Returning after a long separation to places dear to his heart, General Fedorchenko recalls how, many years ago, he left his native village. His mother and the chairman of the collective farm tried to persuade him to stay, but the young man was attracted by others. In the same way, despite the admonitions of relatives, his former classmates rushed to study and work in big cities. The way home lies through Novaya Kakhovka - a young city living with the upcoming launch of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station. Arriving in the village, Fedorchenko learns that the construction of the hydroelectric power station left the collective farm without labor: almost all the graduates of the local school went to a large construction site. The next discovery for the general was the news that at the same time people who had not been here for several decades began to come to the village. Among them - a famous architect, polar explorer, pilot, writer, deputy minister, six colonels. Over the years, they do not immediately recognize each other; everyone is excited about the meeting. This congress of fellow countrymen is not accidental. Gathering all those who arrived at the square, the chairman of the collective farm Savva Zarudny announces that the village, which has a long and rich history, is living out its last days. Once in the flooded zone, it will sink to the bottom with the launch of the station. Whitewashed huts, cherry orchards, a club, a school, the graves of grandfathers and great-grandfathers will disappear. The sea will appear in their place. In order for people to see their homes for the last time, Zarudny wrote dozens of letters and summoned those who had once left it to the village.
DVD-R is in Russian with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 105 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!