Artikelnummer 3447

THE GREAT ADVISOR (1940) * with hard-encoded English subtitles *

Joseph Seiden Writer: Izidor Frankel Stars: Irving Jacobson, Jacob Zanger, Yetta Zwerling
Alter Preis: $13.99
Preis: $9.99

Delightful story of a radio advice giver, who tries to help his listeners, but can't seem to help himself have a life of his own.  Add to that a lottery salesman, who sells people dreams of winning big money and gives them advise how they should spend it and you've got a plot even Frasier couldn't out-bungle.

DVD-R is in Yiddish with hard-encoded English subtitles.  Approx. 67 mins. + a 9 min. newsreel.  Softness; unsharp; wavy and snowy quality (see film sample).


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