Artikelnummer 2509 Verfügbarkeit GERMAN PARATROOPERS IN ACTION I (2013) * with switchable English subtitles * Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. $13.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen Documentary DVD about the exploits of the Fallschirmjager in the Second World War with films mainly culled from Die Deutsche Wochenschau. The first film on the DVD is Die Fallschirmjager an allen Fronten, which documents the history of the Fallschirmjager units from their consolidation into a separate branch of the Luftwaffe in 1938 till the end battles on the western and eastern fronts in 1945. The second film is entitled, Fallschirmjager, Sturmsoldaten der Luft, a 1944 documentary about the training of German paratroopers. The final film --- Sprung in den Feind – produced in 1942, documents the achievements of the paratroopers in the Dutch campaign of May 1940. THIS DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH SWITCHABLE ENGLISH SUBTITLES. Die Fallschirmjager an allen Fronten: 100 minutes. Variable quality; but overall unsharp and snowy; Fallschirmjager, Sturmsoldaten der Luft: 14 minutes. Unsharp and snowy; Sprung in den Feind: 22 minutes. Unsharp with pixellization issues. PLEASE NOTE THAT SWITCHABLE (SOFT) SUBTITLES WILL NOT SHOW UP WHEN VIEWING THE SAMPLE BELOW. IF YOU SEE SUBTITLES, THEN THEY ARE HARD-ENCODED (meaning, they cannot be turned off when viewing the film): Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte 2 DVD SET: GERMAN PARATROOPERS IN ACTION (2013... $21.99 GERMAN PARATROOPERS IN ACTION II (2013) * with... $13.99 40 DVD SET: GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 1-40 * w... $271.99 BATTLESHIP BISMARCK * with switchable English... $13.99 TRIUMPH DES WILLENS (TRIUMPH OF THE WILL) (19... $14.99 POLITICAL FILMS OF THE REICH I – X * with swit... $79.99 4 DVD SET: WAFFEN SS - THE WAFFEN SS IN ACTION... $44.99 2 DVD SET: ADOLF HITLERs BEST KNOWN SPEECHES $21.99 < >