November 2020
On 19 August 1948, the residents of Salzburg, Austria --- then in the American occupation zone --- had the opportunity to attend the premiere of a film claiming to be an epic about Austria and its people. The film covered a period starting in 1888, shortly before the suicide of Crown Prince Rudolf in Mayerling and ended with "the present day", i.e., the rebuilding of Austria after the end of World War II. The film was based on a novel of the same name by Ernst Lothar, a successful writer and theatre director, who fled to the United States in 1938. Having joined the American Army in the fight against Hitler, he returned to his native country as quickly as possible and by June 1946, was placed in charge of reviving the country's cultural life in the Allied zones. Der Engel mit der Posaune was meant to reveal the true lives and scandals of many Austrians, who hid their dirty laundry behind baroque facades, correct behavior, and unquestioned traditions. The house in the movie symbolizes Austria. Franz Alt and his brother Otto Ebrhard admire and ape the Emperor's dedication to the status quo and repression of progressive ideas. Franz' wife Henriette, however, lives a double life. Franz married her, fully aware that she had been close to the Crown Prince. Unlike the novel, the film prefers to present her relationship to the royal family as strictly platonic; but tragedy and long-reaching consequences result from this relationship, which affect the lives of all related and connected to Henriette over a fifty year period.
Der Film beginnt 1888, in der bürgerlichwohlhabenden Welt einer Wiener Klaviermacher-Familie. Ueber dem Eingang ihres Hauses prangt ein Engel aus Stein, der mit vollen Backen eine Posaune bläst. Franz Alt, der Chef des Hauses, heiratet Henriette Stein, die Tochter eines verstorbenen Universitäts-Professors, obwohl er erfährt, daß Henriette mit dem österreichischen Kronprinzen Rudolf bekannt ist. Die Historie und das Leben der Alts gehen miteinander über die weiße Wand: Der plötzliche Tod des Kronprinzen, die k. u. k.-Zeit mit einem Duell, der erste Weltkrieg, aus dem Franz Alt, gelähmt zurückkehrt.
Corinna is unhappily in love with the plantation-owner Peter Mannsfeld and follows him to the Far East. It is there that she discovers, that he's already a married man. Her heartache is somewhat relieved by the realization that Mannsfeld is no Casanova, but is serious about Corinna. Peter's wife, however, is less sympathetic to the home-wrecker and has no intention of letting her husband go. Things take a darker turn, however, when the not-so-happily-married wife is soon found dead.
Corinna verliebt sich unglücklich in Plantagenbesitzer Peter Mannsfeld und folgt ihm in den Fernen Osten. Dort entdeckt sie, dass er bereits verheiratet ist. Ihr Liebeskummer wird durch den Umstand gelindert, dass Mannsfeld gar kein windiger Casanova ist, sondern es ernst meint mit ihr. Doch die Gattin will den Ehemann nicht gehen lassen. Das Schicksal wendet sich, als Mannfelds Frau ermordet wird.
Constable Abraham Azulai of the Jaffa Police Department, is at the end of his contract and hoping for a renewal and promotion. His superiors, not caring in the slightest about his soft heart and kindness, only see his incompetence in nearly everything. When Azulai stops a driver for a traffic violation and writes him a ticket, it's not the driver who ends up paying the fine, but Azulai himself. Obviously, having this kind of policeman around is very good for the mob; but when the word gets out that the police force is not going to renew the bumbling cop's contract, the mob decides it has to do something to keep Azulai on the job ... and their crime spree secured.
Wherever private detective Jo Louis Walker --- alias Kommissar X --- appears, even the toughest gangsters break into sweat. Kommissar X and his buddy Tom Rowland (head of Manhattan's homicide squad) are mightily feared in criminal circles and are unbeatable. This time, the two are are on the trail of the nuclear physicist Bob Carrell, who's been missing for quite a while. But what's behind his disappearance? What devilish plans are in the works, which are using the brains of the ingenious scientist? And will Kommissar X and Tom succeed in delivering a decisive blow to the murderous syndicates in New York?
Wo Privatdetektiv Jo Louis Walker alias Kommissar X auftaucht, kommen selbst die härtesten Ganoven mächtig ins Schwitzen. Gefürchtet in internationalen Gangsterkreisen und unschlagbar mit seinem Kumpel Tom Rowland, Chef der Mordkommission Manhattans. Die Jagd auf Unbekannt führt Kommissar X auf die Spur des seit längerem verschwundenen Kernphysikers Bob Carrell. Was steckt hinter dessen Verschwinden? Welche teuflischen Pläne sollen mit Hilfe des genialen Forschers verwirklicht werden? Wird es Kommissar X und Tom Rowland gelingen, den entscheidenden Schlag gegen ein mörderisches Syndikat zu führen?
Michel, a Parisian artist, is being hounded by numerous impatient creditors. To make things worse, when he embraces the woman whose portrait he is painting, he's caught in the act by his indignant fiancée, Béatrice. Suddenly, Michel learns that he holds the winning ticket in the Dutch Lottery. But when he goes to retrieve the ticket from the pocket of his jacket, he finds that Béatrice has given the jacket to a stranger who was in need. Now everyone has a keen interest in finding that jacket.
Young Leningraders, yesterday’s schoolchildren, are entering adulthood. Sonya is in love with Styopa, but he loves Tanya, and Tanya prefers Fedya. The rejected Styopa leaves for a distant Siberian city and starts working at a factory, studying at night school. Sonya leaves after him and gets a job at the same factory. Tanya and Fedya, having married, go to college, and the young husband has to earn some money as a driver to support his family. Tanya's selfish nature refuses to put up with the modest position into which the newlyweds are forced and starts an affair with an elderly composer.
The defeat of the "White Army" in the Russian Civil War of 1918-21, causing massive emigration of the upper classes and nobility, called "White Russians". Set in Crimea, Constantinopol and Paris. The Civil War and the emigration is shown through the eyes of defeated Tsarist Generals - Vrangel, Khludov, Charnota, as well as the intellectuals and aristocracy. Amidst the chaos of emigration rough generals Khludov and Charnota become involved in the unfolding love story of Professor Golubkov and Serafima. While General Khludov is having hallucinations about the Civil War, General Charnota is more tough and practical. He goes to Paris to frame a wealthy Russian tycoon Korzukhin to support his former wife Serafima and other suffering Russian emigrants.
Based on the novel of the same name by Francesco Mastriani, this is the dramatic story of Beatrice, who, after witnessing the murder of her mother by a thief one night, went blind. That thief, Ernesto Basileo, who worked as a scribe for a notary, was found guilty based on false evidence completely unrelated to the crime and sentenced to death. His son, Carlo, a famous doctor, meets Beatrice, who, in the meantime, has become a beautiful woman. He cures her of her blindness and they marry. Subsequently, Ferdinando Baldieri's case is re-examined and the truth comes out about the night of the murder.
Eddie MacAvoy is contacted by the security services for a delicate mission. He knows it's risky; but the $5,000,000 he's been offered, as well as the opportunity to rehabilitate himself, is not negligible. His latest story has given him a notorious reputation both in gangster as well as police circles. He'll have to work hard to go unnoticed as he finds a safe place for the microfilm he's got hidden in a cigarette. On a boat in pursuit of his mission, he's already being closely monitored. Fortunately, he's able to find some solace from charming Annie, who also seems to be the object of pursuit by these mysterious characters.
White Mountains takes place in 1918, in the first months of the bitter struggle with the feudal elite to establish Soviet dominance in Kyrgyzstan. In the center of this tragedy is the poor boy Mukash, who's decided to save his beloved Uuldzhan from being sold in marriage to a rich man. The two leave their village to start a new, happy life in the city, where Soviet rule has already been established. But while saving Uuldzhan from the pursuers, Mukash is killed by his own father.
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Long consigned to use solely in historical documentaries --- and even then, only in small snatches of glorious color print --- the private films of Eva Braun are now available to the layman, amateur historian and the serious researcher alike; and we are proud to offer the almost 6-hours of color films to you here. Filmed entirely in Agfa color and by the famous Eva Braun herself, these silent films show the splendour of the Bavarian Alps and the leading personalities of the day as they all behaved and lived away from the public eye and the news camera. Just think: almost 6 hours of color films, without sound, showing such exciting events as sunbathing; swimming; petting the dogs; receiving visitors at Berchtesgaden ... maybe even washing the dishes! WOW! Just when you thought you wouldn't have to see another home movie showing kids on swings and playing in the lake, because the grandkids finally grew up and mom and dad stopped doing the home movie thing, comes this little gem to fill the empty void. Give this as a present to the historical enthusiast and watch him/her exclaim with dubious pleasure, "No, really: what DID I do to deserve getting this?!?"
Heinz Schmidt ist ein einfacher Bankangestellter im von der Weltwirtschaftskrise geschüttelten Deutschland von 1931. Die Bank des kleinen Städtchens Groditzkirchen steht wie viele Bankunternehmen kurz vor der Pleite. Als der Unternehmer Brandt ebenfalls durch Spekulationen in die Krise gerät, hat Schmidt einen Einfall. Er macht aus dem armen Thomas Hoffmann einen reichen Onkel aus Amerika. Fortan wird Hoffmann von der Obrigkeit hofiert. Über diesen Schwindel kommt Schmidt der hübschen Käthe Brandt näher, die eine Nichte von Hoffmann ist. Als Schmidt auch noch einen Ölboom inszeniert, verlieren die Familie Brandt wie auch alle übrigen vollends den Blick für die Realität. Selbst als der Schwindel auffliegt, verlangen sie von Schmidt, dass er das Spiel weiter aufrechterhält, da Groditzkirchen mittlerweile von überall her Kredite erhält und sich so zu einer boomenden Stadt entwickelt hat.
Family Brandt has lost its fortune in oil speculation, and they have great debts at the local bank. This one is threatened with its own crash due to lack of money. The only hope is Brandt's uncle Thomas Hoffman, an American millionaire, who is coming for a visit. Bank Accountant Schmidt uses his own money to welcome him properly, presenting himself as Brandt's daughter's fiance, but it turns out, that Hoffmann never was a millionaire, in fact he still owns the city of Chicago about $100 for medical treatment. Yet with his existance alone he starts a big scheme to bring back prosperity. Surprisingly it works, yet there are some problems: FIRST - Chicago wants the money back, asking at the foreign office in Berlin for help, and SECOND - Hoffmann does not like the scheme at all, and tries to go back to his quiet and peaceful Chicago.
Lustspiel in Agyptischer Kulisse: Der Geschaftsmann Tobby und die Komtesse Stefanie wollen ihre lockeren Eltern an die Leine legen und planen so, sie miteinander zu verheiraten. Ihre Eltern haben aber genau denselben Plan, und zwar mit den Kindern. Und so kommt es, dass, als Tobby auf einem Fest als uberraschung die Verlobung der Eltern verkunden will, ihm Stefanies Vater, der alte Graf, zuvorkommt und die Verlobung der Kinder bekannt gibt. Um einen Skandal zu vermeiden, muss jetzt erst einmal geheiratet werden, man kann sich ja spater wieder scheiden lassen. Aber dann merken Tobby und Stefanie, dass sie eigentlich ganz gut zueinander passen, und von Scheidung ist nicht mehr die Rede.
Comedy with an Egyptian backdrop: Businessman Tobby and the Countess Stafanie wish to take all the fun away from their single parents and make them marry each other. Their parents have the same plan, too ... but with regards to their nosy kids. And so it happens, that Tobby wants to surprise the parents with the announcement of their -- the parents' -- engagement at a party (so nice to let them know), but is one-upped by Stefanie's father, the old Count, who announces the engagement of the kids. To avoid a scandal, they have to get married, but will divorce later. However, Tobby and Stefanie begin to notice that they fit well together -- no doubt, as troublemakers-in-training -- and then there's no longer further talk of divorce.
Auf dem Weg durch die Wüste in die heilige Stadt El Azar treffen Kara Ben Nemsi und Hadschi Halef Omar auf die Überreste eines von dem Verbrecher Abu Seif Ermordeten. Kara Ben Nemsi beschließt, den Mörder zu entlarven. Nachdem er einer Falle in den großen Salzseen glücklich entkommen ist, verkleidet er sich als Arzt und sein Ruf dringt bis zu dem reichen Ibrahim Mamur vor, dessen Lieblingsfrau Senitza schwer erkrankt ist. Bei Mamur angekommen entdeckt Kara jedoch, dass dieser niemand anderes ist, als der Verbrecher Abu Seif, der Senitza auch noch von Halefs Freund Scheich Malek geraubt hat. Kara Ben Nemsi entführt nun wiederum Senitza und bringt sie auf gefahrvollem Weg zu Scheich Malek zurück, wird jedoch bei der Weiterfahrt von Abu Seif auf dem Meer überfallen und kann sich während eines Sturmes nur mühsam mit Halef an Land retten.
On their way through the desert to the holy city El Azar, Kara ben Nemsi and Hadshi Halef Omar come upon the murdered remains of a victim of the criminal, Abu Seif. Kara ben Nemsi decides he's going to flush out the murderer. After escaping from his death in the Great Sea of Salt, he dresses up as a doctor and his reputation even reaches the ears of the rich Ibrahim Mamur, whose wife Senitza is very ill. But upon reaching Mamur's tent, Kara discovers that the rich Mamur is none other than the criminal Abu Seif, who stole Senitza from Halef's friend, Sheik Malek. Kara ben Nemsi, who apparently doesn't know how to mind his own business, leads Senitza away on a dangerous path back to Sheik Malek. However, ben Nemsi is attacked by Abu Seif on the sea and is only able to reach land and safety with much effort during a storm.
Hanni, die neue Kellnerin, verdreht allen Männern im Dorf den Kopf. Aufgewiegelt von der vermeintlich frommen und sittsamen Kramerswitwe, treten die Frauen in den Ehestreik. Doch die Männer lassen sich nicht davon abhalten, das Wirtshaus zu besuchen. Da alle mit Hanni tanzen wollen und diese bereitwillig mitmacht, rast der Wirt vor Eifersucht, denn er hat sich in seine hübsche Kellnerin verliebt. Da kommt heraus, dass die Kramerswitwe doch nicht so sittenstreng ist wie angenommen, und der Ehestreik wird beendet.
Hanni, the new waitress, turns the heads of all the men in the village. Incited by the supposedly virtuous and pious widow Kramer, the women of the village go on a marriage strike (i.e., no sex, no cooking, no cleaning ... no kidding). This, unfortunately, has little effect on the men, who continue to visit the inn where Hanni works. Since everyone wants to dance with Hanni and she's more than ready to do so (tramp), the innkeeper boils with jealousy, for he, too, is in love with the pretty waitress. Eventually, the news comes out that the widow Kramer isn't so virtuous as she's making herself out to be and the strike ends as quickly as it started.
Die junge Rosika ist ihrem Stiefvater entflohen. Durch den Clown Rux vermittelt, kann sie in einem Zirkus arbeiten, dessen Direktor Cherubini sich in sie verliebt. Rosikas Gefühle jedoch gelten dem Stallburschen Geza, doch aus Sorge um Rosika bewegt der väterliche Rux den enttäuschten Geza zum Abschied. Als Rosika einen Heiratsantrag Cherubinis ablehnt, werden sie und Rux entlassen. Vergeblich versuche die beiden Artisten, mit ihrer neuen Revuenummer "Leichte Kavallerie" bei einem anderen Zirkus unterzukommen. Schließlich bekommen sie jedoch ein Engagement in Budapest. Zur Premiere erscheint Geza, der eigentlich der ungarische Adlige von Rakos ist, und nach der erfolgreichen Vorstellung finden er und Rosika zueinander.
Rosika, a girl from Genoa, fled her innkeeper stepfather after he tried to abuse her. She finds refuge - and a job as well - in a traveling circus. Cherubini, the owner of the big top, falls in love with the lovely young woman and makes her the star of the show 'Light Cavalry'. But unfortunately, for him, Rosika's heart beats for Geza, the stable boy.
Komödie um den pedantischen Bankdirektor Billy Bartlett, der in seinem wohlgeregelten Leben keine Überraschungen duldet. Sehr zum Missfallen seiner jungen Frau Margret, die sich aufgrund der fehlenden Spontaneität ihres Gatten mit Scheidungsgedanken trägt. Billy sucht daraufhin Rat bei seinem frisch verheirateten Freund Jack, der ihm empfiehlt, sich – so wie er auch – gelegentlich mit anderen Frauen zu verabreden. Doch bevor Billy seine außereheliche Verabredung wahrnehmen kann, bekommt er Besuch von Jacks Frau Doddy. Sie will die drohende Trennung ihrer besten Freunde verhindern, und nachdem sie von den zweifelhaften Empfehlungen ihres Mannes erfährt, überredet sie Billy zu einem gemeinsamen Streich, der sowohl Margret als auch Jack zur Besinnung bringen soll: Da ihre jeweiligen Ehepartner ausgegangen sind, wollen die beiden sich wie ein Liebespaar gebärden, damit Margret und Frank bei ihrer Heimkehr einen heilsamen Schock bekommen.
Avery Hopwood's stage farce Fair and Warmer was effectively Germanized in 1937 as Der Mustergatte. Fed up with faithless boyfriends, Margret impulsively accepts a marriage proposal from young businessman Bartlett. He proves to be a loyal and steadfast husband -- too loyal and steadfast, as it turns out. Realizing that his wife is bored silly by his sexual conservatism, Bartlett vows to cut loose and play the field -- thereby becoming a much more desirable spouse. The film's highlight is a drunk scene, masterfully played for all it's worth by the talented Heinz Ruhmann.
Der reiche amerikanische Onkel von Staubsaugervertreter Peter Pitt hat in seinem Testament verfügt, dass Peter die ihm hinterlassenen fünf Millionen Dollar nur erben darf, wenn er glücklich verheiratet ist. Ansonsten sollen die fünf Millionen an Peters schottischen Vetter Patrick fallen. Beauftragt vom Testamentsvollstrecker kommt Mister Blubberbloom nach Europa, um festzustellen, ob Peter mit seiner Frau Hix auch glücklich ist. Der hinterlistige Blubberboom aber bringt Peter ohne seine Frau nach New York und will dort bei der Vorstellung die schöne Mabel als seine Frau erscheinen lassen. Doch auch Patrick, der seinem Vetter zum Verwechseln ähnlich sieht, will das Geld. Er erscheint bei Hix und reist mit ihr zusammen ebenfalls nach New York.
The vacuum cleaner salesman Peter Pitt has a rich American uncle -- or should we say "had" -- who has left $5,000,000 to Peter in his will, but only if he is happily married (as if there is such a thing after the first year). Otherwise, the money will go to Peter's Scottish cousin, Patrick. As the will's executor, Mr. Blubberbloom has arrived in Europe to determine whether Peter is happy with his wife. The sly Blubberboom brings Peter to New York without his wife and wishes to present one of the pretty local women as Peter's wife. Unfortunately, Peter's cousin Patrick, who is almost a dead ringer for Peter, wants the money, too. He shows up at Peter's place and convinces Hix to travel with him to New York.
Georg Jacobys musikalisches Lustspiel ist maßgeschneidert für Ufa-Diva Marika Rökk: Als Revuestar Julia Köster flieht sie überstürzt mit dem Zug ins Gebirge, um endlich dem Trubel des Theaters zu entkommen. Allein in der Wildnis und nur mit ihrem Pelzmantel bekleidet, wird sie von den beiden Ingenieuren Erwin Forster und Peter Groll geborgen. Ohne von Julias Identität zu wissen, verliebt sich Groll nach anfänglichen Reibereien in die mondäne Frau. Julia genießt ihrerseits das einfache Leben in der Bergbau-Siedlung und entdeckt an sich hausfrauliche Qualitäten. Doch als der Theaterdirektor Julia aufspürt, droht die aufkeimende Liebesbeziehung an den kulturellen und sozialen Gegensätzen zu scheitern.
George Jacoby's musical comedy was tailor made for the UfA diva Marika Rokk. As a musical revue star, Julia Koster flees to the mountains in a train to finally escape the hustle and bustle of the theatrical world. Somehow, she ends up alone in the wilderness with nothing more than a fur coat (what? a fur coat? in 1944 Germany?!?) and is saved by the engineers Erwing Forster and Peter Groll. Unaware of Julia's identity, Groll falls in love with her. For her part, Julia is enjoying the simple life in the mountain settlement and has discovered she can be quite the housewife, when she wants to be. Unfortunately, Julia's theatre director has caught up with her and is threatening to upset the social apple cart.
One rainy evening, between five and five-thirty in the evening, a crime takes place, which frightens the whole city. The owner of a second-hand shop, Sonja Neie, is found strangled in her shop. Shortly thereafter, a similar crime takes place; this time, the victim is a prostitute, also named Sonja. Detectives Baunsoe and Markussen quickly determine, that the murderer of both women is the same person. But most peculiar is the female voice, which is heard singing a catchy little tune as the murders are taking place. Detectives are sure that voice belongs to Flora, an employee of a seedy music hall known as the Eldorado; and suspicion begins to mount, that she's the
Oberkellner Karl Knesebeck leitet praktisch das Kurhotel “Hövelmann”, seit die Besitzerin krank ist. Als sie stirbt, übernimmt ihr aalglatter Neffe Alwin den Chefposten. Niddy, die von Knesebeck väterlich umhegte Nichte der Verstorbenen, verliebt sich in den Tunichtgut. Da dieser sich von Knesebeck durchschaut fühlt, degradiert er ihn zur Aufsicht des Waschraumes. Dort trifft er eines Tages seinen alten Freund Claasen, den Besitzer einer ganzen Hotelkette. Kurzerhand kauft Claasen das “Hövelmann” auf. Vetter Alwin wird entmachtet, Karl Knesebeck zum Geschäftsführer ernannt. Jetzt haben die beiden Alten nur noch einen Wunsch – die Hochzeit zwischen Alwin und Niddy zu verhindern.
Headwaiter Karl Knesebeck practically runs the spa hotel "Hovelmann" since the owner is sick. And when the owner ends up dying, her slick nephew Alwin takes over the top job. Niddy, the deceased's niece, whom Knesebeck looks after in a fatherly fashion, falls in love with the ne'er do well. Since Alwin's convinced that Knesebeck can see right through his charade, he demotes the waiter to chief washroom attendant. It is there that Knesebeck runs into an old friend one day, Claasen, the owner of an entire hotel chain. Without further ado, Claasen buys the "Hovelmann". Alwin loses his cushy job and Karl Knesebeck is made the managing director. Now the two old men have only one wish: to prevent a wedding between Alwin and Niddy.
A retired soldier drummer returns home to his native land. Two bears confront him and ask for his help getting their grandfather out of a trap. Afterwards, the soldiers comes upon sleeping Ivanushka. Ivan tells the soldier he's looking for his mother -- the weaver Maria -- who's been abducted by Water Wizard XIII.
The farmer and innkeeper Mathias Kohlhiesel has two daughters of marrying age, the beautiful Gretl and Liesl ... for whom "beautiful" would probably be an inappropriate adjective. Xavier and Seppl both want to marry hot, hot Gretl; but Kohlhiesel wants to dump Liesl-Liability first (I'm so compassionate, aren't I?). Seppl advises Xavier to first marry Liesel, then divorce her, so he can marry Gretl. Xavier is apparently not the brightest of bulbs in the box. In fact, lightbulbs in Ceaucescu's Rumania put off more light than can be seen in the recesses of this moron's brains and he takes up Seppl's advice, completely clueless that Seppl intends to pursue Gretl while Xavier deceives poor, dumpy Liesl. Xavier turns out to be the most miserable of husbands, but, as is often the case, plain-as-unflavored-yoghurt Liesl develops into a very special wife and that gives Seppl the green light to marry Gretl.
In der dritten Verfilmung des Stoffes gibt sich die hübsche Bauerntochter Veronika als ihre hässliche Halbschwester und vermeintliche Alleinerbin aus, um sich den geldgierigen Verehrer Jodok-Simerl vom Leib zu halten. So führt sie ihn erfolgreich hinters Licht und kann mit dem Segen ihres Vaters ihren wahren Geliebten Kaspar heiraten. Jodok-Simerl indessen begnügt sich mit seiner Wirtschafterin, die ernstlich an ihm interessiert ist.
The farmer Kohlhiesel wants to marry his daughter Vroni off to a rich man. And he knows which rich man it's gonna be, too: Jodok-Simerl. Vroni, however, has the hots for Kaspar, not Jodok. So, with the help of her Uncle Altlechner, she is going to prove that Simerl is only after her money and thus convince daddy, that the loving, but poor, Kaspar the better match is ... at least until it's time to retire and check the 401k.
Deutschland zur Zeit des Rokoko: Die junge, hübsche Beate von Dörnberg ist in ihrer Kutsche unterwegs an den Hof des Herzogs Friedrich Theodor. Während der Fahrt schließen sich ihr zwei unbekannte, sehr galante Herren an, die, wie sich später herausstellt, Wanderschauspieler sind. Kaum ist Beate am Hofe Friedrich Theodors angekommen, muss sie erkennen, dass der Fürst das Regieren völlig seinem Staatsminister von Creven überlässt. Gemeinsam beuten sie das Volk gnadenlos aus, um des Fürsten Launen und Extravaganzen zu finanzieren. Als von Creven einen der Schauspieler des Wandertheaters in die höfische Armee zwingen will, nimmt das Unheil seinen Lauf. Der Schauspieler begeht Selbstmord, worauf Florian Reuther, der Leiter der Truppe, von Creven öffentlich für den Tod des Mannes verantwortlich macht. Es kommt zu einer Auseinandersetzung, an deren Ende Florian die Flucht ergreifen muss. Als auch einem weiteren gesuchten Schauspieler die Flucht gelingt und niemand aus der Bevölkerung bereit ist, die Fluchthelfer zu verraten, stellt von Creven ein Ultimatum: Entweder alle Gesuchten werden ausgeliefert oder er lässt das Feuer auf die Bevölkerung eröffnen
The young countess Beate von Dörnberg is travelling to Schönburg to the court of Duke Karl Theodor to take up residence as a lady in waiting. During an interruption in the journey while the coach is being repaired, she gets to know two actors. The younger one is rather importunate, but the older one, Florian Reuther, tells her about the art of acting. The conversation is interrupted by the resumption of the journey, and the countess hopes to meet Reuther again. Duke Theodor, to whose court she is travelling, is known to take no interest in the government of his state, and to leave all state business to Minister von Creven, who oppresses and exploits the people. After Countess Beatrice arrives at court, she is assigned as lady in waiting to the Countess von Röderau. At an evening party, she attracts the attention of the Duke, who makes her an offer of marriage. Beate thus becomes his wife. Florian Reuther's troupe of travelling players arrives in Schönburg. During a discussion about the performance with Duke Karl Theodor, an attempt is made to press the young actor Peter Tamm into service in the army for the colonial wars of the Generalstaaten for which Minister von Creven has hired out Karl Theodor's army. Tamm attempts to escape, but in the process, falls from the flies onto the stage and is killed. Next day the Minister orders Florian to perform a certain piece. Florian is obliged to decline, as his principal actor is dead, for which he blames the Minister. This angers Von Creven, who strikes him in the face. Florian gets his own back at a masked ball, where he hits von Creven across the face with a riding crop. After this he is in danger, and is hidden by Beate, who has recognized him. The climax of the film is the release by the people of the comedian Melchior, who had been put under arrest. Creven thereupon has the people rounded up and demands that they surrender whoever is responsible. When this does not happen, Creven orders his captain to shoot into the crowd. The Duke wants to prevent this, but cannot get through. But the captain refuses the order in any case. Florian hears the ensuing argument and decides to intervene, dressed as the Duke, of whom he is an exact double, to order the crowd to disperse. In the role of the Duke, he also orders the arrest of the Minister, who pulls out a pistol and shoots him. Florian makes it back to the chambers of Beate, in whose arms he dies. The real Duke is shocked into awareness by these events and resolves that Florian's sacrifice shall not be in vain. He promises to take the affairs of his state seriously from now on, in which Beate will support him.
A noble diplomat in Vienna, who is playing around with the wife of a jealous banker, ends up as an innocent man in prison after the banker plots his revenge upon him (whatever happened to diplomatic immunity?). Afterwards, he flees to America and meets the down-and-out brother of the banker who put his behind in jail. The brother is a starving artist. The former diplomat becomes buddies with the brother of the banker with the loose wife and together, they form a theatrical act which becomes a sensation. Now famous, the two end up returning to Vienna, where everyone meets, all is forgiven, and they live happily ever after. Uh huh ...
Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Romans von Ludwig Ganghofer: Inkognito unternimmt Fürst Heinz von Ettlingen mit seinem Diener Martin einen Jagdausflug. Im Wald macht er die Bekanntschaft der jungen Lo Petri, die nach dem Tod ihres Vaters allein in der Siebenhütte wohnt. Als von Ettlingen sie unter falschem Namen besucht, kommen sich beide schnell näher. Doch der jähzornige Toni Mazeger beansprucht Lo für sich, während Diener Martin seinen Herrn wieder mit dessen ehemaliger Geliebten Edith von Prankha zusammenbringen will. Die Ereignisse überstürzen sich, als Toni im Forst ein Feuer legt. Toni selbst kommt in den Flammen um, doch von Ettlingen kann Lo im letzten Moment retten.
This is the film adapation of the novel by Ludwig Ganghofer. Heinz von Ettingen, disappointed by the flirtatious behaviour of his fiancee, retreats into the mountains to put some distance between himself and the slut. There, he he falls in love with the young painter, Lo Petri, who is also desired by the hunter Toni Mazegger. In the meantime, however, Ettingen's fiancee journeys into the mountains to try and win him back. Unfortunately, her whoring around has cooled Ettingen's feelings for her and he makes clear that he's now in love with Lo. Ettinger then protects Lo from an attempted rape by Mazegger, who then sets the forest on fire, but dies while setting fire to the trees (no doubt from the strain of trying to follow the film's plot). Luckily, Ettingen is able to save Lo from the flames in the last second, proving that even love can conquer what 40 firemen and a flame-retardant-dropping plane can't.
Clarissa lebt in Potsdam und fährt täglich mit der S-Bahn nach Berlin. Dort leitet sie bei einer Bank die Depotbuchhaltung unter der Geschäftsführung des Herrn Feerenbach. Von ihren Kollegen wird sie gern "Hoheit" genannt, weil sie kühl und korrekt ihre Arbeit erledigt. Das reizt den jungen Angestellten Lutz, der sich ihr zu nähern versucht, freilich zunächst ohne Erfolg. In der Bank arbeitet auch Herr Becker, der mit Lutz′ Schwester verheiratet ist. Von ihr erfährt er, dass sein Schwager Unkorrektheiten begangen hat, und sie bittet ihn um Hilfe. Lutz′ Zuneigung zu Clarissa wird inzwischen erwidert, beide gestehen sich ihre Liebe auf einem Fest der Bank. Becker erwartet nun von Lutz, dass er Clarissa dazu überredet, seine Vergehen bei der nächsten Revision zu vertuschen. Lutz lehnt ab und empfiehlt seinem Schwager, Feerenbach alles zu gestehen. Aber Becker geht zu Clarissa und bittet sie selbst um Hilfe, denn, so lügt er, Lutz sei mit in die Sache verstrickt. Ohne Erfolg bei ihr, flieht Becker am nächsten Tag, und Lutz wird versetzt. Als er nach einiger Zeit Clarissa wieder sieht, erzählt er ihr die wahre Geschichte.
Clarissa lives in Potsdam and takes the S-Bahn to Berlin every day. There, she works as a bookkeeper in a bank run by Mr. Feerenbach. She's considered to be a snobby bitch by her colleagues, because she's always cool and correct in how she does her job. The young employee Lutz is excited by her behaviour (he also likes whips and uniforms ... very fortunate for him, as he lives in WWII Germany). He tries to get close to her, but she'll have no part of it. Mr. Becker also works in the bank and he's married to Lutz' sister (who, to the best of our knowledge, does not have similar kinky interests). Mr. Becker hears from Clarissa that his brother-in-law is a pervert and she begs him for help (no, not to buy an SS uniform).
. Eifersüchteleien herrschen in der Dorfgemeinschaft. Doch im Kampf gegen eine Naturkatastrophe halten die Bewohner zusammen. - Spannender Film nach einem Roman von Ludwig Ganghofer.
High up in the mountains, a peasant family drags themselves through the towering granite blocks with all their possessions to make a new home for themselves. The mountains, however, have no interest in seeing them make a home up there: for months, huge boulders have been crashing down around them; trees have been falling on the walls of their new home and collapsing it ... and more than one time. Do they get the hint and move? Hell, no! Defying nature -- and the chances of ever getting a home insurance policy at any kind of a reasonable rate -- they fight nature and common sense and go on building their new home among the stones and trees of the hostile mountains. Oh, and did I mention the landslides and mini-earthquakes that threaten their existence from time to time. A film that will have you shaking your head in astonished admiration and wonder at what kind of morons these peasants are!
Der pensionierte Bahnhofsvorstand Vinzenz Panigel will von seiner Tochter Hedi und ihrer Familie nichts mehr wissen, weil sie den Hamburger Kellner Müller geheiratet hat. Panigels Haushälterin Emma und sein Freund, der Lehrer Stockhammer, versuchen das zu ändern, indem sie Panigel dessen Enkel Hans als Ferienkind unterschieben. Panigel ist seinerseits an einem wilden Buben interessiert, damit dieser seine beiden ledigen Cousinen, die sich bei ihm eingenistet haben, aus seinem Haus vertreibt. Auf der Fahrt von Hamburg nach Wallgau vertauschen jedoch sein Enkel und ein anderer Junge die Namen, so dass Stockhammer dauernd versucht, Panigel den falschen Jungen unterzujubeln. Panigel wählt jedoch den richtigen Jungen mit dem falschen Namen. Nach und nach erweicht Panigels Herz für seinen Enkel, den er allerdings für einen wildfremden Buben hält. Der Film spitzt sich dann zu und wandelt sich von einer Komödie zu einem sentimentalen Melodram, als der Enkel beim Bergsteigen schwer verunglückt. Schließlich gibt es aber doch ein Happyend und Panigel versöhnt sich mit seiner Familie.
No Hitler youth. No Nazi uniforms. A non-political, country school with young children, who are not members of the Hitler Youth. Hans Moser is either a counselor or a teacher or both. His daughter and his son in law are sending their only son to this country school and camp. Some of the teachers are eccentric . One has a fish and a pet bird and treats them like children; another has a cactus and treats it like a human being. The boy students get real mischievous. One trims the cactus. The teacher gets mad when she catches him and chases him around the room until Moser comes in and stops her, causing a lot of shtick. One other boy picks apples for one of the teachers but takes a bite of one of them before he puts it on the table. Hans plays with one of the students with a train set. To say it's a comedy not to be taken seriously is rather an understatement.
Die Brüder Matthias und Berthold sind Geigenbauer in Mittenwald und grundverschieden. Matthias, der ältere, hat nur einen Traum: eine Geige zu bauen wie die Stradivari. Er opfert viele Monate, um das Geheimnis zu ergründen. Berthold, ein leidenschaftlicher Geigenspieler, kann schließlich der Versuchung nicht widerstehen und stiehlt dem Bruder das Instrument. Mit dem Impresario Grundmann und der Sängerin Josephine Malti, deren schwindenden Ruhm er wieder aufpolieren soll, geht er auf Tournee. Doch bald erkennt er, dass beide ihn nur benutzen. Nach sechs Jahren kehrt er enttäuscht in seine Heimat zurück. Sein Bruder Matthias hat seit dem Fortgang Bertholds kein Instrument mehr angerührt, erst jetzt, als er eine tiefe Liebe zu Therese empfindet, beginnt er wieder zu arbeiten. Doch sie hat immer nur auf Berthold gewartet und bekennt sich auch jetzt zu ihm. Berthold spielt mit ganzer Hingabe auf der neuen Geige seines Bruders, der plötzlich keinen Hass mehr empfindet.
Two brothers, one a dedicated violin builder and the other a just-as-fanatical violin virtuoso, split up over a stolen violin. After a number of years, the sound of a newly built master-instrument leads the two back together. A typical, somewhat lighthearted film so beloved by Dr. Goebbels; especially during the War years -- though, by this time, the only "Klang" most city-dwelling Germans heard at this time was the "Klang" of falling bombs.
It's the 15th Century and we're in the Berchtesgadener Land. A love affair has begun between Lambert, the son of an official and Jula, the daughter of a peasant. Their fathers, however, have gotten into a huge argument because of a misunderstanding concerning ownership of pasture land. When Jula's father's hut is burnt down, Jula mishandled, and her deaf and dumb brother murdered, the peasants rise up in revolt against the Berchtesgaden prince, Pienzenauer. The alpine pastures are embroiled in a wave of violence and the loving pair won't be able to play farmer and maid again until the king restores the piece ... uhhh ... "peace".
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