraft. THE WEST SIDE KID (1943): Although publishing a newspaper has made him a success, Sam Winston is so unhappy in his home life that when he meets Johnny April, a criminal just out of jail, he asks Johnny to kill him and offers $25,000. Sam tells a confused Johnny that he doesn't have the nerve to commit suicide, so he will pay Johnny to do the job. Taking a few days to get to know his victim, Johnny discovers the reasons for Sam's unhappiness. His spoiled daughter Gloria is trifling with a stockbroker boyfriend's affections. His son Jerry is a jobless drunkard. His wife is cold to Sam and is having a fling with his doctor.
At the Grand Hotel in Miami, Carla falls into the arms of her husband, the eminent Dr. Warren, and confesses to having seen Nick, the man he killed in New York, at the airport (Carla used to be a nightclub dancer in New York and Nick's lover). Later, Warren accidentally discovered the real reason why Carla agreed to marry him: a plot with Nick to murder the doctor and to live grandly off his money. The pain arouses Warren's thirst for blood and strange events appear that will force Detective Andrew to intervene.
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It is 1914 and the place is German East Africa, in the shadow of Kilimanjaro. The farmer Peter Hellhoff has finally succeeded in making his plantation into something after years of backbreaking labor. Now he can travel abroad with his fiancee Gerda, where he can marry her with little worry about the fate of his plantation back home. The preparations for the marriage are ruined, however, when the word arrives that Germany is mobilizing its armies for war. The English farmer, Robert Cresswall, Peter's best friend, leaves East Africa immediately, for he knows that Germany and England are now enemies and wants no part of the conflict between the two friends. Fate, however, has different plans. Deutsch-Ostafrika im Jahr 1914. Der Farmer Peter Hellhoff hat sich nach Jahren schwerer Arbeit eine beachtliche Existenz aufgebaut; nun kann ihm seine Braut Gerda beruhigt in die Fremde nachreisen, wo schon bald die Hochzeit gefeiert wird. Die Stimmung des Festes wird getr bt, als ein Bote die Nachricht von der Mobilmachung der deutschen Truppen berbringt. Der englische Farmer Robert Cresswell, Peters bester Feund, verl sst sofort das Land, da er wei , dass Deutschland und England nun Feinde sind.
A sensitive and powerful examination of the moral compromises made during World War II and the toll they took on families. A woman is forced into prostitution to care for her sick child and is unable to keep her secret, when her husband returns from the front.
Pietro, an honest businessman, is wrongly accused of the murder of his business associate and is tossed into prison. In point of fact, Pietro was set up and is guilty of nothing. He knows this all too well and intends to settle the score when he's eventually let out of jail.
The Venetian merchant Antonio is in a difficult financial situation. To help his friend Bassanio, who is campaigning for the heiress Portia, he goes, though in disgust, to the Jewish money lender Shylock to borrow funds. If Antonio can't repay the debt, Shylock will be allowed to cut a pound of flesh out of Antonio's body.
In this joint German/Italian production, the young opera singer Carla is in love with the talented composer Michele, who is looking for success with serious music and who has written his first opera, Odysseus Return for Carla. Unfortunately, Carla s a bit more successful than he is and becomes a cast member at Milan s La Scala. Using her connections, she is successful in finding a publisher for Michele s opera. But when Michele finds out what the publisher really thinks of his work, he leaves Carla and disappears. A year later, Carla finds him again. In the interim, he s become a sought-after composer, but he s a bitter man, because he s only been able to make a mark with pop music. His new revue, Music to Dream By , a workaround of his opera, will soon open on the stage. Carla once more sticks her neck out and manages to get the opera premiered in Budapest with her playing the main role. Die junge Operns ngerin Carla liebt den jungen, begabten Komponisten Michele, der Erfolg mit ernster Musik haben m chte und f r Carla seine erste Oper "Die Heimkehr des Odysseus" schreibt. Aber Carla hat mehr Erfolg als er und erh lt ein Engagement an der Mail nder Scala. Durch Beziehungen gelingt es ihr, einen Verleger f r Micheles Oper zu finden. Aber als Michele erf hrt, was der Verleger wirklich von seinem Werk h lt, reist er ab und verl sst Carla. Nach einem Jahr findet Carla Michele wieder. Er ist inzwischen zwar ein gefragter Komponist geworden, aber verbittert, weil er nur mit Schlagern Erfolg hat. Seine neue Revue "Traummusik", eine Umarbeitung seiner Oper, steht kurz vor der Urauff hrung. Carla erreicht daraufhin, dass Micheles urspr ngliche Oper mit ihr in der Hauptrolle in Budapest uraufgef hrt wird.
The offer sounds tempting: at a harbor bazaar in Kona, the young sailor Kiwe is offered and receives a mysterious bottle, which supposedly brings the owner power and riches and fulfills all his wishes. But in return for all of this, the soul of the bottle s owner will belong to the Evil One. And if one attempts to sell the bottle to another, he must sell it for less than what he paid. Das Angebot klingt verlockend: auf einem Hafenbasar in Kona bekommt der junge Matrose Kiwe eine geheimnisvolle Flasche angeboten, die ihrem Besitzer angeblich Macht und Reichtum schenkt und ihm alle W nsche erf llt. Als Gegenleistung geh rt die Seele des Besitzers dem B sen. Will man die Flasche weiterverkaufen, muss man weniger daf r verlangen, als man selbst bezahlt hat.
Candy s husband seems completely disinterested in satisfying her sexual desires, so she must seek elsewhere for satisfaction.
Scotland-Yard-Sergeant Harry Cross, genannt "Der Greifer", ist hinter Messer-Jack her, der mit seinen Verbrechen London in Angst und Schrecken versetzt. Cross findet heraus, dass die Revues ngerin Dolly Mooreland, die in dem Nachtclub "Palermo" auftritt, mit dem Verbrecher in Verbindung steht. Als der Polizeiinformant Prater-Pepi vergiftet wird, greift Cross zu einer List: Er tut Dolly gegen ber so, als ob er um die Identit t von Messer-Jack wei . Scotland Yard Sergeant Harry Cross, known as "The Claw", is on the trail of Jack the Ripper, who has put London into a state of fear and terror with his crimes. Cross discovers, that the revue singer Dolly Mooreland, who performs in the nightclub "Palermo", is in contact with the criminal. When the police informer Prater-Pepi is found poisoned, Cross resorts to a ruse: he lets Dolly believe that he knows the identity of Jack the Ripper.
Negligently stripping the Eastern Front of powerful forces to carry out the dubious Ardennes Offensive of December 1944 to halt the advancing Allies, the initial successes on the Western Front very soon gave way to stupendous defeat less than a month later. It was to be the last offensive the Germans were to launch in the remainder of the War, for already in February 1945, the Allies were standing before the "Westwall", the last barrier to the borders of the Reich. The industrially important Ruhr region, already battered beyond recognition by Allied bombers, was within reach of Allied occupation. Allied air superiority translated into hand to hand fighting for every town ... for every house.
Beppo and Tonio Forti are twin brothers who grew up as orphans. Each of them has a different uncle as a guardian: Beppo has Uncle Max; Tonio, Uncle Paul. At the age of sixteen, it's discovered that both of the boys can sing beautifully. Uncle Paul, the more resolute of the two uncles, ensures his nephew is able to pursue a career as a singer and gets him work at a vaudeville. Uncle Max, the personification of gentleness, isn't quite as resolute in taking action on his nephew's behalf. So Beppo is only able to get a job as a clown in a show managed by both uncles (who run the business more badly than well). To make matters worse, the two boys fall in love with the same girl, which inevitably leads to a fight and the separation of the two. Beppo und Tonio Forti sind Zwillingsbr der und als Waisen aufgewachsen. Jeder von ihnen hat einen anderen Onkel als Vormund, Beppo Onkel Max und Tonio Onkel Paul. Im Alter von 16 Jahren stellt man fest, dass beide Jungs eine sehr sch ne Gesangsstimme haben. Onkel Paul, der resolutere der beiden Onkel, bem ht sich daraufhin, seinen Sch tzling zu protegieren und ihm eine Karriere als S nger am Variet zu erm glichen. Onkel Max, die Sanftmut in Person, greift l ngst nicht so beherzt durch, und daher bringt es sein Beppo lediglich zum Clown in der von beiden Onkels mehr schlecht als recht betriebenen Schaubude. Zu allem berfluss verlieben sich die Zwillinge auch noch in ein und dasselbe M dchen. So kommt es zwangsl ufig zum Krach, und man trennt sich.
The war has ended and Soviet troops are marching past the ruins of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Among them, a young Ukrainian, Ivan Orliuk, who hails from the Dnipr region. Before the war, he tilled the soil and lived a simple and peaceful like in his beloved Ukraine. But with the Fascist invasion of the Soviet Union, he is forced to take up arms. This is the story of that journey; the hardships of those left behind under German occupation; the difficulties of adjusting to peace in a liberated country.
Helena loves Bertram but he's of noble birth, while she's just a doctor's daughter. But Bertram is at the court of the King of France, who is ill, and Helena has a remedy that might cure him and win her the right to marry Bertram. But does Bertram want to marry her?
Ostap Bender meets Ippolit Kisa Vorobyaninov shortly after arriving in Stargorod. Vorobyaninov, a noble, is looking for a set of twelve chairs which had belonged to his mother-in-law, but was given away. Monster-in-law confesses on her deathbed that she hid diamonds in one of the now missing chairs. Needless to say, being a noble doesn't mean being ... well, "noble", and Vorobyaninov now desperately wants those horrible chairs back. However, Father Fyodor, though a priest, is hardly saintly; he overheard this confession and he wants the chairs, too. And so, the so-called noble and Ostap journey around Russia in search of tacky furniture and having quite the misadventures along the way.
LE ROMAN DE RENARD (1941) * with hard-encoded English subtitles *
The Tale of the Fox was stop-motion animation pioneer Ladislas Starevich's first fully animated feature film. It is based on the tales of Renard the Fox. Although the animation was finished in Paris after an 18-month period (1929-1930), there were major problems with adding a soundtrack to the film. Finally, funding was given for a German soundtrack by the National Socialist regime (Goethe himself had written a classic version of the Renard legend) and this version had its premiere in Berlin in April 1937. Released eight months before Disney's Snow White, it is the world's sixth-ever animated feature film (and the second to use puppet animation, following The New Gulliver from the USSR). The film was released in France with a French language soundtrack in 1941.
Vienna, a few years prior to the outbreak of the First World War: Christi and Max Jungwirt are used to living high on the hog. Their father Franz, the owner of a silk factory, has made so much money, that his son and daughter have thought nothing of throwing money here and there without a thought. One day, though, daddy takes a look around and sees the kind of entitled offspring he's raised. And so, Franz decides it's high time that his children learn the true value of money. He secretly sells his factory and tells his kiddies that he's gone bankrupt. And you know what? It works! Max gets a job at a company which competed with his father's; and Christl makes herself useful around the house. Wien, wenige Jahre vor Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs. Christl und Max Jungwirt sind es gewohnt, in Saus und Braus zu leben. Ihr Vater Franz Jungwirt hat als Seidenfabrikant eine Menge Besitz angeh uft, sodass seine Tochter und sein Sohn mit dem Geld herumwerfen und hochn sig geworden sind. Dies wird dem Alten eines Tages zu viel, und der Hausvorstand entschlie t sich, dass seine beiden verw hnten Spr sslinge eine ordentliche Lektion ber den Wert des Geldes verdienen. Heimlich verkauft er seine Fabrik und er ffnet eines Tages seinen Kindern, dass er bedauerlicherweise bankrottgegangen sei. Christl und Max reagieren auf diese Er ffnung grundverschieden: W hrend der Sohn bei einer Konkurrenzfirma anf ngt und sich dort prompt sogleich in die Tochter des Hauses verliebt, beginnt Christl sich im v terlichen Haushalt n tzlich zu machen.
Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors is set in Western Ukraine, in the Carpathian Mountains, somewhere around the 1860s. It was banned in the USSR because it emphasized the unique Ukrainian culture (and, in fact, the language throughout the film is Ukrainian and not Russian). As a child, Ivan falls in love with his neighbor Marichka, who is the daughter of the man, who killed Ivan's father. The first half of the film deals with that love and the second with Ivan's downfall after Marichka dies in an accident.
A traveling cinema comes to Maritano, a small town in Italy. Tino, a young man, proves to be helpful to the owner of the film show and travels with him throughout the country. The only inn, in which there is an appropriate room to show the film, is named "To Paradise". The innkeeper has a reputation of being a dragon, but much to his surprise, Tino discovers she is the very same young woman, whose acquaintance he made just a few hours earlier. Mirandolina, whose mother is dead, learned a long time ago to run the inn by herself and is a good businesswoman. She rents out the room for the film, for there is a lot going on in Maritano today. Pedro, an old drifter, who is interested only in wine, sells Tino a lottery ticket. When the lottery is drawn that evening, the entire town celebrates Pedro being the winner.
Ein Wanderkino kommt nach Maritano, einem kleinen Ort in Italien. Tino, ein junger Mann, ist dem Besitzer bei der Filmvorf hrung behilflich und reist mit ihm durch die Lande. Der einzige Gasthof, der einen Saal hat, in dem man die Kinovorf hrungen machen kann, hei t "Zum Paradies". Die Wirtin hat den Ruf, ein Drachen zu sein, doch mit berraschung stellt Tino fest, da es dieselbe junge sch ne Frau ist, die er einige Stunden zuvor kennengelernt hat. Mirandolina, deren Mann verstorben ist, hat l ngst gelernt, den Gasthof allein zu f hren, und ist eine gute Gesch ftsfrau. Sie vermietet den Saal, denn heute ist in Maritano allerlei los. Pedro, ein alter Herumtreiber, der weiter nichts als Wein im Sinn hat, verkauft Tino ein Lotterielos. Als am Abend tats chlich dieses Los gezogen wird, feiert das ganze Dorf Pedro als Gewinner.
Our story begins on a busy street where a well-dressed young man Ferdi is strolling along the avenue, and when he stops to light a cigarette in front of a shop, a young woman leaving the shop drops a few packages. Ferdi assists her in picking up her parcels and engages her in a conversation. While strolling with her down the street, Ferdi abruptly snatches the young lady's purse. He eludes the young lady and the people pursuing him by running through a courtyard. Ferdi takes the money out of the purse, discards the purse and leaves in a taxi that was waiting for him. At the same time, Erni Gottlinger, the daughter of a wealthy contractor, is celebrating in a caf with a group of her admirers; and her father, Mr. Gottlinger, is entertaining a lady friend in his office at the construction site. That evening, the notorious Caf Electric, a gathering place for the lower elements of society, is crowded with prostitutes and pimps. Among the patrons is Ferdi. Also in the caf is Erni who is frolicking with a group of her admirers. Ferdi, ever alert for an easy mark, strolls over to the table and asks her to dance.
THE GOOD BAD MAN (1916): Passin' Through" is a benevolent outlaw who holds up trains, so he can provide for fatherless children in the Old West. He knows little of his personal history, but he is pursued by a US marshal who does. Along the way, he encounters Amy and falls in love with her. A rival bandit, "The Wolf", is also a rival for Amy.
FLAMING GUNS (1932): A ranch manager falls in love with a banker's daughter. After he and the girl's parents have a quarrel, he and the girl flee across the border into Mexico.
A young officer in the army of Empress Catherine of Russia is on his way to his new duty station at a remote outpost. During a blinding snowstorm, he comes upon a stranger who was caught in the storm and is near death from freezing. He rescues the man and eventually brings him back to health. When the man is well enough to travel, the two part company and the man vows to repay the officer for saving his life. Soon after he arrives at his new post, a revolt by the local Cossacks breaks out and the fort is besieged by the rebels. The young officer is astonished to find out that the leader of the rebellious Cossacks is none other than the stranger whose life he had saved during the storm.
The orphan Princess Dagmar has been raised since childhood by the King as one of his own. Court life, however, has left her stunted emotionally and so she is sent to a Swiss boarding school. There, she falls in love with a physical education teacher, Dr. Rupli, who abandons the boarding school to open a boys' school and also to ensure he doesn't harm the princess' future, after she makes clear she will give up her title and rank to marry him. After a number of years, Dagmar becomes the wife of a Duke and the mother of a small boy. During a planned tour around the world, the young boy is going to be schooled by Dr. Rupli. Die elternlose Prinzessin Dagmar wird vom K nig wie ein eigenes Kind gro gezogen. Doch da das Hofleben sie seelisch verk mmern l sst, kommt sie in ein Schweizer Pensionat unter Gleichaltrige. Sie verliebt sich in den Sportlehrer Dr. Rupli, der aber, nachdem Dagmar auf Titel und Rang verzichten und ihn heiraten m chte, das Pensionat verl sst, um ihr nicht zu Zukunft zu verbauen und selbst eine Knaben-Waldschule zu er ffnen. - Nach Jahren ist Dagmar die Gemahlin eines Herzogs und Mutter eines kleinen Jungen. W hrend einer geplanten Weltreise soll Peterchen bei Dr. Rupli untergebracht werden.
Christine Holm has had enough of village life. She packs her suitcases and heads off to a small city to begin a career as a singer and to finally find her father, whom she has never seen before. Things are rather chaotic at the border post; but when Lieutenant von Arneck sees Christine at passport control, he takes all the time in the world to ensure that the woman doesn't disappear so quickly. Soon, the other travelers raise Holy Hell that the customs inspector is flirting instead of checking for smuggled, counterfeit DVDs, drugs and the like. Advisor Zunder has the biggest mouth among the complaining mob. But Zunder probably should have kept his mouth shut, because the idea of "the best defense is a good offense" only serves to push von Arneck to look even closer at Zunder's bags, where there are a bunch of smuggled DVDs and the like. And like all good criminals, who blame everyone else for their misdeeds, Zunder intends to get revenge for being caught with dirty fingers. Christine Holm hat das Dorfleben satt. Sie packt ihren Koffer, um in der kleinen Residenzstadt Karriere als S ngerin zu machen und endlich ihren Vater zu finden, den sie noch nie gesehen hat. An der Grenzstation herrscht Hochbetrieb, doch als Leutnant von Arneck Christine zur Kontrolle vor sich sieht, nimmt er sich alle Zeit der Welt, um das die h bsche Frau nicht so schnell aus den Augen zu verlieren. Es dauert nicht lange, da macht sich unter den anderen Reisenden der Unmut ber den flirtenden Zollinspektor Luft. Vor allem der Kommissionsrat Zunder h lt sich nicht zur ck bei seiner lautstarken Beschwerde. Doch das bringt Arneck keineswegs aus der Ruhe, zumal er bei der Inspektion von Zunders Gep ck so manches "Schmuggelgut" zutage f rdert. Zunder sinnt auf Rache.
Michael, a very busy international photojournalist, loves his girlfriend Franziska above everything else; but because of his occupation, has little time for her. Their relationship suffers from the frequent separations. When Franziska turns out to be pregnant, they marry and he promises to care for her more. But then a new job come up. This time, he's to leave for the battlefield in China. At his side, as always, will be his best friend and colleague, Buck. Only when Buck lay dying in his arms will Michael decide finally to remain with his family. But this time, Franziska asks him to leave for the war, which has broken out in Europe: this time, as a soldier. Michael, ein international viel besch ftigter Fotoreporter, liebt seine Freundin Franziska ber alles, hat aber, bedingt durch seinen Beruf, wenig Zeit f r sie. Ihr Verh ltnis leidet unter den h ufigen Trennungen. Als Franziska ein Kind erwartet, heiraten sie, und er verspricht, sich mehr um sie zu k mmern. Doch es kommt ein neuer Auftrag. Diesmal f hrt er ihn zum Kriegsschauplatz China. Zur Seite steht ihm, wie immer, sein Freund und Kumpel Buck. Erst als dieser schwerverletzt in seinen Armen stirbt, fasst Michael den endg ltigen Entschluss, bei seiner Familie zu bleiben.Jetzt aber ist es Franziska, die ihn bittet, wieder in den Krieg zu ziehen, diesmal als Soldat.
The pig-farmer Janos is called up to military service. His superiors despair over his undisciplined behavior, but in front of his girlfriend, he pretends to be a sergeant. This backfires on him, however, when he meets some Prussian officers, who entrust an important document to him. Schweinehirt Janos wird zum Milit rdienst eingezogen. Seine Vorgesetzen verzweifeln an dem undisziplinierten Soldaten. Vor seiner Freundin gibt der sich jedoch als Feldwebel aus. Als solcher begegnet er preu ischen Offizieren, die ihm ein wichtiges Dokument anvertrauen.
A harmless smuggler of whiskey is found dead on his boat, murdered with a harpoon. This is the trademark of the murderous "Shark". Scotland Yard is, once again, clueless. This criminal has spread terror throughout London for a long time already, and he's always able to escape by using the sewers and the Thames River. It doesn't hurt, either, that fear and terror help him evade his pursuers. Inspector Wade of Greenwich's River Police has finally found a promising trail: the Mekka, an ominous harbor bar, not far from the murder scene. Nelly Oaks, its devious owner and her mysterious lodger, the Russian spice dealer Gregor Gubanow, allegedly know nothing about the murder, even though a horrible scream could be heard far and wide as it was taking place. Only Mrs. Oaks' pretty foster daughter Leila Smith seems to know something about it. Ein harmloser Whiskyschmuggler wird tot auf seinem Boot gefunden, ermordet mit einer Harpune dem Markenzeichen des m rderischen Hai . Scotland Yard steht vor einem R tsel. Bereits seit l ngerer Zeit verbreitet dieser Verbrecher, der nach seinen Taten stets im Taucheranzug und mit einem Unterwasserschlitten durch die Londoner Kanalisation und die Themse entkommt, Angst und Schrecken. Inspektor Wade von der Flusspolizei in Greenwich hat endlich eine vielversprechende F hrte: das Mekka , eine omin se Hafenkneipe unweit des Tatorts. Die verschlagene Besitzerin Nelly Oaks und ihr undurchsichtiger Dauergast, der russische Gew rzh ndler Gregor Gubanow, haben von dem Mord angeblich nichts mitbekommen. Nur Mrs. Oaks' h bsche Pflegetochter Leila Smith scheint etwas zu wissen.
The pleasure boat Milwaukee has a wide variety of guests on board: Frau Deiters, who is determined to get her daughter married off; Herr Krueger, who won a free ticket to travel onboard; Herr Dr. Bornemann, a completely introverted man, who has dedicated himself to his work; and Ms. Kathe, the ship s photographer. On the way to Madeira, Mother Deiters quickly determines, that only Dr. Bornemann would be an appropriate match for her daughter. However, Fraulein Kathe secretly is in love with him. When the two end up in a very publicly embarrassing situation, the entire ship thinks she is the fianc e.
TWO FILM DVD: THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. MEADE (1938) + MANSLAUGHTER (1930) THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. MEADE (1938): Doctor Meade, while taking a vacation in the mountain country of Kentucky, comes across Doctor Hazard and his nurse Bonnie, who substitute herbs and folklore for medicine. When a typhoid epidemic is shrugged off by Hazard as a mere summer ailment, Meade takes on the task of overcoming superstition, opposition, ignorance and herbal remedies, in order to save lives. And nearly gets lynched in the process. MANSLAUGHTER (1930): A spoiled rich girl is sent to prison for accidentally running down a pedestrian. There, she learns about a life and people she had never even imagined existed. Upon her release, she realizes that she's in love with the District Attorney who reluctantly prosecuted her case; a man who was in love with her, but she had previously scorned him.
Bankrupt enterpreneur Hermann Hartung is expecting a visit from his supposedly rich uncle Thomas Hoffmann, who emigrated to America forty years earlier. Much to the disappointment of his nephew, Uncle Hoffmann shows up with little more than a few Dollars in his pocket. Bank officialBodo Schmidt has an idea, however: he convinces the uncle to play at being rich, so the value of Hartung's company stock will skyrocket. A tried and true recipe for disaster played out in the Dot.com bust of the 1990s. Der konkursreife Unternehmer Herrmann Hartung erwartet seinen vemeintlich reichen Onkel Thomas Hoffmann aus Amerika, der vor 40 Jahren ausgewandert ist. Zur gro en Entt uschung seines Neffen kehrt dieser aber nur mit ein paar Dollar in der Tasche heim. Der Bankbeamte Bodo Schmidt wei Rat: Er berredet den Onkel, Million r zu
Soldiers of the Polish Home Army intend to bust a comrade out of a Gestapo prison. To do so, they'll have to schlepp weapons from Krakow to Radom through Kielce; but things aren't going their way and some of them might even end up as martyrs fighting the Germans.
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