Super-efficient secretary Elizabeth Foster effectively runs a diamond merchant firm. Her boss David Walsh (who inherited the firm from his uncle, but knows nothing about diamonds) buys a diamond ring from a street vendor, planning to propose to her, but she tells him the diamond is actually paste, and far from worth the £25 he paid. His embarrassment over this causes him to forgo proposing. She tells him of her plan to rescue the firm from its dire financial position by purchasing the family jewels of a duke David went to school with for £70,000. Though they only have £7000 to pay, she has a prospective buyer already, who may be willing to pay £90,000. However, David is unwilling to go along with how she intends to raise the sum (which includes mortgaging his willing mother's house), so she quits.
DVD-R is in English with no subtitles. Approx. 81 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

Betty Jackson, a socialite, and Barry Trent are attracted to each other at first sight. They ran into each other in the park while walking their dogs one day. Betty doesn't know what Barry does for a living, but because he walks different dogs each day, he implies he works in his family's dog breeding business. In reality, he is a poor dog walker, only doing this job as he, a recent journalism graduate, can't get a job as a reporter.
DVD-R is in English with no subtitles. Approx. 60 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!