Artikelnummer 2539 Verfügbarkeit FRENCH WARTIME NEWSREELS 1 (2013) * with hard-encoded German and switchable English subtitles * Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. $13.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen The first part of the DVD opens with news reports detailing events during the latter part of the invasion of the Low Countries by the Third Reich and the beginning of the invasion of northern France: THE NEWS IN FRANCE FROM PATHE (23 MAY 1940): Dutch refugees land in England Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands flees to England The Luftwaffe bombs Dutch and Belgian cities Endless columns of refugees clog France's country roads Allied troops fight in northern Norway An Anglo-French expedition corps reaches Narvik Total Time: 13 Minutes. In French with German voice-over and switchable English subtitles. Excellent digital quality. THE NEWS IN FRANCE FROM PATHE (06 JUNE 1940): The American ambassador lays a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Narvik is taken by the Allied Expedtion Forces German pilots target hospitals in northern France 1,100 German bombs fall on Paris and its suburbs Fifth Columnists are apprehended in Paris Rear guard units blow up bridges and towers to prevent their use by the Germans Munitions factories all over France are working day and night British and French soldiers are evacuated at Dunquerque The Belgian king surrenders to the Germans Total Time: 13 Minutes. In French with German voice-over and switchable English subtitles. Excellent digital quality. The next two newsreels have been taken from German Wartime Newsreels 4 and chronicle the final stages of the Campaign in the West as well as France's capitulation: The Luftwaffe attacks fleeing Allied troops at Dunkirk The Germans march into Dunkirk The Italians declare war on the Allies Luftwaffe raids on Paris Air attacks on La Havre German offensive begins from Amiens toward Rouen and La Havre Allies set oil tanks on fire in Oisemont The Marne is crossed Germans take the Palace of Versailles The Germans enter Paris Einzugsparade in Paris Scharnhorst and Gneisenau wreak havoc in the North Sea Sinking of HMS Glorious Offensive against the Maginot Line Metz and Strasbourg fall into German hands Verdun is taken The battle for Alsace-Lorraine is finished France capitulates at Compiegne Total Time: 64 Minutes. In German with switchable English subtitles. Excellent digital quality. TOTAL DURATION OF DVD-R: 90 MINUTES PLEASE NOTE THAT SWITCHABLE (SOFT) SUBTITLES WILL NOT SHOW UP WHEN VIEWING THE SAMPLE BELOW. IF YOU SEE SUBTITLES, THEN THEY ARE HARD-ENCODED (meaning, they cannot be turned off when viewing the film): Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte 40 DVD SET: GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 1-40 * w... $271.99 4 DVD SET: SOVIET WARTIME NEWSREELS 1-4 (20... $44.99 15 DVD SET: AMERICAN WARTIME NEWSREELS (1941... $124.99 3 DVD SET: SOVIET NEWSREELS (1919 – 1925) *... $29.99 4 DVD SET: DIE DDR RUFT - EAST GERMAN NEWSREE... $33.99 FRENCH WARTIME NEWSREELS 2 (2013) * with hard... $13.99 FRENCH WARTIME NEWSREELS 3 (2013) * with hard... $13.99 FRENCH WARTIME NEWSREELS 4 (2013) * with hard... $13.99 FRENCH WARTIME NEWSREELS 5 (2013) * with hard... $9.99 2 DVD SET: LIFE IN WWII FRANCE $24.99 5 DVD SET: FRENCH WARTIME NEWSREELS (2013) *... $35.99 LA BATAILLE DU RAIL (1946) * with switchable... $13.99 THE LIBERATION OF AUSCHWITZ + LE RETOUR (1945) $11.99 APRES MEIN KAMPF - MES CRIMES (My Crimes After... $13.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft THE PEARLS OF THE CROWN (Les perles de la cour... $14.99 LE MONDE TREMBLERA (The World will shake) (19... $13.99 LE TUNNEL (1933) * with switchable English su... $13.99 THE TALES OF HOFFMANN (1951) * with switchabl... $13.99 SARAJEVO (1940) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 LE JOUR SE LEVE (Daybreak) (1939) * with hard-e... $13.99 GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 29 * with switchable... $9.99 J’ACCUSE (I accuse) (1938) * with switchable... $13.99 2 DVD SET: ADOLF HITLERs BEST KNOWN SPEECHES $21.99 GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 01 * with switchable E... $9.99 FEUERTAUFE (Baptism of Fire) (1939) *with hard... $9.99 < >