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British Films

GREEN FOR DANGER (1946) * with switchable Eng...
Sally Gray as Nurse Frederica "Freddi" Linley...

HELL DRIVERS (1957) * with switchable English...
Cy Endfield Writers: John Kruse (screenplay),...

HENRY VIII (1979) * with switchable English s...
Directed by Kevin Billington John Fletcher...

HIDE AND SEEK (1964) * with switchable Spanis...
Cy Endfield Writers: Robert Foshko (screen ad...

HUNTED (EIN KIND WAR ZEUGE) (The Stranger in Be...
Dirk Bogarde ... Chris Lloyd Jon Whiteley Jon...

Clayton Hutton June Clyde ... Molly Morell G...

IT HAPPENED HERE (1965) * with switchable Eng...
Directed by Kevin Brownlow Andrew Mollo Writt...

JASSY (1947) * with English and Spanish audio...
Directed by Bernard Knowles Written by Dorothy...

KING LEAR (1982) *with switchable English subt...
Penelope Wilton Regan Brenda Blethyn Cor...