SKU 436 Availability DER OSTWALL + THE EASTERN FRONT, 1944 - 1945 Be the first to review this product $9.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews In modern-day Poland, some 40 miles beyond the German frontier, lays a series of fortifications, which are better preserved than the more-famous Siegfried Line fortifications in the West. These are the bunkers and tunnels of the Ostwall, which were built to defend the German borders in the East. With the use of modern-day films and historical information, the viewer is taken on a tour of the military installations as they look like today and told what purpose they served back during the War ... and how well they served their purpose.The second part of this DVD tells the story of the events on the Eastern Front during the years of defense against the Soviet armies. Mainly using period films and newsreels, the viewer is shown an important part of military history from the German point of view, which is rarely covered in Western literature and documentary films. DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES. APPROXIMATELY 85 MINUTES. QUALITY: OVERALL, VERY GOOD.REGION FREE (will play in any dvd player). Be the first to review this product Customers who bought this item also bought 2 DVD SET: INFERNO IN EAST PRUSSIA, 1944 - 19... $26.99 2 DVD SET: MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM (1931 and 1958)... $18.99 SO WAR DER DEUTSCHE LANDSER (THIS WAS THE GERMA... $9.99 PANZER BATTLES + STURMGESCHUTZE III & IV $9.99 WAR CRIMES, 1939 - 1945: THE GERMAN VIEW $9.99 2 DVD SET: THE WEHRMACHT AT WAR (1939 - 1945) $24.99 4 DVD SET: THE HISTORY OF THE THIRD REICH (1933... $32.99 BOMBS ON BERLIN + THE BATTLE OF BERLIN $9.99 PERVERSION STORY (Una sull'altra) (1969) $13.99 2 DVD SET: SCHLACHT UM MOSKAU (1985) * with s... $29.99 BANOVIC STRAHINJA - THE FALCON (1981) * with... $13.99 9 DVD SET: EUROPE IN FLAMES (1940-1942) HIGH Q... $89.99 HITLERs ATLANTIC WALL + DER OSTWALL $9.99 A TRIP THROUGH 1930s GERMANY * with switchable... $16.99 3 DVD SET: AUSTRIA AND THE ANSCHLUSS 1938 (20... $35.49 THE WAR ON THE EASTERN FRONT THROUGH GERMAN EYE... $9.99 DAWNS HERE ARE QUIET (1972) *with switchable E... $9.99 DER U-BOOTSKRIEG $9.99 WWII GERMANY IN COLOR (PART III) $9.99 2 DVD SET: GERMAN PARATROOPERS IN ACTION (2013... $21.99 5 DVD SET: SHORT FILMS FROM AND ABOUT THE THIR... $47.99 BERLIN: SYMPHONY OF A GREAT CITY (1927) + KI... $10.99 3 DVD SET: THE WAR ENDS IN GERMANY - AACHEN, B... $25.99 THE END OF THE WAR IN WESTERN GERMANY, 1945 $9.99 2 DVD SET: SO WEIT DIE FÜSSE TRAGEN (1959) $16.99 < >