15 DVD SET corresponds to Numbers 1 through 15 of our translations of Die Deutsche Wochenschau newsreels (in addition to any supplments listed in the description below) covering the events, mainly in Europe, from June 1939 to December 1941, with first hand film reports. Each part has variable film quality based on the original films it shows. Overall, we would say the quality would correspond to a range of well worn VHS to excellent VHS quality. There is some sound and picture quality issues on some of the selections, but that corresponds to only a small percentage of the total.
SOME OF THE TOPICS COVERED (For the full description please refer to the product page of each part):
The German fleet visits Scapa Flow
Navy Day in Fascicst Rome
Goebbels visits Danzig
Naval Exercises on the Danube
Poland interferes with free trade in Danzig
The creation of a home guard in Danzig
German refugees report about life in Poland
Polish destruction of German property in Danzig
The invasion of Poland
Polish prisoners are interviewed about their views of Germany
The Germans distribute food to the Polish population
German Engineers Re-start Steel Mills in Silesia
German Troops Patrol West Wall Fortifications
U-Boat Captain Prien and Crew Welcomed in Berlin
New Japanese Foreign Minister Takes Office
Baltic Germans Resettled in Posen
British Navy Blockades North Sea Countries
Luftwaffe Reconnaissance Over English Coast
Evacuation of Tientsin by the British
Anti-Air Defense Exercises in Germany
Ethnic Germans From Russia Return to Germany
Goebbels Tours Western Air Defense Zone
International Winter Games in Bavaria
Luftwaffe Planes Sink British Ships in North Sea
Duce Reviews Elite Militia in Rome
German Wartime Trade Fair in Leipzig
German Army Captures First British Soldiers
Admiral Raeder Greets Returning U-Boat Crew
Germany Invades Denmark and Norway
Danish Troops Ordered to Cease Resistance
Oslo Captured by German Troops
German Troops Push Deep into Norway
British Naval Convoy Retreats From Namsos
German Invasion of West is Launched
Luxembourg and Belgian Borders Crossed
Troops Cross Albert Canal by Raft
Maastricht Bridgehead Taken by Germans
Paratroopers dropped Over Holland
Paratroopers defend Narvik against Allied attacks
Leibstandarte Link-up With Paratroopers in Rotterdam
Fort Eben Emael Captured in Belgium
Guderian's Panzers Breach the Maginot Line
The defeat of the Allies in Antwerp and Leuven
Brussels is taken
The Luftwaffe attacks fleeing Allied troops at Dunkirk
The Germans march into Dunkirk
The Italians declare war on the Allies
Luftwaffe raids on Paris
Air attacks on La Havre
German offensive begins from Amiens toward Rouen and La Havre
Allies set oil tanks on fire in Oisemont
The Marne is crossed
Germans take the Palace of Versailles
The Germans enter Paris
Einzugsparade in Paris
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau wreak havoc in the North Sea
Sinking of HMS Glorious
Offensive against the Maginot Line
Metz and Strasbourg fall into German hands
Verdun is taken
The battle for Alsace-Lorraine is finished
France capitulates at Compiegne
Opening of the Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung in Munich
An assembly line builds tanks for the front
French prisoners help out with the harvest
German troops occupy the Channel Islands
Opening of the Ostmesse in Konigsberg
Italians launch attacks against the English in British Somalia
German long range artillery bombards England from the Channel Coast
The Battle of Britain begins
New RAD formations are established in the Wartheland
German refugees from Alsace-Lorraine can return back home
Minesweepers clear Norwegian waters of mines left by the British
Kapitanleutnant Lemp receives the Ritterkreuz
A review of the military importance of London
Youth labor camps are set up in Norway
The Hungarians occupy Transylvania after the Vienna Award
How anti-shipping mines are manufactured
How barrage balloons work
Italians take As Sallum in Egypt
English bomber raid on Bethel
The draft is instituted in the United States
The Japanese bomb Chungking
King Christian of Denmark celebrates his 70th birthday
First meeting of the Luxembourg Nazi Party
Ration cards are distributed in the occupied western territories
The Italians launch the invasion of Egypt
The English attack the French fleet at Oran
Liverpool is bombed
Construction of the new ministry in Italian East Africa
The Spanish occupy Tangier
Bulgarian troops occupy Dobrudja
Resettlement of Volksdeutsche from Bessarabia
Bessarabian Volksdeutsche arrive in Graz
Vikdun Quisling calls for the dissolving of the Norwegian parliament
Warsaw after one year of Nazi rule
The English bomb La Havre
Gau Danzig-Westpreussen celebrates its first anniversary
Germany occupies Rumania to protect its oil wells
Hitler meets with Laval and Petain
Hitler meets Franco on the French-Spanish border
“Day of Freedom” in Posen and Litzmannstadt
Commemoration of the founding of the Generalgouvernement
Captured French uniforms and tanks are sent off to Germany
Herms Niel conducts a RAD performance for wounded Italian troops
The Italian Army builds new roads in the Egyptian desert
Japanese bombers attack the Burma Road
Kapitanleutnant Kretschmer is awarded the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves
Construction in the capital of Manchukuo
Japanese troops receive transit rights in French Indochina
Japanese troops advance through northern Vietnam
NSB members parade in Amsterdam
Foreign Minister Molotov meets with Hitler in Berlin
Severe Earthquake in Rumania
Rumania, Hungary and Slovakia sign on to the Three-Power Pact
Air attack on Coventry
A U-Boat ride with Kapitanleutnant Kretschmer
SUPPLEMENT: The Battle of Tournai and the surrender of Belgium
SUPPLEMENT: The Beginning of the End in France
Wounded soldiers recover in the High Tatras
Generalfeldmarschall visits the troops in the East
German military advisors parade in Bucharest
Construction of new roads in Norway
German recruits in Norway are sworn in
Repairing French railway lines damaged in the War
Wounded soldiers make Christmas toys
Japanese air attack on the Burma Road
Repairing the streetcar lines in Warsaw
Border patrol soldiers at work on the borders of the Genearalgouvernement and Slovakia
Professor Thorak at work sculpting
Traditional German Christmas in the Warthegau
A captured English submarine is converted for use in the Kriegsmarine
2600th Anniversary of the Royal Family in Japan
Signing of treaty in Moscow marking the German-Russian borders
German sailors tour Castle Kronborg in occupied Denmark
Hermann Goering’s 48th birthday
Lieutenant-Colonel Galland makes his 57th kill over the Channel
Norwegian workers depart for labor service in Germany
Japanese General Yamashita presents Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch with a samurai sword
How steel helmets are made
The new Kondor bomber
German and Italian air raid on Malta
German U-Boats in the South Atlantic
The German occupation of Bohemia and Moravia
German troops enter Prague
Army parade on Wenceslaus Square
Large celebration in Berlin on the occasion of the occupation of Bohemia and Moravia
Adolf Hitler’s 50th birthday and celebrations
Military parades on the occasion of Hitler’s birthday
Wake for Reich’s Justice Minister Dr. Guertner
The Royal Hungarian Envoy is received at the new Reichskanzlei
FW 200 Kondors attack the coast of Scotland
A German raider causes trouble in the tropics
Funeral for the Hungarian Foreign Minister, Count Czaky
Reichsjugendfuhrer Axmann visits Oslo
Herms Niel gives a concert in Prague
Gau Silesia is divided into Upper- and Lower Silesian Gaus
Karl Hanke is made Gauleiter of Lower Silesia
Fritz Bracht is named Gauleiter of Upper Silesia
Kapitanleutnant Schepke and his crew go skiing in Oberbayern
German planes attack English positions in North Africa
Police sports’ festival in the Deutschlandhalle
Max Schmelling reports voluntarily to the paratroopers
A tour of the SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
21st Anniversary celebration of the founding of the Nazi Party in Munich
Bulgaria signs the Three Party Pact
German pioneers build bridges on the Rumanian-Bulgarian border
German troops enter Bulgaria
Japan negotiates the settlement of border disputes between Thailand and Indochina
Vienna celebrates the 3rd anniversary of the Anschluss
Kapitanleutnant Moehle receives the Ritterkreuz for sinking 112,000 tons of shipping
German troops in Tripoli are reviewed by General Rommel
1932 – HJ Youth in the Mountains – a featurette put out before the Machtergreifung
1936 – Ewige Wache – a film about the Feldherrnhalle (not translated)
The Yugoslavian Minister President and Foreign Minister arrive at the Berghof
Chief of the Danish Order Police arrives in Berlin
Day of the German Police in Berlin
Wehrmacht parade on the 2nd anniversary of the founding of Protektorat Bohmen und Mahren
Slovakian soldiers on parade in Bratislava on the 2nd anniversary of the Slovakian state
Drilling for oil in the Generalgouvernement
Volksdeutsche from Bessarabia are settled onto farms
Volksdeutsche feel from Yugoslavia
The Afrika Korps is supplied in North Africa
German troops invade Yugoslavia and Greece
Advance on El Agheila
The Afrika Korps takes Bengazi
German troops take Maribor and Nis
German troops advance on Belgrade
Air attack on the Metaxas Line
Salonika falls into German hands
General Geisler decorates soldiers on the African front
Hitler receives King Boris and Admiral Horthy at his southeastern HQ
German pioneers take the Iron Gates on the Danube
March into a Bosnian city
Removal of a memorial plaque to Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo
Capitulation of the Greek Epirus and Macedonian armies
Advance into Thessaly
German troops take Athens
The Afrika Korps advances on Tobruk
The battle for Thermopyle
German troops in Athens
German troops meet their Italian comrades in western Greece
The British are pushed off the continent
General Rommel arrives at the front near Tobruk
German paratroopers and Gebirgsjager land on Crete
1942 Film – Kreta – Ein Heldenlied unserer Zeit:
Croatia joins the Three-Power Pact
General Rommel presents General Garibaldi with the Iron Cross, 1st and 2nd Classes
German forces besiege Tobruk
Declaration of war on the USSR
Battles on the Soviet border
Attack on the Soviet Union from Finland
Taking of the fortress in Kaunas
Taking of the fortress in Brest Litovsk
The Germans take Lemberg (Lwow)
Liberation of the GPU prison in Lemberg (Lwow)
Soviet troops are encircled in the Bialystok region
The Germans take Kalvaria and Vilna (Vilnius)
The Germans take Jonava
The Germans “evacuate” the Jews of Jonava
The Germans take Libau (Liepaja)
Volunteers from all over Europe sign up to fight the Bolsheviks
Rumanian and German troops advance into Bessarabia
The Germans are received with joy in the Ukraine
Advance on Kiew (Kyiv)
Conclusion of the double battle at Bialystok and Minsk
Germans march into Riga
The Germans advance on Lake Peipus and Estonia
Advance units head for Leningrad
SUPPLEMENT: Silent German film of the liberation of the NKVD prison in Lemberg (Lwow) in which Germans
and local Ukrainians forced Jews to remove
bodies from a secret police prison.
SUPPLEMENT: Silent films showing German prisoners and wounded executed by the Soviets.
SUPPLEMENT: One hour film about the air war in Finland (in English) from 1939 to 1945
Fallschirmjager and Gebirgsjager return from Crete
German and Finnish troops advance to the northern coast of Lake Ladoga
German and Rumanian troops take Balti
More civilian victims of the GPU turn up in Lemberg (Lwow)
Advance on Kiew (Kyiv)
The Germans take Smolensk
Minsk after the battle
Colonel Molders is decorated
Rest and refreshment before the attack on the Stalin Line
Advance on Ostrow and Pieskau
Goering receives pilots awarded the Ritterkreuz for their work over Crete
German Destroyers attack Soviet ships in the Barents Sea
Overcoming Soviet resistance in Bessarabia
Hungarian and Slovakian troops advance into the Ukraine
The Germans cross the Dnepr
The Germans take Polotsk and Vitebsk
First air raids on Moscow
Transport of volunteer Dutch, Croatian and Italians to the Eastern Front
German and Rumanian troops in joint operations in Bessarabia
Balti after its liberation from the Soviets
Battle of Vinnitsa
Mogilev is almost totally destroyed by the retreating Soviets
Fighting for Smolensk
The true picture of the Soviet Paradise
A large rally of French volunteers against Bolshevism in Paris
The first Flemish volunteers leave Brussels for the Eastern Front
Danish volunteers take the oath in Hamburg
The Fuhrer visits the headquarters of Army Group Centre
German troops push towards the Gulf of Finland from Lake Paipus and Lake Ilmen
1935 – The 100th Anniversary Celebration of the German Railway (not translated)
1935 – 20 March newsreel (partially translated):
· Gertrud von Hindenburg christens the Tannenberg in Stettin
· One million German youth take part in the Reich‘s career competition
· Large train accident in London
· German fashion show success in London is re-enacted in Berlin
· A new world’s record is set for racing cars in Florida
· Universal military service is proclaimed
· Military march before Berlin’s Ehrendenkmal
1936 – Color film about the Reichshauptstadt in the year of the Olympic Games
Air raid on Murmansk
Air attack on the Stalin Canal
Rumanian troops advance on Odessa
German troops attack Nikolayev
German troops attack Gomel
The Germans take Narva and reach the Gulf of Finland
Novgorod falls to the Germans
German troops take Luga
Waffen SS units take Kherson
Battle for Dneprodserzhinsk
Soviet artillery shells Gomel after their withdrawal
New roads are constructed by the RAD on the former Finnish-Soviet border
Battle for Dneprropetrovsk
The administration of White Ruthenia is turned over to civilian administration
Resumption of the weekly farmers’ market in Smolensk
German troops enter Tallinn
German planes bomb Leningrad
Stukas attack retreating Soviets in the Murmansk region
Finnish troops attack and take back Viipuri
German troops advance on Leningrad
Four Soviet armies are encircled outside Kyiv
Kremenchug is taken
Chernigov (Chrernihiv) is taken
German troops take Kyiv
1936 – Echo der Heimat Nr. 3 (partially translated)
· Construction of the highway to Rugen
· Preparations for the 1936 Summer Olympic Games
· New construction projects help the German economy
· Consecration of the Haus des deutschen Handwerkes
· Completion of the construction of the Air Ministry in Berlin
· Germans get a look at the first television sets
· Many workers are killed when the supports collapse in the construction of Berlin’s new subway
· Day of Freedom rally in Nuremberg
· March past of various paramilitary and military formations after the rally
· German youth in a training camp
· Demonstration of naval defensive tactics
The Germans take the Estonian islands of Oesel and Moon
Air raid on Leningrad
Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch celebrates his 60th birthday
Rumanian troops push on to Odessa
Italian soldiers take a town in southern Russia
Artillery bombardment of Odessa
German troops advance into Kyiv
End of the battle of encirclement 200km east of Kyiv – 665,000 prisoners are taken
Opening of the third wartime WHW in Berlin
Germans advance on Demjansk
Pioneers blow up buildings in Kyiv to prevent the spread of fires set by the retreating Soviets
Grossadmiral Raeder visits naval crews posted to the Eastern Front
A sub journey with Kapitanleutnant Endrass and his crew
Slovakian statesmen Dr. Tiso and Dr. Tucha visit the Fuhrerhauptquartier
Finnish troops advance on past Lake Ladoga and Onega to take Petrazavodsk
Dego Island is cleared of Soviets
German troops being building winter quarters on the Eastern Front
Turkish generals view the Eastern Front
Advance on Kaluga
Battle for Borodino
The taking of Kharkov
24 Feb 1932: Deulig Tonwoche Nr. 8:
· Memorial service in the Reichstag for the fallen of the World War
· Rare finds among the Zaptatecas in Oaxaca
· Carneval begins in New Orleans
· Sven Hedin and Gerhard Hauptmann sail for the U.S.
· The U.S. sends 60 ships to Hawaii on maneuvers as war breaks out in East Asia
· Unrest in Bombay after Gandhi’s arrest
1936 – Ehre der Arbeit
German troops in the Leningrad region receive winter equipment and clothing
The Germans attack Soviet positions north of Moscow
Difficult road conditions outside of Moscow hamper the Germans
A look at workers’ hovels in Kharkov
The frontline newspapers go to the front along with the advancing troops
Advance against the Crimea
Victory parade for Rumanian troops in Bucharest
Funeral for Generaloberst Ernst Udet
Alfred Rosenberg is named as Reichsminister for the occupied Eastern Territories
Conquest of Tichwin
The Germans take Simferopol and Yalta on the Crimea
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem is received by the Fuhrer in Berlin
General Dietl at the Fuhrer’s headquarters
Meeting between Reichsmarschall Goering and Marshal Petain
This "educational" film deals directly with the subject of the mentally ill and the institutionalized. It does not speak in the language of hate or discrimination: on the contrary - it is logically and scientifically presented with chilling dispassion. The "emotional" aspects of the narration appeal to the overall good and needs of society versus the care for and support of "lesser" individuals. It is an insidious film. The message is subtle and the conclusive decisions society needs to make are obvious. The narration becomes especially chilling and powerful when, in hindsight, we know all too well how far the message became reality and that the overwhelming majority of those we see on the screen were eventually subjected to "mercy killing". The comparison in costs to society to care for these people is no less offensive than the statement in the film that, "the farmer, by controlling the overgrowth of weeds, preserves what is most valuable." When the film asks, near its end, "Are we to burden future generations with this inheritance?", you understand clearly what this film was preparing its viewers for, if you, or they, couldn't figure it out up to that point.
A powerful, depressing and important documentary, if only because, like Ich Klage an, it addresses issues all contemporary societies deal with and which put into play ideas of charity, morals, self-sufficiency, and the rights of the individual in a given society. The pictures shown are, overall, not offensive or shocking. Sensitive viewers should take note, however, that much of what is said will shock and hurt terribly.
1942 – Gebirgsjäger: Biwak im Winter
Put out shortly after the Germans’ first winter experience in Soviet Russia, this film provides very useful information on how to construct protective shelters out of snow and ice on the battlefield. While very informative and helpful, it does not appear to be very practical in wartime conditions, though it purports to be just that. Most of the constructions seem cumbersome and time-consuming to the viewer … though, perhaps, under actual conditions shown in the film, this is just a deceptive appearance.