February 2025
Nisha is a poor woman in the Portuguese-ruled Malabar region in India along with her widowed dad, Narayan Das. Both father and daughter are opposed to the oppressive rule of the Portuguese General Barborosa, and even shelter a freedom fighter, Ramzan Ali Saudagar. When the police get wind of this, they arrest both Ramzan and Narayan and torture them. Then Nisha and her friend are arrested and jailed after a failed attempt to kill Barborosa. After spending some time in prison, the two women, along with several other prisoners are hired out to work on a merchant ship. They end up overpowering the ship and its men and take it over.
The love for the same woman, Afra, the daughter of a poor seamstress, severely tests the friendship between the violin maker Vitus Brandner and Benedikt Oberbucher. Afra feels torn between the two men, but, in the end, chooses the violin maker. But when he is fatally injured trying to rescue someone in the mountains, he gives her to his old friend (thanks for asking your wife!).
Die Liebe zu derselben Frau, der Tochter einer armen Schneiderin, stellt die Freundschaft zwischen dem bekannten Geigenbauer Vitus Brandner und seinem Gesellen Benedikt Oberbucher auf eine schwere Probe. Afra f hlt sich zwischen den beiden M nnern hin- und hergerissen, entscheidet sich letztendlich f r den Meister. Als dieser jedoch bei einer dramatischen Rettungsaktion in den Bergen verungl ckt, vertraut er sterbend seine Frau dem alten Freund an.
The very first Polish feature film after the War and reissued in both 1947 and 1948 with various changes to the film, Forbidden Songs turned out to be one of the most beloved and popular films introduced to a shattered public in immediate postwar Poland. The film tells the story of the occupation of the Generalgouvernement from the defeat of the Second Republic in October 1939 till the "liberation" of the country in 1945 by the Soviets and the Polish People's Army following on their coattails. The musician Roman Tokarski tells the story of the occupation to a young Polish soldier, who fled to England to fight the Germans and is clueless as to how difficult life was under the occupiers. Roman describes the daily trials and tribulations Poles had to face and how these "forbidden songs" -- practically any song in the Polish language was forbidden -- helped to keep people's spirits up and preserve Polish culture. Along with Roman, there's his sister Halina, who's part of an underground organization fighting the Germans; who participates in sabotage; works with the partisans; and eventually participates in the Warsaw Uprising. There's the cowardly musician, Cieslak; the hidden Jew; the collaborators, who work hand-in-glove with the occupiers. But the real hero of the film are the authentic songs of occupation: patriotic; humorous; satirical; which are performed in the film with great talent. Sitting through this film reveals more about daily life in occupied Poland than any number of books put together.
TWO FILM DVD: PENAL SERVITUDE (1928) + WHITE SIBERIA (1919) . PENAL SERVITUDE (1928): Soviet production about life in a Siberian gulag and the revolt against the camp's new, repressive warden. Anyone familiar with the Soviet gulag system will recognize the use of common criminals to keep the "passive" politicals in line (adopted in Nazi concentration camps later on). In the end, the liberation of the politicals by the victorious Bolshevik takeover of the country is trumpeted.
WHITE SIBERIA (1919): Filmed by French cameramen in March 1919, during the victorious apex of White and interventionist forces against the Bolsheviks and their allies, this film is a rare look at Siberia under White control during the Russian Civil War. Valdivostok, Irkutsk, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Barnaul, Yekaterinburg, as well as the Trans Siberian Railway and Lake Baikal are shown.
TWO-BULDI-TWO (1929): A father and son, both clowns, are to perform together for the first time, but the Civil War separates them. The elder Buldy, tempted for a moment to acquiesce to White forces, casts his lot with the Revolution. At the climax, Buldy Jr. escapes the Whites, thanks to flashy trampoline and trapeze acrobatics.
THE SELF-SEEKER (1929): Opportunistic Kyivan Apollon Shmyguyev, whose peaceful bourgeois life is interrupted by the Civil War, decides to wait out the trouble in the South of Ukraine, which is under the rule of the Russian White Army. After gathering goods in Kyiv, he goes on a journey with a camel, which somehow had strayed to his house. Midway, he is stopped by the Red Army: the camel gets confiscated for the needs of Revolution and Apollon appears at the disposal of the Bolshevik commissar. Zealous and cunning, Apollon quickly takes lead of the local commissariat. But the ingrained thirst for a profit once again puts his life in danger.
THE IRON MASK (1929): King Louis XIII of France is thrilled when his son is born; but his Queen has actually delivered twin boys. Cardinal Richelieu sees the second son as a potential for revolution, and has him sent off to Spain to be raised in secret, to ensure a peaceful future for France. Alas, keeping the secret means sending Constance, lover of D'Artagnan, off to a convent. D'Artagnan hears of this and rallies the Musketeers in a bid to rescue her. Unfortunately, Richelieu outsmarts the Musketeers and banishes them forever. Richelieu enlists D'Artagnan to look after and protect the young prince. Meanwhile, de Rochefort learns of the twins and Richelieu's plans, and kidnaps the twin, raising him in secret.
CLASH OF THE WOLVES (1925): Lobo, leader of a wolf pack, has a price on his head. One day, suffering from a thorn in his paw, he is found by Dave Weston, a borax prospector, and befriended. The animal returns love and loyalty. Later, Lobo saves Dave from the attacks of scheming villain William 'Borax' Horton, who has designs on Dave's claim.The villain then attacks the young prospector and leaves him for dead on the site of the claim. Lobo arrives and Dave sends him with a message to town for help. In the meantime, a posse is hunting Lobo.
Claire Lescot is a famous prima donna. All men want to be loved by her. Among them is the young scientist Einar Norsen. When she mocks him, he leaves her house with the declared intention to kill himself.
In the city, some women have been killed: all of them had a physical defect. In the killer's sights a mute girl, a servant in the house of a professor who lives with his stepmother and younger brother. During a night of torment, the killer strikes again, this time risking giving himself away.
Allahabad-based Raj Raibahadur lives a wealthy lifestyle with his widowed dad. His mom had passed away, a victim to tuberculosis, compelling his anxious dad to keep him away from the hustle, bustle and pollution associated with cities. As a result, Raj ends up in the countryside, involved in the construction of a dam. His dad asks him to commence correspondence with a Riva-based young woman by the name of Chandra Rai, with a view of getting him married, to which Raj agrees. The correspondence starts, and even without meeting each other, Chandra and Raj fall in love. They cement their love when they finally meet each other. When Raj tells his father, the marriage proposal is put forth, but to Raj's shock and dismay, Chandra rejects him. It is only later that Raj finds out that the woman he had corresponded with was not Chandra, but her younger sister, Neelu.
A frivolous womanizer is cured by a young woman who really loves him, after she accidentally gets into an incriminating situation.
Ein leichtfertiger Schweren ter wird von einer ihn wirklich liebenden jungen Frau kuriert, nachdem auch sie zun chst zuf llig in eine verf ngliche Situation geriet.
Annie, a young seamstress, has fallen in love with her employer, the famous Viennese fashion designer Charles F rst, in a youthful crush. Her friends' warnings that F rst is a well-known Casanova fall on deaf ears. This hits the likeable jazz trumpeter Axel particularly hard, as he's been secretly in love with Annie for a long time. It is only when Annie catches "her" Charles with another woman that her eyes are opened - and Axel finally sees a chance to prove to his beloved that he is the right one for her.
Annie, eine junge N herin, hat sich in jugendlicher Schw rmerei in ihren Arbeitgeber, den ber hmten Wiener Modemacher Charles F rst, verliebt. Die Warnungen ihrer Freunde, dass F rst ein stadtbekannter Casanova ist, sto en bei ihr auf taube Ohren. Besonders hart trifft dies den sympathischen Jazz-Trompeter Axel, der schon lange heimlich in Annie verliebt ist. Erst als Annie "ihren" Charles mit einer anderen Frau erwischt, gehen ihr die Augen auf und Axel sieht endlich eine Chance gekommen, seiner Angebeteten zu beweisen, dass er der Richtige f r sie ist.
Irena Dubrovna, originally from Serbia, works in the fashion industry in New York City. While doing drawing exercises in front of a black panther's cage at the zoo, she meets the American engineer Oliver Reed. Irena tells him about a legend from her homeland, according to which her ancestors practiced witchcraft. The two fall in love and soon get married. The marriage is not off to a good start: Irena is convinced that she will turn into a big cat as soon as she gives free rein to her feelings, and refuses any affection or sexual advances. Since Oliver believes his wife's fears are mere superstition, he seeks help from the psychiatrist Dr. Judd.
Die aus Serbien stammende Irena Dubrovna arbeitet in New York City in der Modebranche. Bei Zeichen bungen im Zoo vor dem K fig eines schwarzen Panthers lernt sie den amerikanischen Ingenieur Oliver Reed kennen. Irena erz hlt ihm von einer Legende aus ihrer Heimat, der zufolge ihre Vorfahren Hexerei praktiziert h tten. Die beiden verlieben sich ineinander und heiraten bald darauf. Die Ehe steht unter keinem guten Stern: Irena ist berzeugt, dass sie sich in eine Raubkatze verwandelt, sobald sie ihren Gef hlen freien Lauf l sst, und verweigert sich jeglichen Z rtlichkeiten oder sexuellen Ann herungen. Da Oliver die ngste seiner Frau f r blo en Aberglauben h lt, sucht er Hilfe bei dem Psychiater Dr. Judd.
The Venetian merchant Antonio is in a difficult financial situation. To help his friend Bassanio, who is campaigning for the heiress Portia, he goes, though in disgust, to the Jewish money lender Shylock to borrow funds. If Antonio can't repay the debt, Shylock will be allowed to cut a pound of flesh out of Antonio's body.
Bad weather conditions over Denmark force a plane on its way from Vienna to Copenhagen to make a stopover in Berlin. This is a problem for two wanted bank robbers who are on board. But the other passengers are also anything but happy about the unexpected stay in the city. An opera diva has bad memories of the divided former capital. A Swede wants to get a divorce in her home country and is annoyed about the delay. A Greek from Los Angeles is worried about missing the birth of his first child. Singer Verena meets her old singing teacher here, whom she always loved but had to leave. But as soon as the passengers set foot on Berlin soil, they sense that this city has a special atmosphere. No one can escape its charm. When the passengers return to Berlin-Tempelhof Airport after two days, everyone is transformed and has been infected by the optimism of the Berliners. But things are not going so well for the two crooks. An incredibly rare look at 1950s Berlin --- both West and East --- though scenes like the one where a newspaper seller is wearing a uniform similar to that of an SA man are a bit "unsettling".
Schlechte Wetterverh ltnisse ber D nemark zwingen ein Flugzeug auf dem Weg von Wien nach Kopenhagen zur Zwischenlandung in Berlin. Das ist ein Problem f r zwei steckbrieflich gesuchte Bankr uber, die sich an Bord befinden. Aber auch die anderen Passagiere sind alles andere als erfreut ber den unvorhergesehenen Aufenthalt in der Stadt. Eine Operndiva hat schlechte Erinnerungen an die geteilte Ex-Hauptstadt. Eine Schwedin will sich in der Heimat scheiden lassen und ist ver rgert ber die Verz gerung. Ein Grieche aus Los Angeles hat Sorge, die Geburt seines ersten Kindes zu verpassen. S ngerin Verena trifft hier auf ihren alten Gesangslehrer, den sie immer geliebt hat und doch verlassen musste. Doch kaum haben die Passagiere Berliner Boden betreten, sp ren sie, dass in dieser Stadt eine besondere Atmosph re herrscht. Niemand vermag sich ihrem Charme zu entziehen. Als sich die Passagiere nach zwei Tagen wieder auf dem Flughafen Berlin-Tempelhof einfinden, sind alle wie verwandelt und haben sich vom Optimismus der Berliner anstecken lassen. Nur f r die beiden Gauner verl uft es nicht so g nstig.
EL-QAIB LUH WAHED (1945): After Suad graduates from a boarding school, she goes to live with her father, her stepmother and their daughter, who treats her harshly. Suad falls in love with Raoof, a family friend, who shares the same feelings, but her stepmother tries to marry him to her daughter which escalates events.
AMIRAT AL AHLAM (1945): Princess Nour arrives at an Egyptian hotel. Fruit seller Hamida seeks refuge in the same hotel. Nour and Hamida meet by chance and discover they look alike. The Princess asks Hamida to cover for her in meetings and visits.
Roddy Berwick and Tim Wakeley are best friends at an English prep school, Tim's only able to attend on scholarship. In addition to the connections he can make through his wealthy family, Roddy is considered the star of the class, especially on the rugby pitch, and the one with the brightest future. Things change, when Roddy is accused falsely of an impropriety. While he denies it, he does not name the actual perpetrator, Tim, knowing that Tim would never be able to recover. Roddy makes a promise to Tim never to divulge this information.
Renowned artist Truxa falls from the high wire during a daring performance and is no longer able to perform afterwards. He is teaching his number to the young Husen and even offers him his stage name to use. When he appears in the Winter Garden in Berlin for the first time, he meets the dancer Yester, Truxa's lover. He also meets the scheming illusionist Garvin, who also loves the dancer. He sees Truxa as his nemesis and it was he, who caused Truxa's accident. Husen wins Yester's heart, which fills Garvin's heart with burning jealousy once again. Der bekannte Artist Truxa st rzt bei einem gewagten Auftritt vom Drahtseil und kann danach nicht mehr auftreten. Er studiert seine Nummer nun mit dem jungen Husen ein und berl sst ihm auch seinen K nstlernamen. Als dieser das erste Mal in Berlin im Wintergarten auftritt, begegnet er der T nzerin Yester, der Geliebten von Truxa. Und er trifft auch auf den intriganten Illusionisten Garvin, der die T nzerin ebenfalls liebt, in Truxa seinen Erzfeind sieht und dessen Unfall verursacht hat. Husen gewinnt das Herz von Yester, was Garvin erneut rasend vor Eifersucht werden l sst.
After killing her treacherous stepfather, a girl tries to flee the country with a young vagabond. She dresses as a boy; they hop freight trains; quarrel with a group of hobos; and steal a car in their attempt to escape the police. And then ...
Familial disputes and comic skirmishes surrounding a traditional business. Grandfather Bressart allies himself with his grandson Karlweis, in order to bring his arrogant son Neugebauer on the right path. Between the fronts is Otto Wallburg, who is in top form as the intriguing messenger.
Familienzwistigkeiten und kom diantische Scharm tzel rund um einen Traditionsbetrieb. Gro vater Bressart verb ndet sich mit Enkel Karlweis, um seinen arroganten Sohn Neugebauer auf den rechten Weg zu bringen. Zwischen den Fronten Otto Wallburg, der als Intrigen spinnender Meldeg nger zur H chstform aufl uft.
TWO FILM DVD: UNCLE TOM S CABIN (Colorized) (1927) + BACK PAY (1922) * with switchable Spanish subs UNCLE TOM'S CABIN (Colorized) (1927): In 1856, slave Eliza plans to marry George with the consent of the Shelbys, her masters; but George's owner prevents the wedding. A few years later, Eliza flees with her son, Harry, after learning the Shelbys' plan to hand them over to a crooked creditor to prevent foreclosure. George also escapes and goes on the run while Eliza and Harry are captured and brought back home.
BACK PAY (1922): Hester Bevins is a simple country girl who yearns for adventure. Though she has a handsome young man, Jerry, who is devoted to her, she leaves her village and goes to New York in search of a grander life. There, she becomes the lover of a wealthy and unscrupulous businessman. But when Jerry returns blind and dying from the battlefield, Hester must choose between her new life and the man whose loyalty to her has never failed.
Gypsy Lola Montez is told by an old woman that she will marry a king. This prediction is furthered by poisoning the heir to the throne in Spain, giving the crown to Carlos; but this fails. Lola is arrested, but able to convince the local governor of her innocence. Together they go to Venice, the situation in Spain is becoming too dangerous for him. In Venice, she meets a student from Munich and falls in love with him, but her mentor orders her to follow him to Paris, where she is soon involved with the future ruler, Napoleon III. After a political scandal, she leaves for Munich hoping to meet the student again, but trying to get a booking at the Royal Theater there, she meets King Ludwig I, who is soon facing political troubles with a rebellious population who has a strong dislike for Lola Montez.
Filimonov, a former soldier, lost his memory due to shell shock during the Russian Civil War. In 1928, he sees a woman in a passing train and suddenly remembers his own history. He decides to leave for his hometown, now renamed Leningrad. He is confused by the rapid changes in modern Leningrad and gets a job at his old workplace, where he slowly realizes what it means for workers and peasants to be in charge. His co-workers find the new address of his wife and send him there. Filimonov is confronted by the fact that his wife is now married to a Soviet apparatchik who treats her badly.
KLOVNEN (The Clown) (1917): The circus clown Joe Higgins is scouted by a world famous agent, who promises him fame and fortune. Joe takes the offer on one condition: his fianc e Daisy and her parents must come along with him. Soon, Joe finds himself performing on the biggest stages in the city, enthralling his audience night after night. But the glamorous life in the big city is no fairy tale after all.
NERVEN-NERVIOS (1919): Germany at the end of the First World War: The fuel that war and need created in people" is portrayed as a "nervous epidemic", "which has affected people and drives them to all kinds of deeds and guilt. The fates of various people from different social strata are described: the manufacturer Roloff, who has lost his belief in technological progress; the teacher Johannes, who calls for social reform in popular assemblies; and Marja, who turns into a revolutionary to fight against the armed forces.
THE EAGLE (1925): Vladimir Dubrouvsky, a lieutenant in the Russian Army, catches the eye of Czarina Catherine II. He spurns her advances and flees, and she puts out a warrant for his arrest, dead or alive. Vladimir learns that his father's lands have been seized by Kyrilla Troekouroff. He dons a black mask and becomes the outlaw "The Black Eagle". He enters the Troekouroff household disguised as a French instructor for Kyrilla's daughter, Mascha. He is after vengeance, but instead falls in love with Mascha.
THE SHEIK (1921): Sheik Ahmed desperately desires fiesty British socialite Diana, so he abducts her and carries her off to his luxurious desert tent-palace. The free-spirited Diana recoils from his passionate embraces and yearns to be released. Only after being kidnapped by desert bandits does Diana realize how much she has grown to love Ahmed, who comes to her rescue in the nick of time.
JOAN THE WOMAN (1916): John Trent, a World War I British officer, finds an ancient sword in his trench just prior to volunteering for, what will amount to be, a suicide mission the next day. That night he is visited by the spirit of Joan of Arc and is transported back to the 15th Century. Joan's career begins when, as a peasant girl, she meets Trent's ancestor, also an English soldier, fighting for the Burgundians. After Trent is captured, Joan is brought to the attention of the beleaguered Dauphin, heir to the French throne, who cannot be crowned because the English hold the royal city of Orleans. The weak Dauphin is impressed by her vision and apparently heaven-sent powers, which border on the supernatural and ultimately gives her command of the armies.
MADELEINE (1912): A French girl is engaged to a German engineer, who gets caught during the Franco-Prussian War. She helps him escape and he attacks the French unit who caught him in the girl's family estate.
THE DEATH KNELL (1914): Death s bells toll in tune to the march of war. On top of devastating losses, espionage also cripples General M ller s army. Young Lieutenant Charley is entrusted with the delivery of Dossier 15, a document of utmost importance to the war effort. After a dangerous journey through enemy territory, Adjutant Bertram betrays him it turns out that he s spying for the enemy. Bertram replaces Dossier 15 with a worthless piece of paper which leads to Charley s arrest. Charley must escape to avoid execution and expose the spy.
MARTYRED BELGIUM (1919): A young Flemish peasant experiences the brutal side of war, after his father is called up to fight the German invaders. Meanwhile, his mother has been executed by German soldiers and his grandfather has been sent to an internment camp in Germany. He decides to take up arms and joins the Belgian army to avenge his mother s death.
SATAN TRIUMPHANT (1917): Pastor Talknos furiously urges his flock to fight temptation, but he himself becomes a victim to diabolical forces; for Satan appears at his home and pushes the holy man to commit theft and to suffer a spiritual downfall. TAMILLA (1927): Tamilla, the heroine of the film, has been sold into marriage by her greedy father to two different men ... at the same time. The first dupe of this dishonest transaction put down a deposit on his "property" three years before. When he returns to claim Tamilla's hand in marriage --- by now married to another --- he demands either fulfillment of the contract or the return of his money ... with interest. The father cannot --- and does not want to --- pay back the deposit, so he enlists the help of a holy man to defraud all involved. In the end, the ultimate victim of ignorance, greed, colonial corruption, and a repressive culture is Tamilla and her child.
THE OVERCOAT (1926): Arriving in St. Petersburg, landowner Ptitsin tries to achieve --- with the help of bribes --- a favorable decision of his litigation concerning a neighbor. Wthe the help of a swindler and blackmail, he finds a functionary who is willing to help for money.
ADVENTURES OF HALF A RUBLE (1929): A small flock of kids in ragged patched-up clothes are sitting on a fence, watching the gentry and the bourgeoisie enjoy the skating rink on a sunny day. This opening scene, idyllic in spite of the obvious presence of social inequality and injustice, ends predictably and dramatically, as Fedko, the leader of the children s gang and the principal character of the film, takes a beating for daring to laugh at a clumsy gentleman . Set in imperial Russia and made in Soviet Ukraine, it is, in essence, a film intended to educate children about class struggle, and an account of the violence of the rich through the eyes of a child.
The film tells the story of a revolt against tsarist colonial rule in 1840s Georgia. Being made during Soviet times --- and even displaying a statue of Lenin at film's ending --- it was permissable, within certain boundaries, to criticize Russian attempts to dominate its neighbors. That the same colonialism existed under the Soviets and is still being obnoxiously pursued today makes the film especially relevant for both historical and cultural reasons.
KARIN, DAUGHTER OF INGMAR (Karin Ingmarsdotter) (1920): A young woman can't forgive her fiance for getting drunk and rejects him. In an ironic twist of fate, the man she marries becomes an alcoholic.
HADDA PADDA (1924): Hrafnildur, also known as Hadda Padda", and her sister Kristrun are spending the summer in scenic Breidabol with Hadda Padda s fianc , Ingolf. A pleasant time is had by all, until Kristrun and Ingolf can deny their love no longer and Ingolf breaks up with Hadda Padda. Deeply wounded, she plots her revenge.
CARRY ON, SERGEANT (1928): Four friends enlist together to fight in the First World War. Stuck in the trenches for years, one of them meets a French woman working in a tavern. He ends up having sex with her and is consumed with guilt. Meanwhile, his wife back home believes in his fidelity and desperately waits for his return. But something dark lingers over both of them that unpleasantly casts a shadow over the entire plot.
TELL IT TO THE MARINES (1926): U.S. Marine Sergeant O'Hara has his hands full training raw recruits, one of whom, 'Skeets' Burns, is a particular thorn in his side. If Burns' lackadaisical approach to the military were not bad enough, he also makes advances on nurse Nora Dale, whom Sergeant O'Hara secretly loves. Nora is oblivious to O'Hara's feelings and is attracted to the handsome 'Skeet.' But an indiscretion turns her against him, and it takes an expedition to China and a battle with a warlord's bandit brigade to sort things out among the nurse and her two Marines.
CASTLE OF WIND AND CLOUDS (1928): After being away for more than three years, a samurai returns home to discover that his beloved is now one of the prince's concubines.
A STRING OF PEARLS (1926): A husband borrows a pearl necklace from a jeweller-friend for his wife to wear to a party. It is much admired at the party, but she is followed home by a burglar who breaks in and steals it. The next morning, the friend needs it back. It belongs to a customer he had been repairing it for. Excuses are made and they promise to return it later.
TWO FILM DVD: KASHTANKA (1926) + SAMANISHVILI S STEPMOTHER (1926) . KASHTANKA (1926): Little dog Kashtanka is stolen, sold, tossed out into the street and saved by a clown. Young Fedyushka gets lost looking for the dog and ends up a prisoner of sinister Mazamet, who compels him to rove from house to house to make money, while Fedyushka s father wanders through the streets in search of his lost child.
SAMANISHVILI'S STEPMOTHER (1926): Poor nobleman Platon Samanishvili has a big family. One day, his long time widowed father Bekina tells him that he'd like to remarry. Platon now has a problem: if his father gets a child, he has to share his already small landholding.
THE LADY (1925): A young woman marries the wastrel son of a British aristocrat. Her husband, who has been disinherited by his father, loses what little money he has left gambling in casinos and then dies, leaving her penniless and with an infant son. When her former father-in-law tries to get custody of the child, she leaves him with a couple she trusts, but when she later goes to reclaim her son, she can't find the people she left him with.
LA BOHEME (1926): 1830: In a squalid, Parisian aparment house, the rent is due, but the money is not there. An article here, a painting there and a monkey with a cup gives them enough money for the rent, but not for food. Fortunately, Musette from downstairs has enough food for everyone, including Mimi - the poor little waif from next door who Rodolphe has met. But Count Paul also has his lusting eye on Mimi and uses her embroidery to get close to her. Rodolphe and Mimi fall in love and Mimi works endlessly to support Rodolphe who is writing his play with a new found passion. He does not know that he has been discharged from writing for 'Dog and Cat Fanciers'. Mimi wants to get his play produced and Count Paul offers to help, but there is a terrible fight when Rodolphe thinks Mimi is faithless to him with Count Paul.
A nobleman vows to avenge the death of his father at the hands of pirates. To this end, he infiltrates the pirate band and single-handedly captures a merchant vessel, but things are complicated when he finds that there is a beautiful young woman of royal blood aboard.
THE ACE OF HEARTS (1921): A secret society holds a meeting to determine what to do about a powerful, dangerous man whom they have been studying closely for the past three months. They all agree that he deserves to die. Two of the members, Farallone and Forrest, are both in love with Lilith, the group's only female member, but Lilith accepts neither of them, preferring to devote herself to the group's cause. When the group meets again and deals cards to all the members, Forrest draws the ace of hearts, meaning that he will be the one to carry out the assassination. Lilith then suddenly agrees to marry him, in order to give him courage. But after their first night together, both of them feel differently about what they have planned.
PADLOCKED (1926): Edith Gilbert, the daughter of Henry Gilbert --- a wealthy, but bigoted and puritanical, reformer --- leaves home following her mother's death, to seek her fortune on Broadway. Through her boardinghouse roommate, Edith gets work as a cafe dancer. At the cafe, she attracts man-about-town Monte Hermann and also Norman van Pelt, a youth who falls in love with her. At Hermann's suggestion, Mrs. Alcott, an unsavory society woman, takes Edith under her protective wing. Meanwhile, Gilbert, who has married Belle Galloway, a designing spinster, is shocked to learn that Edith is a cabaret dancer and has her committed to a reformatory, where she is crushed mentally and physically.
TWO FILM DVD: SHERLOCK HOLMES (1922) + GESPENSTER IM SCHLOSS (1943) . SHERLOCK HOLMES (1922): When a young prince is accused of a crime that could embroil him in an international scandal, super-sleuth Sherlock Holmes comes to his aid, and quickly discovers that behind the incident lurks a criminal mastermind eager to reduce Western civilization to anarchy.
GESPENSTER IM SCHLOSS (1943): During WWII, several murders occur at a convalescent home where Dr. Watson has volunteered his services. He summons Holmes for help and the master detective proceeds to solve the crime from a long list of suspects including the owners of the home, the staff, and the patients recovering there.
On a flight from Dakar to Casablanca, the famous lawyer Vandegrift and his daughter Jessie get to know the prisoner, Peter Roland -- but under the most unfavorable circumstances: The pilots got ill during the flight and only Peter knows how to land the plane. In return, Vandegrift promises Peter, that he ll represent him during his murder trial. Peter has been accused of kidnapping the child star Binnie Casilla and killing her. Auf einem Flug von Dakar nach Casablanca lernen der bekannte Rechtsanwalt Vandegrift und seine Tochter Jessie den H ftling Peter Roland kennen - allerdings unter denkbar ung nstigen Umst nden: die Piloten sind w hrend des Fluges erkrankt und nur Peter kann die Maschine sicher landen. Als Gegenleistung verspricht Vandegrift Peter, ihn bei seinem Mordprozess zu vertreten. Peter wird n mlich beschuldigt, den Kinderstar Binnie Casilla entf hrt und get tet zu haben.
Franziska Gaal, the star of the movie plays a schoolgirl who runs into nothing but trouble when she finds an abandoned baby on the steps of an orphanage. Almost immediately, Gaal is presumed to be the mother of the child, which earns her instant dismissal from her school. Penniless, she takes a room in a fancy hotel, intending to beat the bill at the end of the week, giving her enough time to find a proper home for the baby. The hotel doctor, assuming Gaal is rich, chastises the girl for her "selfishness" in failing to care for the infant herself and forces her to leave with the kid in tow.
THE WHITE MOTH (1924): There's a well known dancing star in Paris. Men adore her and long every evening to see her dance the famous "White Moth". She is wooed by a young man already engaged to another girl. To keep him from leaving his fianc e and follow the dancer to New York, his elder brother marries her himself. . PENROD AND SAM (1923): Penrod and his gang don't want to let neighborhood "goodie-goodie" Georgie Bassett into their club, but Penrod's father pressures him to allow the boy in, because his parents are wealthy and prominent members of the town. Finally the boys agree to let Georgie join, but first they demand that he undergo an "initiation", and they're determined to make it one that Georgie won't soon forget.
The famous pilot Mabel Atkinson doesn't like reporters; and the famous reporter Jack Warren doesn't like famous women, whom he has to interview day in and day out. He's looking for a nice, pretty and completely uninteresting woman. He is doing his intended last interview with the movie star Dorothy Hopkins, whom he mistakenly thinks is Mabel Atkinson and while visiting the dentist, falls for the real Mabel Atkinson, whom he thinks is a common woman, who won't threaten his insecure manhood (or lack thereof, if you get my meaning). After horsing around in the air and on the ground, they marry each other, make promises, break them, and then want to divorce. Thankfully, the judge in the divorce court sees through the nonsense and recognizes how much they truly love each other. Die ber hmte Fliegerin Mabel Atkinson mag keine Reporter, und der ber hmte Reporter Jack Warren mag keine ber hmten Frauen, die er tagaus, tagein interviewen muss. Er sucht nach einem netten, h bschen, v llig uninteressanten M dchen. Er macht sein vermeintlich letztes Interview mit der Filmschauspielerin Dorothy Hopkins, die er allerdings f r Mabel Atkinson h lt, und verliebt sich in der Praxis eines Zahnarztes in die echte Mabel Atkinson, die er f r ein ganz normales M dchen h lt. Nach allerlei Capriolen in der Luft und auf dem Erdboden, heiraten die beiden, geben sich Schw re, brechen diese, wollen sich wieder scheiden lassen, und merken vor dem Scheidungsrichter, wie sehr sie sich in Wirklichkeit lieben.
As a young man, Alexander Girardi worked as a locksmith's apprentice, but always dreamed of being on the stage. To make this dream come true, he went to Vienna. The beginning was difficult, and Girardi had to make do with minor roles in insignificant venues. The young man had a hard time asserting himself against the intrigue that flourished in the theater world.
Als junger Mann arbeitet Girardi als Schlossergeselle, tr umt aber schon immer von der B hne. Um diesen Traum zu verwirklichen, geht er eines Tages nach Wien. Der Anfang gestaltet sich als schwierig, und Girardi muss zun chst mit Chargenrollen an unbedeutenden Spielst tten vorlieb nehmen. Der junge Mann hat es schwer, sich gegen das in der Theaterwelt bl hende Intrigenspiel durchzusetzen.
A very naive Viennese record saleswoman is conned into the role of a grande dame at a luxury milieu and finds a happy ending with an aristocratic sports flier.
Eine sehr naive Wiener Schallplattenverk uferin darf als Intrigantin in die Rolle einer gro en Dame im Luxusmilieu schl pfen und findet dabei einen gr flichen Sportflieger zum Happy-End.
Trinkmeyer, the sole employee in the detective agency Pietsch P. Rumpe, is commissioned by Mr. Shackleton from Pernambuco to track down a certain Maria Banse. He discovers, she s the wife of the retired accountant Thomas Filoda and falls in love with her daughter, Lore. When he tells his client the results of the investigation, he gets 5,000 Marks from him, which he is to hand over to Maria. Maria uses the money to buy a B&B, which she names Fremdenheim Filoda . But then it turns out that Marie is supposedly not the person, who was being sought.
Trinkmeyer, einziger Angestellte der Detektei Pietsch P. Rumpe, erh lt von einem Mr. Shackleton aus Pernambuco den Bulli Auftrag, eine gewisse Marie Banse aufzusp ren. Er findet sie als Ehefrau des pensionierten Buchhalters Thomas Filoda und verliebt sich in ihre Tochter Lore. Als er seinem Auftraggeber seine Ermittlungsergebnisse mitteilt, erh lt er von diesem 5000 Mark, die er Marie bergeben soll. Marie kauft damit eine Pension, die sie "Fremdenheim Filoda" nennt. Doch dann stellt sich heraus, dass Marie angeblich gar nicht die gesuchte Person ist.
Peter Baumann and his schoolfriends are more interested in Jazz than they are in their studies. They'd like to go on stage, but beginners are not allowed to perform in public. That's okay: some senior citizens in a home with time on their hands will help make their dream come true.
Peter Baumann und seine Studienfreunde interessieren sich mehr f r Jazz als f r die Hochschule. In der Stadthalle d rfen die Anf nger nicht auftreten. Nur gut, dass sich einige vitale Senioren aus dem Altersheim f r die Musiker einsetzen.
![]() BEI PICHLER STIMMT DIAS KASSE NICHT (1961) Somewhere in the German provinces, the accountant Vittgers is in love with his boss' daughter, the extremely precise senior accountant Pichler, which probably explains his strange behavior towards the man. Pichler is supposed to turn over the employees' wages to the boss of the company, who, in actuality, is a shameless fraudster. When Pichler's daughter Anneliese brings daddy his breakfast, she takes a moment to passionately kiss Vittgers and the paket with the wages falls in the garbage can. In the meantime, the boss gets the bag with daddy's breakfast! Will the very picky accountant ever get anything to eat today?
Irgendwo in der deutschen Provinz: Buchhalter Vittgers ist in die Tochter seines Vorgesetzten, des bergenauen Oberbuchhalter Pichler, verliebt, weshalb er sich gegen ber seinem vorgesehenen Schwiegervater recht duckm userisch verh lt. Pichler soll dem Chef seiner Firma, in Wahrheit ein abgefeimter Betr ger, die Lohngelder f r eine gesch ftliche Transaktion aush ndigen. Anneliese Pichler bringt ihrem Vater das vergessene Fr hst ck, bei einem leidenschaftlichen Kuss mit Vittgers f llt das Paket mit den Lohngeldern in den Papierkorb, w hrend das Fr hst ck von Herrn Pichler an den Chef ausgeh ndigt wird.
Xaver Bimshofer is the richest peasant in the village; and therefore, his only daughter Lenerl should marry a guy, who is diligent enough to keep the exemplary farm running. But Bimshofer doesn t know, that Lenerl has long been a couple with the servant Sepp. So he suspects that every young man in the village wants to conquer his poor, innocent daughter. So that Lenerl really resists all these attempts, he gets a stone statue from Thomas Kammerlehner s barn, The Chaste Kunigunde , which is supposed to protect the girl s chastity and to protect her from sin by its positive energy. Uh huh. Xaver Bimshofer ist der reichste Bauer im Ort, und deshalb soll Lenerl, seine einzige Tochter, einen Burschen heiraten, der flei ig genug ist, den musterg ltigen Hof weiterzuf hren. Aber Bimshofer wei nicht, dass Lenerl sich schon l ngst mit dem Knecht Sepp einig ist. So aber verd chtigt er jeden jungen Kerl des Ortes, bei seiner armen, unschuldigen Tochter fensterln zu wollen. Damit Lenerl allen Versuchungen auch wirklich widersteht, holt er eine alte, steinerne Statue aus dem Schuppen des Thomas Kammerlehner: die "keusche Kunigunde", die als Besch tzerin der Keuschheit gilt und durch ihre positive Ausstrahlung auch Lenerl vor der S nde bewahren soll.
A young man worked as a doctor during the Second World War, although he never completed medical school and was never licensed. At war's end, he ends up in the position of chief surgeon at a hospital, although he never wanted the spot. He does a good job, but ... Die Handlung dreht sich um einen jungen Mann, der w hrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges als Arzt gearbeitet hat, obwohl er noch gar keinen Abschlu in seinem Medizinstudium vorweisen konnte. Nach Kriegsende wird er - ohne das wirklich zu wollen - in die Position eines Oberarztes der Chirurgie bef rdert, wo er zwar gut arbeitet, aber ...
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Having been brought up in a rich household, Jenny is sick and tired of people thinking of her as a spoiled brat who can't stand on her own two feet. And to prove to everyone that she's not, she applies to Berlin University's medical studies program. Once there, she gets to know the ambitious student Hans, who is soon to take his state exams and wants nothing to do with women until he's established in his first practice. But Jenny and Hans fall in love with one another and see each other quite a bit more than Hans' professor Bruschsal finds acceptable. And on the very day of his state exams, Hans erroneously comes up with "evidence" that Jenny is already engaged to another. Die aus reichem Hause stammende Jenny ist es leid, dass man sie f r eine verw hnte G re h lt, die nichts im Leben alleine auf die Beine stellen kann. Um allen das Gegenteil zu beweisen, schreibt sie sich an der Berliner Universit t f r ein Medizinstudium ein. Dabei lernt sie den ehrgeizigen Studenten Hans kennen, der kurz vor dem Staatsexamen steht und von Frauen eigentlich nichts wissen will, bevor er seine erste Praxis hat. Aber Jenny und Hans verlieben sich ineinander und sehen sich fter als Hans' Professor Bruchsal lieb ist. Ausgerechnet am Tag seines Staatsexamens verf llt Hans der irrt mlichen Annahme, Jenny sei verlobt.
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Walter Pichler is a painter by nature, but his uncle, who intends to visit him in St. Wolfgang, wanted him to study medicine. Walter doesn't want to disappoint him, so he trades places with a friend, the doctor Peter Kurz. His uncle is proud to have a doctor in the family and goes out of his way to solicit patients at hs Hotel Fosterheim to make appointments with "the doctor". Thus, Walter's got to delay confessing the truth for just a little bit. Will he have to bite the bullet and confess the truth before something bad happens? Or is a criminal investigation for practicing medicine without a license and lots of lawsuits in Walter's future? Maler Walter Pichler, der auf Wunsch seines Onkels Medizin statt Kunst studieren sollte, m chte ihn bei seinem Besuch in St. Wolfgang nicht entt uschen. Seinem Onkel zu liebe tauscht er mit seinem Freund, dem Arzt Dr. Peter Kurz, die Rollen. Doch Vinzenz Grillmayer, ganz stolz auf seinen Neffen, begibt sich auf Patientensuche und beschafft ihm so manchen erkrankten Gast seines Hotels F rsterheim. Walter muss sein Gest ndnis also noch aufschieben.
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