Mahlee, the Eurasian granddaughter of an avaricious Peking woman, is known to the Chinese as "Devil Feet", because her feet were never bound. Following her grandmother's death, Mahlee falls in love with Andrew Templeton, whose father runs the American mission, and she embraces Protestantism. Mahlee is introduced to Sir Philip Sackville and his daughter, Blanche, whom she discovers are her birth father and half-sister. Andrew falls in love with Blanche and shuns Mahlee because of her Chinese heritage. The dejected Mahlee collaborates with another Eurasian, Sam Wang, in bringing the Boxer Rebellion to Peking. During the Feast of the Red Lantern, Mahlee dresses as a celestial goddess and is paraded through the streets on a litter, blessing the Boxers and encouraging the people to join the rebellion.
DVD-R has English intertitles with no subtitles. Approx. 82 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

Keitaro is a law student and Yaeko is in high school. They are neighbors, and their friendship is starting to develop into something more romantic. Then, Yaeko's sister Kyoukohas a breakup with her husband and returns home. Kyouko is clearly interested in Keitaro and Yae becomes anxious.
DVD-R is in Japanese with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 76 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!