Artikelnummer 4268

AL-LAIL (The Night) (1992) * with hard-encoded German and French, and switchable English subtitles *

Mohamed Malas Ussama Muhammed Produced by Omar Amiralay Starring Sabah Jazairi Omar Malas Riadh Chahrour Maher Salibi Fares Helou

The Night is set in the village of Quneitra, which borders on the Golan, a key battlefield in the 1967 war between Syria and Israel. We are led to the grave of the filmmakers' father, an old Syrian fighter who joined the volunteer armies in Palestine during the Great Revolt of 1936. Trying to exorcise feelings of shame and humiliation that have long accompanied the image of his father and the village occupied by Israelis during the war of 1967, Malas tries to restore his father's history and give him a more honorable death. But tracing the outline of a memory tortured by burning questions finds only bitter answers.


DVD-r is in Arabic with hard-encoded German and French, and switchable English subtitles. Approx. 113 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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