WENN DU JUNG BIST, GEHÖRT DIR DIE WELT (1934) * with hard-encoded Dutch subtitles *
Henry Oebels-Oebström, Richard Oswald, Joseph Schmidt, Otto Treßler and Lilliane Dietz
SKU: | 1869 |
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Henry Oebels-Oebström, Richard Oswald, Joseph Schmidt, Otto Treßler and Lilliane Dietz
SKU: | 1869 |
Hans Behrendt, Robert Wohlmuth, and 1 more credit » Writers: István Békeffy, Siegfried Geyer, and 1 more credit » Stars: Franciska Gaal, Hans Jaray and S.Z. Sakall
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Alfred Abel Writers: Bobby E. Lüthge (manuscript), Georg Zoch (manuscript) Stars: Magda Schneider, Carla Carlsen and Max Hansen
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Richard Tauber, Mara Loseff and Hans Mierendorff, Max Reichmann
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Hans Billian, Rolf Olsen Writers: Hans Billian, Rolf Olsen Stars: Udo Jürgens, Hannelore Auer, Manfred Schnelldorfe
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Paul Martin Writer: Kurt Nachmann Stars: Peter Alexander, Olga Schoberová, Gunther Philipp
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Marika Rökk, Wolf Albach-Retty and Maria Eis, Georg Jacoby
SKU: | 703 |
Albert S. Rogell Writers: John T. Neville (screenplay), Nat Dorfman (screenplay), Nancy Carroll, Lloyd Nolan, Harry Langdon
SKU: | 2768 |
Werner Jacobs Writer: Janne Furch Stars: Peter Alexander, Cornelia Froboess, Gunther Philipp
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Michael Bohnen, Friedel Schuster and Iván Petrovich, Richard Oswald
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Henry Koster Writers: Felix Jackson, Sándor Nádas (play), 1 more credit » Stars: Franciska Gaal, Felix Bressart, Richard Eybner
SKU: | 2558 |
Max Neufeld, Lee Parry, Magda Schneider and Hermann Thimig
SKU: | 1843 |
Max Reichmann, Richard Tauber, Margo Lion and Marianne Winkelstern
SKU: | 1976 |
Karl Anton Writers: Willy Kollo, Felix von Eckardt Stars: Charlotte Thiele, Irene von Meyendorff, Carola Höhn
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Rudolf Schündler Writers: K.H. Butte (story), Joachim Wedekind Stars: Elma Karlowa, Bert Fortell, Christiane Maybach
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Rudolf Schündler Writer: Dieter Fritko (screenplay) Stars: Gus Backus, Monika Dahlberg, Renate Ewert
SKU: | 2835 |
Franz Josef Gottlieb Writers: Janne Furch, Theo Maria Werner, 1 more credit » Stars: Cornelia Froboess, Fred Bertelmann, Margit Nünke
SKU: | 2836 |
Kurt Hoffmann Writer: Günter Neumann Stars: Caterina Valente, Walter Giller, Ernst Waldow
SKU: | 2841 |
Hans Billian Writer: Hans Billian Stars: Claus Biederstaedt, Helga Sommerfeld, Margitta Scherr
SKU: | 2842 |
Joachim Hasler Writers: Joachim Hasler (screenplay), Maurycy Janowski (screenplay) Stars: Chris Doerk, Frank Schöbel, Regine Albrecht
SKU: | 2856 |