Januar-Februar 2020
Coffee-table, E-Photobook -- with 906 pages, 586 of which contain single, original photos; 271 pages contain archive photos -- of Jewish sights and traces in Poland. This part covers Subcarpathia and the Lublin District (Podkarpacie oraz Lubelskie). The photobook has been designed with the intent to show and inform the reader what Jewish heritage sights (and sites) are still existent in this part of Poland and what they can expect to see. While not developed as a travel guide, those interested in visiting Poland will find this an invaluable resource, whether they're visiting on a heritage tour, out of historical interest, or just want to sit at home and enjoy the subject matter. The table of contents below and the portion of the book's introduction will tell you what is covered in the E-book.
Coffee-table, E-Photobook -- with 681 pages, 457 of which contain single, original photos; 194 pages contain archive photos -- of Jewish sights and traces in Poland. This part covers Krakow and Malopolska. The photobook has been designed with the intent to show and inform the reader what Jewish heritage sights (and sites) are still existent in this part of Poland and what they can expect to see. While not developed as a travel guide, those interested in visiting Poland will find this an invaluable resource, whether they're visiting on a heritage tour, out of historical interest, or just want to sit at home and enjoy the subject matter. The table of contents below and the portion of the book's introduction will tell you what is covered in the E-book.
A young man, Friedel Walter, reports to the authorities of the DDR, that he's been living under a false name for years and has worked as a doctor without really being one. The state prosecutor thinks it's an open-and-shut case; but Council Chairamn Mehlin thinks otherwise. Mehlin met Walter once, back in 1941, when he escaped from a concentration camp and was badly wounded. Resistance-fighter Irene asked her friend, the former med student Walter, to help her comrade. Later on, Walter found himself at the front as a medic; was taken prisoner by the British; and mistakenly registered as Dr. Muller, who had fallen in battle. He didn't clear up the error. Only the successful handling of a complicated case brought him in confrontation with the past: the patient's wife happened to be Irene. So, he decided it was finally time for the truth to come out.
Ein junger Mann, Friedel Walter, stellt sich den Behörden der DDR. Er hat jahrelang unter falschem Namen als Arzt gearbeitet, ohne einer zu sein. Ein klarer Fall, denkt der Staatsanwalt, doch der Ratsvorsitzende Mehlin belehrt ihn eines Besseren. Mehlin ist Walter schon einmal begegnet, 1941, als er aus dem KZ geflohen und schwer verwundet war. Die Widerstandskämpferin Irene hatte ihren Freund, den ehemaligen Medizinstudenten Walter, gebeten, dem Genossen zu helfen. Später kam Walter als Sanitäter an die Front, wurde von den Briten gefangengenommen und versehentlich unter dem Namen des gefallenen Dr. Müller registriert. Er klärte den Irrtum nicht auf. Die erfolgreiche Behandlung eines komplizierten Falls konfrontierte ihn nun mit der Vergangenheit. In der Frau des Patienten begegnete er Irene wieder. So entschied er sich, die Wahrheit zu sagen.
Baroness Marika von Korossy dresses up as a man, in order to compete in a horse race. Her victorious horse, Satan, will only allow her to ride him and throws everyone else off of him. That includes the dandy lieutenant Tibor von Denes, who immediately recognizes that Marika isn't a man. It isn't long before he makes friends with her and even gets her to dance with him. It's then that Marika takes off her hat and shows she's a woman, which causes jealous Ilonka von Peredy to go into a rage. When Marika is forced to sell her estate to raise money, Ilonka is able to get Marika's beloved Satan.
Baronesse Marika von Körössy nimmt als Mann verkleidet an einem Rennen der ungarischen Pferdehirten teil. Ihr siegreiches Pferd Satan kann nur von ihr geritten werden und wirft ansonsten jeden ab, bis auf den feschen Leutnant Tibor von Dénes, der sofort erkennt, dass Marika kein Mann ist, sich mit ihr anfreundet und sogar mit ihr tanzt. Dabei nimmt Marika die Mütze ab und gibt sich so als Frau zu erkennen, womit sie die Eifersucht der schönen Ilonka von Peredy erregt. Als Marika aus Geldnot ihren ganzen Besitz verkaufen muss, erwirbt Ilonka Marikas geliebten Satan.
A completely novel type of ship is to be introduced to the public. Two young women have been chosen to create the needed publicity; but they end up disappearing on the open sea. A search party discovers something horrible: a mysterious ghost ship from the Middle Ages is prowling the seas.
Ein völlig neuartiges Schiff soll der Öffentlichkeit vorgeführt werden. Für die nötige Publicity sollen zwei junge Damen sorgen. Diese verschwinden auf offener See. Ein Suchtrupp macht eine entsetzliche Entdeckung: Auf dem Meer treibt ein mysteriöses Geisterschiff aus dem Mittelalter.
Three old men, buddies for God-knows-how-long and WWI veterans, decide to leave their village in France to go live in an allegedly fantastic old age home. Annoyed with their constant practical jokes and childish behavior, the villagers are more than happy to see them go. But after their many misadventures on the way to their new home, an unpleasant shock awaits them.
Drei alte, kauzige Sauf- und Radaubrüder, die durch dick und dünn gehen, müssen bittere Erfahrungen mit der Engstirnigkeit ihrer Dorfgemeinschaft machen. Aber sie wissen sich in diesem umwerfenden komischen, rührenden und melancholisch-menschlichen Filmspaß stets ihrer Haut zu wehren.
A former clown, unhappy in his new career as a businessman, and his look-alike, meet by chance and are able to exchange lives to the general satisfaction of all involved.
Ein ehemaliger Eisclown, der in seinem Kaufmannsdasein unglücklich ist, und sein Doppelgänger, der sich durch Zufall in die Manege verirrte, können zu allgemeiner Zufriedenheit ihre Existenzen tauschen.
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Pitt Seeberg is a real ladies man. If he's going to conquer self-assured Gabi, he's going to have to make an effort to do so, because she has no use for playboy antics. So Pitt leads her to believe he's a car salesman (you know, someone you can really trust). Soon, however, he really does fall in love with Gabi and wants to give up his life of swinging bachelorhood. Then it's surely bad luck for him, when Gabi shows up at his wild "Goodbye to Bachelorhood" party, no?
Der Industriellensohn Pitt Seeberg ist ein Frauenheld. Um die selbstbewusste Gabi zu erobern, muss er sich anstrengen, denn sie verachtet Playboys seines Schlags. Aus diesem Grund gaukelt Pitt ihr vor, nur ein kleiner Autoverkäufer zu sein. Schon bald verliebt er sich aber tatsächlich in Gabi und möchte sein Junggesellenleben aufgeben. Ausgerechnet auf seiner rauschenden Abschiedsparty kommt Gabi ihm auf die Schliche.
A discharged soldier marches along banging on his drum. He runs into two, young bears. They desperately beg him for help, because their grandfather has been caught in a trap. The soldier's able to release the old bear from the trap, and very grateful, the grandfather warns the soldier about the enchanted forest and its mysterious inhabitants. A monster is said to control it with his presence. In spite of all these warnings, the soldier advances into the forest and meets small Vanya there, who's looking for his mother. She's been kidnapped by a water spirit and the soldier pities the little boy and wants to help him. Together, they search for his mommy. Suddenly, a giant appears and proclaims itself to be the rules of the moors, swamps and rivers. When the soldier and Vanya realize they've run into the feared water spirit, they demand to know where he's keeping the boy's mother prisoner. The spirit invites them to his underwater palace and Vanya is put to a difficult and terrible test. Can the boy and the soldier find mommy before the magic of the evil spirit imprisons them all?
Fröhlich zieht ein gerade entlassener Soldat mit seiner Trommel des Weges. Da begegnen ihm zwei junge Bären. Verzweifelt bitten sie ihn um Hilfe, weil ihr Großvater unglücklich in eine Falle geraten ist. Der Soldat kann den alten Bären schließlich aus dem Hindernis lösen. Voll des Dankes warnt der Großvater den Soldaten vor dem verzauberten Wald und seinen unheimlichen Bewohnern. Ein grausiges Ungeheuer soll dort sein Unwesen treiben. Allen Warnungen zum Trotz zieht der Soldat in den Wald und trifft dort auf den kleinen Wanja, der seine Mutter Marie sucht, die von einem Wassergeist entführt worden ist. Der Soldat empfindet großes Mitleid für den Jungen und will ihm helfen. Sofort machen sich beide gemeinsam auf die unbestimmte Suche. Plötzlich erscheint ihnen ein Riese, der sich als Herrscher über alle Moore, Sümpfe und Gewässer entpuppt. Als der Soldat und Wanja begreifen, dass sie den gefürchteten Wassergeist gefunden haben, wollen sie von diesem umgehend wissen, wo er Marie gefangen hält. Daraufhin lädt der Wassergeist beide in seinen Unterwasserpalast ein und Wanja wird vor eine schwierige Probe gestellt. Können Wanja und der Soldat Marie finden und vom Zauber der bösen Unwettertante befreien?
Excellent German war movie about four Kriegsmarine cadets who begin their military service in 1940; first, on a minesweeper, then on a submarine. In the end, only one will survive (which pretty much corresponds to the real-life statistics for German U-Boat crews). Postwar film allows an honest and critical look at what it was REALLY like to serve in the German navy during the War, which, of course, was much different than how the regime portrayed submarine warfare to be. A moving and accurate anti-war drama.
Der Film spielt in Deutschland während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. 1940 nimmt das Minensuchboot Albatros vier „frische“ Seekadetten an Bord, die zuvor als Freunde zusammen auf einem Heringsfänger gearbeitet haben: Hans Teichmann, Gerd Heyne, Emil Stollenberg und Vögele. Schon am nächsten Tag laufen sie aus. Die Mannschaft gerät in schwere Kämpfe. Vögele stirbt. Teichmann rettet dem schwer verwundeten Flottillenchef Wegener, in dessen Frau Edith er unglücklich verliebt ist, das Leben. Der erblindete Wegener ist aber nun vollständig auf die Hilfe seiner Frau angewiesen. Desillusioniert über seine aussichtslose Liebe meldet Teichmann sich zum U-Boot-Einsatz, nachdem er im Lazarett gesundet ist. Das Kommando auf diesem U-Boot führt Wegeners Jugendfreund Jochen Lüttke. Wegener hatte sich dafür verwendet, dass Teichmann dort anheuern kann. Lüttke ahnt etwas von der Liebe Teichmanns zu Edith, weswegen der junge Offizier allerhand Schikanen erdulden muss. Auch schätzt Lüttke Teichmann wegen einer Begebenheit auf dem Minensuchboot völlig falsch ein. Teichmann hatte dort den unfähigen und überforderten Leutnant Pauli, der ihn immer wieder anschwärzte, aus gutem Grund niedergeschlagen.
Germany at the time of the Napoleonic occupation: The somewhat boyish-looking Johanna is on a journey to Braunschweig with her mother. Sitting next to them in the carriage is a German major named Korfes and the somewhat dubious-appearing Dr. Frost. Shortly after a messenger on horseback hands the major a letter, the carriage is stopped by French militia and Korfes is arrested. He succeeds, however, in passing Johanna the mysterious letter.
Deutschland zur Zeit der Besetzung durch die Truppen Napoleons. Die etwas jungenhaft wirkende Johanna befindet sich mit ihrer Mutter auf einer Reise nach Braunschweig. Mit in ihrer Postkutsche sitzen ein deutscher Major namens Korfes und der etwas dubios erscheinende Dr. Frost. Kurz nachdem ein berittener Bote dem Major einen Brief in die Kutsche gereicht hat, wird der Wagen von einer französischen Miliz gestoppt und Korfes verhaftet. Es gelingt ihm jedoch, Johanna den geheimnisvollen Brief zuzustecken.
Georg Köhler is a former stunt flyer, who has now settled down to a comparatively safe job as a mail pilot ... which is still very dangerous. His wife Maris, concerned for his safety, doesn't want him to fly at all. But Georg has got the stratosphere in his veins and he refuses to give up flying. Maris believes that her husband loves flying more than he loves her, and there's certainly evidence of this. Even though Georg and Maris have a young son, their disagreement over Georg's passion for flight has strained their marriage to the breaking point.
Seiner Frau zuliebe gibt ein Verkehrspilot das gefährliche Kunstflughobby auf und überläßt damit seinem Freund konkurrenzlos den bevorstehenden Wettbewerb. Plötzlich beginnt die Frau sich für den erfolgreichen Kunstflieger zu interessieren. Der Ehemann fühlt sich betrogen und startet einen Testflug über den Atlantik, der in einer Beinahe-Katastrophe endet. Zurückgekehrt kann er erkennen, daß Gefahren für Ehe und Freundschaft nicht mehr bestehen.
Der Verlorene (The Lost One) was the only directorial effort by actor Peter Lorre. In keeping with Lorre's established screen persona, this is a tale of stark terror, disillusionment and defeatism. The actor stars as Dr. Rothe, a German research scientist who during WW2 discovers that his fiancee has been selling his scientific secrets to the British. In a fit of pique, he murders her, but is not punished for the crime, which is passed off by the Nazi authorities as justifiable homicide. Unable to console himself to his sweetheart's betrayal, Rothe wanders the countryside, killing every woman who reminds him of his lost love - while the Gestapo dutifully continues covering his tracks, even declaring him legally dead so that he can escape imprisonment. In a plot twist worthy of Fritz Lang, Lorre puts himself on trial and metes out his own punishment. Not entirely successful, Der Verlorene is still a fascinating exercise in fatalism from one of the cinema's most distinctive talents.
Die einzige Regiearbeit des Schauspielers Peter Lorre. Hamburg 1943: Der renommierte Serumsforscher Dr. Rothe begeht eine Verzweiflungstat, als er bemerkt, dass seine Frau ihn ausspioniert. Da er für die Nazis aber kriegswichtige Arbeiten betreibt, wird die Tat von seinem jungen Kollegen Hoesch vertuscht. Rothe jedoch leidet fortan unter Zwangsvorstellungen und wird zu einem getriebenen Mörder. Nach Kriegsende trifft er unter falschem Namen Hoesch in einem Flüchtlingslager wieder. Als dieser für Rothes Schuldgefühle nur Hohn und Spott übrig hat, begeht der Arzt abermals einen Mord, indem er den ehemaligen Nazi-Beamten erschießt – anschließend begeht er Selbstmord.
Virginia Dumayet, twenty years old, has escaped from reform school for the third time. A young police inspector, Jean Morel, tracking down a gang of emerald thieves, takes her for one of their accomplices when he sees her supposedly dealing with one of them. Virginia falls in love with Jean and then discovers he's a cop. Furious, she won't accept anything less than a marriage proposal from him, convinced she'll be strong enough to refuse his bed until he goes down on bended knee. But Viriginia's unaware that she soon really will be getting involved in some small-time smuggling, which just might involve passing emeralds over the border.
TAKEN FROM A NEW YORK TIMES REVIEW FROM 1943: Maybe after this war is over it will turn out that some of those Axis propaganda broadcasters of the Lord Haw Haw stripe really were honorable persons performing valiantly in the interests of the United Nations' counter-espionage agencies. How? For one, by actually having been planted agents who used their broadcasts to send coded messages that enabled the High Command to plan its strategy. It would make a pip of a story, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, it doesn't make too much sense, and the way Columbia put it together in "Appointment in Berlin," which came to the Rialto yesterday, it doesn't make much in the way of entertainment either. After all, granting melodrama its age-honored right to start from practically any premise it pleases, it still should have suspense. And the newcomer happens to be one of those wild yarns that only infrequently makes you edge forward in your seat in anticipation of what is going to happen—and then it's only a matter of a half-inch or so. Even in the clutch, when the Nazis get wise and try to intercept the warning that England is to be invaded, no one seems to get excited. Much of the picture's failing can be charged to excessive footage, the rest to the players who somehow never quite get into the spirit of the thing. Then, on second thought, perhaps they couldn't. George Sanders is the British agent; Marguerite Chapman is a lukewarm Nazi whose brother, Onslow Stevens, is the Nazi who thinks he has scored a ten-strike in getting Sanders to betray England.
Israel, a widowed Polish Jew, whose wife Leah was lost at sea ten years earlier, is preparing his son Yudele for his Bar Mitzvah. In the interim since his wife's disappearance, Israel's married Rosalie, a schemer planning to rob him and run off with her lover. But Leah actually survived that shipwreck and has recently regained her memory. She hears from her in-laws that Israel's remarried and with typical, Jewish self-sacrifice (accordingly mixed with martyrdom), she decides she can't cause her family any more pain Secretly, she attends Yudele's Bar Mitzvah, but is conveniently discovered, when Yudele chants Kaddish (the prayer for the dead) for his deceased mother and she unavoidably cries. Eventually, Israel discovers his new wife's treachery, but the result is hardly a happy ending, when her lover --- no doubt clueless about what it's like to be stuck with a Jewish wife --- pulls out a gun instead of counting his blessing and running away. Luckily, Israel's daughter is dating an American and how could it end up any other way, but the two con artists being overcome and getting their just punishment?
Balduin Mezeray ist Kunsthändler und zu Besuch bei einem seiner Künstler, dem ein alter Herr Modell sitzt. Gerade, als sich dieser wieder ankleiden will, entdeckt Mezeray auf dem Rücken des betagten Mannes einen „Modigliani“, ein Kunstwerk, das der Meister ihm in jungen Jahren im Krieg auf die Haut tätowiert hat. Mezeray wittert das große Geschäft und bedrängt den Kriegsveteranen Legrain, ihm das Bild zu verkaufen. Dieser zögert zunächst, lässt sich dann aber doch auf das Geschäft ein, nachdem Balduin ihm zugesagt hat, sein Wochenend-Häuschen etwas auf Vordermann zu bringen. Letzteres stellt sich als baufälliges Schloss heraus und der Kriegsveteran als waschechter Graf. Immer noch das große Geschäft witternd, lässt sich Balduin so manche Macke des exzentrischen Aristokraten gefallen. Mit der Zeit bemerkt Balduin, dass der seltsame Herr ihm Dinge aufzeigt, die bisher an ihm vorübergegangen sind und der alte Graf entdeckt durchaus ehrliche und liebenswürdige Züge an dem scheinbar so geldgierigen Kunsthändler Balduin.
In an artist’s studio, rich Parisian art dealer Félicien Mézeray sees old soldier Legrain, whose back has a tattoo by Modigliani. This he sells unseen to two American dealers and the rest of the film revolves around his efforts to literally get the skin off Legrain’s back. The price Legrain wants is the restoration of his old family home in the country, which turns out to be the huge crumbling castle of Paluel in remote Périgord, while he turns out to be the last and extremely eccentric Count of Montignac.
After heroically crossing the Alps, using elephants to transport supplies and troops, Hannibal marches on Rome to wreak vengeance on the people who invaded his land. During the advance, he captures Sylvia, niece of the Roman senator Fabius Maximus. But instead of holding her prisoner, he takes her on a tour of his camp, showing her his powerful army and herds of elephants. He then sets her free, asking her to deliver a message to her uncle: that Carthage only wishes to live in peace ... but not as a Roman province. Convinced that she'll also mention how big his forces are, thus spreading panic and fear, he then goes on to defeat the Romans at the Battle of Terbbia and sends a message to the girl that he's coming to Rome next. Well, how could a girl not succumb to the charms of such a message? In short order, she goes to Hannibal to plead for Rome; falls in love with him; goes back to Rome to convince everyone he wants peace; and then flees back to Hannibal to be his concubine. Hannibal himself is open to the beauty and whirlwind romance of the Italian, but little things keep interfering with their mutual passion ... like the matter of a small war, which will mean life or death for Carthage.
After the sentencing and execution of the counterfeiter and bank robber Shelton, Scotland Yard is ready to finally close the file on another captured crook. But, oh: Not so fast! Shortly after the criminal is hanged, one corpse after another keeps landing at Scotland Yard's door; and they all have one thing in common: they all had a hand in Shelton's execution. Is it revenge? Chief Inspector Long's determined to find out. He goes to Shelton's grave and exhumes the body, only to find bricks in his coffin. But there's also a list, on which the names of the previous week's victims are listed ... and the names of others, who are soon to die.
Nach der Verurteilung und Hinrichtung des Fälschers Shelton sollte eigentlich Ruhe herrschen, aber weit gefehlt: Eine Leiche nach der anderen wird gefunden, und die Opfer haben eine Sache gemeinsam: Sie waren an der Verurteilung Sheltons beteiligt. Ein Rächer? Um sicherzugehen lässt Chefinspektor Long die Leiche exhumieren, und findet im Sarg – eine Liste, auf der die Opfer der vergangenen Wochen aufgelistet sind, und noch einige Menschen mehr!
KALOTASZEGI MADONNA (1943) * with switchable English subtitles *
In the mountains of Kalotaszegi, a young and talented artist lives in seclusion ... that is, until he meets the love of his life, who inspires his painting, which results in the young artist being discovered and his mentor securing a scholarship for him to study in Rome. Nevertheless, he's ready to give all that up for his love until a misunderstanding has him missing an important meeting with the girl and him leaving for Italy. Upon returning to Hungary draped in glory and fame, he discovers that the girl he loved more than anything in life is going to be marrying his mentor. His most impressive work, however, the "Kalotaszegi Madonna", will have a tremendous effect on the lives of all involved.
A retired soldier drummer returns home to his native land. Two bears confront him and ask for his help getting their grandfather out of a trap. Afterwards, the soldiers comes upon sleeping Ivanushka. Ivan tells the soldier he's looking for his mother -- the weaver Maria -- who's been abducted by Water Wizard XIII.
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A successful barrister, Melville Farr, has a thriving London practice. He is on course to become a Queen's Counsel and people are already talking of his being appointed a judge. He is apparently happily married to his wife, Laura. Farr is approached by "Boy" Barrett, a younger working class man with whom Farr has shared a romantic, but non-sexual, relationship. Farr rebuffs the approach, thinking Barrett wants to blackmail him about their relationship. In fact, Barrett has been trying to reach Farr to appeal for help, because he has fallen prey to blackmailers who have a picture of Farr and Barrett in a vehicle together, in which Barrett is crying with Farr's arm around him. Barrett has stolen £2,300 from his employers to pay the blackmail, is being pursued by the police, and needs Farr's financial assistance to flee the country. After Farr intentionally avoids him, Barrett is picked up by the police, who discover why he is being blackmailed. Knowing it will be only a matter of time before he is forced to reveal the details of the blackmail scheme and Farr's role, Barrett hangs himself in a police cell. Learning the truth about Barrett, Farr takes on the blackmail ring and recruits a friend of Barrett's to identify others the blackmailers may be targeting.
Marian, a simple worker, dreams of being able to live in a magnificent apartment one day. She meets wealthy lawyer Mark Whitney and this may well be the beginning of a new life. But the handsome man does not seem in a hurry to tie the knot any time soon.
On an October afternoon in 1956, with the Sinai campaign about to be launched, Israeli border police impose a dusk-to-dawn curfew on Arab villages near the Jordanian border. Arriving home after work, many of the villagers of Kafr Kassem are unaware of their violation of the newly-announced curfew. Forty-seven of these Israeli Arabs are killed when Israeli troops open fire on the village. The film reconstructs this much-remembered event in Arab and Israeli history, especially with an eye to detailing the life of the community before suffering the massacre.
Christmas Eve, 1944: Budapest is encircled and besieged by the Red Army. Pinter and Gozso manage to enter the city in search of Pinter's relatives, but instead frin the Turnovszkys at his parents abandoned home, who are also hiding Jutka, a Jewess. One of the house's new resideents, Zoltan, falls in love with the girl. While Gozso is trying to make contact with the partisans, Zoltan's only interested in surviving to see war's end. Jutka secretly leaves the home, because she can sense the growing fear of the Turnovszkys that she will be found there. Zoltan goes looking for her, but is he too late?
Previously almost never dealt with by the Polish film industry, Medium is dedicated almost entirely to occult themes. The film takes place in Poland in the 1930s. A group of strangers attempt to recreate crimes, which took place in the past. Two detectives investigate these mysterious cases, spending hours in reading rooms, poring through old newspapers. They witness mysterious happenings and decide to call on the aid of a psychic for help. It appears that in trying to recreate the crimes of two decades past, these strangers have re-awakened a demon. This, of course, is believed by no one outside of the detectives and thus, tragedy in the present day will not be averted.
The young hotelier Leutner is running a transmitter in his fiancee Maria's room for educational reasons. By chance, he happens to learn that a band of counterfeiters are going to "remove" an inconvenient guard at 12:15 in the morning. Will Leutner manage to prevent this taking place ... and can he even trust his fiancee?
Der junge Hotelier Leutner betreibt zu Studienzwecken ein Sendegerät auf dem Hotelzimmer seiner Verlobten Maria. Zufällig erfährt er dabei das sich eine Fälscherbande um 0 Uhr 15 eines unbequemen Aufpassers entledigen will. Wird es Leutner schaffen, dies zu verhindern - und kann er seiner Verlobten überhaupt noch trauen?
Set in one of Lubitsch’s hallmark mythical kingdoms, Pola Negri plays the daughter of a band of thieves, who has the hots for a lieutenant she's robbed. Not that she's alone: apparently, for some reason, the guy's irresistible to almost every woman.
In late 1944 --- no longer enchanted with German patronage of their newly-independent state and now occupied by those same Germans fortifying their front lines against advancing Soviet troops --- the Slovaks launched a national uprising against their "allies" and masters. In a small Slovak village, a widow and her four sons take part in the partisan fighting against the German occupiers.
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