United Newsreel selections from the year 1944, mainly concentrating on the effort of the United States in WWII, but also covering events on other fields of the War. Unfortunately, the newsreels are grouped alphabetically by subject and not by date, so there is no particular chronological order to them. Nonetheless, very interesting material.
Title: Allied Armies IN Burma Battle Japanese On Wide Front [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, U.S., British, and Chinese troops advance against Japanese positions in Burma. Personages: Gen. Stilwell and British Gens. Wingate and Mountbatten. Part 2, men and women of the Canadian Navy stage a musical show. Part 3, Yugoslav troops in Italy board ships to return to liberated areas of their homeland. Part 4, the Allied Control Commission issues clothes and food to Italians in Naples. Part 5, war material is stockpiled on the Atlantic shore awaiting loading. A Navy seaplane tender sinks a German U-boat in the Atlantic.
Title: Allied Drive On IN Italy--Planes Smash Foe IN Air [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, U.S. planes bomb German cities. Gens. Clark and Alexander meet in Italy. Artillery pounds Nazi positions in Italy and tanks and infantry advance. Part 2, Mustang fighter planes fly from California to New York in 6-1/2 hours. Part 3, nurses are sworn into the Army. Part 4, a newly-formed infantry division parades in the U.S. Part 5, airplanes spray farm lands with insecticide. Part 6, U.S. troops land at Hollandia, New Guinea, supported by aerial and naval barrages. Tanks and infantry advance through wet jungle terrain. Shows Gen. MacArthur and Gen. Walter Krueger.
Title: Allied Forces IN Action On India-Burma Fronts [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, native laborers help to construct airstrips in India. Gens. MacArthur, Krueger, and Rupertus inspect newly won positions on New Guinea. British and Indian troops advance in Burma. Part 2, women stage a gymnastics drill in Sydney, Australia. Part 3, quadruplets celebrate a birthday in Texas. Part 4, U.S. planes bomb railroad yards in Rome. 5th Army troops advance from the Anzio beachhead. Part 5, Yugoslav refugees debark in Italy. Part 6, Gen. Eisenhower, Gen. Montgomery, and Gen. Arthur Tedder meet in London. Shows stockpiles of war material.
Title: Allied Guns Blast Nazis IN Italy [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, artillery blasts German positions in Italy. Part 2, Italian prisoners of war are trained as U.S. army engineers. Part 3, new citizens take the oath of allegiance in Central Park, New York City. Shows Mayor La Guardia. Part 4, U.S. troops in England construct homes from discarded crates. Part 5, shows the testing of bombs, mortar shells, and flame throwers. Part 6, Gen. Eisenhower inspects the 9th Air Force base in England. Marauder bombers blast German railroad yards by day and R.A.F. Lancaster bombers return by night.
Title: Allied Patrols IN Action On Anzio Beach [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, troops fight at Anzio. Part 2, Under Sec. of State Stettinius returns from London. Part 3, SPARS, WAVES, and WACS model uniforms. Shows Navy nurses on Guadalcanal. Part 4, shows a baby contest in California. Part 5, the Forest Service uses a snow plow to clear Montana roads. Part 6, Adm. John Beardall is decorated at the Naval Academy. Midshipmen pass in review. Part 7 shows the Kentucky Derby. Part 8 shows surf riding in Australia.
Title: Allies Break Nazi Grip On Holland [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, British troops advance in Holland, using tanks, infantry, and flamethrowers. Dutch citizens are rescued from debris. Part 2, allied aerial operations in Burma, Germany, and the Indian Ocean are shown. Part 3, Athens is liberated by British troops. Crowds cheer arriving soldiers. Shows Prime Minister Papandreow, the Acropolis, the Parthenon, and Greek guerrillas.
Title: Allies Clear Scheldt Islands [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, allied troops invade the Scheldt Islands. Part 2, Gen. Eisenhower honors Gen. Spaatz and British Gens. Arthur Harris and Leigh-Mallory. Part 3, citizens of Bucharest cheer liberating Russian troops. Part 4, Yugoslav patriots receive supplies by air. They drill and are reviewed by Marshall Tito. Wounded patriots are evacuated.
Title: Allies Dig IN On Anzio Front [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, troops wounded in Italy are treated on hospital trains, at base hospitals, and aboard hospital ships. Part 2, Brazilian troops parade in Sao Paulo. Part 3, new jeeps are tested on beaches. Part 4, Purple Hearts are presented to parents of Japanese who died serving in the U.S. Army. Part 5, shows salt mining operations in a Nova Scotia mine 1,200 feet under ground. Part 6, girl lifeguards man a boat on an Australian beach. Part 7, carrier-based planes bomb Japanese positions on Truk and Saipan and return to the aircraft carriers.
Title: Allies Liberate Island of Elba [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, Elba is invaded after a naval bombardment. Part, 2 shows Marshall Tito and Yugoslav patriots. Part 3, shows Gens. Marshall and Clark in Italy. Gen. Alphonse Juin is decorated by Gen. Clark. Part 4, shows an amphibious assault on Saipan. Marines fight on the island. Wounded soldiers receive treatment and women and children are removed to safety.
Title: Allies Pierce Siegfried Line [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, Russian soldiers advance to the Oder River in Poland. Part 2, representatives of labor unions from 16 countries meet in London to discuss unions and the war. Part 3, planes of the 8th Air Force are prepared for a raid on Berlin. Crews are briefed, planes take off, and the target is bombed.
Title: Allies Set For Offensive [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, British planes bomb Brunswick, Germany, and British and Canadian soldiers fight in Holland. Part 2 shows how harbor facilities made in England were used in the Normandy invasion. A storm damages the harbor but unloading continues. Part 3, Aachen, Germany, is taken by U.S. troops after a heavy artillery barrage. German citizens are removed from the battle areas.
Title: Allies Strike Out From Beachhead, 1944
Notes: Allied troops pour onto Normandy beaches. Shows German Generals Rommel and von Runstedt inspecting coastal fortifications in France. U.S. troops construct airstrips and planes take off. Allied planes bomb and strafe German emplacements. Winston Churchill, Jan Christian Smuts, and Generals Eisenhower, Marshall, and Montgomery view allied positions.
Title: Allies Study Post-War Security [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, Cordell Hull, Edward Stettinius, Alexander Cadogan, and Andrei Gromyko attend the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in Washington, D.C. Part 2, shows celebrations in Reykjavik as Iceland becomes a republic. Shows Gen. William Key. Part 3, Shasta Dam is opened. Shows views of the dam and its electrical equipment. Part 4, Japanese planes attack ships off Saipan. U.S. troops land on islands off New Guinea. Troops fight and supplies are dropped on Guam. Women and children are fed and treated at field hospitals.
Title: Allies Win Myitkyina Airstrip [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, transport planes and gliders land troops on Myitkyina airstrip in northern Burma. Shows Gen. Stilwell and Gen. Frank Merrill. Lt. Col. Seagrave operates on wounded in a field hospital. Part 2, U.S. service women sightsee in Egypt on camels. Part 3, all U.S. artillery pieces in Normandy fire on the 4th of July. Gens. Eisenhower, Bradley, and Joseph Collins participate. French school children sing "America." Part 4, carrier-based planes land on Saipan, refuel, and then bomb Japanese positions on the island. Marines advance.
Title: American Army Women Serving On All Fronts [etc.], 1944
Notes: Part 1, WAC mechanics service airplanes in Arizona. Part 2, the Boeing aircraft plant in Seattle celebrates the completion of its 5,000th Flying Fortress. Part 3, shows poses of military cameramen who will cover the invasion of Europe. Part 4, shows Air Force heroes in Washington, D.C., and one at his home in Piqua, Ohio. Part 5, allied planes bomb Italy. British troops advance toward Cassino and Americans toward Anzio. Shows German prisoners of war and aid to Italian citizens.