SKU 3010 Availability THE HOUR BEFORE THE DAWN (1944) Frank Tuttle Writers: Michael Hogan, W. Somerset Maugham (novel), 1 more credit ยป Stars: Franchot Tone, Veronica Lake, John Sutton Be the first to review this product $12.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews An Austrian refugee is living in England with a family, who is taking care of her during the War. The eldest son of the family has affections for her, but he and the rest of the family are unaware that she is in fact a Nazi spy working to gather information to aid in Hitler's planned invasion of England. Dans son enfance, Jim Hetherton, durant une partie de chasse, a tué malencontreusement son chien préféré. Il décide de ne plus toucher aux armes. Lorsque la seconde guerre mondiale arrive, il se fait objecteur de conscience, au grand dam de son père et de son frère qui décident de lutter contre l'ennemi. La demeure qui jouxte la leur est habitée par une jeune femme, Dora Bruckmann. Jim fait sa connaissance et décide de l'épouser. Or, Dora est une nazie convaincue qui a été jusqu'à dénoncer son père et l'envoyer dans un camp de concentration. En fait, Dora n'est là que pour baliser le terrain afin que les avions allemands puissent bombarder les lieux. DVD-R is in English with no subtitles. Approx. 74 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products A FOREIGN AFFAIR (1948) * with or without har... $13.99 ACTION IN ARABIA (1944) $10.99 APPOINTMENT IN BERLIN (1943) $10.99 BATTLE OF THE CORAL SEA (1959) $11.29 DARK STREETS OF CAIRO (1940) $9.99 HANGMEN ALSO DIE (1943) $13.99 HITLERs CHILDREN (1943) *with English and Spa... $13.99 BEYOND THE CURTAIN (1960) $12.99 FIVE GRAVES TO CAIRO (1943) $13.99 JOURNEY INTO FEAR (1943) + SAHARA (1943) $11.99 NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH (1940) $13.99 SLEEPING CAR TO TRIESTE (1948) $13.99 THE GHOST TRAIN (1941) + THE SEVENTH VICTIM (1... $10.99 THE IRON CURTAIN (1948) * with dual English-Sp... $13.99 DIE GEZEICHNETEN (The Search) (1948) * with... $9.99 NIGHT BOAT TO DUBLIN (1946) $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought ACTION IN ARABIA (1944) $10.99 KAMPFGESCHWADER LÜTZOW (1941) $9.99 DER BRAVE SÜNDER (The Upright Sinner) (1931) *... $13.99 SECRET MISSION (1942) $11.99 BACK STREETS OF PARIS (Macadam) (1946) * with... $13.99 THE DEVIL'S AGENT (1962) $13.99 SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE (1942) $13.99 2 DVD SET: KAMPF UM ROM (The Last Roman) (19... $23.99 MEIN LEBEN FÜR IRLAND (My Life for Ireland) (19... $13.99 DAS GESETZ DER LIEBE (1945) $10.99 WIENER BLUT (Vienna Blood) (1942) * with switc... $14.99 DARK STREETS OF CAIRO (1940) $9.99 WAS FRAUEN TRÄUMEN (1933) * with switchable... $13.99 DAS DREIMÄDERLHAUS (1958) * with switchable E... $13.99 THE LEGEND OF WILLIAM TELL (Wilhelm Tell) (1934) $9.99 JAKKO (1941) $9.99 THE WOODEN HORSE (1950) $9.99 DIE GELBE FLAGGE (1937) $9.99 ER ODER ICH (1930) $9.99 SCHWARZE ROSEN (Black Roses) (1935) * with swi... $13.99 SO ENDETE EINE LIEBE (So Ended a Great Love) (1... $13.99 DER FUCHS VON PARIS (The Fox of Paris) (1957)... $13.99 JOURNEY INTO FEAR (1943) + SAHARA (1943) $11.99 YVETTE (1938) $11.19 HEIMAT (1938) * with switchable English subtitl... $13.99 < >