März 2021
Mental patient Timofeyev is convinced he assassinated Tsar Alexander II in 1881, and that he also led the firing squad which executed Nicholas II and his family in 1918. Dr Smirnov concludes the only way to treat Timofeyev is to enter his fantasies; and so he starts playing Tsar to his patient's executioner. Before long, present and past are blurring together and we're on a full-dress reconstruction of the last weeks of the Romanov dynasty.
As war-torn Greece and its long-suffering people struggle to find their feet after the dark years of the devastating second world war, a delightful excursion to the countryside will lead to an unexpected encounter. Amid death, destruction, and extreme poverty in Nazi-occupied Athens, two bosom friends, Panagis and Anestis, fight tooth and nail to survive, nurturing the dangerous hope of escaping to Egypt. However, an unforeseen complication in the person of the wounded Resistance fighter, Pericles, and an insurmountable roadblock by the Waffen SS will separate the pair. Now, after years of absence, the two friends, who presumed each other dead, reunite under fortuitous circumstances with tears of joy. Is this the beginning of a bright future?
Every year, the creme de la creme meet at the famous Hotel Royal, near Evian in Switzerland. But in addition to the better guests, some not-so-likeable people have paid for a room there: for example, some safecrackers, who'd just love to steal the Maharani of Dungapur's valuable jewels. Soon, one of the thieves is found on the hotel's golf course ... murdered. There are plenty of suspects, but in the end, nothing is as it seems (which is not really a surprise, since almost no one present is who he's pretending to be). Im berühmten Hotel Royal in der Schweiz, nahe Evian, trifft sich alljährlich die Crème de la Crème. Neben noblen Gästen haben sich dort aber auch weniger sympathische Zeitgenossen eingemietet: so etwa einige Tresorknacker, die der Maharani von Dungapur den wertvollen Schmuck stehlen will. Wenig später wird auf dem hoteleigenen Golfplatz der Dieb ermordet aufgefunden. Verdächtige gibt es genug, aber am Ende ist nichts so, als es schien. Fast niemand der Anwesenden ist nämlich der, der er zu sein vorgab.
THE SMILING MADAM BEUDET (1923): Monsieur Beudet frequently puts an empty revolver to his head and threatens to shoot himself as a practical joke or to emphasize his frustration. He does this so often, that it no longer surprises his wife or friends. One night, Monsieur Beudet gets some theater tickets, but his wife refuses to go with him. While he is gone, Madame Beudet spends some time reflecting on her marriage to a slovenly, unromantic man who does things like lock the lid of her piano when he's upset with her; she puts a bullet into her husband's revolver so he will accidentally kill himself the next time he repeats his joke.
WHIRLPOOL OF FATE (1925): In an age of canals and barges, the movie takes place in the late 19th century. The scene opens with the slow progress of a barge making its way down a canal that is lined with oak trees. The heroine's brutish father, a pole man, is somehow knocked off the barge, where he disappears under the serene and still surface of the water. The camera lingers on the water, perhaps to detect a bubble or two rise from below, but nothing can be seen of the pole man's last breath. The death is purely by accident, and although a rescue effort is mounted, his body is not recovered until the next morning. Reduced to poverty from the loss of her father, the heroine falls back upon her own resources to eke out a simple living by stealing. She happens upon a rogue who has a similar lifestyle, and they join together for a few brief acts of criminal mischief, but he is far more abandoned to petty crimes than she is.
The first remake of the 1913 classic largely follows the original script by Hanns Heinz Ewers. In the Prague of 1820, the student Balduin, an expert fencer, sells his mirror image (i.e. his soul) to the mysterious userer Scapinelli. From that moment on, he lives a life of frenzy and adventure and conquers the heart of Countess Margit. When her fiancee Freiherr Waldis-Schwarzenberg discovers this, he challenges Balduin to a duel. Balduin promises both Margit and her father, that he'll spare his oponent's life in the unequal battle, but it's his mirror image that takes part in the duel ...
Das erste Remake des Klassikers von 1913 folgt weitgehend dem Originaldrehbuch von Hanns Heinz Ewers. Prag 1820: Der Student Balduin verkauft sein Spiegelbild an den geheimnisvollen Wucherer Scapinelli. Fortan führt er ein Leben in Saus und Braus und erobert das Herz der Komtesse Margit. Als deren Verlobter, Freiherr Waldis-Schwarzenberg, davon erfährt, fordert er Balduin zum Duell. Balduin verspricht Margit und ihrem Vater, das Leben seines Gegners zu schonen, doch das Spiegelbild nimmt an seiner Statt am Duell teil ...
The film is set in a small Italian town in 1922, where a local group of Fascist blackshirts battle against rival Socialists, who've called a strike at the hospital. Although intended as sympathetic to the regime, and the methods by which it came to power, the film was not popular with the Fascist hierarchy, who felt its portrayal of violence undermined the respectable image the party was now trying to cultivate.
In Austria the Christian Social Party comes to power and the new chancellor, Dr. Schwerdtfeger, a fanatical anti-Semite, sees his people as being ruled by the Jews. He therefore passes a law through the National Assembly forcing all Jews to emigrate by the end of the year. The law is enthusiastically received by the non-Jewish population and the Jews leave the country. But after a short time a sober reality makes itself felt: cultural life becomes impoverished. In the theatres, only plays by Ludwig Ganghofer and Ludwig Anzengruber are still performed. Many cafes are empty or are converted into beer halls selling sausages. After an initial upturn, the economy declines, as business has greatly diminished, and has moved to other cities, such as Prague and Budapest. Inflation and unemployment run wild. Towards the end of the film, the National Assembly resolves to bring the Jews back again. However, to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority, Lotte and Leo, who have already illegally returned to Austria with forged papers identifying Leo as a French painter, have to remove the anti-Semitic parliamentary representative Bernard.
»Die Stadt ohne Juden« betitelte Hugo Bettauer 1922 seinen Roman, der die damals noch utopische Vorstellung einer Vertreibung der Juden aus Wien beschrieb. Nur zwei Jahre später kam die Verfilmung in die Kinos. Im Film wurde der brisante Stoff abgeschwächt, konkrete realpolitische Bezüge vermieden: In der sagenhaften Republik Utopia, Adresse: Ballhausplatz in Wien, herrscht Unruhe. Die Arbeiter gehen auf die Straße, das Geld ist nichts mehr wert, Spekulanten befeuern mit ihrer Habsucht die Inflation. In den Wirtshäusern kennen die Menschen schon die Lösung: Hinaus mit den Juden. Die überspitzte politische Botschaft wurde verstanden. 14 Jahre nach der Filmpremiere wurde DIE STADT OHNE JUDEN von der grausigen Wirklichkeit eingeholt. Der Film gilt heute weltweit als erstes explizites filmkünstlerisches Statement gegen den Antisemitismus.
Stella Maris is a beautiful, crippled girl, who is cared for by a rich family. They shield her from the harsh realities of the world, so that she has no idea of the cruel things that some people can do. Unity Blake is a poor orphan, all too familiar with the harsh realities of the real world. These two young women both fall in love with John; a love which is complicated by the fact that he is still married to a bad wife.
Charles Laughton gulps beer and chomps on mutton, in his first of many iconic screen roles, as King Henry VIII, the ultimate anti-husband. Alexander Korda’s first major international success is a raucous, entertaining, even poignant peek into the boudoirs of the infamous king and his six wives.
Carl Theodor Dreyer's four-episode historical epic with each story told end to end, anthology-style, linked by theme to the others. The unifying character, Satan, attempts to win God's favor, but is doomed to cheerless participation in dark episodes of human history: the temptation of Jesus, the Spanish Inquisition, the French Revolution and the Russo-Finnish war of 1918.
In ancient Thebes, King Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother, Jocasta. She has two sons - Eteocles and Polynieces - and two daughters - Ismene and Antigone. King Oedipus dies a beggar in exile after gouging out his own eyes and Eteocles agrees to reign in Thebes in alternating years with Polynieces. However, Eteocles refuses to resign after the first year and Polynieces is exiled. Polynieces raises an army and attacks Thebes, during which the two brothers kill each other. Crean, the new ruler of Thebes, Creon decrees Eteocles should have an honorable burial while the body of the traitor Polynieces should be left on the battlefield to be eaten by jackals and vultures. However, Antigone, who was betrothed to Creon's surviving son Haemon, defies Creon's orders and buries her brother. When Creon is told what Antigone has done, we soon see what is meant by a "Greek tragedy".
VAMPYR (1932) * with hard-encoded English subtitles *
Allan Gray arrives late in the evening at a secluded riverside inn in the hamlet of Courtempierre. An old man enters his room, puts a sealed parcel on the table, blurts out that some woman mustn't die, and disappears. Gray senses in this a call for help. He puts the parcel in his pocket and goes out. Eerie shadows lead him to an old house, where he encounters a weird village doctor. The doctor receives a bottle of poison from a strange, old woman. Through the window of an old castle Gray recognizes the old man from the inn. A shadow shoots the man, who drops dead. Inside the house Gray finds his two daughters, Gisèle and Léone, and some servants. He opens the parcel, and finds an old book about vampires.
John McTeague was a simple slow man, who became a dentist after working at the Big Dipper Gold Mine. He is now being hunted in Death Valley by his ex-best friend Marcus and the law. His lot was cast the day he met his future wife, Trina, in his office. She was with Marcus and bought a lottery ticket. When Mac and Trina married, she won the Lottery for $5,000 and became obsessed with money,. Marcus is steamed as he stepped aside romantically and could have been her husband. But now she's rich, so he has the law shut down Mac as he's a practicing dentist without a license. Trina, fearful they'll take her gold away, sells everything and takes all Mac earns when he's working. She adds to her stash of gold while they both live as paupers. When Mac has no job and no money, he leaves and Trina moves. Driven to desperation at being poor and hungry, he finds Trina and demands the gold.
McTeague eröffnet eine Zahnarztpraxis in San Francisco, obwohl ihm die Qualifikation dafür fehlt. Als ihn sein Freund Marcus und dessen Verlobte Trina besuchen, verliebt er sich sofort in das Mädchen, das nun seine Verlobte wird und kurz vor der Hochzeit in der Lotterie gewinnt. Aus Rache zeigt Marcus McTeague an, den jetzt nur der Lotteriegewinn Trinas vor dem Ruin retten könnte. Sie weigert sich jedoch, ihm das Geld zu geben, weshalb er sie ermordet. Mit dem Geld flüchtet er in die Wüste, verfolgt von Marcus. McTeague kann Marcus zwar erschießen, stirbt aber selbst an Wassermangel.
Hiroshima, the movie, is based on the book, Children of the Atomic Bomb, which is a collection of stories by child survivors. Over 90,000 Hiroshima residents, many of them hibakusha (a term referring to the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki), labor unions and a head of a university volunteered to help make the movie (without financial compensation), as no commercial entity or studio would touch it. The Japanese teachers' Union financed the film to promote peace. The movie depicts the period during World War II prior to and during the atomic bombing and the physical and social aftermath. The focus of the film is the children, in particular students from a school, one of whom we learn right away has something typical of the post-war period namely leukemia which she, her fellow students and teachers call 'atomic bomb illness.' She confesses to her friends that she doesn't want to die. The students are studious, but also in varying forms of denial, shock and ignorance.
In a Provençal village in the south of France, the villagers welcome the declaration of war with Germany in 1914 and flock to enlist. Among them is François Laurin, a man of jealous and violent temperament, who is married to Édith, the daughter of an upright, veteran soldier, Maria Lazare. François suspects, correctly, that Édith is having an affair with the poet Jean Diaz, who lives in the village with his mother, and he sends Édith to stay with his parents in Lorraine – where she is subsequently captured and raped by German soldiers. François and Jean find themselves serving in the same battalion at the front, where the initial tensions between them give way to a close friendship that acknowledges that they both love Édith. In 1918, Jean is discharged due to ill-health and returns to the village to find his mother dying. Édith reappears from captivity, now with a young half-German daughter, Angèle. Her father, Maria Lazare, immediately leaves to avenge the shame to the family name.
L’ATALANTE (1934) * with switchable English subtitles * In Jean Vigo’s hands, an unassuming tale of conjugal love becomes an achingly romantic reverie of desire and hope. Jean, a barge captain, marries Juliette, an innocent country girl, and the two climb aboard Jean’s boat, the L’Atalante—otherwise populated by an earthy first mate and a multitude of mangy cats—and embark on their new life together.
Based on an 1829 opera by D.F.E. Auber, The Dumb Girl of Portici placed poor, mute heroine Fenella in the middle of a revolt by Italian peasants against their Spanish rulers. When Fenella is seduced by Alphonso, a betrothed aristocrat, her brother Masaniello unites his fellow peasants against their cruel overlords. An early performance of the opera in Belgium reportedly helped spark a revolution there against the Dutch.
Robert Herne works in a coal mine and is a friend of Maria Obal. While working in the mine, he encounters an inhabitant from the star Algol, who gives him a prototype machine which can provide a virtually unlimited source of power. Over the next year, Herne sets up a factory providing energy; however, instead of simply relieving workers of the difficult job of mining, the device creates massive economic upheaval throughout the world. Over the next twenty years, Herne continues to increase his power and influence, but he has lost touch with Maria, who now lives in the one part of the world in which his influence does not extend. The film follows the machinations of Herne’s son Reginald and his – ultimately unsuccessful – attempt at a coup, aiming to seize the secrets of the machine for himself.
Robert Herne ist ein Minenarbeiter in einer Kohlegrube. Eines Tages stößt er während der Arbeit in der Mine auf einen Außerirdischen vom Planeten Algol. Dieser gibt ihm das Geheimnis der Algol-Wellen und eine Maschine, die diese vom Algol-Stern ausgehenden Wellen in Energie verwandelt. Herne hat nun eine unerschöpfliche Energiequelle in der Hand. Herne, der die Chance seines Lebens erkennt und ergreift, nutzt die Maschine und versorgt die ganze Welt mit Energie. Er gewinnt überall an Macht und Einfluss. Doch seine Freundin Maria verlässt ihn und flieht in ein agrarisch geprägtes Nachbarland, das Hernes Machtstreben noch widersteht. Herne heiratet die reiche Grubenbesitzerin Leonore Nissen, mit der er zwei Kinder hat. Zwanzig Jahre später kommt Marias Sohn Peter Hell zu Herne, um ihn zu bitten, die Energie der Algol-Strahlen der ganzen Menschheit zugutekommen zu lassen.
When shady Lucius Clark and his butler move into Blackmoor Castle, a series of mysterious events take place: for example, a masked murderer, missing a finger on his right hand, who's on the hunt for stolen, uncut diamonds. Als der zwielichtige Lucius Clark mit seinem Butler auf Schloss Blackmoor einzieht, setzt eine Reihe mysteriöser Ereignisse ein: Ein maskierter Mörder, dem an der rechten Hand ein Finger fehlt, folgt der Spur gestohlener Rohdiamanten.
Marion Davies stars as Mary Tudor in the breakout role and big-budget costume epic that established her as a movie star. Davies plays Mary Tudor, sister of King Henry VIII, whom the king aims to use for political gain by offering her hand in marriage to King Louis XII of France.
You may have missed these titles
KOMODIANTEN (1941) * with switchable English subtitles *
Deutschland, um 1750: Karoline Neuber, Leiterin einer der ersten deutschen Theatergruppen, lebte zu einer Zeit, in der der Hanswurst die populärste Figur des deutschen Theaters war. Neuber hingegen will mit ihrer fahrenden Truppe eine gepflegte Theaterkultur auf den Bühnen des Landes etablieren. Als sich ihr Hanswurst bei einem Auftritt in Merseburg mal wieder zu viel herausnimmt bei seinen zotigen Scherzen, will sie ihn aus der Truppe werfen. Doch der freche Kerl bekommt Schützenhilfe von einem Leipziger Stadtrat, weshalb Karoline die Hände gebunden sind. Dieser Stadtrat hat auch ein Auge auf Philine geworfen, die hübsche Tochter des Gastwirtes Schröder, und der ist nur zu gerne bereit, sein Kind mit dem Widerling zu verkuppeln. Philine findet bei der Neuberschen Truppe Zuflucht, doch als Graf Armin sich in Philine verliebt, spinnt die Herzogin Amalia eine Intrige gegen das Paar, da sie den Grafen mit der Tochter des Herzogs von Coburg verheiraten möchte. Als wäre das nicht Ärger genug, stellt der Hanswurst, den Karoline nun endgültig gefeuert hat, seine eigene
Germany, around 1750: Karoline Neuber, director of the first German theater groups, lived at a time, when the clown was the most popular figure in German theatre. Neuber now wants to use his traveling troupe to establish a new theatre culture on German soil. When the clown in the troupe once more ruins the gig with his ribald jokes, Karoline wants to throw him out of the group. But the fresh mouthed clown is under the protection of a member of the Leipzig city council and Karoline's hands are thusly tied. This same councilman, however, also has an eye on Philine, the daughter of the innkeeper Schroder; and the innkeeper would be more than happy to marry his child off to this creep. Philine ends up finding shelter with the theatre group; but when Count Armin falls in love with her, Duchess Amalia hatches a plot against the couple, because she wants the Count to marry the daughter of the Duke of Coburg. As if all that weren't trouble enough, the clown, whom Karoline finally managed to fire, has put together his own theatre troupe and is trying hard to steal away all the members of Karoline's group.
JAN HUS (1st Part of the Hussite Trilogy)
his film corresponds to the first part of the big-budget Hussite Trilogy. Hus is revered for his dogged adherence to his convictions. The magic of these films is in the acting of Stepanek and in the production design. These films lavishly portray the early fifteenth century in details taken directly from artwork and chronicles of the time. Those viewers familiar with modern Prague will find their favorite landmarks only partly finished--the towers of the Tyn Church are still under construction, the Charles Bridge only has one statue, and the Old City hall lacks the Horlogue. These kind of details speak to the meticulous research that went into these films. The costumes are reminiscent of the best designs from American period films produced in the 1930's and 40's, but display a greater variety of looks. The viewer would be hard pressed to find a plain white or stone interior wall anywhere in the films. The painting on the interiors was taken from the backgrounds of illuminated manuscripts and every wall is a riot of color, geometric patterns, and even inflammatory depictions of the Pope. Medievalists and enthusiasts will value these films for the battle scenes.
JAN ZIZKA (2nd Part of the Hussite Trilogy)
This film makes up the second part of The Hussite Trilogy, a big-budget (for Czechoslovakia) historical drama which focused on the life and death of the priest/reformer Jan Hus and the movement known as the Hussite Revolution (ca. 1419-1437). Actor Zdenek Stepanek played both the intellectual preacher Jan Hus and the ingenious general Jan Zizka. Both of these historical characters inhabit a special place in the identity of the Czech Lands. Hus is revered for his dogged adherence to his convictions, but Zizka's legacy is somewhat more problematic because of the violent nature of the uprising he led. While the non-Czech speaker will be confused about the plot, the magic of these films is in the acting of Stepanek and in the production design. These films lavishly portray the early fifteenth century in details taken directly from artwork and chronicles of the time. Those viewers familiar with modern Prague will find their favorite landmarks only partly finished--the towers of the Tyn Church are still under construction, the Charles Bridge only has one statue, and the Old City hall lacks the Horlogue. These kind of details speak to the meticulous research that went into these films. The costumes are reminiscent of the best designs from American period films produced in the 1930's and 40's, but display a greater variety of looks. The viewer would be hard pressed to find a plain white or stone interior wall anywhere in the films. The painting on the interiors was taken from the backgrounds of illuminated manuscripts and every wall is a riot of color, geometric patterns, and even inflammatory depictions of the Pope. Medievalists and enthusiasts will value these films for the battle scenes. Jan Zizka and his Hussite followers were the first warriors to consistently defeat knights in armor with guns and farm implements. The film "Jan Zizka" very carefully portrays the strategies that made this happen. This complex piece of history, rarely discussed outside of the Czech Republic, shows the wane of the mounted knights and the rise of gunpowder as a practical weapon. The film does suffer from enforced Marxist dogma, much like Sergei Eisenstein's epic "Alexander Nevsky." Yet the story is much more complex than "Nevsky," and takes far fewer liberties with acknowledged historical facts. Additionally, "Jan Zizka" embraces fifteenth century aesthetics, and the film's art direction successfully re-creates the designs left behind by Zizka's contemporaries. This aspect alone makes the Hussite Trilogy fascinating viewing.
PROTI VSEM (3rd Part of the Hussite Trilogy)
This film makes up the third and final part of Otakar Vavra's hussite trilogy. 14th July 1420: The crusade army undertook an attack on the Hussite fortress on the hill Vitkov, east of Prague, which assured food supply to the besieged city. The hill is defended by a troop of Taborites under the lead of Jan Zizka. When the fortress of the Hussites is almost conquered by the flood of iron knights, a troop of Taborite flailers leaves the city gates and attacks the crusaders through vineyards on the southern side of the hill. The knights are pressed to the northern steep side of the hill and subsequently flee in panic.
PARIS NOUS APPARTIENT (1961) * with switchable English subtitles * Paris, the Summer of 1957. Anne Goupil, a student of literature, is taken to a party by her brother Pierre. The guests at the party include Philip Kaufman, an expat American escaping McCarthyism and Gerard Lenz, a theatre director, who's brought along a mysterious woman by the name of Terry as his date. The main topic of conversation at the party is the apparent suicide of their friend Juan, a Spanish activist, who had recently broken up with Terry. Philip tells Anne, that the forces that killed Juan will soon do the same thing to Gerard. Gerard, for his part, is trying to produce Shakespeare's "Pericles", but has no financial backing to do so. Anne takes a part in the play to help out Gerard ... and to discover the truth about Juan's death. ,
Josef Stief, wegen vierfachen Frauenmordes in der “Verwahranstalt für kriminelle Geisteskranke”, bricht aus, flieht durchs Moor und wird am Neusiedlersee von einer Schilfbauernfamilie aufgenommen. Tochter Kathrin glaubt, er wäre ihr an der Grenze zu Ungarn verschollener Mann Martin. Stief, der sein Gedächtnis verloren hat, erkennt sich auf einem Fahndungsplakat wieder, gerät in Panik, flieht zu Kathrin, kann sich gerade noch abhalten, sie zu töten, wird von den Bauern durchs Moor gejagt, entkommt dem Lynchmob und ...
Josef Stief, imprisoned in an "Asylum for the Criminally Insane" after having murdered four women, breaks out of his cell, flees through the moor and is taken in by a reed farming family on the Neusiedlersee in Austria. The daughter, Kathrin, believes he might be her husband Martin, who disappeared one day at the Hungarian border. Stief, who's lost his memory, recognizes himself on a wanted poster; panics; flees to Kathrin; loses his self-control; tries to kill her; is chased through the moor by a lynch mob; and ...
Nach dem Willen seiner Eltern soll Karl Fischer die junge Almut Behringer heiraten. Ihr Vater besitzt die gut gehende Transportfirma Behringer, an die Karls Vater Waldemar als Händler jährlich Unsummen zahlen muss. Mit einer Heirat, so rechnet sich Waldemar aus, könnte die Familie viel Geld sparen. Karl jedoch flüchtet vor Almut, sobald er sie sieht, und so beschließen Waldemar und Almut, Karl für ein Jahr in eine Filiale der Firma in Italien zu schicken. Hier soll er die Firma und damit auch Almut schätzen lernen. Unterkommen soll er in einem der neuen Apartmenthäuser der Firma, die pro Apartment drei Zimmer besitzen. Sie werden stets entweder an drei Frauen oder drei Männer vermietet. Almuts Vater bestellt ein Zimmer für Karl. Da er undeutlich spricht, versteht der Hausmeister des Apartmenthauses Rochus Baldrian, dass die Bestellung für eine gewisse Karla eingeht.
According to his parents' wishes, Karl Fischer is supposed to marry the young Almut Behringer. Her father owns the thriving transport company "Behringer", to whom Karl's father Waldemar has to pay enormous sums annually as a dealer. Waldemar figures the family can save a lot of money if his son marries the daughter. Karl, however, runs away the moment he lays eyes on Almut and his father decides to exile the boy to a branch of the company in Italy for a year. It's there he's supposed to get to know the firm better and gain an appreciation for Almut. He's to stay in a company apartment, which is made up of three rooms. The room is always rented out to either three men or three women. Almut's father reserves one of the rooms for Karl; but because he doesn't speak clearly in a telephone conversation with the landlord, the landlord thinks Karl is "Karla".
Die Geschichte spielt sich vor dem Hintergrund des Algerienkrieges ab, als sich in der Kolonie die arabischen Algerier von Frankreich unabhängig erklären wollten und sich die weißen französischen Algerier gewaltsam widersetzten. Schauplatz ist Genf, wo auf neutralem Boden eine französische Geheimorganisation (man darf die OAS vermuten) und arabische Agenten (es kann sich um die FLN handeln) sich gegenseitig brutal und mörderisch bekämpfen. Zwischen die Fronten gerät der französische Deserteur Bruno, der nebenbei dem dänischen Fotomodell Veronika begegnet. Bruno erhält von den Franzosen einen Auftrag: er soll einen arabischen Mittelsmann umbringen. In Monologen äußert er Zweifel am Sinn dieses Kampfes. Da er die Ausführung des Attentats zu zögerlich angeht, halten ihn die Franzosen für einen Verräter. Zugleich entlarven ihn die Araber und entführen ihn in eine Wohnung, wo sie ihn foltern. Er befreit sich durch einen Sprung aus dem Fenster und versucht mit den Franzosen Reisepässe für ihn und Veronika auszuhandeln.
The story is set against the backdrop of the conflict in Algeria, when the native population struggled for its independence against France and the white settlers violently resisted their attempts to break away from their European rulers. The location of the film is Geneva, where a secret French organization (most likely the OAS) and Arab agents (no doubt representing the FLN) are fighting one another brutally and murderously. The French deserter Bruno manages to end up between the two frontlines and meets the Danish fashion model Veronika. Bruno receives an order from the French: he is to kill an Arab middleman. In monologues, he expresses his doubts about the ongoing conflict. And because he appears to be too hesitant in carrying out his mission, the French regard him as a traitor. At the same time, the Arabs abduct him and take him to an apartment, where they torture him. He manages to get away by jumping out of a window and tries to negotiate with the French to get passports for him and Veronika.
Die Generalswitwe Henriette von Petrin ist gar nicht glücklich über den Werdegang ihrer ältesten Tochter Leonie. Das Mädchen hat einen kleinen Beamten geheiratet und ist nun unzufrieden mit ihrem bescheidenen Leben. Um ihrem Alltag für eine Weile zu entkommen, hat Leonie sich in den Kopf gesetzt, den Grafen Marenzi dazu zu bewegen, ihr die "große weite Welt" zu zeigen. Leonie kauft sich einen Pelzmantel und lässt die Rechnung Grafen schicken. Mutter Henriette und Leonies jüngere Schwester, Gerti, wollen dem Unfug ein Ende machen und planen, Leonies Vorhaben zum Scheitern zu bringen.
The widow of a Viennese General is concerned about her older daughter, because of her marriage to a boring official and because of her flirtations with an older Count, who can offer her the luxuries she so desires. The younger daughter, a student, wants to lead her older sister back onto the right path; unfortunately, she mistakes the Count's son for her sister's lover. After the overcoming of the expected misunderstandings, the expected Happy Ending shows its face.
Der alte Graf Egge (Friedrich Ulmer) ist von seiner Jagdleidenschaft besessen. Ihm zur Seite steht der junge Jäger Franz (Paul Richter), dessen Vater einst von einem Wilderer erschossen wurde. Jäger Schipper (Hans Adalbert Schlettow) ist das Gegenteil von Franz: Böse, intrigant und stets darum bemüht, das Jagdfieber von Graf Egge weiter in die Höhe zu treiben. Egges Kinder verfolgen die Aktivitäten des alten Grafen mit Sorge. Sein Sohn Tassilo (Arthur Schröder) ist Jurist und ein Freund der Armen. Selbst der Strafverteidigung notorischer Wilddiebe nimmt er sich an. Tassilos Herz gehört der Bürgerlichen Anna Herwegh (Grete Roman), sehr zum Leidwesen seines standesbewussten Vaters. Egges Tochter Kitty (Hansi Knoteck) hat ebenfalls eine unstandesgemäße Liaison im Auge: Der mittellose Maler Hans Forbeck (Hans Schlenck) hat es ihr angetan. Enttäuscht von der Partnerwahl seiner Kinder vereinsamt Graf Egge immer mehr. Seine schrittweise Erblindung und die damit verbundene persönliche Isolation verleiten den Grafen zu einer Verzweiflungstat.
After interfering with an eagle's nest and getting blinded as a result thereof, a Bavarian aristocrat gets past his handicap and showers his wisdom on his children and their commoner spouses. One of the "Heimatfilme" with imposing mountains and good ol' country wisdom.
Wonderful action and suspense film based on the popular book and folk song of a soldier wanting to desert to the French during the Napoleonic Wars and instead ending up getting shot for desertion.
A talented singer is supported by her Viennese circle of friends in the rise of her career. Unfortunately, due to an advertising trick, a Count in debt commits suicide because of her.
Jozis Tante betreibt nahe der Grenze einen Gasthof und beteiligt sich nebenbei an kleinen Schmuggeleien. Die liebe, unbedarfte Jozi weiß davon nichts. Sie verliebt sich in den jungen Grenzaufseher Hans, der ihre Gefühle erwidert. Der Grenzoberaufseher Hörl jedoch hat Jozi in Verdacht, mit den Schmugglern gemeinsame Sache zu machen und versucht immer wieder, sie zu überführen. Einmal sieht Hans Jozi in einem Tanzlokal zusammen mit Schmugglern und glaubt nun auch, dass sie deren Komplizin ist. Doch dann klärt sich alles auf, die Schmuggler werden verhaftet, Jozi und Hans finden wieder zueinander, und sogar Jozis Tante wird ehrlich.
Jozi's aunt runs an inn near the border and has a little side-job: she smuggles. Poor, naive Jozi doesn't know anything about it. Jozi falls in love with the young border patrol officer Hans and her feelings are amply returned. But Hans' supervisor suspects Jozi of smuggling and tries again and again to lead her into illegal temptation. Finally, Hans sees Jozi in a dance bar together with smugglers and believes, too, that she's one of their accomplices.
Turbulentes Lustspiel: Der Student Nick, der gerade ein Stipendium der Mittau-Stiftung bekommen hat, lernt am selben Abend drei attraktive Damen kennen: die Varieté-Künstlerin Yvonne, die ihn als Assistent für ihren Auftritt engagiert, und von der er erst erfährt, dass sie Kunstschützin ist, als er schon mit ihr auf der Bühne steht; Inge, die hübsche Tochter des Generaldirektors Mittau, die seinen Auftritt aus der Loge beobachtet; und die flotte Tänzerin Flossie, deren Freund Robby sie gerade verlassen hat, um sich mit einer Anderen zu verloben. Nick verspricht Flossie, sie zu rächen, indem er sich mit Robbys neuer Braut einlässt. Doch diese neue Braut ist ausgerechnet Inge.
Turbulent comedy: The student Nick, who's just received a grant from the Mittau Foundation, gets to know three attractive ladies the same evening: the cabaret artist Yvonne, who's hired him as an assistant and whose profession is unknown to him until the very moment he shows up on stage with her; Inge, the pretty daughter of the managing director of Mittau, who watched his performance onstage from a box seat in the theatre; and the dancer Flossie, whose friend Robby just left her to become engaged to another. Nick promises to avenge Flossie by getting intimate with Robby's new bride ... but this new bride just happens to be Inge.
Nora, die Frau des Architekten Heinz Ottendorf, fühlt sich von ihrem Mann vernachlässigt. Er vertieft sich immer mehr in seine Arbeit, und Nora hat den Verdacht, dass er eine Affäre mit einer anderen Frau hat. Robert, der Vetter von Noras Freundin Marianne, ist schon lange in Nora verliebt und will sie für sich gewinnen. Doch Heinz ist nicht bereit, Nora aufzugeben. Er ist durch einen beruflichen Fehler in große finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geraten und bittet Nora um Geduld. Marianne, die ihrerseits in Heinz verliebt ist, spinnt eine Intrige, die dazu führt, dass Robert auf Heinz schießt und anschließend Selbstmord begeht. Heinz überlebt den Anschlag, und schließlich erkennt Nora, dass sie zu ihrem Mann gehört.
Nora, the wife of the architect Heinz Ottendorf, feels neglected by her husband. He is getting more and more engrossed in his work, but Nora, apparently a stranger to hard work, suspects that the real reason for her husband's diverted attention must naturally be another woman. Robert, the cousin of Nora's friend Marianne, has long been in love with Nora and sees an opportunity to win her hand. Heinz, for all his distractions in his work and the phantom lover he doesn't have, isn't quite ready to let Nora go. While he may be married to his work, his work is a fickle mistress: he makes a career error and this leads to near financial ruin. He begs Nora to be patient with him. Marianne, who for her part is in love with Heinz, spins a web of deceit and intrigue, which leads to Robert taking a potshot at Heinz and then eventually causing Robert to kill himself. In the meantime, Heinz has been wounded in the attack and this leads Nora to come to the conclusion that she belongs to her husband. Huh? Next time, just have a foursome and spare everyone the drama!
Alfred Hübner ist ein skrupelloser Verbrecher. Er stellt Autofallen und macht beim geringsten Widerstand Gebrauch von seiner Schusswaffe. Die Kellnerin Barbara zieht er in seine dunklen Geschäfte mit hinein und zwingt seinen früheren Komplizen, Bruno Mielke, bei den Überfällen mitzumachen. Als der aussteigt, wird Hübner bei seinem letzten Coup auf frischer Tat ertappt. Hübner kann fliehen, doch die Polizei spürt ihn auf. Es kommt zum Schusswechsel, sein Komplize wird getötet, Hübner vor Gericht gestellt und zum Tode verurteilt. Seine Freundin Barbara wird durch die Fürsprache von Kriminalkommissar Werner freigesprochen. – NS-Propagandafilm zur Rechtfertigung der Todesstrafe.
Alfred Hubner is a ruthless criminal. He carjacks his victims and uses his firearm at the slightest sign of resistance. He lures the waitress Barbara into his shady dealings and forces his former accomplice, Bruno Mielke, to take part in his raids. But when he climbs out of the car taken in his latest coup, Hubner is caught in the act by the cops. Hubner is able to flee, but the cops are hot on his trail. Eventually, a gunfight takes place. His accomplice is killed and Hubner is brought before the court and sentenced to death. Barbara is released, thanks to the intercession of Chief Inspector Werner. Nazi propaganda film to justify the death penalty.
1848 in Österreich: Ungarn versucht, seine nationale Unabhängigkeit zu erlangen. Zur gleichen Zeit lernt Maria Ilona auf dem Hofball den Fürst zu Schwarzenberg kennen und lieben. Zwar ist sie mit einem Österreicher verheiratet, doch schlägt ihr Herz für Ungarn und dessen Zukunft als freies Land. Der Fürst vertraut ihr deswegen eine politische Mission an. Da übernimmt plötzlich der Kronprinz Franz Joseph die Regierung in Wien, es kommt zu Umwälzungen, zu einer neuen Politik. Ihre eigentlich gelungene Mission ist somit gescheitert. Ilona fühlt sich verraten – ihre Liebe zerbricht.
Austria, 1848: Hungary tries to regain its national independence. At the same time, Maria Ilona gets to know the Prince zu Schwarzenberg at a court ball and falls in love with him. Although she's married to an Austrian, her heart beats for Hungary and its future as a free nation. For that reason, the prince trusts her to carry out a political mission. But then, Crown Prince Franz Josef suddenly assumes the throne in Vienna and with the change in government comes a change in policy. Successful in her original mission, the new policy causes it to now fail. Ilona thus feels betrayed and her love dies.
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