kostenlosen Versand
beim Kauf von 10+ DVDs

HAJKA (Manhunt) (1977) * with switchable Eng...
Redatelj Živojin Pavlović Scenarist Mihailo La...

POEM OF THE SEA (1958) * with switchable Engl...
Yuliya Solntseva Writing Credits (in alphabetic...

A LIFE FOR A LIFE (Życie za życie) (1991) *...
Directed by Krzysztof Zanussi Writing Credits...

FUGA IN FRANCIA (Escape to France) (1948) *...
Directed by Mario Soldati Writing Credits (in...

U NAS V KOCOURKOVE (At Home in Korcoukov) (19...
Directed by Miroslav Cikán Written by Miroslav...

PRED MATURITOU (Before Graduation) (1932) *...
Directed by Svatopluk Innemann Vladislav Va...

LENIN IN 1918 (1939) * with switchable Englis...
Boris Shchukin as Vladimir Lenin Mikheil Gelov...

LENIN IN OCTOBER (1937) * with switchable Engl...
Boris Shchukin as Vladimir Lenin Nikolay Okhlo...

VIVERE IN PACE (To live in Peace) (1947) * w...
Directed by Luigi Zampa Written by Suso Cecchi...

VODKAA, KOMISARIO PALMU (1969) * with switcha...
Directed by Matti Kassila Written by Matti Kas...

LA TRAMPA (The Trap) (1949) * with switchabl...
Zully Moreno as Paulina Figueroa George Rigaud...

A MIDSUMMER DAY'S SMILE (Un suras în plina var...
Gen comedie Regizor Geo Saizescu Scenarist Du...

WEDDING RING (Konyaku Yubiwa) (1950) * with...
Directed by Keisuke Kinoshita Written by Keisu...

DIE STADT DER MILLIONEN (1925) * with switcha...
Adolf Trotz Writers: Willy Rath (concept), Em...

THE THIRTEEN (1937) * with switchable English...
Directed by Mikhail Romm Written by Iosif Prut...

GOLIATH AND THE REBEL SLAVE (1963) * with Eng...
Directed by Mario Caiano[2] Screenplay by Gi...

UNSETTLED LAND (Once We Were Dreamers) (1987)...
Directed by Uri Barbash Screenplay by Benny Ba...

SIRENA (The Strike) (1947) * with switchable...
Directed by Karel Steklý Written by Marie Maje...