SKU 444 Availability ONCE UPON A TIME IN EAST PRUSSIA * with switchable English subtitles * Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Interviews with former residents of East Prussia are interwoven in this moving account of East Prussia and its inhabitants right before, through and after the end of the Second World War. A very informative film about what life in East Prussia was like in the 30s and 40s. This film is a subtitled replacement for our East Prussia as it Once was. Also included are two newsreels: one about the fall of "Fortress Konigsberg" made by the Soviets; and another from Die Deutsche Wochenschau, made around a month or so earlier. Both also subtitled; neither was included in the former, unsubtitled version of this DVD. REGION FREE (will play in any DVD player) APPROX. 88 MINS. + 16 MINS. OF NEWSREELS. DVD-R IS IN GERMAN AND RUSSIAN WITH SWITCHABLE ENGLISH SUBTITLES. Be the first to review this product Related products A TRIP THROUGH 1930s GERMANY * with switchable... $16.99 2 DVD SET: INFERNO IN EAST PRUSSIA, 1944 - 19... $26.99 A JOURNEY THROUGH OLD EAST PRUSSIA *with switc... $16.99 2 DVD SET: THE RUSSIAN FRONT, 1941 - 1945 *w... $24.99 4 DVD SET: SOVIET WARTIME NEWSREELS 1-4 (20... $44.99 4 DVD SET: WAFFEN SS - THE WAFFEN SS IN ACTION... $44.99 40 DVD SET: GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 1-40 * w... $271.99 5 DVD SET: THE EAST PRUSSIAN COLLECTION * with... $57.99 DER GROSSE VATERLÄNDISCHE KRIEG (1965) * with... $14.99 EAST PRUSSIA BEFORE THE CATASTROPHE (1930s) * w... $13.99 MEIN KRIEG (1990) * with English subtitles * $13.99 DYING ON THE EASTERN FRONT: JANUARY 1945 (2003... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought EAST PRUSSIA BEFORE THE CATASTROPHE (1930s) * w... $13.99 A JOURNEY THROUGH OLD EAST PRUSSIA *with switc... $16.99 2 DVD SET: INFERNO IN EAST PRUSSIA, 1944 - 19... $26.99 CASTLES OF THE TEUTONIC KNIGHTS $12.99 DIE REISE NACH TILSIT (The Trip to Tilsit) (193... $9.99 A TRIP THROUGH 1930s GERMANY * with switchable... $16.99 GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 22 * with switchable... $9.99 3 DVD SET: AUSTRIA AND THE ANSCHLUSS 1938 (20... $35.49 LUISE, KÖNIGIN VON PREUßEN (Luise, Queen of Pru... $13.99 THEODOR KÖRNER (1932) $9.99 POLITICAL FILMS OF THE REICH I – X * with swit... $79.99 2 DVD SET: DER ZINKER (1931) + DER ZINKER (1... $19.19 PANZER BATTLES + STURMGESCHUTZE III & IV $9.99 2 DVD SET: ADOLF HITLERs BEST KNOWN SPEECHES $21.99 2 DVD SET: LUDWIG DER ZWEITE, KÖNIG VON BAYERN... $21.49 THEY WHO DARE (1954) & THE FORBIDDEN CHRIST... $13.99 DER HUND VON BASKERVILLE (1937) * with switch... $14.99 ICH KÜSSE IHRE HAND, MADAME (I Kiss Your Hand)... $13.99 DAS FLÖTENKONZERT VON SANSSOUCI (The Flute Conc... $13.99 MEIN LEBEN FÜR IRLAND (My Life for Ireland) (19... $13.99 3 DVD SET: SEVENTEEN MOMENTS OF SPRING (1973)... $18.99 40 DVD SET: GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 1-40 * w... $271.99 DIE LETZTE BRÜCKE (The Last Bridge) (1954) * w... $9.99 DER KAMPF UM ALKAZAR (The Siege of the Alcazar)... $13.99 WUNSCHKONZERT (Request Concert) (1940) * with... $14.99 < >