United Newsreel selections from the year 1943, mainly concentrating on the effort of the United States in WWII, but also covering events on other fields of the War. Unfortunately, the newsreels are grouped alphabetically by subject and not by date, so there is no particular chronological order to them. Nonetheless, very interesting material.
Title: Two New Cruisers Join U.S. Navy [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, the Biloxi and the Astoria are launched. Part 2, shows work on a dam and power plant on Canada's Saguenay River. Part 3, Red Cross boxes for U.S. prisoners of war are packed and shipped. Part 4, Academy Awards are presented to James Cagney and Greer Garson by Gary Cooper and Joan Fontaine in Hollywood. Part 5, burned fir trees are felled and transported. Part 6, Royal Air Force (RAF) ground crews take commando training. Part 7, Italian women and children board ships in East Africa for return to Italy. Part 8, Madame Chiang Kai-shek visits Wellesley College. Part 9, allied troops advance in New Guinea. Surgeons sterilize equipment and treat soldiers.
Title: U.S. Air Forces Battle Japanese For Pacific Bases [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, Liberators bomb the Solomon Islands. Navy construction battalions build an airstrip in the Gilbert Islands. Part 2, oversized locomotives for use in India are constructed in a Canadian factory. Part 3, the hospital ship Acadia docks and wounded are unloaded. Part 4, U.S. servicemen stage an Army-Navy football game in Sydney, Australia. Part 5, Gen. Eisenhower and Gen. Clark survey the Italian front south of Cassino. 5th Army troops enter the town of Lagone. Part 6, allied planes bomb Occupied France.
Title: U.S. and Canada Push Strategic Alaska Highway [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, tractors and bulldozers clear forest lands in Canada for the Alcan Highway. Part 2, speed boats race in California. Part 3, a transport plane carrying troops and supplies is tested. Part 4, Dutch Marines man coastal guns at Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, where bauxite is shipped on United Nations ships. A sub chaser is presented to Queen Wilhelmina by President Roosevelt at the Washington, D.C. Navy Yard. Part 5, U.S. troops present a sham battle in a Detroit arena. Part 6, aerial gunners demonstrate their skill in an air show. Part 7, Australian pilots test Kittyhawk planes in New Guinea.
Title: U.S. Army Prepares For Invasion of Europe [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, U.S. troops storm a beach in a practice landing assault. Part 2, Anthony Eden and Lord Halifax converse with Sec. of State Hull. Part 3, a steel life raft is tested and demonstrated by merchant seamen. Part 4, snowplows clear roads and railroads in eastern Canada. Part 5, Army men attempt to unload mules from boxcars. Part 6, destroyer escorts and tankers are constructed and launched. Part 7, mounted Coast Guardsmen patrol beaches. Part 8, lend-lease tanks are used in maneuvers in Australia. Part 9, a volcano erupts in Mexico and buries a town.
Title: U.S. Bombs Japanese From New Base IN The Aleutians [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, U.S. troops land on one of the Aleutian Islands and battle winds to put up tents. Airplanes take off from an island airfield. Shows Gen. Lloyd E. Jones. Part 2, the Dionne quintuplets are present as 5 cargo vessels are launched at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Part 3, tanks of the British 8th Army roll forward in Tunisia. Gen. Montgomery and Gen. Eisenhower meet. Allied planes patrol the Mediterranean. Allied artillery blasts Nazi positions by night. Germans surrender by the thousands.
Title: U.S. Fliers Bomb Two Japanese Bases [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, bombers leave airfields in Washington State and strike Japanese bases in the Aleutians. Gen. Chennault directs the "Flying Tigers" in a bombing mission on Hong Kong. Part 2, Coast Guardsmen man a Danish windjammer to be used for training purposes. Part 3, citizens donate blood to a blood bank. Part 4, Canadian women manufacture small arms ammunition. Shows the product being tested. Part 5, ships are constructed in a Brazilian shipyard. Shows a mine layer laying an anti-submarine net. Part 6, British planes bomb a German factory in the Netherlands.
Title: U.S. Forces Blast Japanese From Attu [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1 shows an amphibious landing in the Aleutian Islands. Part 2, depth charges are dropped and a German submarine which tried to attack a convoy surfaces. Part 3, shows clean-up operations in Tunis. Hordes of German soldiers are captured. British, troops are warmly greeted by citizens. Gen. Giraud reviews French troops.
Title: U.S. Opens A New Drive On Japanese IN The South Pacific [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, ships bombard the Solomon Islands. Marines land and store supplies. Part 2, shows the training and graduation of a paratroop chaplin. Part 3, the daughter of Princess Juliana (now Queen) of the Netherlands and Prince Bernhard is christened, Queen Wilhelmina attending. Part 4, a glider carrying war supplies is towed from Canada to Britain. Part 5, Gen. Giraud is met at the Washington, D.C. airport by Gen. Marshall and Adm. Leahy. He meets President Roosevelt at the White House and lays wreaths at Mt. Vernon and Arlington Cemetery.
Title: U.S. Vice-President Cheered On Tour of South America [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, Henry Wallace is greeted in Santiago, Chile, by President Rios. Part 2, American bombers patrol the Aleutian Islands. Shows a litter of husky pups. Part 3, torpedoes are manufactured in a naval arsenal. Henry Kaiser and Eleanor Roosevelt witness the launching of an aircraft carrier at a Pacific coast shipyard. Part 4, military supplies for Alaskan bases are portaged around rapids in northern Canada. Part 5, allied planes obliterate a Japanese convoy off New Guinea.
Title: United Nations Leaders Confer With Roosevelt [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, President Roosevelt, Cordell Hull, Winston Churchill, and Eduard Benes meet at the White House. Part 2, spruce is felled in Canada. Timber is processed in a lumber mill. Part 3, Woodrow Wilson sees the take off of the first air mail plane. A helicopter picks up mail at the U.S. Capitol in a celebration of the 25th year of air mail service. Shows Igor Sikorsky. Part 4, Henry Kaiser inspects a Kaiser steel mill in California. Tanks roll from an assembly line. Part 5, U.S. troops land on Attu Island. Australian planes bomb Japanese bases in New Guinea. Gen. Chennault inspects the 14th Air Force in China. Flying Forts bomb Crete and Sardinia.
Title: War News From The South Pacific [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, nurses arrive at Port Moresby, New Guinea, and seriously wounded soldiers are evacuated. Marines count 100,000 yen captured when Japanese troops attempted an invasion of the Solomon Islands. The defenses of Guadalcanal are inspected by the general staff. Part 2, shows air force cadets at Yale University. College women take physical training. Part 3, dirigible pilot trainees in California learn balloon navigation. Part 4, Clark Gable receives aerial gunner's wings and shoots on a firing course. Part 5, allied paratroops capture a Tunisian airfield.
Title: West Point Sends 409 New Officers Into U.S. Army [etc.], 1943
Notes: Part 1, cadets receive diplomas and pass in review. Part 2, Mrs. Roosevelt christens the aircraft carrier Yorktown. Part 3, shows the physical training of artillerymen. Part 4, British planes bomb Tripoli and soldiers uncover and collect German land mines in Libya. Shows Gen. Montgomery. Part 5, Royal Canadian Air Force cadets graduate.
Title: Western Front [etc.]. United News
Notes: Part 1, the 3rd and 9th Armies advance in France. Part 2, labor leaders meet in London to plan a labor conference. Shows Sidney Hillman. Part 3, Gen. Eisenhower visits Canadian and Polish troops and an army hospital. Flamethrowers are demonstrated. Shows Gen. Montgomery. Part 4, allied troops fight in Antwerp and take German prisoners. The first allied convoy to the port brings military supplies.