SKU 4776 Availability MARIA THERESIA (1951) Emil E. Reinert Writer: Hans Rameau (book) Stars: Paula Wessely, Fred Liewehr, Marianne Schönauer Be the first to review this product $10.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews While Maria Theresia tries to fulfill the duties of a regent and to bring the war with Prussia to a happy end using skillful diplomacy, her husband's carrying on with a young maid by the name of Maria Valeria. Using a policy of leniency, the Empress manages to handle even that political problem and still finds the time to dedicate herself to her barely manageable offspring. Während Maria Theresia den Pflichten der Regentin nachzukommen hat und durch diplomatisches Geschick den Krieg mit Preußen zu einem glücklichen Ende zu bringen versucht, bandelt ihr Gatte mit der jungen Hofdame Maria Valeria an. Mit einer Politik der Nachsicht rückt die Kaiserin auch diesem politischen Problem zu Leibe und schafft es noch, sich ihrer kaum überschaubaren Kinderschar zu widmen. DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 86 mins. See film sample for sound and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products 2 DVD SET: BLUT UND EHRE - JUGEND UNTER HITLER... $18.99 3 DVD SET: JAN HUS; JAN ZIZKA; PROTI VSEM - TH... $35.99 THREE FILMS on 2 DVDs SET: ALEXANDER NEVSKY (O... $18.99 ANDREAS SCHLÜTER (1942) $12.99 BORIS GODUNOV (1954) * with hard-encoded Eng... $13.99 CONDOTTIERI (1937) * with switchable English... $13.99 DER BAUERNREBELL (1952) $9.99 KRZYZACY (The Knights of the Teutonic Order)... $13.99 GÖTZ VON BERLICHINGEN MIT DER EISERNEN HAND (Th... $13.99 GÖTZ VON BERLICHINGEN (1955) $10.99 3 DVD SET: THE SISSI TRILOGY (1955- 1957) *... $39.99 GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN ARTISTIC MASTERS IN FILM: 1... $99.99 DAS DREIMÄDERLHAUS (1958) * with switchable E... $13.99 EROICA (1949) * with or without switchable En... From $11.29 ES WAR EINE RAUSCHENDE BALLNACHT (The Life and... $14.99 FRIEDEMANN BACH (1941) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 LEISE FLEHEN MEINE LIEDER (Gently My Songs Entr... From $10.99 LUISE, KÖNIGIN VON PREUßEN (Luise, Queen of Pru... $13.99 REMBRANDT (1936) $13.99 MOZART (1955) $10.99 2 DVD SET: PETER THE GREAT (1986) * improve... $24.99 4 DVD SET: WAR AND PEACE (1968) *with switch... $39.99 DER ALTE UND DER JUNGE KÖNIG ( The Old and the... $13.99 DER CHORAL VON LEUTHEN ( The Hymn of Leuthen) (... $15.49 DER GROSSE KÖNIG (The Great King) (1940) * wit... $14.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought DIE ENTLASSUNG (Schicksalwende) (1942) $11.49 LISELOTTE VON DER PFALZ (1935) * with switcha... $13.99 ANDERS ALS DU UND ICH (Different from You and M... $13.99 SÄISON IN KAIRO (Cairo Season) (1933) * with i... $13.99 EROICA (1949) * with or without switchable En... From $11.29 MOZART (1955) $10.99 4 CD SET: MARCHES OF THE WEHRMACHT $29.99 FRIEDRICH SCHILLER - DER TRIUMPH EINES GENIES... $9.99 BURGTHEATER (Court Theatre) (1936) * with swit... $13.99 DAS UNSTERBLICHE HERZ (1939) * with switchabl... $14.99 DAS BLAUE LICHT (The Blue Light) (1932) * with... $13.99 DER SOHN DER WEISSEN BERGE (The Son of the Whit... $13.99 EPISODE (1935) * with switchable English subt... $14.99 THE FALL OF BERLIN (1949) * with switchable En... $13.99 ZWEI WELTEN (1940) $9.99 KÄMPFER (1936) $12.99 DER KLEINE MUCK (1944) $10.99 TELEVISION IN WWII GERMANY + THE THIRD MAN (... $9.99 DAS GESETZ DER LIEBE (1945) $10.99 DAS ALTE RECHT (1934) $9.99 DER ALTE UND DER JUNGE KÖNIG ( The Old and the... $13.99 DIE ANDERE SEITE (1931) $9.99 DER KLEINE GRENZVERKEHR (1943) $9.99 MASKERADE (1934) * with improved switchable E... $14.99 DER POSTILLON VON LONJUMEAU (1936) $10.99 < >