United Newsreel selections from the year 1942, mainly concentrating on the effort of the United States in WWII, but also covering events on other fields of the War. Unfortunately, the newsreels are grouped alphabetically by subject and not by date, so there is no particular chronological order to them. Nonetheless, very interesting material.
Title: Allied Airmen Win New Wings [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, airmen graduate and Canadian military units parade. Part 2, prefabricated homes are manufactured, transported, and erected. Part 3, British sailors on leave harvest hay and corn in Virginia. Part 4, oil-rich sand in Alberta, Canada, is processed. Part 5, shows a Navy Day parade in New York City. Part 6, shows street tests of a 117-passenger bus. Part 7, shows an amphibious assault on the Solomon Islands. Captured equipment is tested and an airfield is repaired.
Title: America Reports On Aid To Allies [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, lend-lease shipments are prepared and shipped. Shows President Roosevelt. Part 2, shows ground and aerial views of the Canadian "Mosquito" bomber and a U.S. Army observation plane. Part 3, the cruiser San Francisco docks in the U.S. Shows Adm. King. Part 4, supplies are carried by trains and trucks in Alaska. Part 5, shows a meeting of the U.S. High Command. Personages: Gens. Arnold and Marshall, Adms. King, Land, and Leahy, Harry Hopkins, Paul V. McNutt, and Elmer Davis. Part 6, shows launchings of ships. Henry J. Kaiser assembles a model Victory ship. Part 7, the crew of an aircraft carrier swims in the ocean.
Title: Brazil At War With The Nazis [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, crowds mass the streets of Rio de Janeiro as war is declared. Presidents Roosevelt and Vargas meet. Lend-lease military equipment is unloaded from ships. Brazilian pilots fly trainer planes to Brazil from the U.S. Shows Brazilian ships and airplanes patrolling the coast. Part 2, shows various USO scenes. Part 3, U.S. troops land in India. Military equipment is unloaded. Part 4, P-40 planes take off from carriers enroute to U.S. fields in the Pacific.
Title: British Pursue Rommel IN Libya [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part l, tanks of the British 8th Army roll past the wreckage of Rommel's Afrika Corps in Libya. Shows supply bases established on the British route. Part 2, Canadian mounted police officially open the Alcan highway near Alaska and truck convoys roll northward. Part 3, allied troops advance through wet New Guinea jungles and are supplied from the air. Part 4, carrier-based planes fight Japanese planes off New Guinea. A carrier is set afire but remains afloat. Part5, two aircraft carriers and the battleship New Jersey are launched. Part 6, a mammoth parade in Sydney honors returning Australian troops.
Title: Build Model Town For Interned Japanese [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, Japanese help construct living quarters in a relocation camp. Shows Japanese-Americans training in the U.S. Army. Part 2, a wingless plane is tested. A Civil Air Patrol pilot spots a person lost in the mountains and a rescue party is dispatched to his aid. Part 3, a large, Quebec farm family celebrates a 25th wedding anniversary. Part 4, destroyers are constructed and launched. Part 5, shows Adm. Leahy as Chief of Staff. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands reviews U.S. troops in Massachusetts. Planes bomb a "battleship" in New Mexico on a practice mission. Negro troops man a radar station. Torpedo boats patrol the Atlantic coast.
Title: Chungking Bombed Again - Fights On [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, General and Madame Chiang Kai-shek observe citizens of Chungking rebuilding their rubbled homes. Part 2, Gen. Arnold decorates Air Force flyers. Part 3, a large oil tanker is launched. Part 4, Turkish newsmen lay a wreath on the Unknown Soldier's Tomb in Arlington, Virginia. Part 5, citizens of San Francisco's Chinatown view a captured Japanese submarine. Shows a dragon dance in the street. Part 6, Clark Gable is commissioned. Part 7, Brazilian troops debark at a port in Brazil. Part 8, the Dionne quintuplets sell bonds in Toronto. Part 9, Gen. MacArthur and Gen. Thomas Blamey inspect positions in the New Guinea jungle.
Title: Everybody Joins U.S. War Effort [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, shows celebrities in military service (Jackie Coogan, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Clark Gable, Joe Louis, Assoc. Justice Frank Murphy, Tyrone Power, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., James Roosevelt, and James Stewart) and film entertainers on war bond tours (including James Cagney, Ronald Colman, Bing Crosby, Irene Dunne, Greer Garson, and Heddy Lamar). Shows scenes of Hollywood and Washington, D.C. Part 2, antiaircraft guns are manufactured. Part 3, the Royal Air Force (RAF) bombs France and Germany.
Title: Huge Anti-Axis Rally Stirs Chile [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, shows a U.N. rally and parade in Santiago, Chile. Part 2, a naval battle rages off the Solomon Islands. Shows Admirals Halsey and Nimitz. Gen. MacArthur lands in New Guinea. Planes land troop reinforcements. Artillery pounds Japanese positions. Infantry advances through jungle swamps. Part 3, U.S. troops board transports bound for Africa. American and British convoysrendezvous near Gibraltar. Landing operations near Oran are unopposed. Equipment is massed on the beaches.
Title: Latest Pictures With American Troops IN North Africa [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, Gens. Eisenhower and Clark review U.S. troops in North Africa. Gen. Doolittle inspects airbases. Shows French and Sengalese troops. French Gen. Henri Giraud is met at the Washington, D.C. airport by Gen. Joseph McNarney. Part 2, P-38 airplanes are unloaded and assembled in Australia. Part 3, the British 8th Army occupies Benghazi in North Africa. Part 4, aircraft carriers and other ships withstand a Japanese aerial assault.
Title: MacArthur Blasts Japanese From New Guinea [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, transport planes carry U.S. troops across the New Guinea mountains and infantry units advance through jungle areas. Part 2, Pres. Roosevelt and Henry Wallace greet Pres. Batista of Cuba in Washington, D.C. Part 3, merchant seamen graduate and pass in review. Part 4, a farm family in the U.S. makes machine tools in their home. Chromium is mined in the Pacific Northwest. Part 5, coastal batteries fire practice salvoes. Part 6, mine sappers clear the way as tanks and infantry of the British 8th Army roll across Libya. Italian troops surrender en masse.
Title: Martyred Czech Village Lives Again IN U.S. [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, a town in Illinois is officially renamed Lidice. Part 2, the wreckage of Japanese submarines is raised from an Australian harbor. Part 3, timber is felled in Canada, floated down river, and cut in a sawmill. Part 4, cowboys ride horses and steers in a California rodeo. Part 5, Chiang Kai-shek reviews troops in China. Flashbacks show scenes of five years of war in China. Part 6, jeeps roll from an assembly line and are tested. Part 7, Generals Doolittle and Arnold decorate fliers. Shows a practice bombing mission.
Title: New Guinea [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, planes drop supplies to allied soldiers in New Guinea. Australian troops fight and natives carry wounded soldiers to field hospitals. Part 2, the allied war council meets in Washington, D.C. Shows fighting in North Africa: planes bomb supply lines, soldiers advance, and German prisoners are taken. President Roosevelt addresses the French people by radio. Shows French soldiers eating. Personages: Gen. de Gaulle and Gens. Arnold, Doolittle, Eisenhower, and Marshall, and Adms. King and Leahy.
Title: New York Hails War Heroes of United Nations [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, allied troops receive a ticker-tape parade. Part 2, army motorcycle dispatch riders take their final cross-country test. Part 3, Henry Ford and Donald Nelson inspect bomber and tank plants. Part 4, victory ships are constructed and launched. Mayor La Guardia presents awards to wounded merchant seamen. Part 5, Gen. Hugh Drum and Adm. Andrews attend an Army-Navy benefit horse race at Belmont Park. Part 6, South American military experts view U.S. land and air forces. Part 7, U.S. soldiers and nurses arrive at Australia. Planes and antiaircraft guns battle Japanese planes.
Title: Roosevelt Awards Warship To Norway [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, a ship, the Haakon VII, is presented to Princess Martha. Part 2, shows tests of Lee tanks. Part 3, President Camacho reviews a Liberty Day parade in Mexico City. Part 4, an automobile plant is converted to war production. Shows other war goods being made. Part 5, Nelson Rockefeller and President Vargas ratify a trade agreement in Rio de Janeiro. Part 6, shows a mock airborne attack.
Title: Roosevelt's War Tour of Nation [etc.], 1942
Notes: Part 1, Pres. Roosevelt views an air show at Randolph Field, Texas. Part 2, Polish citizens parade in New York City in memory of Count Pulaski. Part 3, U.S. troops patrol New Caledonia in jeeps. Natives stage a war dance. Part 4, a flying hero is received by his home town. Part 5, anti-aircraft batteries conduct firing practice in western U.S. Part 6, Frank Knox and Pres. Vargas see Brazilian air cadets graduate in Rio de Janeiro. The cadets display aerial maneuvers. Part 7, planes, guns, tanks, and trucks are loaded on ships and the convoy sails from an Atlantic port.