SKU 17 Availability EUROPE IN FLAMES (PART V - 1941) *SUPERB QUALITY* Be the first to review this product $8.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Excellent quality source materials make up our documentary about the war in Europe from 1939 - 1945. For those of us familiar with our other series, DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU, some of the materials used in this documentary come from the same or similar sources. Where there is duplication of material, we list it below (the information can be found on the reverse of the DVD covers from the other series). Region Free (can be watched on ANY DVD player). FILM QUALITY: Either very good or excellent. SOUND QUALITY: Very good to excellent Region Free (can be watched on ANY DVD player). FILM QUALITY: Either very good or excellent. SOUND QUALITY: Very good to excellent CONTENTS: Wreath layig at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier German troops march into Bulgaria DAK in Tripoli Sturmpioniere maneuvers in occupied France Riga in German hands Jonava liberated from Soviet rule Latvians welcome the Germans Battle for Libau Volunteers from all over Europe join in the fight against Bolshevism Incursions into the USSR from Finland Rumanian soldiers march into Bessarabia German troops push into the Ukraine Paratroopers return from Crete Spanish Blue and Italian divisions leave for Russia Finns retake lands taken from them by the Russians Battles in Bessarabia Slovakian units in the Ukraine GPU prisons in Lwow are liberated Luftwaffe attack on Smolensk At a POW collection point near Minsk Attacks on the Stalin Line On the road to Leningrad Attacking Vitebsk and Dorpat TOTAL TIME: approximately 110 minutes DUPLICATED MATERIALS: Germany in WWII #7: #550 Germany in WWII #8: #566 DVD-R IS IN GERMAN AND HAS NO SUBTITLES. Be the first to review this product Customers who bought this item also bought EUROPE IN FLAMES (PART IV - 1940/1) *SUPERB QUA... $8.99 EUROPE IN FLAMES (PART VI - 1941) *SUPERB QUALITY* $8.99 BEGEGNUNG IN SALZBURG (1964) $9.99 WAFFEN SS - PART TWO: THE FOREIGN VOLUNTEERS... $13.99 GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 09 * with switchable... $9.99 GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 12 * with switchable... $9.99 A HISTORY OF MILITARY PARADES ON RED SQUARE (1... $10.99 GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 20 * with switchable... $9.99 DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU #14 $6.99 EUROPE IN FLAMES (PART VIII - 1942) *SUPERB QUA... $8.99 EUROPE IN FLAMES (PART VII - 1941) HIGH QUALITY $8.99 EUROPE IN FLAMES (PART IX - 1942) HIGH QUALITY $8.99 DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU #20 $6.99 DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU #19 $6.99 DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU #18 $6.99 DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU #17 $6.99 DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU #16 $6.99 DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU #15 $6.99 DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU #13 $6.99 FELDZUG IN POLEN (1939) The Campaign in Poland... $13.99 FEUERTAUFE (Baptism of Fire) (1939) *with hard... $9.99 < >