SKU 4853 Availability BATTLE OF NERETVA (1969) * with switchable English subtitles * Veljko Bulajic Writers: Stevan Bulajic, Veljko Bulajic | 2 more credits » Stars: Yul Brynner, Hardy Krüger, Franco Nero Be the first to review this product $9.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews The narrow valley on the Neretva River in Yugoslavia was the site of one of the most bitter battles of the Second World War. It was here, that Josip Broz Tito and his communist partisans were encircled by a combined force of German troops, Italian soldiers, Chetniks loyal to the former King and fascist Ustashis and it was here, that Tito pushed his men to break out of this trap. The partisan leaders were faced with many, difficult decisions during this battle and often had to grapple with the logic of military strategy versus their conflicts of conscience ... but in the end, saving their weakened forces from annihilation had to take precedence. Das enge Tal an der Neretva in Jugoslawien war im Jahre 1943 Schauplatz einer der erbittertsten Schlachten des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Hier erzwang Josip Broz Tito mit seiner Partisanenarmee den Ausbruch aus dem Kessel, den die deutsche Wehrmacht, das italienische Heer, die königstreuen Tschetniks und die faschistischen Ustaschi gebildet hatten. Der Partisanenkommandeur hat sich dabei mit vielen schicksalhaften Entscheidungen auseinanderzusetzen und muß unter dem Gewissenskonflikt - militärischen Denkens versus menschliches Fühlen - eine Lösung für sich und seine geschwächte Armee finden. DVD-R is in Serbo-Croatian, German, Italian and English with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 165 mins. See film samples for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products BANOVIC STRAHINJA - THE FALCON (1981) * with... $13.99 BOJ NA KOSOVU (1989) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 CUDOTVORNI MAC (THE MAGIC SWORD) (1950) * wit... $13.99 KARADJORDJE (1911) + SA VEROM U BOGA (1931) $9.99 KOZARA (1962) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 MARS NA DRINU (1964) *with switchable Englis... $12.99 RAFAL U NEBO (1958) * with English subtitles* $11.99 SEE YOU IN THE NEXT WAR (Dovidjenja u sledecem... $12.99 THE FIFTH OFFENSIVE (Battle of Sutjeska) (1973)... $13.99 VOLCA NOC (Wolf’s Night) (1955) * with switc... $11.99 1860 (1934) * with switchable English subtitl... $13.99 5 DVD SET: ROSSELLINI'S WAR FILMS * with swit... $59.99 ATTILA, THE SCOURGE OF GOD (1954) * with Germ... $13.99 BATTLE OF ALGIERS (1966) * with switchable En... $12.99 LA CORONA DI FERRO (The Iron Crown) (1941) * w... $13.99 LA GRANDE GUERRA (The Great War) (1959) * with... $13.99 L'ASSEDIO DELL' ALCAZAR (The Siege of the Alcaz... $14.99 LO SQUADRONE BIANCO (1936) * with switchable E... $13.99 RISO AMARO (Bitter Rice) (1949) * with switcha... $13.99 VIOLENT SUMMER (1959) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 DIVISIONE FOLGORE (Folgore Division) (El Alamei... $13.99 EINE HANDVOLL HELDEN (Die letzte Kompanie) (1967) $11.29 ERA NOTTE A ROMA (Escape by Night) (1960) * wi... $13.99 FOUR WAYS OUT (1951) * with switchable English... $13.99 KAPO (1960) * with Italian or dubbed English... $13.99 MANY WARS AGO (1970) * with switchable Englis... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought THE FIFTH OFFENSIVE (Battle of Sutjeska) (1973)... $13.99 THE HEROES OF SHIPKA (Geroite na Shipka) (1955... $13.99 ADVANCE PATROL (1957) * with switchable Engli... $14.99 ONLY OLD MEN ARE GOING TO BATTLE (1975) * wit... $13.99 BISMARCK (1940) * with switchable English and... $13.99 2 DVD SET: THE SECRET WAR $19.99 KRZYZACY (The Knights of the Teutonic Order)... $13.99 THE MAGIC WEAVER (1960) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 2 DVD SET: EMIL UND DIE DETEKTIVE (1931 / 195... $17.99 THOMAS L'IMPOSTEUR (1965) * with switchable E... $13.99 2 DVD SET: SCHLACHT UM MOSKAU (1985) * with s... $29.99 THE BATTLE OF OKINAWA (1971) * with switchabl... $13.99 STORM OVER THE PACIFIC (I Bombed Pearl Harbor)... $13.99 DIE FREUDLOSE GASSE (The Street of Sorrow) (Joy... $9.99 DAWNS HERE ARE QUIET (1972) *with switchable E... $9.99 DAS GEHEIMNIS DER ROTEN KATZE (1931) * with s... $13.99 WHITE SUN OF THE DESERT (1969) * with switchab... $13.99 WESTERPLATTE (1967) *improved video and impr... $13.99 2 DVD SET: INFERNO IN EAST PRUSSIA, 1944 - 19... $26.99 THE YELLOW STAR (Der Gelbe Stern) $10.99 2 DVD SET: GERMAN PARATROOPERS IN ACTION (2013... $21.99 DER REST IST SCHWEIGEN (1959) $11.29 BANOVIC STRAHINJA - THE FALCON (1981) * with... $13.99 2 DVD SET: LUDWIG DER ZWEITE, KÖNIG VON BAYERN... $21.49 2 DVD SET: MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM (1931 and 1958)... $18.99 < > Product tags schlacht an der neretva (1) , bitva na neretvi (1) , bitka na neretvi (1)