Mai 2020
The year is 1935, in Stalinist Russia. A new building in Moscow with communal apartments sees tenants moving in. The film is about the fate of the people in one of these communal apartments. There are the terrible years of the Purges which are to come soon, followed by war, cold, hunger and bitter farewells. With the end of the War, the joy of living returns; the sun shines in the building's windows once more. The sun shines and the poplars bloom as the children once more go to school.
After a successful world competition, Marika Kilius and Hans Jurgen Baumier want to go on a road tour. However, they have yet to sign onto one of the ice cabarets and managers Eberhard Traugott and Tommy Toifel are both vying for the two stars. The racer Jonny is also pursuing Marika, which hardly thrills Hans. You see, Hans has been in love with Marika for a long time, but hasn't told her. With the encouragement of the photo-reporter Peter, Hans spontaneously buys Marika a boquet of flowers one night, but when he returns to where he left her, there's no one there. Hans is very disappointed; but Jonny's thrilled, as he's spent the night with Marika (unfortunately, her forster mother Doris and the journalist Helga are there with them, too). Tommy Toifel is successful in getting Doris drunk and Eberhard Traugott takes advantage of the moment to get Marika to sign a contract.
Nach der erfolgreichen Weltmeisterschaft wollen Marika Kilius und Hans-Jürgen Bäumler eine Schaulauf-Tour anschließen. Sie haben bisher jedoch nicht bei einer der Eisrevuen unterschrieben und auch die Manager Eberhard Traugott und Tommy Toifel buhlen um die beiden Stars. Marika wird zudem von Rennfahrer Jonny umgarnt, der ihr sehr zum Unmut von Hans-Jürgen Rosen schenkt. Hans-Jürgen liebt Marika schon lange, hat es ihr jedoch noch nie gesagt. Als er ihr mit Unterstützung des Fotoreporters Peter in der Nacht spontan Rosen besorgt, ist nach seiner Rückkehr in die Bar niemand mehr da. Er ist enttäuscht. Marika verbringt die Nacht mit Jonny, ihrer Ziehmutter Doris sowie der Journalistin Helga. Es gelingt Tommy Toifel, Doris betrunken zu machen. Die Gunst der Stunde nutzt jedoch Eberhard Traugott, dessen Mangervertrag für Marika Doris am Ende unterzeichnet.
Ana Maria is in love with Julio, a moderately successful guitar player. When Ana appears at a tavern and sings the fado, both the public and the critics love her. Eventually, she becomes well-known, which leads to many new "friends": some are young, Bohemian guitarists, who want to accompany her; others are older, wealthier and powerful men, who wish to become her lover. Julio feels betrayed and decides to deal with his insecurities by running off to one of Portugal's African colonies. Knowing he's going to leave and she'll never see him again, Ana Maria is torn between her first love and the rich and famous.
The Onegin, a Soviet freighter, has the unenviable task of transporting tigers and lions from Ceylon back to Odessa. Even less thrilled is the candy salesman on assignment in this humid country, who is tricked into pretending to be an animal tamer and told that if he wants to go home now and not wait for the next ship in five months, he'll go along with the scheme and accompany the animals to the USSR. What can go wrong, right? Well, ask the monkey that's been given to the freighter captain as a gift. The hairy little troublemaker (the monkey, not the captain) decides to have some fun by letting the animals out of their cages. While the crew is beside itself with fear and confusion and the "animal trainer" is about as much use as ... well ... a candy salesman, there's only one person on board who's up to the task of putting things back in order: the captain's niece, Marianna.
Laurent Bertal is married to a successful prosecutor in Bern, Switzerland. However, she'd be perfectly happy if her husband didn't neglect her so often for his work. While staying with her friend Elena on the shores of Lake Como, Evelyne meets Remy Marsay, a fickle and playful young man, who seduces her. After a brief flirtation, he leaves for Paris and she Bern, feeling an irresistible draw to this man. Her husband Laurent suspects something is up and questions Elena, who only mentions a simple and harmless flirt. However, the marriage starts to show signs of tension. In the meantime, Remy has found his mistress of the moment, Marion, to whom he tells all of his adventures with the ladies. She, in turn, pushed him to ask Evelyne to join him in Paris, because she's sure it'll only be an ephemeral adventure. At first reluctant, Evelyne comes to Paris, while Laurent believes she's in the countryside at Elena's. Once she arrives in Paris, she realizes her audacity and thinks she should go back; but after spending a wonderful day touring the city with Remy, she becomes his mistress and for her, it's another, second life. Remy suddenly understands that he's in love with her and asks her to leave Laurent.
The corpse of a postman is found at the Neusiedlersee. An investigation reveals that he most likely was the victim of a robbery and several local villagers are considered the top suspects: Five young men now need an alibi. Walter was with Elisabeth on the night of the murder, but can't count on her backing up his alibi. Not only is she the sister of Stephan, who is also a suspect, but also the fiancee of the gendarme leading the investigation of the crime.
Am Neusiedlersee wird die Leiche eines Postboten gefunden, die Ermittlungen ergeben, dass es sich dabei wohl um einen Raubmord handelt und gleich mehrere der Dorfbewohner geraten in den engeren Kreis der Verdächtigen: Fünf junge Männer brauchen nun ein Alibi. Walter war in der Mordnacht zwar mit Elisabeth zusammen, kann sich auf deren Unterstützung aber nicht verlassen. Sie ist nämlich nicht nur die Schwester des ebenfalls verdächtigten Stephan, sondern auch noch die Verlobte des Gendarmen, der die Untersuchungen an dem Fall leitet.
Gaspar de Carvajal, a Dominican, has not seen his family since the age of ten, when he was sent away to pursue a religious life. He attends the funeral of his father, where he notices that the body was washed, then buried in a shroud and without a coffin. Gaspar tells his confessor that he suspects his family, Jews who converted to Catholicism, are still following their old ways. Father Lorenzo says this matter must be taken before the Inquisition. Alonso de Peralta, chief Inquisitor of New Spain, orders the Carvajal family arrested on the testimony of their son. Hernando, a Franciscan friar, is sent as a spy to the cell of Luis, Gaspar's brother. Luis' faith converts Hernando to Judaism. Under torture, Luis' mother Francisca confesses. Each family member renounces the Jewish heresy and is allowed to leave prison. But they are warned: if they revert back to Judaism a second time, they will be burned at the stake.
Inspector Harry Yates from Littleshaw is the focus of the six-part crime classic. He has to clear up some murders that were committed with a scarf. It was hard work to find the real murderer out of a circle of high-level suspects. Part 1 In Littlewshaw, a place near London, the farmer Bill Royd finds the body of the model Fay Collins on a farm wagon. The young woman was strangled with a bandana. Investigative crime inspector Harry Yates finds that Fay had a telegram in her pocket in which a certain Terry thanked someone for the scarf. The music teacher Edward Collins testifies that this Terry also gave Fay an expensive bracelet. But who is this "Terry"? Marian Hastings, the bride of the landlord Alistair Goodman, recognizes in a photo in the newspaper the man who had met Fay Collins on the evening of the crime: it is Clifton Morris, a successful newspaper publisher. (40 min.) Part 2 In the violin case of the student Gerald Quincey a scarf is discovered. The investigation begins when the painter John Hopedean desperately turns to criminal inspector Harry Yates: he tells him that he has been receiving anonymous threatening letters for some time, in which he is described as Fay Collins' murderer. He admits that he had a relationship with the murdered woman some time ago. In the meantime, nightclub dancer Kim Marshall helps the main suspect Clifton Morris with an alibi. (36 min.) Part 3 The landlord Alistair Goodman finds a lighter near the crime scene, which he brings to Inspector Yates. It is the one allegedly stolen from Clifton Morris, the prime suspect. Vicar Matthews recognizes it. Clifton Morris is, however, increasingly trying to get an alibi. He hopes journalist Diana Winston will help him. He offers him a promising job as a correspondent in Rome. Winston accepts the offer. (35 min.) Part 4 The scarf killer has struck again! Fashion journalist Diana Winston is found murdered in Clifton Morris' apartment. Diana wanted to give Clifton an alibi for the crime. Edward Morris, however, complains about what he considers to be an incompetent investigation into the inspector. In his home, there is also a dangerous confrontation between Clifton Morris and him. (37 min.) Part 5 Kim Marshall bursts Clifton Morris' alibi when Inspector Yates encourages her to tell the truth. Another murder takes place in Littleshaw: Marian Hastings, the friend of landowner Alistair Goodman, is shot out of a moving car. Meanwhile, John Hopedean reports to the police and accuses Clifton Morris. (35 min.) Part 6 Harry Yates leaves Clifton Morris believing that he killed Edward Collins in an argument. Vicar Nigel Matthews visits his old friend Clifton to get the truth out of him. Only when he confesses that Collins is doing well, does Morris reveal the truth. He agrees to set a trap for the scarf killer with the inspector. The dramatic finale finally takes place in an old barn in the country. (38 min.) Im Mittelpunkt des sechsteiligen Krimiklassikers steht Inspektor Harry Yates aus Littleshaw. Er muss einige Morde klären, die mit einem Halstuch verübt wurden. Eine schwere Arbeit, aus einem Kreis mehrere hochgradiger Verdächtiger den wahren Mörder ausfindig zu machen. Teil 1 In Littlewshaw, einem Ort in der Nähe von London, wird von dem Bauer Bill Royd auf einem Ackerwagen die Leiche des Fotomodells Fay Collins gefunden. Die junge Frau wurde mit einem Halstuch erwürgt. Der ermittelnde Kriminalinspektor Harry Yates stellt fest, dass Fay in ihren Taschen ein Telegramm hatte, in dem sich ein gewisser Terry für den Schal bedankt. Dieser Terry hat, wie der Bruder der Ermordeten, der Musiklehrer Edward Collins aussagt, Fay außerdem ein teures Armband geschenkt. Aber wer verbirgt sich hinter dem Namen "Terry"? Marian Hastings, die Braut des Gutsbesitzers Alistair Goodman, erkennt auf einem Foto in der Zeitung jenen Mann wieder, der mit Fay Collins am Tatabend verabredet war: es handelt sich um Clifton Morris, einen erfolgreichen Zeitungsverleger. Teil 2 Im Geigenkasten des Schülers Gerald Quincey wird die Tat"waffe" entdeckt: das Halstuch. Schwung kommt in die Ermittlungen, als der Maler John Hopedean sich verzweifelt an Kriminalinspektor Harry Yates wendet: er berichtet ihm, dass er seit einiger Zeit anonyme Drohbriefe erhält, in denen er als Mörder von Fay Collins bezeichnet wird. Er gibt zu, vor einiger Zeit ein Verhältnis mit der ermordeten Fay Collins gehabt zu haben. Die Nachtclubtänzerin Kim Marshall verhilft in der Zwischenzeit dem Hauptverdächtigen Clifton Morris zu einem Alibi. Teil 3 Der Gutsbesitzer Alistair Goodman findet in der Nähe des Tatorts ein Feuerzeug, das er Inspektor Yates bringt. Es handelt sich dabei um jenes, das Clifton Morris, dem Hauptverdächtigen, angeblich gestohlen wurde. Vikar Matthews erkennt es wieder. Clifton Morris ist indessen immer mehr darum bemüht, sich ein Alibi zu verschaffen. Er hofft, dass ihm die Journalistin Diana Winston hilft. Dieser bietet er einen aussichtsreichen Job als Korrespondentin in Rom dafür an. Winston steigt auf das Angebot ein... Teil 4 Der Halstuchmörder hat wieder zugeschlagen! In der Wohnung von Clifton Morris wird die Modejournalistin Diana Winston ermordet aufgefunden. Diana wollte Clifton ein Alibi für die Tatzeit geben. Edward Morris beschwert sich indessen über die seiner Meinung nach inkompetente Ermittlung des Inspektors. In seinem Haus kommt es auch zu einer gefährlichen Konfrontation zwischen Clifton Morris und ihm... Teil 5 Kim Marshall lässt das Alibi von Clifton Morris platzen, als Inspektor Yates ihr nahe legt, die Wahrheit zu sagen. In Littleshaw geschieht indessen ein weiterer Mordanaschlag: auf Marian Hastings, die Freundin von Gutsbesitzer Alistair Goodman, wird aus einem fahrenden Auto aus geschossen. John Hopedean meldet sich indessen bei der Polizei und belastet Clifton Morris auf das Schwerste... Teil 6 Harry Yates lässt Clifton Morris in dem Glauben, er habe bei einem Streit Edward Collins getötet. Vikar Nigel Matthews sucht seinen alten Freund Clifton auf, um ihm die Wahrheit zu entlocken. Erst als er ihm gesteht, dass Collins wohlauf ist, rückt Morris mit der Wahrheit heraus. Er erklärt sich bereit, mit dem Inspektor gemeinsam dem Halstuchmörder eine Falle zu stellen. Das dramatische Finale spielt sich schließlich in einer alten Scheune auf dem Lande ab...
Little Peter and Anneliese are visited in their bedroom one evening by a beetle named Mr. Sumsemann, who is, by turns, depressed and happy after drinking "a forgetfulness schnapps". Uh, huh. Mr. Sumsemann lost one of his six legs on the Moon and asks the kids to come with him on a trip to get it back. During their journey, the three run into countless anthropomorphic spirits and mythical figures, including the Sandman, the Lightning Witch and Santa Claus. After an adventurous journey through the Milky Way, they defeat the Man in the Moon and are able to get the beetle's leg back. The excitement over, they're able to travel back to their beds and settle in before their mother comes to wake them up and their pictures end up on milk cartons.
Die Kinder Peter und Anneliese werden eines Abends von einem Maikäfer namens Herr Sumsemann besucht. Da Herr Sumsemann eins seiner sechs Beine auf dem Mond verloren hat, begleiten die Kinder ihn auf seiner Reise dorthin. Auf ihrer Reise begegnen die drei zahlreichen anthropomorphen Elementargeistern und Sagengestalten, unter anderem dem Sandmann, der Blitzhexe und dem Weihnachtsmann. Nach einer abenteuerlichen Fahrt durch die Milchstraße besiegen sie schließlich den Mann im Mond und können Herrn Sumsemann sein fehlendes Bein zurückgeben. Sie fliegen mit dem Maikäfer zurück auf die Erde und finden sich in ihren Betten wieder, gerade als ihre Mutter kommt, um sie aufzuwecken.
At the urging of his wife Melissa, Guy Foster --- by profession an editor, but now out of work --- goes out looking for a job (though he'd much rather sit at home writing a book). Whether because of the economy or because his "enthusiasm" is showing, he's unable to find a new employer. Angry over yet another rejection, he declines to attend a friend's birthday celebration. Melissa ends up going by herself and a short time later, calls her husband at home: She's met a newspaper man at the party, who just might be useful to Guy. Her husband agrees to meet the guy ... and soon enough, he has more trouble than he can handle.
Auf Drängen seiner Frau Melissa sieht sich Guy Foster, seines Zeichens Redakteur, zur Zeit aber stellungslos, nach einer neuen Anstellung um – viel lieber würde er ein Buch schreiben. Doch seine Bemühungen um einen neuen Arbeitsplatz bleiben erfolglos. Über eine neue Absage verärgert, schlägt er die Einladung zu einer Geburtstagsfeier aus. Melissa geht allein zur Party: Kurze Zeit später ruft sie ihn an: Sie hat einen Zeitungsmann kennengelernt, der Guy vielleicht von Nutzen sein kann. Guy Foster macht sich auf den Weg. Und schon steckt er bis über beide Ohren im Schlamassel.
A brutal gang known as "The Red Circle" is blackmailing London's wealthy. And he who does not pay up, ends up dead. Inspector Parr is totally clueless, so the famous detective Derrick Yale -- known for his uncanny ability to sniff out the unsniffable -- is asked to tag along and help the incompetent cop. And, in fact, the detective is successful in tracking down the culprits. This leads the two men to Paris, where the following happened: a murderer condemned to death is about to be guillotined. But before his head can take leave of his body, the falling blade is blocked by a wayward nail on the guillotine. The blade, however, did make it partially onto his body and this left a "birthmark" of blood around his neck. The murderer was pardoned and ended up escaping from jail after being sentenced to life imprisonment instead. And there's no doubt, that this man is the leader of "The Red Circle". But what does he look like? And where is he hiding now?
Eine brutale Bande, die sich “Roter Kreis” nennt, erpresst die Reichen Londons. Wer auf ihre Forderungen nicht eingeht, wird ermordet. Inspektor Parr tappt im Dunkeln, weshalb ihm der berühmte Detektiv Derrick Yale zur Seite gestellt wird, der für seinen Spürsinn bekannt ist und mit dessen hervorragendem Ruf die aufgebrachte Öffentlichkeit beruhigt werden soll. Tatsächlich gelingt es den beiden Ermittlern denn auch, eine erste Spur aufzunehmen. Diese führt nach Paris, wo Folgendes geschehen ist: Ein zum Tode verurteilter Mörder sollte hingerichtet werden. Die Guillotine fiel – doch kurz bevor sie den Kopf vom Hals des Delinquenten trennen konnte, blieb sie an einem Nagel hängen. Sie verletzte den Mörder lediglich an der Kehle, weshalb sich eine Art roter Blutkreis um seinen Hals bildete. Der Mörder wurde begnadigt und verließ Paris. Und ohne Zweifel ist er der Anführer des “Roten Kreises”. Doch wie sieht er aus? Wo hält er sich versteckt?
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Coffee-table, E-Photobook -- with 906 pages, 586 of which contain single, original photos; 271 pages contain archive photos -- of Jewish sights and traces in Poland. This part covers Subcarpathia and the Lublin District (Podkarpacie oraz Lubelskie). The photobook has been designed with the intent to show and inform the reader what Jewish heritage sights (and sites) are still existent in this part of Poland and what they can expect to see. While not developed as a travel guide, those interested in visiting Poland will find this an invaluable resource, whether they're visiting on a heritage tour, out of historical interest, or just want to sit at home and enjoy the subject matter. The table of contents below and the portion of the book's introduction will tell you what is covered in the E-book. You are purchasing an E-book (electronic), which has two file formats: the first file is mounted on a flip album; the second file is a .pdf for scrolled viewing. Both files will be put onto a CD to open in your desktop or laptop device (and from there, you can transfer it to an IPad, etc.). We will NOT send files via email! BARANOW SANDOMIERSKI; BLIZNA; CHYROWA; CIESZANOW; DEBICA (Dembits); DUKLA; KOLBUSZOWA (Kalbasav); LANCUT (Lantshut); LESKO; LUBACZOW (Libetshoyv); MEDYKA; NIEBYLEC; POLANY; PRZEMYSL (Fshmishl); RYMANOW (Rimanav); RZESZOW (Rayshe); STRZYZOW (Strizub); TYCZYN; WIELKIE OCZY; BELZEC (Beldzits); BIALA PODLASKA (Padlyashe); BILGORAJ (Bilgarey); BYCHAWA (Bekhev); CHELM (Khelm); FRAMPOL; IZBICA (Izhbitsa); JOZEFOW (Iuzefaf); KAZIMIERZ DOLNY (Kuzmir); KNIAZIE; KOCK; KRASNYSTAW (Krasnistav); LASZCZOW; LECZNA (Lentshne); LUBLIN (Lunin); MAJDANEK CONCENTRATION CAMP; MODLIBORZYCE (Mudlibuzitsh); ROZANKA; SOBIBOR; STRYJOW; SZCZEBRZESZYN (Shtsbz’shin); TARNOGROD (Tarnugrud); WLODAWA (Vlodave); WOJSLAWICE (Vislavits); ZAMOSC (Zamoshtsh)
MAN BRAUCHT KEIN GELD (1932) * with improved picture and switchable, English subtitles *
Family Brandt has lost its fortune in oil speculation, and they have great debts at the local bank. This one is threatened with its own crash due to lack of money. The only hope is Brandt's uncle Thomas Hoffman, an American millionaire, who is coming for a visit. Bank Accountant Schmidt uses his own money to welcome him properly, presenting himself as Brandt's daughter's fiance, but it turns out, that Hoffmann never was a millionaire, in fact he still owns the city of Chicago about $100 for medical treatment. Yet with his existence alone he starts a big scheme to bring back prosperity. Surprisingly it works, yet there are some problems: FIRST - Chicago wants the money back, asking at the foreign office in Berlin for help, and SECOND - Hoffmann does not like the scheme at all, and tries to go back to his quiet and peaceful Chicago. Heinz Schmidt ist ein einfacher Bankangestellter im von der Weltwirtschaftskrise geschüttelten Deutschland von 1931. Die Bank des kleinen Städtchens Groditzkirchen steht wie viele Bankunternehmen kurz vor der Pleite. Als der Unternehmer Brandt ebenfalls durch Spekulationen in die Krise gerät, hat Schmidt einen Einfall. Er macht aus dem armen Thomas Hoffmann einen reichen Onkel aus Amerika. Fortan wird Hoffmann von der Obrigkeit hofiert. Über diesen Schwindel kommt Schmidt der hübschen Käthe Brandt näher, die eine Nichte von Hoffmann ist. Als Schmidt auch noch einen Ölboom inszeniert, verlieren die Familie Brandt wie auch alle übrigen vollends den Blick für die Realität. Selbst als der Schwindel auffliegt, verlangen sie von Schmidt, dass er das Spiel weiter aufrechterhält, da Groditzkirchen mittlerweile von überall her Kredite erhält und sich so zu einer boomenden Stadt entwickelt hat.
Greta, the daughter of a secret policeman, is about to be engaged to a lawyer. Suddenly, her old love Fred shows up in Berlin, about whom her father doesn't have anything good to say. She makes a suggestion to her father that whoever the first is to find her in Upper Bavaria, where she is driving to on vacation and proposes, will be the one who gets her. Really! Somone has a high opinion of herself. Geheimratstochter Greta steht vor der Verlobung mit einem Rechtsanwalt. Da kommt ihre alte Liebe Fred, der ihrem Vater nicht gut genug ist, in Berlin an. Sie macht ihrem Vater den Vorschlag, den heiraten zu wollen, der sie als erster in Oberbayern, wohin sie mit dem Auto in den Urlaub fährt, findet und bei ihr "fensterlt".
Coffee-table, E-Photobook -- with 858 pages, 523 of which contain single, original photos; 307 pages contain archive photos -- of Jewish sights and traces in Poland. This part covers Lodz and Central Poland. The photobook has been designed with the intent to show and inform the reader what Jewish heritage sights (and sites) are still existent in this part of Poland and what they can expect to see. While not developed as a travel guide, those interested in visiting Poland will find this an invaluable resource, whether they're visiting on a heritage tour, out of historical interest, or just want to sit at home and enjoy the subject matter. The table of contents below and the portion of the book's introduction will tell you what is covered in the E-book. You are purchasing an E-book (electronic), which has two file formats: the first file is mounted on a flip album; the second file is a .pdf for scrolled viewing. Both files will be put onto a CD to open in your desktop or laptop device (and from there, you can transfer it to an IPad, etc.). We will NOT send files via email! BUSKO-ZDROJ (Bisque). 7; CHECINY (Chentshin). 11; CHMIELNIK. 30; DZIALOSZYCE. 76; INOWLODZ. 99; KIELCE (Kilts). 119; KLIMONTOW... 169; KONSKIE. 180; KRZYZTOPOR. 215; LODZ (Lazh). 222; The Lodz Ghetto. 229; Karol Poznanski’s Palace. 407; Other Jewish Sites in Lodz. 423; The New Jewish Cemetery. 433; NOWY KORCZYN.. 610; OPOCZNO (Afatshna). 626; OZAROW (Azharav). 643; PABIANICE (Pabyanits). 663; PINCZOW (Pintshev). 676; PIOTRKOW TRYBUNALSKI (Petrikev). 710; PRZEDBORZ. 734; SANDOMIERZ (Tsoyzmir). 747; SKIERNIEWICE (Skernyevits). 776; STARACHOWICE (Oyaz'bnik-strkhubitsh). 783; SZYDLOW... 804; TARLOW... 833; WODZISLAW... 835; ZGIERZ (Zgerzh). 851
Sedemondo succeeds his brother Licinio as king of Kindaor after having the former murdered by an arrow in the back. Soon thereafter, a messenger bearing a crown made with a nail from the true cross requests permission to cross the kingdom. The crown, by legend, will stay wherever injustice and corruption prevail. Sedemondo takes it to a gorge where it is swallowed by the earth. A wise, old woman prophesizes to the king that his wife will bear a daughter and Licinio's widow a son; that the two will fall in love; and that the son will take the kingdom away from Sedemondo. When he gets home, he is told that his wife has given birth to a boy (the daughter having been switched with the child of Licinio) and so believes the prophesy to be invalid. He raises both the boy Arminio and the girl Elsa. Twenty years later, a tournament is arranged to marry off the king's daughter and, unbeknownst to Sedemondo, the champion is going to be the very man, who'll fulfill the prophesy.
The film was a not-so-subtle commentary on the rule of Mussolini and the fascists, who controlled Italy at the time. It contrasted the current government's ruling of the country with violence, deceit and oppression with the eventual coming of honor and peace. Joseph Goebbels saw the film in Venice and wasn't at all impressed with it. Unlike Mussolini's censors, he understood all too quickly the real message behind the film and exclaimed, "Had a German director made this film, I would've had him shot!"
Seven episodes about life under National Socialism is portrayed through the memories of a 12 year old car, which has found its end as junk to be cannibalized for its parts. In both the beginning and the end of the film, two former soldiers in Postwar Germany talk about whether there had been real people and humanity "in those days". Through narration audible only to the film-viewer, the car tells of its experiences via flashbacks. The girl Sybille receives the car as a present from an admirer and witnesses the torchlight procession of 30 January 1933, when Hitler became the new Reichskanzler. She ends up leaving her admirer -- and her secure existence -- when she realizes the danger faced by a close friend, an opponent of the regime, who will no doubt soon be arrested by the Gestapo for his views. She ends up following him into exile; A young girl wants to betray her mother's love affair with a composer out of jealousy, but doesn't do so when she realizes his music's been labeled as 'degenerate' and his life is now at risk; An older, Jewish wife wishes to divorce from her gentile husband, so as not to endanger him. He refuses to leave her and, after returning home after a brief flight into the countryside, jointly commit suicide after witnessing the events of Kristallnacht; A woman is searching for her missing husband and learns, that he's been having an affair with her sister and that the two of them are in the Resistance. After hearing that her husband was arrested and subsequently murdered by the Gestapo, the woman helps her sister to escape and, in doing so, subjects herself to subsequent arrest; A German officer and his driver philosophize about the enemy during a nighttime drive through partisan country on the Eastern Front. When the vehicle is shot at, the driver is killed; The mechanic Erna tries to save the mother of one of the plotters of 20 July 1944 by bringing her to seclusion in the countryside. Without knowing it, both women try to help each other, when they're confronted by a policeman, who later escorts both to the police station and an uncertain fate; A motorcycle messenger falls in love with a refugee and brings her and her daughter to safety in Hamburg, even though it means going AWOL. On the way back to his unit in the East, he's arrested as a deserter by a street patrol, but one of the guards lets him flee. Also known as "Seven Journeys" in its English translation.
In sieben Episoden wird die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus dargestellt. Eine Rahmenhandlung hält die Episoden zusammen: Am Beginn und am Ende des Films schlachten auf einem Rummelplatz der Nachkriegszeit zwei Männer ein altes Auto aus und unterhalten sich darüber, ob es "in jenen Tagen" Menschen und Menschlichkeit gegeben habe. Das Auto mischt sich, nur für den Kinozuschauer hörbar, in das Gespräch und erzählt die folgenden sieben Episoden aus seiner "Lebenserfahrung" in Form von Rückblenden, um die fragliche Menschlichkeit zu bezeugen. Das Mädchen Sybille bekommt von einem Mann ein Auto geschenkt und erlebt mit ihm einen Fackelzug am 30. Januar 1933 in Berlin, ohne die Bedeutung zu kennen. Sie verlässt den Mann und ihre sichere Existenz, als sie die Gefahr für einen anderen, von Verhaftung bedrohten Freund erkennt, und folgt diesem ins Exil; Ein junges Mädchen will aus Eifersucht die Liebesaffäre ihrer Mutter mit einem Komponisten verraten, tut dies aber nicht, als klar wird, dass dessen Musik als "entartet" gilt und er damit bedroht ist; Eine ältere jüdische Ehefrau will ihren Mann verlassen, um ihn nicht zu gefährden. Er lehnt die Trennung ab, und beide begehen nach der gemeinsamen Erfahrung der "Pogromnacht" 1938 Selbstmord; Eine Ehefrau sucht ihren Mann und erfährt dabei, dass er der Geliebte ihrer Schwester ist und dass beide zusammen im Widerstand arbeiten. Nach der Nachricht von der Ermordung des Mannes durch die Gestapo verhilft die Ehefrau ihrer Schwester zur Flucht und setzt sich so selber der Gefahr der Verhaftung aus; Ein deutscher Offizier und sein Fahrer unterhalten sich während einer Fahrt durch Partisanengebiet an der "Ostfront" über den "Feind". Bei einem Überfall wird der Fahrer getötet; Das Dienstmädchen Erna versucht, einer alten Frau, Mutter eines Attentäters vom 20. Juli 1944, beim Untertauchen zu helfen. Ohne es einander wissen zu lassen, wollen beide Frauen sich gegenseitig helfen. Die alte Frau wird verhaftet; Ein Kradmelder verliebt sich in eine Flüchtlingsfrau und bringt diese mit ihrer kleinen Tochter - entgegen dem Dienstauftrag - in den letzten Kriegstagen nach Hamburg. Auf dem Rückweg wird der Mann als Deserteur festgenommen, doch ein Posten lässt ihn entkommen.
United Newsreel selections from the year 1942, mainly concentrating on the effort of the United States in WWII, but also covering events on other fields of the War.
A councilor is tricked by an impostor, whom he believes to be a baron. He gives him money and his marriageable daughter -- but then the real baron shows up and plays the chauffeur.
Ein Kommerzienrat fällt auf einen Schwindler herein, den er für einen Baron hält. Er gibt ihm seine Barschaft und seine heiratsfähige Tochter - doch da taucht der echte Baron auf und mimt den Chauffeur.
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All the members of the Viennese family Dassau are trying some way to be artistic: The father, a postal official, writes detective novels in his spare time; the mother composes love songs; daughter Brigitte paints; and son Thomas juggles. 20 year old daughter Nicole writes pretty, but commercially unsuccessful, poems. To finally bring a little bit of luxury to the family, Nicole decides one day to write a highly “immoral” theatre piece. It’s supposed to be autobiographical, though Nicole will, of course, use a pseudonym. Once produced, it’s a big hit at the Wiener Hoftheater. When an American producer wants to bring the piece to Broadway, everything seems to be falling into place. However, Nicole has to live up to the part of the lascivious, immoral daughter with this Mr. Dott and at first, she’s quite successful at doing so. But then Dott tries to seduce her.
Irgendwie versuchen sich alle Familienmitglieder der Wiener Familie Dassau ein wenig im Künstlerischen: Der Vater, ein Postbeamter, schreibt in seiner Freizeit Kriminalromane, die Mutter komponiert Liebeslieder, Tochter Brigitte malt, und Sohn Thomas jongliert. Die 20-jährige Tochter Nicole schließlich schreibt hübsche, aber erfolglose Gedichte. Um der Familie endlich ein wenig Luxus zu ermöglichen, entschließt sich Nicole eines Tages, ein höchst "unmoralisches" Theaterstück zu verfassen. Autobiographisch soll es wirken, wobei Nicole ein Pseudonym verwendet. Einmal erschienen, wird das Stück ein großer Erfolg am Wiener Hoftheater. Als dann auch noch ein amerikanischer Produzent das Stück am Broadway aufführen will, scheint das Glück perfekt. Allerdings muss Nicole diesem Mr. Dott nun das lasziv-unmoralische Töchterchen vorspielen, was ihr zunächst auch gelingt. Daraufhin versucht Dott, sie zu verführen.
This is the film version of the same-named theatre piece by Theo Lingen. The story concerns a chamberservant with a strong sense of duty as well as his employer of noble birth, who's not so noble when it comes to the treatment of his wife. The chamberservant tries, more or less voluntarily, to switch professions again and again ... always without success. In the end, he ends up back at his calling as a chamberservant and is able to find some happiness in his profession as well as in his private life. Theo Lingen plays a double role in this film as both the servant and his employer.
Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Bühnenstücks von Theo Lingen. Die Geschichte erzählt von einem pflichtbewussten Kammerdiener, der sowohl von seinen adeligen Arbeitgebern, als auch von seiner Ehefrau überaus schlecht behandelt wird. Schließlich versucht er sich, mehr oder weniger freiwillig, in einer ganzen Reihe anderer Professionen – allerdings ohne großen Erfolg. Am Ende findet er doch wieder zu seiner "Berufung" als Kammerdiener zurück und findet sowohl im Beruf als auch privat sein Glück. Theo Lingen ist in dem Film in einer Doppelrolle zu sehen: neben dem Diener Johann verkörpert er auch dessen Arbeitgeber.
Mathathias passes by Christ on the road to Golgotha, where Christ is to be crucified. When Mathathias expresses a lack of concern for Christ's suffering, he is told by Jesus that he will remain 'here' until he returns. A soft, glowing light grows stronger and Matathias stares in horror. It is because of these words, that Matathias is cursed with immortality: he cannot die; he can't grow older; and he must periodically move to a new community and establish a new identity, so no one will notice that he never ages. Though Veidt was known to have appeared in a number of films sympathetic to the Jews at a time when anti-Semitism was metamorphosing into something much more encompassing and deadlier than anything the Jews had heretofore seen in Europe, this film has a Christian viewpoint, which -- considering the subject matter -- by definition isn't particularly sympathetic to the fate of its Jewish protagonist.
Morality and order are the lifeblood of Professor Traugott Hermann Nagler, who lives rather modestly in a small city with his wife Marianne and his twelve, well-brought-up children. The virtuous professor’s principles are put to the test when he learns that his recently deceased sister Josefine --- who was banished from his family for a moral offense --- bequeathed a house in Uruguay to his oldest daughter. But there's more: there's also a nice sum of money to inherit, provided the Family Nagler can demonstrate the same moral misstep that once led to Josefine's banishment from hearth and home.
Moral und Ordnung sind das Lebenselixier von Professor Traugott Hermann Nägler, der mit seiner Frau Marianne und den zwölf wohlgeratenen Kindern ein beschauliches Kleinstadtdasein führt. Die Prinzipien des tugendhaften Professors geraten ins Wanken, als er erfährt, dass seine kürzlich verstorbene Schwester Josefine, die einst wegen eines moralischen Vergehens von der Familie verbannt wurde, seiner ältesten Tochter ein Haus in Montevideo vermacht hat. Doch damit nicht genug: Neben dem Haus gibt es auch noch eine stattliche Geldsumme zu erben, vorausgesetzt, Familie Nägler kann denselben moralischen Fehltritt nachweisen, für den Josefine einst verstoßen wurde.
A screen adaptation of the drama The Shepherd's Wife by Ivan Stodola, capturing the hard life of Slovak emigrants in the era of political and social oppression before WWI. Young shepherd Ondrej Muranica flees the tyranny of Hungarian landowners to America. But a mining accident destroys his dreams and hopes of a better and fairer life. Ondrej suffers from amnesia and back home, he's pronounced dead. When he returns to his homeland years later, he learns that his wife has married his best friend.
The 20 year old musician Peter not only goes to school, but also works in a firm belonging to Herr Steiner. When Steiner hires Peter to play at a private party, Peter thinks this might be the big break he's been waiting for. Exactly one day before the party, Peter's widowed mother gets to know charming Bernd Werding. In an attempt to impress him, mommy lies about her age to the new boyfriend and gets herself into hot water, when Werding visits her house where a 20 year old child would be an impossibility for a mother now posing as being "21+". Nevertheless, Peter doesn't want to ruin mom's delusions of youth and so dresses up as her 14 year old son --- a fiasco that wouldn't fool even a blind pedophile, let alone the suitor --- and both are now set to win the prize for the "oldest-looking, youngest mother and son". If all this weren't enough, Peter's got the hots for his boss' daughter Kitty, who frowns on getting serious with horny teenagers. In the end, everything works out for the best and only the audience ends up the dupe for buying any of this.
Der 20-jährige Musiker Peter jobbt neben seinem Studium im Unternehmen von Generaldirektor Steiner. Als dieser ihn für einen Auftritt bei seiner Privatfeier engagiert, sieht Peter seine große Chance gekommen. Ausgerechnet einen Tag vor dem Fest lernt seine verwitwete Mutter Sylvia den charmanten Bernd Werding kennen. Um ihn zu beeindrucken, schwindelt sie bezüglich ihres Alters und kommt darauf in Schwierigkeiten, als Werding sie zu Hause besucht. Um seine Mutter nicht bloßzustellen, verkleidet sich Peter als 14-jähriger Junge, was bald zu Komplikationen führt, besonders, als Peter sich in Steiners reizende Tochter Kitty verliebt.
This time, a serial killer of prostitutes on the loose. His trademark? Beside each of the murdered corpses, he places a yellow daffodil. Jack Tarline, security expert for an airline, who supports Scotland Yard in their work, knows that these flowers are also being used to smuggle small amounts of heroin into the U.K. His main suspect, Raymond Lyne, soon shows himself to be innocent of the crime, as he, too, becomes the victim of the "Daffodil Killer".
Diesmal hat ein Serienkiller Prostituierte im Visier. Sein Markenzeichen: Neben den Leichen lässt er jeweils eine gelbe Narzisse liegen. Jack Tarling, Sicherheitsexperte einer Fluggesellschaft, der Scotland Yard bei der Arbeit unterstützt, weiß, daß diese Blumen auch zum Schmuggeln kleiner Mengen von Rauschgift benutzt werden. Sein Hauptverdächtiger Raymond Lyne erweist sich jedoch schnell als unschuldig, denn auch er wird ein Opfer des “Narzissen-Mörders”.
After the sentencing and execution of the counterfeiter and bank robber Shelton, Scotland Yard is ready to finally close the file on another captured crook. But, oh: Not so fast! Shortly after the criminal is hanged, one corpse after another keeps landing at Scotland Yard's door; and they all have one thing in common: they all had a hand in Shelton's execution. Is it revenge? Chief Inspector Long's determined to find out. He goes to Shelton's grave and exhumes the body, only to find bricks in his coffin. But there's also a list, on which the names of the previous week's victims are listed ... and the names of others, who are soon to die.
Nach der Verurteilung und Hinrichtung des Fälschers Shelton sollte eigentlich Ruhe herrschen, aber weit gefehlt: Eine Leiche nach der anderen wird gefunden, und die Opfer haben eine Sache gemeinsam: Sie waren an der Verurteilung Sheltons beteiligt. Ein Rächer? Um sicherzugehen lässt Chefinspektor Long die Leiche exhumieren, und findet im Sarg – eine Liste, auf der die Opfer der vergangenen Wochen aufgelistet sind, und noch einige Menschen mehr!
Marika, a talented singer and dancer, lives on a rundown steamship left to her by her deceased father and works in a restaurant run by her aunt. Her goal is to save up the money from her job to one day get the ship operational again. She gets to know three artistically-minded Bohemians --- Georg, Heinrich, and Oskar --- who are fascinated by the young girl and who spontaneously decide to support her in her ambitions (the fact she's beautiful no doubt had no part in their generous attention). While Georg comes up with the idea of making it big in the newspaper world, so he can use his success to get his superiors to financially help out the girl (a very practical notion that shouldn't take more than ten years to become a reality), Heinrich and Oskar suggest the more practical idea of Marika trying out her luck in the musical theatre world. And just as Marika is about to land a huge part in the city theatre, the place shuts down, leaving the disappointed applicants to open up their own place. The subsequent success of the new theatre gives Marika big ideas on how to be even more successful and make even more money (meanwhile, near middle-aged Georg's delivering newspapers with the local teens and still hoping to be noticed by his 17 year old boss).
Die stimmlich und tänzerisch begabte Marika lebt auf dem ausrangierten Donaudampfer ihres verstorbenen Vaters und arbeitet in der Gaststätte ihrer Tante. Ihr Ziel ist es, mit dem verdienten Geld das Schiff eines Tages wieder flottzumachen. Sie lernt die drei künstlerisch ambitionierten Bohemiens Georg, Heinrich und Oskar kennen, die alle drei von ihr fasziniert sind und sie spontan unterstützen wollen. Während Georg sich in einer Zeitung hocharbeiten will, um seinen Vorgesetzten die Renovierung des Dampfers ans Herz zu legen, empfehlen Heinrich und Oskar Marika, ihr musikalisches Talent im Theater zur Geltung zu bringen. Als kurz vor der Rollenverteilung für ein Stück die Schließung des städtischen Theaters bekannt gegeben wird, wollen die frustrierten Bewerber ein unabhängiges Volkstheater auf die Beine stellen. Der Riesenerfolg gibt Marikas Ideen und ihrem Engagement recht.
Kolkhoznik workers Glasha and Kuzma from a farm in the Vologda Region are sent to an agricultural exhibition in Moscow. Kuzma is popular among the girls and cares for Glasha -- but from a distance -- and is thinking only about all the shops they'll see in Moscow. Glasha, at the behest of her grandmother, carefully studies the experience of breeders in the capital. By chance, she meets a Dagestan shepherd (Musaib) at the exhibition and they fall in love with each other. They agree to meet at the Agricultural Exhibition once again in a year's time. Upom returning to the kolkhoz, Glasha builds a new pig house and takes care of the pigs, inventing a feeder for piglets. Kuzma, however, spends time walking through the village with his accordion and bores Glasha. For his part, Musaib sends letters to Glasha, but no one can read them. Kuzma volunteers to help translate them and gives Glasha fakes, which state that Musaib has gotten married. Kuzma will eventually settle a bet in his favor by marrying Glasha after telling her baldfaced lies about her lover (a talent many learned well to survive in the Soviet Union).
Der Kaufmann Bernhard Fredersen, der durch eine Augenkrankheit erblindet ist, löst seinen alteingesessenen Hamburger Betrieb auf und zieht nach Pretoria, um dort seinen Lebensabend mit seiner Frau Agnes zu verbringen. Auf der Überfahrt wird Agnes von dem hinterlistigen Eugen Schliebach entdeckt, der weiß, dass sie früher einmal eine Affäre mit seinem inzwischen verstorbenen Chef hatte. Schliebach will Agnes erpressen, nunmehr seine Geliebte zu werden, und als sie nicht darauf eingeht, geht er zu Fredersen und erzählt ihm alles.
The businessman Bernhard Fredersen, who has been blinded by an eye disease, shuts down his long-established company in Hamburg and moves to Pretoria to spend his retirement years with his wife Agnes. While on the journey, Agnes is seen by the treacherous Eugen Schliebach, who knows, that she once had an affair with his late boss. Schliebach wants to blackmail Agnes to become his mistress and when she refuses to do so, he goes to Fredersen tells him everything.
Also known as Der Purimspieler, this film tells the story of Getsel, an itinerant Purim player, who shows up in a Galician village and gets a job with Reb Nuchem, the shoemaker. He endes up falling in love with the shoemaker's daughter, Esther, but is fully aware she's in love with a wandering circus performer. Nonetheless, Getzel is content in his work and his life. Soon after, Esther's father inherits a fortune and tries to marry his daughter off to a man of his choosing. Esther flees to Warsaw with Getzel, where she meets and marries the circus performer. When Getzel returns back to the village, he's blamed for Esther's disappearance.
Obermeister Kramp arbeitet neben seiner Tätigkeit in einem Autowerk fieberhaft an einer Idee für einen neuartigen Leichtmetallkolben. Als sein alter Freund Greininger in dem Werk angestellt wird, erzählt Kramp ihm stolz von seiner geheimen Erfindung, die kurz vor der Vollendung steht. Kurz darauf aber erleidet Kramp einen Herzanfall und muss zu einer Kur. Als er nach einigen Wochen voller Ungeduld zu seiner Arbeitsstätte zurückkehrt, muss er entdecken, dass Greininger die unausgereifte Erfindung gestohlen und als seine eigene verkauft hat.
Foreman Kramp has a little side-project next to his work at a car factory: he's feverishly trying to develop a new light-metal alloy piston. When an old friend, Greininger, is employed at the plant, Kramp proudly tells him about his secret invention, which is almost completed. Shortly thereafter, Kramp suffers an heart attack --- no doubt due to stupidity --- and has to go to a health resort. After a few weeks of impatience, he returns back to his workplace only to discover that his good buddy stole his idea and is selling it as his own. Real smart.
When poverty and persecution compel his former neighbors to abandon their Polish shtetl, "Uncle" Moses, the shtetl's former butcher, welcomes them to the promised land of his Lower East Side clothing factory. A master in the harsh, new American system with its 14-hour workday, Moses attempts to reconstruct the lost harmony of the shtetl in the paternalistic order of his sweatshop. He uses his wealth to show off his accomplishments and leaves the daily operation of the factory to his nephew, Sam. When Masha Melnick pleads with him for her father's job, Moses, who has the hots for the girl, rehires the dad. But Masha also happens to be the sweetheart of Charlie, a labor activist, who's trying to organize a union in Moses' factory.
Children Must Laugh is one of the few surviving documentaries about Jewish life in prewar Poland. It was produced to raise funds for the Vladimir Medem Sanatorium which, noted for its modern and spacious facilities, was the embodiment of health and enlightenment, which contrasted glaringly with the grim images of poverty rampant in urban, Polish-Jewish society. The sanatorium's theme song --- "Here we Come" --- punctuates the film with a sense of hope and accomplishment. The Bund's optimistic internationalism, exemplified by the children's performances, permeates the film, creating powerful, yet unintended, ironies for post-Holocaust viewers.
Seit Jahrhunderten kennt man auf dem Lohhof, dem größten in der ganzen Umgebung, dessen Bauern immer das meiste Ansehen unter ihresgleichen genossen, keinen Wassermangel. Wenn in Zeiten großer Dürre überall das Wasser versiegt, dann plätschert der Quell auf dem Lohhof immer noch frisch. Heuer aber, in dem heißen, trockenen Sommer, tritt zum ersten Mal auch Wassermangel auf dem Lohhof ein. Der Quell versiegt. Der Lohhofbauer lässt den alten Lusinger, einen Wünschelrutengänger, kommen, daß er dem Hof eine neue Quelle suche. Der alte Lusinger geht mit seiner Wünschelrute durch die Gegend. Die Rute schlägt so stark aus, daß sie fast seinen Händen entglitten wäre. An dem Platz, meint er, muss Wasser sein. Alle verfügbaren Arbeitskräfte auf dem Lohhof graben nun eifrig nach dem kostbaren Gut. Sie graben lange, sie graben vergeblich. Wasser wird nicht gefunden, nur ein seltsamer Sand, gelblich. golden glänzend, flimmert.
The farmers on the Lohhof, the largest farm in the area, are well known all around and have the highest prestige amongst their peers, not the least, because they never suffer any shortage of water. When in times of drought the water everywhere else has dried into nothingness, the water on the Lohhof is abundant and fresh. But one very dry summer, the drought comes to the Lohhof, too, and this time, the source of the water has dried up. And so, with diving rod in hand, one of the farm's old peasants goes on his merry little way to find a new source of water. At one point, the diving rod bends so strongly, that it almost slips out of the old man's hands. Convinced that there must be a huge source of water nearby, all the farmers of the Lohhof bend their backs to find the new well. They dig long, but they dig in vain: no water is found, only a strange sand, which is yellowish, shiny and flickers golden in the sun.
In der Silvesternacht des Jahres 1900 eröffnet Paul Holzgruber eine neue Praxis als Röntgenarzt. Die junge Maximiliane Frey wird seine Assistentin, und jahrelang arbeiten sie Seite an Seite, um den Menschen zu helfen. Holzgruber weist Maximiliane immer wieder auf die Gefahren des Röntgens hin, verschweigt ihr aber, dass er selbst bereits Geschwüre an der Hand und starke Schmerzen hat. Maximiliane lernt den Witwer Axel von Bonin kennen und verliebt sich in ihn. Aber dann wird unheilbarer Krebs bei ihr festgestellt. Um Axel den Kummer über ihren Tod zu ersparen, verlässt sie ihn und widmet ihr Leben wieder ganz der Medizin.
On New Year's Eve 1900, Paul Holzgruber started a new praxis as a radiologist. The young Maximiliane Frey is his assistant and they have worked side by side for years helping people. Holzgruber repeatedly points out the dangers of radiation to Maximiliane, but is silent about the ulcers on his hand and the severe pain they have caused. Maximiliane has gotten to know the widower Axel von Bonin and has fallen in love with him. But then she is diagnosed with incurable cancer. To spare Axel the inevitable grief over her impending death, she leaves him and dedicates what is left her life to medicine.
Der schrullige Kanzlist Gamperl ist gar nicht zufrieden mit seinem neuen Chef, Anwalt Dr. Hartwig. Denn während Gamperl am liebsten jedermann dazu bringen würde, wegen jeder Kleinigkeit zu prozessieren, rät Hartwig doch tatsächlich manchen potenziellen Mandanten vom Gerichtsweg ab! So auch dem Oberbaurat Sterneck, der gegen die Sängerin Daniela Dannberg klagen will, weil sie durch ihre Stimmübungen angeblich die Ruhe auf seinem Landsitz in Fried im Winkel stört. Gamperl macht sich deshalb auf eigene Faust auf den Weg nach Fried im Winkel, um belastendes Material gegen die Sängerin zu sammeln – und entfacht bei den Dorfbewohnern ganz nebenbei eine Prozesswut sondergleichen. Als Hartwig von dem Chaos erfährt, das Gamperl in dem Kaff ausgelöst hat, reist er sofort an den Ort des Geschehens. Doch während er dort verzweifelt versucht, für Ordnung zu sorgen, verdächtigt ihn seine Frau, eine Affäre mit Daniela Dannberg zu haben.
Quirky clerk Gamperl is not at all happy with his new boss, the lawyer Dr. Hartwig. For while Gamperl would love nothing more than to sue everyone in sight for every little thing, Hartwig actually advises a number of potential clients to settle their problems outside of court. This has been the case, too, with chief architect Sterneck, who wants to sue the singer Daniela Dannberg, because her vocal exercises have allegedly been disturbing the peace at his country seat in Fried im Winkel. Gamperl thus decides to take it into his own hands to head off to Fried im Winkel, so as to gather damaging evidence against the singer --- and, in the process, manages to bring the village residents to a state of litigious hysteria. When Hartwig learns of the chaos Gamperl has caused, he immediately departs for the village. Yet while he desperately attempts to put things to right, his wife then starts to think he's having an affair with the singer!
A postwar Soviet Union version of a Hollywood musical, Vesna won a number of awards for its director, the prolific Grigori Alexandrov, whose wife plays the leading role. It's a story of mistaken-identity involving a female scientist named Irina and her double, a Bolshoi dancer named Vera. When a film studio announces it will make a film based on Irina's life story, Vera's chosen to play the role, leading to a comedy of errors.
Almost 150 paged book with photos and a campaign map in the back of the book about the 7th Armeekorps' adventures in the Polish Campaign, which took them from Cosel north of Ratibor (Raciborz) in the Reich on an eastward path to Zamosc. Very interesting photos and a viewpoint of the campaign from the "enemy" side of the conflict.
127-paged book, almost entirely consisting of photos and accompanying descriptions, pictorially tells the story of the new German Navy, now rapidly expanding under the leadership of the new government in power headed by Adolf Hitler. For the naval enthusiast, a real treat. Book has a 1936 birthday inscription on the blank cover page. Some age spotting.
160-paged book with a number of color photographs of Ost- and Westpreussen and Danzig as they looked like at the time this book was published. The book labels itself as a "travel into the past and an experience with the present", giving the reader an idea of the intent of the book.
For anyone interested in traveling to Poland, this 122-paged, glossy photobook will more than give you an idea of what is waiting for you. The pictures are handsomely arranged and the text both interesting and practical.
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