SKU 5729 Availability THE ORGAN (1965) * with switchable English and Spanish subtitles * Stefan Uher Writer: Alfonz Bednár Stars: Frantisek Bubik, Alexandr Brezina, Kamil Marek Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews A young Polish deserter and gifted organist finds shelter from the Fascists in a Slovak Franciscan monastery. He gets into a conflict with the local organist and choir leader, a man limited in his world views and spiritual values. DVD-r is in Slovak and Polish with switchable English and Spanish subtitles. Approx. 91 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products A CARRIAGE TO VIENNA (1966) * with switchable... $13.99 BLAZNOVA KRONIKA (A Jester’s Tale) (1964) *... $13.99 DEATH IS CALLED ENGELCHEN (1963) * with hard-... $9.99 DEMANTY NOCI (Diamonds of the Night) (1964) +... $13.99 LA MAIN DU DIABLE (1943) / WITCHES HAMMER (... $13.99 LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC (1965) * with switchabl... $13.99 MARKETA LAZAROVA (1967) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 OBCHOD NA KORZE (THE SHOP ON MAIN STREET) (196... $9.99 THE ASSASSINATION (1965) * with switchable En... $13.99 THE GOLDEN FERN (1963) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought MONTPI (1957) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 EIN ENGEL AUF ERDEN (1959) * with switchable... $13.99 DAS ANDERE ICH (The Other I) (1941) * with swi... $13.99 BEL AMI (1939) *with switchable English and G... $13.99 ROMANZE IN MOLL (Romance in a Minor Key) (1943)... $13.99 DAS LAND DES LÄCHELNS (1930) $9.99 TANNENBERG (1932) $9.99 DOBRY VOJAK SVEJK (1957) + HOTEL MODRA HVEZD... $13.99 LE SILENCE DE LA MER (1949) * with switchable... $13.99 ACHTUNG! FEIND HÖRT MIT (1940) $9.99 WEN DIE GÖTTER LIEBEN (1942) $11.49 DER ERBFÖRSTER (1944) $9.99 AN DER SCHÖNEN BLAUEN DONAU (1955) $9.99 GÖTZ VON BERLICHINGEN MIT DER EISERNEN HAND (Th... $13.99 AVE MARIA (1953) * with switchable English su... $13.99 GROSSSTADTMELODIE (1943) $9.99 STRADIVARI (1935) $9.99 EINE NACHT IM MAI (A Night in May) (1938) * w... $13.99 THE BRIDE OF GLOMDAL (GLOMDALSBRUDEN) (1926)... $13.99 FRIEDRICH SCHILLER - DER TRIUMPH EINES GENIES... $9.99 KRIEGSGERICHT (1959) $9.99 DAS BLAUE LICHT (The Blue Light) (1932) * with... $13.99 MY WAY HOME (Így jöttem) (1965) * with switcha... $13.99 SCHLUSSAKKORD (The Final Chord) (1936) IMPROVED... $13.99 STROGIY YUNOSHA (A Serious Young Man) (1934) *... $13.99 < > Product tags organy (1)