Artikelnummer 381 Verfügbarkeit EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY II Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. $9.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen ALLTAGSLEBEN UNTER DER DIKTATUR II: 1933-1945 What was it like to live in WWII Germany from 1933 to the bitter end in 1945? This DVD should give you more than an idea. Supplementing the first part of this series, this DVD consists of two subparts: "Our War - It Won't Be So Bad" and "Our War - Not Only On The Battlefields" and show what life was like in Germany and occupied Europe during the War Years. You, the viewer, will be taken through the battlefields; the homefronts; the day-to-day existence in WWII Europe. The overwhelming majority of the films you will see are amateur recordings by those who lived through it all. DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES. 90 minutes long. FILM QUALITY: Variable, depending on the source of the films being shown. Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY $9.99 EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY III $9.99 3 DVD SET: EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY (ALLTA... $26.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY $9.99 DER FÖRSTER VOM SILBERWALD (1955) $9.99 THE FALL OF BERLIN (1945) * with switchable E... $9.99 HITLERs INFERNO - MARCHES, SONGS AND SPEECHES O... $10.99 ANSCHLUSS IN AUSTRIA 1938 * with switchable En... $13.99 DER MARSCH ZUM FÜHRER (The March to the Führer)... ab $8.99 THE HISTORY OF THE SA $9.99 EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY III $9.99 GERMAN PANORAMA # 09: 1937-44 $8.99 < >