SKU 5989 Availability 100 DAYS BEFORE THE COMMAND (Sto Dney do Prikaza) (1991) * with switchable English and German subtitles * Vladimir Zamanskiy ... The Unknown Man Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Armen Dzhigarkhanyan ... Brigade Commander Oleg Vasilkov Oleg Vasilkov ... Elin Roman Grekov Roman Grekov ... Zub Valeriy Troshin Valeriy Troshin ... Kudrin Aleksandr Chislov Aleksandr Chislov ... Zyrin Mikhail Solomatin Mikhail Solomatin ... Belikov Sergei Romantsov Sergei Romantsov ... Titarenko Sergey Bystritskiy Sergey Bystritskiy ... Senior Lieutenant Elena Kondulaynen Elena Kondulaynen ... Death Oleg Khusainov Oleg Khusainov ... Angel Sergey Semyonov Sergey Semyonov ... Captain Aleksey Volkov Aleksey Volkov Vladimir Puchkov Vladimir Puchkov Pavel Stepanov Pavel Stepanov Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Five young Soviet Army recruits struggle for survival against the merciless violence that surrounds them on a daily basis. Their only means of saving their dignity is by preserving the humanity and compassion they share for each other. Visually astonishing and emotionally jarring, this film is Hussein Erkenov's courageous and stinging indictment of Communism. Banned by the Soviet censors upon its initial release, the film had to be smuggled out of the country to make its worldwide premier at the 1995 Berlin Film Festival. Some reviewers have remarked about an alleged homoerotic undertone to the film. While the scenes in the bathhouse are very representative of the activity in both civilian and military bathing institutions, the homoerotic interpretations are not. Soldiers suspected of having homosexual tendencies quite often did not make it alive out of basic training. DVD-R is in Russian with switchable English and German subtitles. Approx. 66 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products 12 DVD SET: 14 SOVIET FILMS ABOUT THE SECOND W... $129.99 2 DVD SET: MEN AND BEASTS (1962) * with swit... $19.99 2 DVD SET: BATTLE FOR MOSCOW (1985) * with sw... $29.99 AGONY (1981) * with switchable English subtit... $13.99 AT WAR AS AT WAR (1969) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 DESTINY OF A MAN (Fate of a Man) (1959) *with... $13.99 BEGEGNUNG AN DER ELBE (MEETING ON THE ELBE) (19... $14.99 CHRONICLE OF THE FLAMING YEARS (1961) * with... $13.99 COME AND SEE (1985) * with switchable English... $13.99 COMMISSARS (Komissary) (1971) * with switchable... $13.99 DARK IS THE NIGHT (1944) * with switchable En... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought THIS SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP (Les amitiés particuliè... $13.99 JAGDSZENEN AUS NIEDERBAYERN (Hunting Scenes fr... $13.99 WE WERE ONE MAN (Nous étions un seul homme) (... $13.99 WESTLER (1985) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 A VIRUS KNOWS NO MORALS (1986) * with hard-en... $13.99 KAMPFGESCHWADER LÜTZOW (1941) $9.99 2 DVD SET: MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM (1931 and 1958)... $18.99 2 DVD SET: BATTLE FOR MOSCOW (1985) * with sw... $29.99 ANOTHER WAY (1982) * with switchable English s... $13.99 MAN, WOMAN AND BEAST (1977) * with switchable... $13.99 2 DVD SET: PETER THE GREAT (Pyotr Pervyy) (19... $27.49 LIBIDOMANIA (Sexual Aberration) (Sesso perverso... $13.99 HIROSHIMA (1953) * with switchable English su... $13.99 TWO FILM DVD: AELITA - THE QUEEN OF MARS (192... $16.99 THE END IN EASTERN EUROPE 1989 $9.99 DAS BLAUE LICHT (The Blue Light) (1932) * with... $13.99 EAST PRUSSIA BEFORE THE CATASTROPHE (1930s) * w... $13.99 PATRIOTEN (1937) $9.99 GOLGOTHA (1935) * with switchable English subti... $14.99 SOLDATEN HINTER STACHELDRAHT $11.99 DIE FROMME LÜGE (1938) $9.99 GLEN OR GLENDA (1953) + BLACK MASS (Messe No... $9.99 DER MARSCH ZUM FÜHRER (The March to the Führer)... From $8.99 ROME, OPEN CITY (1945) * with hard-encoded Eng... $10.99 BEIM JODELN JUCKT DIE LEDERHOSE (There's no Se... $13.99 < > Product tags 100 tage genosse soldat (1) , sto dni do rozkazu (1) , Сто дней до приказа (1)