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American Films

CABEZA DE VACA (1991) * with hard-encoded Eng...
Nicolás Echevarría, Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca...

CATSKILL HONEYMOON (1950) * with hard-encoded...
Josef Berne, Joel Jacobson, Al Murray, Sylvia F...

DAS HOHE LIED (The Song of Songs) (1933) * wit...
Rouben Mamoulian Writers: Hermann Sudermann (...

DIE GEZEICHNETEN (The Search) (1948) * with...
Fred Zinnemann Writers: Richard Schweizer (scr...
% $9.99

DIE STUNDE DES WOLFS (Moon of the Wolf) (1972...
David Janssen (Sheriff Aaron Whitaker) · Barbar...

DRAGONWYCK (1946) * with switchable French su...
Gene Tierney as Miranda Wells Vincent Price as...

DRUMS OF LOVE (1928) * with Spanish Intertitl...
Directed by D. W. Griffith Written by Gerrit J...

EL DIA QUE ME QUIERAS (1935) * with switchabl...
John Reinhardt Writer: Alfredo Le Pera Stars:...

EL SECRETO DE MONSTRUO (The Undying Monster)...
James Ellison as Robert Curtis Heather Angel a...

Anatole Litvak Writers: Peter Viertel (screenp...

ETERNAL LOVE (1929) * with switchable French...
Directed by Ernst Lubitsch Written by Kather...

FAST AND LOOSE (1930) * with switchable Engli...
Directed by Fred C. Newmeyer Written by Play:...