2 DVD SET: SCHLACHT UM MOSKAU (1985) * with s...
Yuriy Ozerov Writer: Yuriy Ozerov Stars: Yak...
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Yuriy Ozerov Writer: Yuriy Ozerov Stars: Yak...
Yuriy Ozerov Writer: Yuriy Ozerov Stars: Yak...
Mikhail Uljanov , Jevgenij Matvejev , Vasilij L...
Harald Reinl, Rolf Henniger, Siegfried Wischnew...
Manfred Noa Writer: Hans Kyser Stars: Edy Dar...
Stanislav Rostotskiy, Gavriil Troyepolsky (boo...
Raymond Bernard Writers: Victor Hugo (novel),...
Nikolai Simonov ... Tsar Pyotr I Mikhail Zharo...
Mary Harald; René Cresté; Georges Biscot; Édoua...
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Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Yefim Kopelyan and Leonid...
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Luis Trenker, Lissy Arna and Luigi Serventi, We...