SKU 1449 Availability DAS HIMMELBLAUE ABENDKLEID (1940) Elfie Mayerhofer, Hans Halden and Albert Matterstock, Erich Engels Be the first to review this product $9.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Als Sohn des Zürcher Modehausbesitzers Haberland kann Hans Haberland seinen häufig wechselnden Liebschaften so ziemlich jeden Kleiderwunsch erfüllen. Seiner aktuellen Freundin Lizzie hat es ein herrliches, himmelblaues Abendkleid angetan – nur wird ausgerechnet dieses Kleid von seinem Vater an einen Berliner Geschäftsfreund verkauft. As the son of a fashion house owner in Zurich, Hans Haberland apparently can offer his lovers any article of clothing, for which they're willing to sell themselves. His current girl-toy Lizzie wants this fantastic, sky blue dress -- but it's that dress exactly, which his father has just sold to a business buddy in Berlin. Oh, the shortages and traumas of war one has to put up with! THERE IS A NEWSREEL PREVIEW BEFORE THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released). DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel). APPROX. 118 MINS. COMBINED TOTAL. VERY GOOD FILM QUALITY OVERALL. Be the first to review this product Related products DER HAMPELMANN (1938) $10.99 DER GASMANN (1941) $9.99 DER GEBIETERISCHE RUF (1944) $9.99 DER GROSSE PREIS (1944) $9.99 DER GOUVERNEUR (1939) * IMPROVED VIDEO * $10.99 EROICA (1949) * with or without switchable En... From $11.29 FIGAROS HOCHZEIT (1949) $11.99 BERLINER BALLADE (The Berliner) (1948) * with... $13.99 DER WEISSE TRAUM (1943) $9.99 DIE LUSTIGEN VAGABUNDEN (1940) $9.99 ECONO PAK: 6 CD SET + 1 DVD: ENTERTAINING THE... $64.39 FRAU LUNA (1941) $11.29 GROSSSTADTMELODIE (1943) $9.99 WIENER MÄDELN (1945) * with or without switch... From $14.99 DER BLAUE STROHHUT (1949) $9.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought ALLES SCHWINDEL (1940) $9.99 DER DORFADVOKAT (Ich bitte um Vollmacht) (1944) $9.99 DAS UNGARMÄDEL (1934) $10.49 GASTSPIEL IM PARADIES (1938) $11.29 DAS SCHWARZE SCHAF (1943) $9.99 DAS MÄDCHEN VON GESTERN NACHT (1938) $9.99 KÖNIGSWALZER (1935) $11.99 AM ABEND NACH DER OPER (1945) * with or withou... From $12.99 FRÄULEIN FRAU (1934) $9.99 DAS ANDERE ICH (The Other I) (1941) * with swi... $13.99 MEINE FRAU TERESA (1942) $9.99 SPIEL AN BORD (1936) $9.99 BAL PARE (1940) $9.99 LACHE BAJAZZO (1943) $9.99 SPRUNG IN DEN ABGRUND (1933) $9.99 DISKRETION - EHRENSACHE (1938) $9.99 DIE PUPPENFEE (1936) $9.99 EIN MANN MIT HERZ (1932) $9.99 PARKSTRASSE 13 (1939) $9.99 DAS LIED DER SONNE (1933) $10.29 ROSEN IN TIROL (1940) $11.29 EIN MANN MIT GRUNDSÄTZEN (1943) $9.99 DER GASMANN (1941) $9.99 DER HAMPELMANN (1938) $10.99 DER HERR SENATOR. DIE FLIEGENDE AHNFRAU (1934) $10.99 < >