Updated and improved as of November 2016, this revised disc includes subtitling which does not extend three lines without being split; tighter and cleaner translating; and some video improvements.
Our translations of Die Deutsche Wochenschau newsreels covering the events, mainly in Europe, from March to June 1941 (but also including a 1942 film about the Battle for Crete -- see description), with first hand film reports. Each part has variable film quality based on the original films it shows. Overall, we would say the quality would correspond to a range of well worn VHS to excellent VHS quality. There are some sound and picture quality issues on some of the selections.
- The Yugoslavian Minister President and Foreign Minister arrive at the Berghof
- Chief of the Danish Order Police arrives in Berlin
- Day of the German Police in Berlin
- Wehrmacht parade on the 2nd anniversary of the founding of Protektorat Bohmen und Mahren
- Slovakian soldiers on parade in Bratislava on the 2nd anniversary of the Slovakian state
- Drilling for oil in the Generalgouvernement
- Volksdeutsche from Bessarabia are settled onto farms
- Volksdeutsche feel from Yugoslavia
- The Afrika Korps is supplied in North Africa
- German troops invade Yugoslavia and Greece
- Advance on El Agheila
- The Afrika Korps takes Bengazi
- German troops take Maribor and Nis
- German troops advance on Belgrade
- Air attack on the Metaxas Line
- Salonika falls into German hands
- General Geisler decorates soldiers on the African front
- Hitler receives King Boris and Admiral Horthy at his southeastern HQ
- German pioneers take the Iron Gates on the Danube
- March into a Bosnian city
- Removal of a memorial plaque to Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo
- Capitulation of the Greek Epirus and Macedonian armies
- Advance into Thessaly
- German troops take Athens
- The Afrika Korps advances on Tobruk
- The battle for Thermopyle
- German troops in Athens
- German troops meet their Italian comrades in western Greece
- The British are pushed off the continent
- General Rommel arrives at the front near Tobruk
- German paratroopers and Gebirgsjager land on Crete
1942 Film – Kreta – Ein Heldenlied unserer Zeit: Made at the highpoint of German victories in Europe, the film presents a biased, but
nonetheless, fairly accurate account of the battle for Crete the year before. One sided, but interesting and informative.