Artikelnummer 3178

SUMMER VACATION 1999 (1988) * with switchable English subtitles *

Eri Fukatsu Norio Tomoko Ohtakara Kazuhiko Miyuki Nakano Naoto Eri Miyajima Yu/ Kaoru Masaaki Maeda Hiromi Murata Naoto Minami Takayama Voice of kaoru

Summer vacation has emptied a Japanese boys' school of all but three boys: junior Norio and the seniors Kazuhiko & Naoto. They have no families to return to for the summer, so they spend their days in the empty school. A darkness hangs over the three however: the suicide, three months earlier, of classmate Yu. Norio blames Kazuhiko for Yu's death, because it was well-known that Yu loved Kazuhiko; so Kazuhiko is cruel to Norio, and yet has bad dreams. This uneasy arrangement is exacerbated by the arrival of Kaoru, a student set to start classes in the fall - who looks exactly like Yu. Believe it or not, despite the homoerotic elements, this is actually a ghost story.

DVD-r is in Japanese with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 89 min. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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