Artikelnummer 123

GERMAN PANORAMA # 05: 1940-42

In this series of three films, Germany, its culture, people and landscapes are shown as they all looked like from 1940-1942:
The Battle of Norway (1940):  Very good film about the Norwegian campaign with unusual candor is the jewel of this DVD.  81 minutes long with excellent quality;
Psst!  The Enemy can hear You:  Spy in the Train! (1940):  6 minute filmette was put out to be shown before movies in the theatre to remind people there was a war going on.  In this film, a chatty woman with her dog in a train compartment spills out every military secret there is to know with the exception of where Hitler hides the family jewels to anyone who'll listen to her blabbing.  Unbeknownst to her, there's a British spy on board and he's listening to it all.  Even after she's warned to shut her trap and the spy is finally caught by the Gestapo, her only response is, "Oh!  An extra seat for me to stretch out on!"  Soft VHS quality, entertaining;
The Minister's Birthday Party (1942):  it's even more ridiculous than it sounds.  A 48 minute film made up of the private movies taken at the birthday party of a top minister on 28 October 1942.  Uniforms, gala events and grand dames?  Noooo ... just his brood of kids and a lot of movie about what's it like to live in his house  *yawn*!  Does give an idea, though, what it was like to hang out with the top leadership at the time.  Soft VHS quality.  Bring your pillow and blankie for this one!
REGION FREE (will play in any DVD player).