Sample from film prior to 09 Apr 2016:

Sample from film as of 09 Apr 2016:

Sample from film prior to 09 Apr 2016:

Sample from film prior as of 09 Apr 2016:

Russia at the dawn of the 18th century - a vast, chilling mysterious land, almost medieval. A country led by a man whose curious, questing spirit is eager to learn all that is new. A monarch who brings his feudal country into the modern world. A shrewd Czar and a visionary. Statesman, sailor, and shipbuilder. Military leader. A husband and a father. A man who dared to dream the impossible dream, and succeeded.
DVD-Rs are in English with no subtitles. Approx. 371 mins.
NOTE: The opening and closing credits appear in German, but the film's audio is, indeed, in English.
See film samples for comparison between the old and new versions.
Film Sample from Old Version (Prior to 09 Apr 2016):

Film Sample from New Version (As of 09 Apr 2016):