November-December 2023
Lorenza has three young children who are victims of a media that wishes to turn out terrorists. She contends with her monstrous offspring and student revolts until she can't take it anymore.
Young musicians live and perform in a Moldovian collective. The state awards to three of the boys are secretly withheld, because their farm output is too low. Discovering this, they refuse to play in the all-USSR finals and ask the two girls who were to accompany them to abstain. This strains a romance.
David and Monaare a spoiled brother-and-sister duo who carelessly use the family fortune to while away their time. David's friend Hanming introduces him to lovely Danfeng, and despite Hanming's quiet infatuation with her, David moves in quickly. David and Danfeng get married, but lasting bliss is not in the cards. Mona develops a serious case of jealousy against Danfeng for snatching her brother and being the object of Hanming's affection. Her barbed tongue and feminine wiles prove powerful enough to sow seeds of discord among the quartet of friends and lovers.
This is a very early feature by Rolf Raff concerning the supposedly mad King of Bavaria, Ludwig II. In the piece, which is for the most part a straightforwards historical biopic from the DW Griffith school of narrative filmmaking, Ludwig is portrayed as an Idealist who cannot fit into the world of his contemporaries. Rolf Raff s Das Schweigen am Starnberger See konzentriert sich stark auf Ludwigs Beziehung zu Richard Wagner.
Lena is a young vivacious and outgoing woman with an older husband and a lover who she gave in to after repeated requests. But when the husband falls seriously ill, Lena decides to break off the relationship. Margit Lind, die Frau eines Landschaftsmalers, hat sich in dessen Freund Arvid Sund verliebt. Dennoch bleibt sie eine treu sorgende Ehefrau am Krankenbett ihres Gatten, bis dieser stirbt. Als Witwe muss Margit nun neue Wege beschreiten und verdingt sich ihren Lebensunterhalt als Lautenspielerin in einem Kabarett. Eines Tages lernt sie dort einen jungen Mann kennen. Er hei t Knut und ist ein Bruder Arvids. Rasch verlieben sich beide ineinander und verloben sich. Knut reist mit seiner Braut aufs v terliche Gut, wo Margit erneut auf Arvid trifft. Dort erwacht wieder beider einstige Liebe zueinander.
200 BCE: During a merciless drought, the brutish nature of man and the delicate essence of woman become inextricably intertwined, as the omnipotence of carnal instinct demands the total surrender of the flesh.
A father will do anything to protect his family's reputation, when his unmarried teenage daughter becomes pregnant after being raped by her brother's friend.
As strikes paralyze Italy, the Califfa's husband is killed and she becomes a passionate defender of the strikers. She opposes factory manager Doverdo, who used to be himself a worker.
In this BBC production, jealous King Leontes falsely accuse his wife Hermione of infidelity with his best friend, and she dies. Leontes exiles his newborn daughter Perdita, who is raised by shepherds for sixteen years and falls in love with the son of Leontes friend. When Perdita returns home, a statue of Hermione comes to life , and everyone is reconciled.
![]() WALTER DEFENDS SARAJEVO (1972) * with switchable English subtitles *
In late 1944, as the end of World War II approaches, the Wehrmacht's High Command determines to pull out General Alexander Loehr's Army Group E from the Balkans back to Germany. They plan to supply the tank columns with fuel from a depot in Sarajevo. The Yugoslav partisans' leader in the city, a mysterious man known as "Walter", presents a grave danger to the operation's success, and the Germans dispatch Standartenf hrer von Dietrich of the SD to deal with him.
MERCENARIES FROM HONG KONG (1982) * with switchable English subtitles * A gang of ex-military guys are hired by a mysterious lady who wants them to go into Cambodia and kidnap the assassin who killed her father.
A Hong Kong reporter sets out to thwart the evil witch boss of a gang bent on world domination.
A married artist-couple move to a utopian town known for its absolute freedom; but behind the surface, perversion and violence are spreading.
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Bookkeeper Melchior Kimmel appears to have committed the perfect murder. Thanks to his well thought-out plan, no one can prove that he's the one who murdered his wife.Then mousey little Saccard takes an interest in the many newspaper reports about Kimmel and develops a morbid obsession in the murder, which leads him to decide one day to kill his wife following Kimmel's example. Der Buchh ndler Melchior Kimmel hat den scheinbar perfekten Mord begangen. Dank seines ausgekl gelten Plans kann ihm niemand beweisen, dass er seine Ehefrau umgebracht hat. Dann aber tritt der unscheinbare Saccard auf den Plan: Auf Grund der zahlreichen Zeitungsberichte entwickelt er eine geradezu krankhafte Obsession f r den Fall Kimmel und beschlie t eines Tages, auch seine eigene Gattin nach Kimmels Vorbild zu ermorden.
Handsome Roberto ventures out of his comfort zone to discover "the secret of women". His first experiment is with the wife of a boarding school's director. She gives his private lessons in how to make love. Roberto's next stop is a car showrrom, where he falls under the spell of a race car driver; after that, it's on to the couch of an actress who does erotic films. From there, many more erotic adventures take place until he can finally end his search for that "certain something about women".
Der sch ne Robert st rmt in die Welt hinaus, um das Geheimnis der Frauen zu entdecken. Im Internat macht er mit der Frau des Direktors erste Erfahrungen. Sie erteilt ihm Nachhilfestunden im Fach Liebe. Roberts n chste Station ist ein Autosalon, in dem er in den Bann einer Rennfahrerin ger t, danach auf dem Divan einer erotischen Schauspielerin. Es folgen noch viele weibliche Wesen, bis er endlich seine Suche nach dem "gewissen Etwas der Frauen" beenden kann.
After a string of bad luck, a debt collector has no other choice than to spend the night in a haunted temple, where he encounters a ravishing female ghost and later battles to save her soul from the control of a wicked tree demon.
![]() CRIME AND PUNISHMENT (1935) * with switchable English and Spanish subtitles * Raskolnikov follows an unusual moral code. A combination of vigilantism and hubris fuels his decision to aid a hapless prostitute by removing her antagonist, a local merchant. Raskolnikov is locked up for the murder, and while he does not deny committing the crime, he tries to persuade the police that he should not be charged.
After a long trip searching for the assassin of his father, a man takes advantage of a beautiful young woman about to be married. After getting his revenge and being rejected by the girl, the man leaves the village. The girl is now pregnant and her fiancee struggles with his macho pride and desire to leave the child fatherless. .
Since the death of her father, Cindarella has lived as a maid on her own, inherited farm. Her stepmother lets the girl do all the dirty work, but that doesn't affect her attitude: she's friendly to everyone and even the animals love her. One day, Cinderella meets a hot prince in the forest and falls in lust with him. She'd love to run into him again; but how could she possibly face him dressed as a simple and revolting peasant? The prince's coachman gives her three hazelnuts which contain wonderful gifts: a stately hunting costume; a lovely gown fit for a royal ball; and a magnificent wedding dress (subtle ... very subtle). Brave and clever, Cinderella uses these gifts to win the heart of the prince. Suddenly, she runs off, dropping her golden slipper. Thus, the prince goes off in search of the shoe's beautiful owner, leaving his subjects to suffer in dirt, poverty, and ignorance while he pursues self-entitled tail. *Sigh*.
Seit dem Tod des Vaters lebt Aschenbr del als Magd auf dem eigenen Gutshof. Die Stiefmutter l sst das M dchen die schmutzigste Arbeit verrichten, doch es bleibt zu allen freundlich und auch die Tiere sind ihm zugetan. Eines Tages begegnet Aschenbr del im Wald einem berm tigen Prinzen und verliebt sich in ihn. Gern w rde sie ihn wiedersehen. Aber wie soll sie ihm gegen bertreten? Da schenkt ihr der Kutscher drei Haseln sse, die wunderbare Gaben enthalten: eine stattliche Jagdtracht, ein reizendes Ballkleid und ein pr chtiges Hochzeitsgewand. Mutig und klug nutzt Aschenbr del die Geschenke, um das Herz des Prinzen zu erobern. Dann entflieht sie, und der Prinz macht sich auf die Suche nach der sch nen Besitzerin des goldenen Schuhs.
The inhabitants of Barcelona are gradually leaving the city in a panic. The victims of serial killers seem to feel strangely attracted to their executioners. Only Jim, an attractive blonde advertising model, decides to face her destiny.
A childhood in rural Lithuania between the wars. A country boy, Tomaszek, lives on a rich estate, situated on the Polish border. He realizes that the Issa Valley he lives in is to be torn apart by internal political conflicts and unrest among the mixed population of Poles, Lithuanians, Jews and Russians. He, however, is captivated by a paradise surrounding him, the forest, and his fantasies.
Two elderly sisters, one of whom lives in the city and the other in the country, show us the progression of their lives through the ages. They keep in contact through letters and occasional phone calls. They were famous beauties in their youth, but now are lonely and unappreciated by those around them. One of them goes through a crisis, while the other tries to help her from a distance. The most striking thing about this movie is its unusual structure. Much of the soundtrack is excerpts from the letters which are often read aloud by both of the sisters at once. Also, brief glimpses of their past continually flash into view. This can make for disconcerting viewing at first, but once you get used to it it serves the story well.
Hamburg 1934: Adolf Hitler is expected to visit the city; but before that happens, there is still one "blemish" to be removed: four Communists who have been sentenced to death have not yet been executed. But there's no executioner in town. Successful shipowner and SS-Standartenfuhrer Footh hopes that solving the problem will win the favor of a higher-ranking Nazi functionary. Thankfully, an old comrade from the First World War, the master butcher Teetjen from Wandsbek, asks the SS man for financial help to modernize his butcher shop. Footh offers Teetjen 2,000 marks, but only if he takes on the job of executioner. After a night of deliberation, Teetjen agrees on the condition that it remains a secret. He carries out his duties, but as luck would have it, word of the act gets around. The customers from his district are disgusted and are increasingly staying away from his shop. Footh ignores another request for help and turns away from Teetjen. From now on, the financial need will be greater than before. Hamburg 1934: Adolf Hitler wird in der Stadt erwartet, aber vorher gilt es noch einen Makel zu beseitigen: Vier zum Tode verurteilte Kommunisten sind noch nicht hingerichtet. In der Stadt fehlt aber gerade ein Henker. Der erfolgreiche Reeder und SS-Standartenf hrer Footh erhofft sich mit der L sung des Problems die Gunst eines rangh heren Nazi-Funktion rs. Da kommt es ihm gelegen, dass sein alter Kamerad aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg, der Schlachtermeister Teetjen aus Wandsbek, ihn um finanzielle Hilfe ersucht f r eine Modernisierung seiner Metzgerei. Footh bietet Teetjen 2000 Mark an, wenn er die Aufgabe des Scharfrichters bernimmt. Nach einer Nacht Bedenkzeit willigt Teetjen ein mit der Bedingung, dass seine Tat geheim bleibt. Er waltet seines Amtes, doch der Zufall will es, dass sich Tat und T ter herumsprechen. Die Kunden aus seinem Bezirk reagieren angewidert und bleiben seinem Laden nun zunehmend fern. Footh ignoriert einen weiteren Hilfeersuch und wendet sich von Teetjen ab. Die finanzielle Not wird fortan gr er als zuvor.
Postwar Tokyo. Pin and Toku live in the squatter area of Kappanuma. Pin and Toku are avid gamblers. They take in Tsuru, a slightly demented woman who's run away from a geisha house.
After four years in prison, thief Said Mahran gets out of jail and seeks revenge on those who betrayed him: his beloved wife and his trusted henchman. But that's not all: the two future victims are now married to each other and are keeping his six-year-old daughter from him.
A random encounter at a bar leads to the intertwining of two couples in a love-hate drama which threatens to engulf them. The reason? Sexual anxiety among the four.
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Aviya is the only Israeli-born girl among her schoolmates in a boarding school in Israel, circa 1953 (the rest are Holocaust survivors from various European countries) . The public debate on the issue of accepting German reparations for Nazi atrocities awakens the dormant individual memories of each of the youths and creates sharp conflicts which influence their coming-of-age, with its fears, dreams, problems of identity, and first love. Aviya determined to find the tomb of her father, who died before she was born, while her mother in a mental hospital refuses to recall her painful past.
An Italian mini-series (but co-produced by several European TV stations) shot in the 1970s that tells the story of Pinocchio. This is a film faithful to the novel, with actors that go far beyond the sweetened heartless and childish versions that Hollywood has been producing since the 1940s. The film/mini-series has all the elements of the best Italian Neorealism, and, in fact, the background is an unsweetened sad and poor 1860s Italy, in which, however, magic and hope are everywhere, in the poorest of the settings, in the saddest, most lonely heart. This magic and this hope carry the viewer along the harshness of Pinocchio and Geppetto's despair, separation, dramas, failure, and final success. The characters, the mood of the movie, the dresses, the music are all fabulous, superbly constructed and presented.
1940. Chuchu and Luo Xiaoman are Chinese students who have been sent to study in Moscow at the International School. She is 13; he is 12. Xiaoman is from Yanan, Mao's base after the Long March; Chuchu had seen her father executed by Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang. The youngsters fit in well and learn to speak Russian. A large group of students, including Chuchu, leave for summer camp in Byelorussia accompanied by their teacher, Miss Vera. Xiaoman remains behind. The Germans invade the Soviet Union. Moscow remains unoccupied. Xiaoman takes a job delivering condolence letters to soldiers' families. At one apartment, he finds a mother has died. Her very young daughter, Nadia, has not realized it. The summer camp is occupied by Germans. One of the Russian boys, Carl, is half-German, and helps the others to escape. They are quickly recaptured. Chuchu and several other students are sent by General von Dietrich to work as servants at German HQ in the Yakovliv Monastery. The general is also a medical doctor with a peculiar hobby: tattooing.
ARABIAN NIGHTS (1942): Dancer Scheherazade was told by the stars that she will become wife of the caliph in Bagdad. She tells Kamar, brother of Caliph Haroun. He planned a coup d'etat, which at first failed, but, supported by the wazir, he finally succeeds. Haroun is injured and gets help from Ahmad's actor troupe, where he is nursed by Scheherazade, who doesn't recognize him. When she hears that Kamar is looking for her, she goes to h im, but is sold with the complete troupe of actors into slavery. They're able to escape, but Haroun is still in danger.
DEMETRIUS AND THE GLADIATORS (1954): The story picks up at the point where "The Robe" ends, following the martyrdom of Diana and Marcellus. Christ's robe is conveyed to Peter for safe-keeping, but the Emperor Caligula wants it back to benefit from its powers. Marcellus' former slave Demetrius seeks to prevent this, and catches the eye of Messalina, wife to Caligula's uncle, Claudius.
Mr. Potts, a British sanitary engineer, leaves on holiday with a set of plans for a new secret weapon, which he has mistaken for his new plumbing invention. Everyone is hunting for him, including the Russians, who find him and offer him a job in the Kremlin doing research (on plumbing, he believes). He accepts, arrives in Russia and falls in love with Tania, a secret agent, and discovers the true nature of the plans he is carrying.
Rene isn't the smartest bulb in the box. During the War, he was taught to kill by the Resistance; but the Second World War is over and he has kept on killing out of habit. He's eventually arrested and sentenced to die. Waiting for his demise, he meets other condemned men and gets to understand the fallacies of capital punishment (which is no surprise, as the director of the film was a former lawyer with strong anti-capital punishment sentiments).
After an airplane is forced to crash-land in a remote area, its passengers find themselves face-to-face
Good brother Mario has an enemy in his own twin, Carlos, after Carlos beds his wife, Christina, and plots his demise. But the brothers must come together to take down evil oppressor Jonatto, who rules their homeland of Corsica.
A Chicago mobster falls in love with a principled young governess; but he must keep up the appearances of being an honest businessman and a dedicated single dad if he hopes to woo her.
A street war breaks loose between two rival gangs in the Kansai region of Japan. Goro is in the middle of the action.
Aksinya, married to a brute of a husband, seeks refuge in the arms of Gregoryi. Troubles arise when the husband is apprised of her infidelity; but even more disconcerting is Gregoryi's initial unwillingness to run away with her ('What, and lose my land?') Further complications ensue when Gregoryi is forced to marry Natalya, who loves him despite her knowledge of his love for Aksinya. World War One comes and Gregoryi is dispatched to the front, where he gets a political education in the lack of justice for the landless peasants who fight and die to protect the farms of rich landowners.
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Seijiro and Shizue meet in Niigata and fall in love. Seijiro has to go back to Tokyo soon after, and they promise each other to meet again a year later. However, Seijiro gets jailed for five years. Unable to find him, Shizue gets married to a yakuza boss who can help her family business.
The East German Communist Party is involved in a campaign to turn students away from their Christian heritage by denying higher education to youths who do not hold politically "correct" views. Peter Gottfried is a 15-year-old pastor's son who hopes to enter a music conservatory; but before he can be accepted, he must answer seven questions, the last of which asks him to name the most important influence on his social development. Aware that he must deny his religious beliefs, the boy turns to those around him for advice. His teacher encourages him to make the "right" decision; but his girlfriend, Anneliese, and his father urge him to stand by his principles. When the Party gives him an opportunity to participate in the annual Berlin Youth Festival, Peter accepts despite the protests of his father. Once in Berlin, Peter realizes that he is merely a pawn being used by the Party to refute charges that religious youth are denied opportunity under Communism. The film was made and came out shortly before the erecting of the Berlin Wall.
Lured by gold, two greedy peasants unknowingly escort a princess and her general across enemy lines.
The story of a female journalist and her boyfriend who inadvertently get involved with murder and mayhem and must run for their lives while pursued by the Barcelona Mob.
Librarian Martha Heyer --- in her early 30s and still a virgin --- goes on holiday to Rome with her rather cool and distant father. There, he suffers a heart attack on the Spanish Steps (tsk tsk ... gotta do more cardio as you get older). With daddy out of the way, Martha has a fleeting encounter with a handsome man in the courtyard of the German embassy. Little does she know that this chance meeting will have serious consequences for her. Returning back to the Fatherland, she meets him again at a wedding party and they themselves marry shortly thereafter. Having had a rather domineering father, Martha should be prepared for her new husband's charismatic and controlling personality. She's not. And on their honeymoon, he systematically begins tormenting Martha and training her to function according to his views on life. Die Bibliothekarin Martha Heyer, Anfang 30 und noch unber hrt, unternimmt mit ihrem k hlen, distanzierten Vater eine Urlaubsreise nach Rom. Auf der Spanischen Treppe erleidet ihr Vater einen t dlichen Herzinfarkt. Kurz darauf kommt es zu einer fl chtigen Begegnung mit Folgen, als sich im Hof der deutschen Botschaft Marthas Blick mit dem eines ihr unbekannten, gutaussehenden Mannes kreuzt. Zur ckgekehrt, trifft sie den Gesch ftsmann Helmut Salomon nach einiger Zeit auf einer Hochzeitsfeier wieder, schon kurz darauf heiraten sie. Martha ist von Salomons Dominanz und Charisma berw ltigt. Auf der gemeinsamen Hochzeitsreise beginnt Helmut systematisch, Martha zu qu len und nach seinen Vorstellungen zu erziehen .
To entertain some thieves, a blind guitar player tells them the story of a man from the Northeast of Brazil involved with criminals living in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, who allegedly had a "closed body" (meaning that his body couldn't be hit by bullets or other weapons, by the wish of Ogum, one of the gods of Candombl , a religion common in Brazil and Africa).
Antonio Murillo is a former air force pilot who saw action during the Portugal's colonial wars in Africa. He was dismissed for refusing to sink a ship loaded not only with rebels, but women and children. Now, he drives a taxi in Portugal and witnesses the despotism of Salazar's military junta, which violently suppresses free expression a la Franco. He has a girlfriend who is a member of the underground resistance against the dictatorship. Antonio isn't interestedin politics; he dreams of saving enough money to buy his own plane and fly again. One day, however, he transports, unknowingly, a resistance member. This brings him to the attention of the secret police. He is arrested and sent to prison. That changes his attitude about politics forever.
The title actually translates to The Bungler on the Plateau of the Apes, and is a Brazilian spoof of the Planet of the Apes film which was enough of a hit at the time to spawn way too many sequels. In this "version", a group of men in a balloon lands on a remote plateau where talking apes rule and humans are slaves. The apes try to transform the men into apes, but a simian princess falls in love with one of them. No, seriously: you can't make these things up!
You may have missed these titles
Anita G., a Jewess from "over there", has arrived in the West. With suitcase in hand, she has encounters with strange people in a strange land: the Bundesrepublik Deutschland of 1966. "Farewell from Yesterday", Alexander Kluge's film debut, is no easy matter historically, even if one believes in "Zero Hour", the "Mercy of Being Born later" or the "Economic Miracle". Anita G. of the DDR is the personification of this repressed past; a life "over there" which has led to an absence of the required prerequisites to successfully blend into West German society. That she offends isn't her fault. How she offends is shown in almost documentary-like scenes, which testify to the grotesque moments of everyday life in the BRD ... and everywhere else. Anita G., J din, ist von dr ben in den Westen gekommen. Mit ihrem Koffer in der Hand lernt sie bei Begegnungen mit seltsamen Menschen ein seltsames Land kennen: die BRD des Jahres 1966. Der Abschied von gestern , den Alexander Kluges Spielfilmdebut formuliert, ist historisch keine leichte Sache, selbst wenn man an die Stunde Null , die Gnade der sp ten Geburt oder das Wirtschaftswunder glaubt. Anita G. aus der DDR, ist die Personifikation dieser verdr ngten Vergangenheit, weshalb ihr die Vorraussetzungen fehlen, sich erfolgreich in die bundesdeutsche Gesellschaft einzugliedern. Da sie aneckt, ist nicht ihre Schuld. Wie sie aneckt, zeigt Abschied von gestern anhand fast schon dokumentar-ischer Szenen, die von einem souver nen Gesp r f r die grotesken Momente des Alltags zeugen.
Towards the end of the Second World War, two school friends, Werner Holt and Gilbert Wolzow, volunteer for military service. In the Spring of 1945, they end up defending their position on the Eastern Front against the advancing Red Army. Gilbert has taken over command of their unit and while Werner attempts to reach their regiment by radio, memories from his young life flood over him. He can recall the beginning of his friendship with Gilbert and their signing up for duty together, their first assignment working together in an anti-aircraft unit. He also recalls his acquaintanceship with Gundel and his erotic adventures with the wife of an SS-officer, which filled him with disgust.
W hrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges melden sich die beiden Schulfreunde Werner Holt und Gilbert Wolzow freiwillig zum Milit r. Im Fr hjahr 1945 verteidigen sie an der Ostfront ihre Stellung gegen die vorr ckende Rote Armee. Gilbert hat das Kommando bernommen und befehligt nun die kleine Truppe. W hrend Werner versucht, eine Funkverbindung mit dem Regiment herzustellen, ziehen in seiner Erinnerung die Stationen seines jungen Lebens vor ber: Er blickt zur ck auf den Beginn seiner Freundschaft mit Gilbert und ihren gemeinsamen Eintritt in die Armee, den ersten Einsatz als Flakhelfer, seine Bekanntschaft mit Gundel und sein erotisches Abenteuer mit der Frau eines SS-Offiziers, welches ihn mit Abscheu erf llt. . .
DIE FEUERZANGENBOWLE (1944) * with or without switchable English subtitles *
The title refers to the Feuerzangenbowle punch consumed by a group of gentlemen in the opening scene. While exchanging nostalgic stories about their schooldays, the successful young writer Dr. Johannes Pfeiffer realizes he missed out on something because he was taught at home and never attended school. He decides to make up for it by masquerading as a student at a small town high school and quickly gains a reputation as a prankster. Together with his classmates, he torments his professors Crey, B mmel and Headmaster Knauer with adolescent mischief. His girlfriend Marion unsuccessfully tries to persuade him to give up his foolish charade. Eventually, he falls in love with the headmaster s daughter and discloses his identity after provoking the teachers into expelling him from school. Wenn beim Herrenabend seine Freunde Anekdoten aus der Schulzeit austauschen, kann der bekannte Schriftsteller Dr. Johannes Pfeiffer nicht mitreden. Er ist auf dem v terlichen Gut von einem Privatlehrer unterrichtet worden. Um seine verlorene Jugend nachzuholen, verwandelt sich Dr. Johannes Pfeiffer in den Penn ler Hans Pfeiffer und besucht das Kleinstadtgymnasium zu Badenburg. Mit immer tollk hneren Streichen treibt er die versammelte Lehrerschaft in den Wahnsinn und findet nebenbei die Frau f rs Leben: Eva, die Tochter des Schuldirektors.
Napoleon is marching on Vienna. While many of the city's citizens acknowledge the fact with horror, the composer Ludwig van Beethoven speaks passionately for the revolutionary Bonaparte. He even composes an "Eroica" symphony for Napoleon, but then becomes bitterly disappointed when the Corsican seizes the imperial crown and its power. Not only does Beethoven then cross out the dedication to Napoleon on his symphony, but flees Vienna when an invitation from the emperor to perform before him is brought to Beethoven by French emissaries. Beethoven leaves for Hungary, where he will meet the love of his life ... and whom he'll eventually have to give up. Eventually returning to Vienna, he is plagued by an ever-worsening deafness, which leads him to despair and desperation. Nevertheless, he continues to work tirelessly, even creating new works.
Napoleon befindet sich im Anmarsch auf Wien. W hrend viele Burger diese Tatsache mit Schrecken quittieren, spricht sich der Komponist Ludwig van Beethoven voller Leidenschaft f r den revolution ren Bonaparte aus. Er komponiert sogar eine "Eroica"-Symphonie f r Napoleon, reagiert aber bitter entt uscht, als der Korse nach der Kaiserkrone und ihrer Macht greift. Beethoven streicht nicht nur die Widmung f r Napoleon durch, er setzt sich auch ab, als ihn die Einladung des Kaiser erreicht. Beethoven f hrt nach Ungarn, wo er die Liebe seines Lebens trifft und ihr doch entsagen muss. Zur ck in Wien, qu lt ihn eine beginnende Taubheit, an der er mehr und mehr verzweifelt. Trotzdem arbeitet er unerm dlich weiter an neuen Werken.
Robert Herne works in a coal mine and is a friend of Maria Obal. While working in the mine, he encounters an inhabitant from the star Algol, who gives him a prototype machine which can provide a virtually unlimited source of power. Over the next year, Herne sets up a factory providing energy; however, instead of simply relieving workers of the difficult job of mining, the device creates massive economic upheaval throughout the world. Over the next twenty years, Herne continues to increase his power and influence, but he has lost touch with Maria, who now lives in the one part of the world in which his influence does not extend. The film follows the machinations of Herne s son Reginald and his ultimately unsuccessful attempt at a coup, aiming to seize the secrets of the machine for himself.
Robert Herne ist ein Minenarbeiter in einer Kohlegrube. Eines Tages st t er w hrend der Arbeit in der Mine auf einen Au erirdischen vom Planeten Algol. Dieser gibt ihm das Geheimnis der Algol-Wellen und eine Maschine, die diese vom Algol-Stern ausgehenden Wellen in Energie verwandelt. Herne hat nun eine unersch pfliche Energiequelle in der Hand. Herne, der die Chance seines Lebens erkennt und ergreift, nutzt die Maschine und versorgt die ganze Welt mit Energie. Er gewinnt berall an Macht und Einfluss. Doch seine Freundin Maria verl sst ihn und flieht in ein agrarisch gepr gtes Nachbarland, das Hernes Machtstreben noch widersteht. Herne heiratet die reiche Grubenbesitzerin Leonore Nissen, mit der er zwei Kinder hat. Zwanzig Jahre sp ter kommt Marias Sohn Peter Hell zu Herne, um ihn zu bitten, die Energie der Algol-Strahlen der ganzen Menschheit zugutekommen zu lassen.
One can imagine the success with the then German audiences of this film, as it portrays a doctor who is looking for the cure to stupidity, the stupidity that causes wars and such-like catastrophes. That is how in general this film always is summarized thereby forgetting that the basic premise of the play is a plea for humanity and human dignity; and it is just this aspect of the play that does not come alive in this adaptation. It is strenuously busy in presenting the play despite the fine acting and the witty dialogue. The films ends with a brilliant performance of Gaudeamus Igitur.
The young composer Franz Schubert is forced to pawn his lute because of financial difficulties. Emmy, the pawnbroker s daughter, is so moved by his modest and friendly demeanor, that she gives him more money for the instrument than she should. In the meantime, the court director Antonio Salieri of Mozart fame calls upon Schubert after hearing of his great talent. He encourages Schubert to perform at a soiree being given by the Countess Kinsky, who has been responsible for the launching of many careers of other successful artists. During the performance of his Unfinished Symphony , a number of possible endings to the piece suddenly come to him in the middle of his playing. When he begins to explore these endings right there during the performance, he is laughed at by the Countess Esterhazy. Schubert becomes furious and leaves the soiree.
Der junge Komponist Franz Schubert muss aus Geldnot seine Gitarre versetzen, um wenigstens seine Miete auch weiterhin bezahlen zu k nnen. Emmy, die Tochter des Pfandleihers, ist von seinem bescheidenen und freundlichen Auftreten so angetan, dass sie ihm einen h heren Betrag auszahlt, als das Instrument wert ist. In der Zwischenzeit sucht der Kapellmeister Antonio Salieri Schubert auf, von dessen Talent er geh rt hat. Er bietet dem hauptberuflich als Hilfslehrer arbeitenden Schubert an, von ihm bei einer anstehenden Soir e der Gr fin Kinsky als Nachwuchstalent in die Gesellschaft eingef hrt zu werden. Als der Wiener seine unvollendete Sinfonie vortr gt, fallen ihm inmitten des Spiels pl tzlich mehrere m gliche Enden ein, die er dann im k nstlerischen Eifer in noch nicht ausgereiften Variationen vortr gt. Als er daf r im erlauchten Publikum Gel chter vor allem von der jungen Gr fin Esterh zy erntet, ist Schubert derart irritiert, dass er seinen Vortrag abbricht und erz rnt die Soir e verl sst.
Two friends, who end up in turmoil and amorous troubles thanks to promises, secrets and outright confusion. Although the plantation owner Philipp and his best friend, the race car driver David, have given their word never to fall in love with the same woman, this seems to be exactly what has happened. Instead of taking care of his girlfriend Amy, Philipp took an ocean cruise and promptly fell in love with Viola, but then renounced claiming her when he had the chance. Zwei Freunde geraten durch Versprechungen, Heimlichkeiten und Verwechslungen in Turbulenzen und amour se N te: Obwohl sich der Plantagenbesitzer Philipp und sein bester Freund, der Rennfahrer David, das Ehrenwort gegeben haben, sich nie in dieselbe Frau zu verlieben, scheint nun doch die Katastrophe perfekt. Statt sich um seine Freundin Aim e zu k mmern, hat sich Philipp auf seinen Reisen in Viola verliebt, jedoch vers umt, klare Verh ltnisse herzustellen.
When the innkeeper Cordula unexpectedly discovers her deceased father s will in her uncle s desk, she discovers she ll have to act quickly if she doesn t want to lose the hotel: The last testament lays out, as a condition of inheriting the hotel, that she must marry a man in the hotel industry within five years of his death or her uncle gets the hotel. Luckily, she has someone in mind the headwaiter, Franz, whom Cordula is head over heels in love with. However, things may not work out as planned, because Franz has the hots for the new intern, Monika. The chaos is complete, when Franz twin brother, Benedict, shows up to serve a prison sentence for Franz.
Als die Wirtin Cordula unverhofft das Wirtshaus ihres Vaters nach dessen Tod vererbt bekommt, muss sie schnell handeln: Das Testament setzt voraus, dass sie einen im Hotel t tigen Mann heiratet, andernfalls muss sie das Wirtshaus ihrem Onkel berlassen. Ein Auserw hlter ist schnell gefunden Oberkellner Franz erscheint Cordula als der Richtige. Allerdings spielt der dabei nicht mit, denn Franz hat ein Auge auf die Hotelfachsch lerin Monika geworfen. Als nun auch noch Franz' Zwillingsbruder Benedikt auftaucht, um f r ihn eine Haftstrafe abzusitzen, ist das Chaos im Hotel komplett.
Rather coarse, pre-War comedy about a Markgraf -- Heinrich XXVI -- who bathes in the springs of the Ammendorf to strengthen his potency. The town and its springs are especially well known for the many couples with lots of children, who, for tax reasons, live there unmarried. The town smithy and bully provides his vitality to ensure the countess has an heir for the throne.
Long before the sound of marching boots were to be heard throughout a conquered and oppressed, occupied Europe, the same sounds were heard on German roads before the War as tens of thousands of Hitler Youth traveled by foot from their home towns to Nuremberg to participate in the Reichsparteitage. This 1940 film tells the story of these columns as they marched from all over Germany in a quasi-religious pilgrimage to their false idol and god, Adolf Hitler.
1853. Duke Max of Bavaria lives with his wife and his two daughters Helene, known as Nene , and Elisabeth, Sissi in Possenhofen on Starnberger See. The sister of his wife Ludovica, Archduchess Sophia, is the mother of the young Austrian Emperor, Franz Josef. One day, Sophie informs her sister of her intention to marry off Franz to Helene. Sophia invites Ludovika and her two daughters to Bad Ischl to bring about this engagement between the two. Fun-loving and tomboyish Sissi misbehaves during the very first days and is banned to her room. But she manages to break out and takes a walk through the town. It is here that she meets the young emperor by chance. She doesn t tell him, who she is, but the young monarch takes to her almost immediately. At the grand reception, the Emperor only has eyes for Sissi and announces, much to the horror of his mother, that he intends to become engaged to Sissi.
1853. Herzog Max von Bayern lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen beiden T chtern, Helene, genannt "Nene", und Elisabeth, "Sissi", in Possenhofen am Starnberger See. Die Schwester seiner Frau Ludovika, Erzherzogin Sophie, ist die Mutter des jungen sterreichischen Kaisers Franz Joseph. Eines Tages benachrichtigt Sophie ihre Schwester von der Absicht, Franz Joseph mit Helene zu verheiraten. Zur Verlobung l dt Sophie Ludovika und ihre beiden T chter nach Bad Ischl ein. Die lebenslustige, burschikose Sissi benimmt sich gleich an den ersten Tagen daneben und wird auf ihr Zimmer verbannt. Aber kurz entschlossen rei t sie aus und begibt sich auf eine ausgedehnte Wanderung au erhalb der Stadt. Hier trifft sie durch Zufall auf den jungen Kaiser, gibt sich aber nicht zu erkennen, dennoch ist der junge Monarch von ihr hingerissen. Beim gro en Empfang hat der Kaiser nur noch Augen f r Sissi und verk ndet zum Entsetzen seiner Mutter die Verlobung mit Sissi.
A discharged soldier marches along banging on his drum. He runs into two, young bears. They desperately beg him for help, because their grandfather has been caught in a trap. The soldier's able to release the old bear from the trap, and very grateful, the grandfather warns the soldier about the enchanted forest and its mysterious inhabitants. A monster is said to control it with his presence. In spite of all these warnings, the soldier advances into the forest and meets small Vanya there, who's looking for his mother. She's been kidnapped by a water spirit and the soldier pities the little boy and wants to help him. Together, they search for his mommy. Suddenly, a giant appears and proclaims itself to be the rules of the moors, swamps and rivers. When the soldier and Vanya realize they've run into the feared water spirit, they demand to know where he's keeping the boy's mother prisoner. The spirit invites them to his underwater palace and Vanya is put to a difficult and terrible test. Can the boy and the soldier find mommy before the magic of the evil spirit imprisons them all?
Fr hlich zieht ein gerade entlassener Soldat mit seiner Trommel des Weges. Da begegnen ihm zwei junge B ren. Verzweifelt bitten sie ihn um Hilfe, weil ihr Gro vater ungl cklich in eine Falle geraten ist. Der Soldat kann den alten B ren schlie lich aus dem Hindernis l sen. Voll des Dankes warnt der Gro vater den Soldaten vor dem verzauberten Wald und seinen unheimlichen Bewohnern. Ein grausiges Ungeheuer soll dort sein Unwesen treiben. Allen Warnungen zum Trotz zieht der Soldat in den Wald und trifft dort auf den kleinen Wanja, der seine Mutter Marie sucht, die von einem Wassergeist entf hrt worden ist. Der Soldat empfindet gro es Mitleid f r den Jungen und will ihm helfen. Sofort machen sich beide gemeinsam auf die unbestimmte Suche. Pl tzlich erscheint ihnen ein Riese, der sich als Herrscher ber alle Moore, S mpfe und Gew sser entpuppt. Als der Soldat und Wanja begreifen, dass sie den gef rchteten Wassergeist gefunden haben, wollen sie von diesem umgehend wissen, wo er Marie gefangen h lt. Daraufhin l dt der Wassergeist beide in seinen Unterwasserpalast ein und Wanja wird vor eine schwierige Probe gestellt. K nnen Wanja und der Soldat Marie finden und vom Zauber der b sen Unwettertante befreien? . . .. ...
Germany, around 1750: Karoline Neuber, director of the first German theater groups, lived at a time, when the clown was the most popular figure in German theatre. Neuber now wants to use his traveling troupe to establish a new theatre culture on German soil. When the clown in the troupe once more ruins the gig with his ribald jokes, Karoline wants to throw him out of the group. But the fresh mouthed clown is under the protection of a member of the Leipzig city council and Karoline's hands are thusly tied. This same councilman, however, also has an eye on Philine, the daughter of the innkeeper Schroder; and the innkeeper would be more than happy to marry his child off to this creep.
Deutschland, um 1750: Karoline Neuber, Leiterin einer der ersten deutschen Theatergruppen, lebte zu einer Zeit, in der der Hanswurst die popul rste Figur des deutschen Theaters war. Neuber hingegen will mit ihrer fahrenden Truppe eine gepflegte Theaterkultur auf den B hnen des Landes etablieren. Als sich ihr Hanswurst bei einem Auftritt in Merseburg mal wieder zu viel herausnimmt bei seinen zotigen Scherzen, will sie ihn aus der Truppe werfen. Doch der freche Kerl bekommt Sch tzenhilfe von einem Leipziger Stadtrat, weshalb Karoline die H nde gebunden sind. Dieser Stadtrat hat auch ein Auge auf Philine geworfen, die h bsche Tochter des Gastwirtes Schr der, und der ist nur zu gerne bereit, sein Kind mit dem Widerling zu verkuppeln.
Vienna, around 1910. Factory owner Peter Manders and his wife Julia have just dropped his secretary Merk at home after a nice night at the opera, when the secretary does something very bold: he asks Julia, in her husband's presence, whether she'd visit him later that night. Julia nods in agreement and her husband sits, quietly dejected. Later, while Julia's preparing for her date, Manders does not stop her from going. He grabs his gun, but rather than going after her, he writes a farewell letter to her, explaining his behavior. You see, before he met his current wife, he sat in jail for murdering his first one. It's a dark part of his past he's kept secret from Julia, but now, through a chain of unfortunate coincidences, his secretary Merk has discovered the unspoken past and is using it to blackmail Manders. Now, history seems to be repeating itself. Wien, um 1910. Gerade setzen der Fabrikbesitzer Peter Manders und seine Frau Julia ihren Sekret r Merk nach einem sch nen Opernabend zu Hause ab, da erlaubt dieser sich etwas beraus Dreistes: Er bittet Julia im Beisein ihres Mannes, sie m ge ihn noch in dieser Nacht besuchen. Julia nickt zustimmend und versetzt ihrem Gatten damit einen herben Schlag. Als Julia sich sp ter f r ihr Rendezvous zurechtmacht, h lt Manders sie nicht zur ck er greift seine Pistole, doch ehe er ihr folgt, schreibt er ihr einen Abschiedsbrief, in dem er sein Verhalten begr ndet. Denn bevor er Julia kennen lernte, sa er f r lange Zeit im Gef ngnis, weil er aus Eifersucht seine Frau erschossen hatte. Diesen dunklen Abschnitt hatte er stets geheim gehalten, aber durch eine Verkettung ungl cklicher Zuf lle erfuhr der halbseidene Merk davon und erpresst seitdem Manders mit seinem Wissen. Nun scheint die Geschichte sich f r Manders zu wiederholen.
. ROBERT KOCH, DER BEKAMPFER DES TODES (1939) * with or without switchable English subtitles * Country Dr. Robert Koch is desperate: a tuberculosis epidemic is decimating the children in his district and no one is able to do anything about it. Every fourth child is already sick and the parents must helplessly watch as their young ones die. Now Koch is undertaking to find the cause of the tuberculosis --- something he has already been working on for years --- which has been causing this plague of illness. His work is made more difficult by envy; for example, that of his teacher, who was wounded defending his honor. But his greatest obstacle is the famous Berliner scientist and Reichstag deputy, Privy Councilor Rudolf Virchow: He is extraordinarily skeptical of Koch's theory, that the cause for tuberculosis is a bacteria.
Landarzt Dr. Robert Koch ist verzweifelt: Eine Tuberkulose-Epidemie rafft die Kinder seines Bezirks dahin, ohne dass man etwas dagegen tun k nnte. Jedes vierte Kind ist bereits erkrankt, hilflos m ssen die Eltern zusehen, wie ihre Kleinen sterben ... Nun unternimmt Koch, der sich bereits seit Jahren damit besch ftigt, den Erreger der Tuberkulose zu finden, noch gr ere Anstrengungen, um der Ursache der Seuche auf die Spur zu kommen. Erschwert wird seine Arbeit durch Neider, wie etwa einen in seiner Ehre gekr nkten Lehrer. Das gr te Hindernis jedoch ist der ber hmte Berliner Wissenschaftler und Reichstagsabgeordnete Geheimrat Rudolf Virchow: Er steht Kochs Theorie, dass ein Bazillus der Ausl ser der Tuberkulose ist, u erst skeptisch gegen ber.
Der Journalist Stefan und der Fotograf Fritz planen eine gro e Reportage ber das Ehesanatorium von Professor Eschenburg. Mit der jungen Franziska als angeblicher Ehefrau sucht Stefan als ungl cklicher Gatte Hilfe im Sanatorium. Als Therapie m ssen die Paare dort genau jene Eigenschaften bewusst ausleben, die den Partner am meisten st ren. The journalist Stefan and the photographer Fritz plan to do a big story about Professor Eschenburg s marriage sanatorium. Showing up with young Franziska as his alleged wife, Stefan applies for a spot in the sanatorium as an unhappy spouse. Part of the therapy involves the two of them living out those exact qualities, which annoy their respective spouses most.
There once was a princess, who loved music above all. But now, she s supposed to become engaged to Prince Konstantin and her greatest fear is that she ll have to give up her beloved music. When she meets the famous singer Gino Mari, she realizes that she has to stand by her love of music. Gino Mari admires her voice; she may accompany him in his engagements and even follows him to Vienna. And here, the great artist knows of a way to re-unite the two quarreling royals.
Felicitas Wendland and Paul Ohlsen have enjoyed an enthusiastic friendship since their childhood. With their growth into maturity, this friendship turned into passionate love. Nevertheless, Felicitas is deeply disappointed when she finds out, that Paul broke off his studies of becoming a promising painter to complete an internship as a clerk. This, of course, happened due to financial difficulties; not be choice. Out of fear of not being able to provide her the luxuries Felicitas is used to having come from a wealthy family, Paul finally withdraws from her.
Von Kindesbeinen an verband Felicitas Wendland und Paul Ohlsen eine schw rmerische Freundschaft. Zu jungen Erwachsenen herangereift, steigert sich diese Schw rmerei zu leidenschaftlicher Liebe. Doch Felicitas ist tief entt uscht, als sie erf hrt, dass Paul sein vielversprechendes Malereistudium abgebrochen hat, um ein Volontariat als Kaufmann zu absolvieren. Dabei waren es die finanziellen Umst nde, nicht der freie Wille, die Paul zu diesem Schritt getrieben haben. Aus Angst, der verw hnten Tochter aus reichem Hause nicht den gewohnten Luxus bieten zu k nnen, zieht Paul sich schlie lich von Felicitas zur ck.
In Brazil, the prospector Vincente finds a huge diamond, the Star of Rio , and gives it to his bride, the dancer Concha. The stone, however, rightfully belongs to Don Felipe, who wishes to display it in Amsterdam. Concha travels with him and will show it off as a model. But during the presentation, the stone disappears and Concha is suspected of stealing it. Finally, detective Adrian is able to get on the track of the real culprits.
In Brasilien findet der Sch rfer Vincente einen riesigen Diamanten, den "Stern von Rio", und schenkt ihn seiner Braut, der T nzerin Concha. Rechtm ig geh rt der Stein aber Don Felipe, der ihn in Amsterdam pr sentieren will. Concha reist mit und f hrt ihn als Mannequin vor. Doch der Stein verschwindet noch w hrend der Pr sentation, und Concha wird verd chtigt, ihn gestohlen zu haben. Schlie lich gelingt es dem Detektiv Adrian, dem wahren T ter auf die Spur zu kommen.
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