10 DVD SET corresponds to Numbers 16 through 25 of our translations of Die Deutsche Wochenschau newsreels (in addition to any supplments listed in the description below) covering the events, mainly in Europe, from January 1942 to April 1943, with first hand film reports. Each part has variable film quality based on the original films it shows. Overall, we would say the quality would correspond to a range of well worn VHS to excellent VHS quality. There is some sound and picture quality issues on some of the selections, but that corresponds to only a small percentage of the total.
SOME OF THE TOPICS COVERED (For the full description please refer to the product page of each part):
Drive for furs and winter clothing for troops on the Eastern Front
Finnish operations in East Karalia
German assaults on Sevetopol
At an officer’s training school
A look at Augsburg
Wounded veterans are taught new skills for future employment
A visit to a German cigarette factory
A visit to a factory which makes machine guns
Reich’s foreign minister Ribbentrop visits Budapest
General Sepp Dietrich receives the Oak Leaves to the Ritterkreuz from the Fuhrer
Over 67,000,000 pieces of winter clothing is sent off to the Eastern Front
Street fighting in Yevpatoria
Germans and Rumanians attack the fortress at Sevastopol
Oberst Galland is awarded the Oak Leaves with Swords and Diamonds to the Ritterkreuz
With the Spanish Blue Division near Leningrad
German and Rumanian units retake Feodosia
German U-Boats attack in New York waters
German and Italian units move into Benghazi
The death of Dr. Fritz Todt
Marshal Antonescu visits the Fuhrerhauptquartier
Vikdun Quisling visits Berlin
1937 – Flieger, Funker, Kanoniere: Hermann Goering narrates this brief film about the new Luftwaffe in Germany
1937 – Alles Leben ist Kampf
Another “educational” film about euthanasia, in which the concept of the strong being
entitled to survive while the weak goes under is used to justify “removing” the mentally
and severely physically ill and handicapped from society. Silent film with German
intertitles and optional English subtitles.niere on military exercises in the Bavarian Alps
In a U-Boat manufacturing plant
With Finnish troops near Lake Ladoga
Unloading of supplies and munitions for the Leningrad Front
Rumanians and Germans continue the advance on Sevastopol
Panzers advance to the front from Tripoli
Locals greet the Afrika Korps in Benghazi
German U-Boats sink a large number of ships off New York
Gneisenau, Scharnhorst and Prinz Eugen slip unmolested past the British in the Channel
Finnish troops move up to the Stalin Canal
NSKK transport ammunition to the front lines in the north
German films contradict Molotov’s claims that the Germans plundered Tolstoy’s estate
Germans attempt to dig trenches in the stone-hard, frozen ground southwest of Moscow
Italian troops battle the Soviets in the Donets basin
In North Africa, Axis troops retreat from the British and move to new positions
Vikdun Quisling visits the Fuhrer
The Germans advance near Lake Ilmen
Croatian sailors secure the harbor of Yalta
Fighting in the Yalta region
Rumanian officers are awarded the Iron Cross
Stukas attack coastal defences near Kerch
German and Italian troops retake Derna, Libya
A review of the war in the Pacific
The Japanese attack Midway, Wake, Guam, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Singapore
Japanese attack Myanmar and the Burma Road
Thailand allies itself with the Japanese Empire
Attack and landing on Borneo, Celebes and New Guinea
Invasion of the Solomon Islands
Conquest of Singapore
Promotion of General Model and General Freiherr von Richthofen
Attack on Malta
Fascinating, short film about how the weekly Wochenschau broadcasts are made,
Covering the actual filming, the mixing of sound and film, editing, cutting, pasting
and copying. For anyone interested in how filming was actually done back in those
days --- and it was very much different than it’s done today --- this short film will
not disappoint.
At a convalescent home for wounded soldiers in the Salzkammergut
Women RAD workers help out Alpine villagers
British raid on the civilian areas of Paris
Naval artillery units respond to a British attempt to pass through the Straits of Dover
At a construction wharf for U- Boats
Netherlands Legion soldiers and supplies are sent to the Eastern Front from Baltic ports
Finnish and German troops counterattack in the Lake Ladoga region
JU 52 transport planes bring the forward units ammunition, food and fuel
The Italian Navy leads a German supply convoy to the North African coast
German bombers harass British columns east of Tobruk
Memorial services for the victims of the British attack on Paris
Heroes’ Memorial Day in Berlin
Winter battles in the Donetz basin
Memorial service for Dr. Bosch, a pioneer in the automotive industry
Dr. Goebbels arrives in Graz to take part in the commemoration of the Anschluss
Anschluss-memorial celebrations in Vienna
Dynamite is used to extend trenches in frozen Russian positions near Leningrad
The Spanish Blue Division digs emplacements for their artillery
Soldiers of the Spanish Blue Division are decorated with the Iron Cross
Tanks and ammunition are brought up to the Crimea for the Sevastopol siege
Anti-partisan operations in the Crimean mountains
Italian subhunters on duty in the Aegean
Italian flak fires upon British bombers in Africa
Afrika Korps troops are plagued by sandstorms
German pioneers replace a blown up railway bridge in -35C weather on the Eastern Front
German artillery continues to pound Leningrad
Japanese officers pay a visit to a German airbase on Sicily
Transport planes bring fresh troops to the front in Africa
Generalfeldmarschall Kesselring inspects an air unit in the Libyan Desert
Stuka attack on English trucks in the desert
Germany celebrates the Day of the Wehrmacht
British air attack on Lubeck
Transport planes supply isolated frontline units in Russia
Constant Soviet attacks against the Germans in the Donets region
Bolshevik prisoners and civilians are compelled to shovel snow from the streets for supply columns
German raiders wreak havoc in the Indian Ocean
In a tank manufacturing plant
Generalfeldmarschall Milch’s 50th birthday
Hauptmann Philip is awarded the Ritterkreuz with Oak Leaves and Swords for his 100 air kills
Spring finally arrives in the Crimea
Fighting in Kerch
On an Italian battleship in the Mediterranean
The German and Italian navies take turns decorating each other’s men
British destroyers attack an Italian guarded convoy on its way to Tripoli
A partial newsreel from 17 September 1941, which can be seen in volume 12 of the series is once again presented here, because of a superior film quality version discovered after the fact. Nevertheless, even if it is “recently” repeated material, the change in bravado and attitude from just seven months before is very apparent in the re-watching of this film.
Wilhelm Furtwangler conducts the Berlin Philhamonic Orchestra in honor of the Fuhrer’s birthday
Hitler’s minions congratulate him on his 53rd birthday
With German fliers on Sicily
German raid on Malta
Italian submarines conduct operations off the American coast
Fighting in the Gulf of Finland
German pioneers rebuild a railway bridge over the Narva
German trucks get stuck in the spring mud near Leningrad
SD and security troops look for partisan units
Ice is blown up on the Donetz to protect the railway bridge
German engineers work on repairing the Great Dnepr Dam
Large parade celebrates the 4th anniversary of Madrid’s liberation from the Bolsheviks
Thaw weather all along the Eastern Front
FW 190s repel British fighters and bombers on the Channel coast
A visit at Professor Brekker’s studio in Berlin Grunewald
Alfred Rosenberg receives a delegation of Ukrainian, Byelorussian and Russian peasants
Generaloberst von Kleist receives the Oak Leaves to the Ritterkreuz for the Iron Cross
Ukrainian militia on exercises
Work in a hospital for horses
Norwegian Legion soldiers pump water out of their foxholes on the Eastern Front
Sunday market in Kharkov
U-Boat sinkings off the American coast
Generalfeldmarschall List arrives in Bucharest for the Rumanian National Day
400 young Dutch volunteer for service in the RAD
Fighting in Lappland
Finnish soldiers use reindeers to pull their sleds
General Dietl visits his troops near Murmansk
Kerch is taken by the Germans
The Battle of Kharkov
1937 - Cavalry Day in Dusseldorf
1939 – Glaube und Schonheit – a film about the BDM
Hitler and Albert Speer inspect new weapons for the front
In an armaments work
The second battle of Kharkov
Hungarian, Croatian, Italian and Rumanian troops take part in the Kharkov encirclement actions
Reichsfuhrer-SS Himmler visits Den Haag
Young Dutch SS take the oath to the Fuhrer
Hitler visits the Eastern Front and then flies off to see Mannerheim in Finland
Alfred Rosenberg visits Reichskommissariat Ostland
Review of the Battle of Kharkov
The Sultan of Morocco visits Franco in Spain
Prague bids farewell to the assassinated Reichsprotektor, Reinhard Heydrich
Oberst Galland makes an inspection of an airbase in North Africa
Generaloberst Rommel is awarded the highest Italian military order
German and Italian troops take Bir Hacheim
Marshal Antonescu visits the front at Sevastopol
German and Rumanian troops take the northern part of the Sevastopol fortress
Field Marshal Rommel decides on a surprise attack against the British 8th Army in Libya
The British 8th Army is thrown back towards the Libyan-Egyptian borders
Siege of the fortress at Tobruk
The British surrender Tobruk
Sevastopol is taken on 01 July 1942
Waffen-SS Obergruppenfuhrer Eicke is awarded the Oak Leaves to the Ritterkreuz for the Iron Cross
Oberleutnant Marseille receives the Oak Leaves with Swords for his 101st kill
Marshal Manneheim of Finland visits the Fuhrerhauptquartier
Attacking Soviets are encircled and wiped out near Wolchow
The Afrika Korps takes Marsa Matrouh
1941 – Leuchtendes Hellas: A color, silent film by a German officer made shortly after the conquest of Greece in the spring of that year.
Bohemia and Moravia’s president, Dr. Emil Hacha, celebrates his 70th birthday
Student days of German Art in Salzburg
Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung 1942 in Munich
The discovery and destruction of an Anglo-American convoy to Murmansk
Minesweepers in action in the Gulf of Finland
Operation Blue proceeds with the Germans and Rumanians crossing the Don River
Voronezh is taken by the Germans
JU52 transport planes from Crete carry supplies to the North African front
Civilians are put to work clearing the rubble in Voronezh
The Germans take Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk)
A review of the Atlantic and Channel fortifications
General Munoz Grandes visits the Fuhrerhauptquartier
The battle for Chersones on the most western part of the Crimea
Crossing of the Don
Rostov is taken
Failed Allied landing attempt at Dieppe
Germans take Yaiesk
Rumanian troops enter Tichoretsk
Advance into the Caucasus
A UfA, Bavaria Fox Wochenschau about the 4th Winter Olympic Games which took place in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Funeral for Admiral Horthy’s son in Budapest, killed in action in Russia
The Germans and Italians take the Siwa Oasis in the Libyan Desert in Egypt
The Germans begin the battle for Stalingrad
The Germans advance to the Elbrus and place their flag at the peak of Mt. Elbrus
German U-Boat activity in the St. Lawrence River in Canada
German and Rumanian troops cross from Kerch to the Taman Peninsula
The Germans take Novorossiysk
Artillery and bombers pound Stalingrad
Wounded soldiers are taken on a tour of Carinthia
A British landing attempt at Tobruk is beaten off
Street fighting in Stalingrad
Hauptmann Marseille gets his 158th kill over Africa
Night attack on Alexandria
A Japanese submarine visits a German naval base in France
Air attack on Murmansk
Battles in Stalingrad’s suburbs
Gebirgsjager duel with the Soviets in the Elbrus mountain range
“Krieg und Kunst” exhibition in Vienna
Traditional royal regatta in Venice
Tenth International Film Exhibition in Venice
Sweden defeats Germany in a soccer championship in Berlin, 3 to 2
Berlin Philharmonic celebrates the 10th anniversary of the founding of Manchukuo
Funeral service for the fallen in the Legion Tricolore in Paris
1939 – Madel im Landjahr – A film about BDM in the countryside learning how to live proper lives and be productive to society. Silent film accompanied by rousing pre-War martial music
1939 – Reichsarbeitdienst – A film about the RAD in pre-War service in a training camp in the country. Silent film accompanied by rousing pre-War martial music.
Celebration of the 2nd anniversary of the signing of the Three Power Pact in Berlin
Marshall Rommel explains the situation in North Africa to the domestic and foreign press corps
Results of the 1941/42 Winterhilfswerk collections
Battles around Lake Ladoga
On a German collective farm in Russia
The southern part of Stalingrad is firmly in German hands
Arrival of trains filled with food from the occupied East
Gebirgsjager duel with the Soviets on Elbrus
Heavy tank battles around Stalingrad
Infantry and Waffen SS take on the Soviets south of Lake Ilmen
Battles in the Leningrad region and south of Lake Ladoga
Air attack on the oil fields of Grozny
The Japanese delegation lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Bucharest
European Postal Congress in Vienna
Harvest of sunflowers in the occupied East
Female Auxiliaries in the Wehrmacht visit the Acropolis
Leave for the Freikorps Danmark
A Japanese naval unit underway in the south pacific
20th anniversary of the March on Rome
The NSKK transports supplies on the Eastern Front
Attack on Fort Etak in North Africa
The Germans go over to the defensive at El Alamein
1938 – Schiff Ohne Klassen – This film is about the maiden Atlantic voyage of the Wilhelm Gustloff, a KdF ship where passengers and crew alike shared the same style cabins. KdF was the Party section which handled vacations and tours for Germany’s workers at great subsidy – and thus, at very low cost for the vacationer.
Commemoration of the Party Fallen on the anniversary of the Putsch
Practice alarm on the Norwegian coast
Finnish soldiers build new homes for needy families of fallen comrades in Karelia
Artillery assault on the Kronstadt Fortress in the bay of Leningrad
German and Croatian air units bomb Leningrad
Italians beat back Soviet attacks on the Don front
The Germans occupy Vichy in response to the Anglo-American invasion of French North Africa
Factory workers man anti-aircraft guns during an air raid
German soldiers meet Spanish border guards in southern France
Rumanian and German ships lay mines in the Black Sea
Gebirgsjager repulse Soviet attacks at the Dombai Ulgen Pass in the Caucasus
Convention of continental mayors in Munich
80th birthday of the poet Gerhart Hauptmann
A new world record in glider flying in Vienna
The Japanese land on the Aleutian Islands
The occupation of Toulon
At a U-Boat training school
A Grenadier battalion on the march to Marseilles
Italian cavalry in Nice
A German and Italian convoy brings supplies to the Afrika Korps in Tunesia
Italian artillery fights off Soviet assaults on the upper Don
Defensive fighting in the central sector of the Eastern Front
The Duce speaks before the Fascist Chamber in Rome
The Battle of Singapore
Japanese paratroopers take Celebus
RAD men on the Eastern Front are absorbed into the Wehrmacht
The first snow fall in the central sector of the Eastern Front
Another winter begins on the Eastern Front
British and American prisoners are taken at Tebourba in Tunesia
Transport of Christmas trees and gifts to a U-Boat south of the Equator
Christmas celebrations in soldiers’ hospitals and convalescent homes
The International Film Guild meets in Budapest
International Chess tournament in Prague
Opening of the Islamic Central Institute in Berlin by the Grand Mufti
Opening of a typhus research center in Lwow
Croatian fliers return home from the Eastern Front
Rescue of the raider crew “Atlantis”, sunk after 655 days at sea
1942 – SOLDATEN IN EIS UND SCHNEE: Made about a year previous to the events in these Wochenschauen, „Soldaten in Eis und Schnee“ is a short review of the difficulties faced by the German Army in its first winter operations on the Eastern Front in 1941/42.
1937 – DIE SCHLACHT UM MIGGERSHAUSEN: In the film “The battle over Miggershausen”, an animated Volksempfanger wanders to the town Miggershausen, where the knowledge for modern technology in agriculture has failed to take place. The Volksempfanger’s
mission is to advertise the broadcast, especially transmissions over agricultural
themes. After the farmers kick him out, he calls for reinforcements and a whole
army of Volksempfangers march off to attack the place. The victory of the
informative propaganda is celebrated and the educated farmers transform
Miggershausen into an exemplary town that is ultimately renamed
“Frohenhausen” (happy home). IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES.
A view of Eisenach
Ten years of rule by the NSDAP
Night fighters battle enemy bombers
A British torpedo attack on a convoy is fended off
French troops are defeated in an attack in southern Tunisia
Breakout of German soldiers from Velikiye Luki
The Diplomatic corps wishes the Cadillo a Happy New Year
The Spanish party minister Arrese visits Berlin
Celebration of the 478th anniversary of the founding of the Maximilian University in Munich
Dr. Sven Hedin receives an honorary doctorate from Maximilian University
Skiing in Oslo
China declares war against the U.S . and England
Sinking of an American luxury yacht
German soldiers hob nob with locals in Tunisia
Clearing the Arctic Sea Street in the high north of the Eastern Front
Review march of the Spanish Blue Division near Leningrad
Signing of an economic pact between Germany and Japan
Dr. Goebbels speaks at the Berliner Sportspalast
Sinking of an American luxury yacht
The construction of new armament factories
Grossadmiral Doenitz is named as head of the Kriegsmarine
Supplies for the front in Tunisia
Defensive night fighting in the East
Goebbels’ TOTAL WAR speech
Germans report for assignment in the war industries
Loading of supplies in Italy for the Tunisian front
The Wehrmacht pulls back from the advancing enemy in the south of Russia
Bulgarian and German troops celebrate King Boris III’s birthday
Germany and Croatia complete the construction of a long-distance line between both countries
Tino Rossi concert in Brussels
New volunteers with the Dutch SS take their oath
Units of the SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler counterattack between the Donets and Dnieper
1940 – DEUTSCHE PANZER – short film about the production of tanks during wartime.
Albert Speer increases weapons’ production in the Reich
Training in Reserve Officers’ schools
Construction of new armament plants
Construction of the Atlantic Wall
Repair of airplanes on the Eastern Front
Fighting in the region south of Lake Ladoga
SS Sturmmann Mooyman, a 19 year old Dutch volunteer, is the first Dutchman to get the Ritterkreuz
Winter battles between the Dnieper and the Donetz
Sepp Dietrich awards his men the Iron Cross
Heroes’ memorial day in Berlin
U-Boat attack on a convoy in the North Atlantic
Reinforcements move into Crete and the Greek Islands
The Second Battle of Kharkov
Elections to the Danish Folketing
Children from occupied territories vacation in the Reich
Reconstruction of the University of Madrid, destroyed in the Spanish Civil War
Construction of a new bridge in Hungarian occupied Slovakia
Large rally of the Flemish National Union in Brussels
Rally in Prague
Japanese units battle Chinese resistance troops throughout China
Japanese troops land on New Guinea
Japanese bombers attack Port Darwin in Australia
Spring cleaning on the Eastern Front after the thaw sets in
Supply issues on the Lappland front
Wounded soldiers are transported from Norwegian fjords back to the homeland
The Fuhrer meets with Il Duce
Grossadmiral Doenitz is awarded the Oak Leaves by the Fuhrer
German U-Boats in action in the Caribbean Sea
Dr. Goebbels speaks at the Berlin Philharmonic on the eve of the Fuhrer’s birthday
Wounded German soldiers take a tour of Vienna and Graz
Training of artillery officer candidates
Artillery duel at Leningrad
German and Rumanian units secure the traffic on the Black Sea
Stuka attacks on Soviet tanks in the Kuban
Croatia celebrates the 2nd anniversary of its independence
Bulgaria marks it’s second anniversary of the joining to the Three-Power-Pact
Dutch, Danish, Flemish and Walloon representatives meet for the Greater Germanic Youth Groups
Introduction of conscription in Serbia for Work Service Units
4th anniversary of the Falangist victory in the Spanish Civil War
Latvian farmers get their land back which was taken by the Bolsheviks
Construction of the Atlantic Wall
1943 – IN THE FOREST OF KATYN : German made film about the discovery of the mass graves of Polish soldiers discovered by the Germans in the Katyn Forest in April 1943
( 23+ hours) LONG.